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Development Engineering

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Annual Infrastructure Guidelines Update

Annual Updates to the Development Engineering Website and Infrastructure Guidelines

December 2018 to January 2024:


  • Dates - changed to reflect 2024
  • Dates - changed to reflect 2023
  • Dates - changed to reflect 2021
  • Dates - changed to reflect 2020
  • Dates - changed to reflect 2019


  • Clarified the wording in the guidelines – reflect municipal infrastructure on municipal property and is not intended to conflict with requirements on private property or site plans with respect to the Ontario Building Code
  • Clarified that 75 mm diameter service connections are not permitted within municipal lands
  • Confirmed all watermain joints shall be restrained in engineered fill application
  • Created Service Connection Location details for single detached residential lots
  • Updated CKL Approved Manufacturers List
  • Correction to pressure for Watermain Commissioning SOP - typo
  • New City By-Law 2018-036 - Regulate Water and Wastewater Services
  • New Ministry title - Ministry of the Environment Conservation and Parks (MECP)
  • Removed references to "Appendix" - now "Supporting Documentation"
  • Added Watermain Commissioning Work Plan


  • Confirmed that video inspection shall be conducted for all sanitary pipes, both main line sewers and services laterals as per OPSS.MUNI 409 Construction Specification for Closed-Circuit Television (CCTV) Inspection of Pipelines prior to the municipality granting permission to proceed with surface asphalt
  • Updated parallel installations and crossing clearances to reference Ministry guideline “F-6-1 Procedures to Govern Separation of Sewers and Watermains”
  • Updated sanitary sewer testing, low pressure air testing and deflection testing per OPSS.MUNI 410 and video inspection of sanitary sewer laterals
  • Added a section for Maintenance hole inflow dishes
  • Added language on riser connections for sanitary service laterals
  • Added maximum grade of 10% for sanitary laterals
  • 5.7 Pipe Deflection - updated to reflect OPSS

Storm and Stormwater

  • Clarify the references to site plans – guidelines reflect municipal infrastructure on municipal property
  • Update names of Ministries
  • Update names of location on website
  • Clarify storm events/nomenclature
  • Clarify requirements for enhanced protection review
  • Update references to documents/supporting material
  • Added subdrain requirements to provide confirmation and align with Capital
  • Updated concrete requirements for sidewalk and curbs to align with Capital
  • Inclusion of federal testing evaluation for any proposed oil and grit separator
  • IDF - updated to reflect current as per Kawartha Conservation (KRCA)

Drafting Standards

  • Update to confirm Record drawings as per PEO (stamped as recorded information)



  • Added subdrain requirements to provide confirmation and align with Capital
  • Updated concrete requirements for sidewalk and curbs to align with Capital
  • Updated street sign post requirements to align with Capital
  • Added Standard Details to confirm Tree Planting (and Acceptable Tree Species), Emergency Access, Multi-Use Walkway, Street Name Signs, Chain Link Fence, and Privacy Fence
  • Reference to segregation requirements included


Engineering Drafting Standards

Read the Engineering Drafting Standards

Sanitary Infrastructure Guidelines

The City of Kawartha Lakes Infrastructure Guidelines are intended as a guide to provide a clear engineering basis for new development design, to establish a consistent guideline of minimum standards, and to improve the processing speed of site plan and plan of subdivision applications for approval within the City. The development review process involves multiple review agencies all having their own guidelines, policies and criteria. Where a discrepancy exists between the guidelines presented in these documents and other agency guidelines, the proponent shall identify the discrepancy to the City for review. Changes and revisions to the Guidelines may occur and it is the responsibility of the Developer's Consulting Engineer and or the Developer to obtain a copy of the latest version available on the City website at the time of engineering design.

Read the 2024 Sanitary Infrastructure Guidelines

Storm and Stormwater Infrastructure Guidelines

The City of Kawartha Lakes Infrastructure Guidelines are intended as a guide to provide a clear engineering basis for new development design, to establish a consistent guideline of minimum standards, and to improve the processing speed of site plan and plan of subdivision applications for approval within the City. The development review process involves multiple review agencies all having their own guidelines, policies and criteria. Where a discrepancy exists between the guidelines presented in these documents and other agency guidelines, the proponent shall identify the discrepancy to the City for review. Changes and revisions to the Guidelines may occur and it is the responsibility of the Developer's Consulting Engineer and or the Developer to obtain a copy of the latest version available on the City website at the time of engineering design.

