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About the Economic Development Strategy

In January 2016, Council adopted a 5 year Corporate Strategic Plan (Plan) to establish a vision for the Kawartha Lakes and guide activities, programs and resources. The Plan was established on three strategic goals. Of the three strategic goals, a vibrant and growing economy was identified as the highest Council priority for 2016. To achieve this, Council requested the development and execution of a comprehensive economic development strategy to facilitate a stronger and more diversified economy with an emphasis on business attraction and employment growth.

Across the City, local businesses, organizations and associations contribute significantly to the economic development of the City as a whole, and individual communities. Current and future economic vitality will be heavily influenced by working partnerships between and within the City and these key stakeholders. Collaboration with these groups is an important part of the strategy process.

The Economic Development Strategy project has six objectives:

  1. Review the current economic development program;
  2. Benchmark and recommend best practice for each program area;
  3. Recommend actions to strengthen existing industries;
  4. Identify new opportunities to diversify the economic base and position the City for future economic growth;
  5. Improve policies and processes to attract and support business investment; and
  6. Develop an action based implementation plan including projects and programs with performance metrics

For more information contact:

Rebecca Mustard
Manager of Economic Development
E-Mail the Economic Development Manager
Telephone at 705-324-9411 extension 1395


There are four stages to the Economic Development Strategy process:

  1. Research + Analysis
  2. Community Engagement
  3. Strategy Development
  4. Implementation + Measurement

In November 2016, the City retained the consulting firm Tenzing Communications Inc. to work in collaboration with Staff to develop the action oriented strategy. Tenzing Communications Inc. is a strategic business and marketing development company that has delivered successful and unique projects with the City of St. Thomas, City of Mississauga and Bruce County.

Throughout Winter 2016/2017, background research and analysis was completed including a review of existing strategies and policies that influence economic development, and an . A statistical analysis of the Kawartha Lakes economy was also completed to review business, labour and demographic information.

The Community Engagement stage was conducted between April and June, 2017. Over 50 individuals representing business, local groups with an economic development focus, and government partners participated in the discussions. These sessions sought input on the current economy, and current and future opportunities. Two rounds of discussions were held to confirm perspectives heard and share high level strategy directions. In addition, approximately 300 people responded to an online survey providing their impressions and perceived opportunities in the local economy.

On July 11, 2017, Council was presented with a strategy direction for their consideration and input. The strategy direction was developed from research, analysis and community engagement.

A copy of the Council report and presentation are available through the Council meeting agenda package.


We are currently in the process of updating all of our documents and presentations to be user-friendly and accessible. These presentations will be available online soon. We appreciate your patience while we work to serve you better.

Tourism Destination Development Plan

Agricultural Reports

Arts, Culture and Heritage

Business Reports

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