Read the 2024 Storm and Stormwater Infrastructure Guidelines

Read the 2019 Erosion and Sediment Control Guide for Urban Construction

Storm and Stormwater Supporting Documentation

  • Conservation Authority and Other Regulated Boundaries Map

  • CN Value Conversion Table

  • Pond Warning Signage

Ministry Environmental Approval for Municipal Infrastructure Design (Water, Sanitary, Storm, and Stormwater Management)

About the CLI ECA Process:

The Consolidated Linear Infrastructure Environmental Compliance Approval (CLI ECA) for the City of Kawartha Lakes streamlines the ECA approval process and gives approval authority to the City from the Ministry of Environment, Conservation and Parks (MECP) for all low risk sanitary and stormwater infrastructure ECAs.


The City of Kawartha Lakes ECAs can be viewed at the links below:
ECA for a Municipal Stormwater Management System
ECA for a Municipal Sewage Collection System


When is a CLI ECA process required:

  • Changes are on City owned property or land which the City has easement rights:            
    • including parks and community centres serving a single parcel of land; and
    • excluding industrial, institutional, and commercial land.
  • Changing, replacing or extending sanitary sewers and storm sewers, including extensions into new residential development
  • Changing, replacing, or adding new sewage pumping stations
  • Changing, replacing, or adding new stormwater management facilities (i.e. wet pond, infiltration basins, engineered wetlands)
  • Changing, replacing, or adding new manufactured treatment devices (i.e. oil and grit separators)


Note that all development applications must first go through the City’s Development Review Process, regardless of the applicable ECA process. It is required that the CLI ECA application is incorporated into the development design during the City’s Development Review for preliminary screening.


Note changing, replacing, or adding new watermains follows the existing MECP Licensing and Form 1 Process.

Applicable Design Criteria:

The CLI ECA approval process covers most alterations that meet the preauthorized MECP requirements for the entire municipal sewage collection system and stormwater management system owned and operated by the City of Kawartha Lakes. 


Any alterations shall be in accordance with the following Design Criteria in order to be eligible for pre-authorization:

As well as in accordance with the subsequent Guidelines provided by the City of Kawartha Lakes:

Designs must reflect the most conservative of the standards and guidelines listed above. Applicants are responsible for ensuring that the most up-to-date version of the design standards and guidelines are referenced. Applicants must confirm compliance with all applicable criteria and other conditions of the ECA to confirm other applications are not required.

Applying for a CLI ECA:

The City of Kawartha Lakes CLI ECA Application Form is to be completed by the design engineer including all relevant forms as follows and submitted along with the detailed engineering design submission.


For Storm Sewers, Ditches, and Culverts: Form SW1 

For Stormwater Management Facilities: Form SW2

For Third Pipe Collection Systems: Form SW3 


Please include:

  • The City of Kawartha Lakes ECA Number is 141-S701
  • Provide specific project information and indicate appropriate supporting documentation
  • Provide verification by a Licensed Engineering Practitioner with their PEO license number


For Separate Sewers, Nominally Separate Sewers, and Forcemains Form SS1 

For Components of the Municipal Sewage Collection System: Form SS2 

For Equipment Discharging a Contaminant of Concern to the Atmosphere from Municipal Sewage Collection System: Form A1 


Please include:

  • The City of Kawartha Lakes ECA Number is 141-W601
  • Provide specific project information and indicate appropriate supporting documentation
  • Provide verification by a Licensed Engineering Practitioner with their PEO license number

Applying for a Municipal Watermain Alteration:

The Form 1 – For Record of Watermains Authorized as Future Alteration must be completed by the design engineer and submitted along with the detailed engineering design submission.


Please include:

  • The Drinking Water System Specific Drinking Water Works Permit Numbers are as follows:
    • Lindsay DWS: 141-220
    • Bobcaygeon DWS: 141-205
    • Fenelon Falls DWS: 141-203
    • *For any other municipal drinking water system, please contact the City to obtain the applicable Drinking Water Works Permit Number.
    • Provide specific project information and indicate appropriate supporting documentation, including verification by a Licensed Engineering Practitioner with their PEO license number.

When you do not need to request an alteration:

You don’t need to apply for a CLI ECA alteration for privately owned sewage works on industrial or commercial land. For these projects, you may still need an individual ECA from the MECP, or a building permit.

Fee payments:

There is no longer a requirement for separate payment for the ECA CLI, as the fees have been incorporated into the Council approved Development Application Approval Processing (DAAP) fee, which is now included on the Cost Estimate Templates found at the following links:

Site Plan: Site Plan Cost Estimate Template

Subdivision: 2024 Subdivision Cost Estimate Template


The CLI ECA and Form 1 - Record of Watermain shall be submitted along with the detailed engineering design submission. A checklist has been provided on the first page of the CLI ECA application form. Please ensure that all items on the checklist have been completed and that the checklist has been completed and signed by the design engineer.


For more information about the CLI ECA application process, please contact:

Development Engineering Division

Telephone. 705-324-9411 extension 1146


Road Infrastructure Guidelines

The City of Kawartha Lakes Infrastructure Guidelines are intended as a guide to provide a clear engineering basis for new development design, to establish a consistent guideline of minimum standards, and to improve the processing speed of site plan and plan of subdivision applications for approval within the City. The development review process involves multiple review agencies all having their own guidelines, policies and criteria. Where a discrepancy exists between the guidelines presented in these documents and other agency guidelines, the proponent shall identify the discrepancy to the City for review. Changes and revisions to the Guidelines may occur and it is the responsibility of the Developer's Consulting Engineer and or the Developer to obtain a copy of the latest version available on the City website at the time of engineering design.

Read the 2024 Road Infrastructure Guidelines

Road Cross Sections and Standard Details

Water Infrastructure Guidelines

The City of Kawartha Lakes Infrastructure Guidelines are intended as a guide to provide a clear engineering basis for new development design, to establish a consistent guideline of minimum standards, and to improve the processing speed of site plan and plan of subdivision applications for approval within the City. The development review process involves multiple review agencies all having their own guidelines, policies and criteria. Where a discrepancy exists between the guidelines presented in these documents and other agency guidelines, the proponent shall identify the discrepancy to the City for review. Changes and revisions to the Guidelines may occur and it is the responsibility of the Developer's Consulting Engineer and or the Developer to obtain a copy of the latest version available on the City website at the time of engineering design.

Read the 2024 Water Infrastructure Guidelines

Watermain Standard Drawings

Water Infrastructure Supporting Documentation

If you require any of these documents in an alternate format, please call 705 324-9411 extension 1146.

First Engineering Design Submission Requirements

Read the First Engineering Design Submission Requirements for Subdivisions

Construction Management Plan Requirements

Read the Construction Management Plan Requirements

Pre-Servicing of Subdivision Lands

Read Council Report ENG2024-033 for CP2018-009 for Pre-Servicing of Subdivision Lands November 2024

Read Council's Policy CP2018-009 for Pre-Servicing of Subdivision Lands Updated December 2024

Pre-Servicing of Subdivision Lands - Template Agreement Updated 2024

Developer Responsibilities for a Successful Inspection

Read the Developer Responsibilities for a Successful Inspection

Lot Grading

Please visit our Building Permits page for more information on Lot Grading

Site Alteration

Please visit the Site Alteration page for more information.

Subdivision Agreement Compliance Letter Requests

The City of Kawartha Lakes can issue compliance letters about a number of topics. The Development Engineering Division will receive and process Subdivision Agreement Compliance Letter Requests, to confirm if a subdivision agreement and/or amending agreement is being complied with, if the City holds sufficient securities to secure the obligations within the subdivision agreement, and if the subdivision is assumed by the municipality. Each letter request may refer to one property only.

Effective January 1, 2024, the Subdivision Agreement Compliance Letter Requests Fee is $124 with the cheque payable to the City of Kawartha Lakes and mailed to:


Engineering and Corporate Assets

322 Kent Street West

P.O. Box 9000

Lindsay, ON  K9V 5R8

We would encourage all information to be sent electronically to Development Engineering.

Make sure you include the following documents with your letter request:

  1. Applicant's contact information, including name, address, phone number and email address; and
  2. Property information such as property owner, municipal address and /or roll number or PIN; and
  3. PDF copies of applicable Subdivision Agreement(s) documents and up-to-date parcel register page.


The City can advise:

  • If all terms, conditions, and obligations pursuant to the said agreement have been complied with to date; and
  • If the streets and services have been assumed; and
  • If all securities have been released.


Requested Response Date

The City will work to provide you with the requested letter within approximately 10 business days of receipt of the form and confirmation of payment, with efforts being made to reply by the requested date or closing date. However, the City cannot guarantee a response by this time frame.


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