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Affordable Housing Targets Program

Affordable Housing Targets Program

Developers, community housing providers, non profits, landlords and homeowners are invited to learn about various incentives available to create affordable housing. Incentives apply to new construction, rehabilitation, secondary suites and subsidies within market units and made available to assist Kawartha Lakes and the County of Haliburton achieve their affordable housing targets.

Please see our Affordable Housing Targets Program Information Package and our Presentation from the 2020 Public Information Session for more information which provided details on the Housing Services' 10 Year Plan, affordable housing targets, the incentives, rents and house prices that the incentives apply to and the application process and requirements.

Affordable units are not necessarily created from purpose built rental developments and can include housing provided by private, public and non-profit sectors. The affordable housing targets set by the municipalities are only achievable with participation from developers, community housing providers, non profits, landlords and residents. It is important we are all aware of the incentives and work together to increase the supply of affordable housing.

Expression of Interest Application

The Expression of Interest Application is currently closed. If you have questions about the program please send it to the below contact.

 Affordable Housing Program Coordinator

705-324-9870 ext 3105


New Home Development Program (NHDP)

What it is

The program provides financial assistance to developers of new homes to achieve affordable sale prices in some or all of the homes by way of providing certain incentives. The financial assistance applies only to the units that achieve the affordable rent.

How it works

In return for the funding or incentives, the first purchaser will be a low to moderate income household. An agreement for the value of the funding or incentives is registered on title. As long as the requirements are met, the value of the funding and incentives is forgiven.


The program benefits the developer by reducing costs and benefits a low to moderate income household with access to a home at or below the average sale price for the area.

New Rental Development Program (NRDP)

What it is

The program provides financial assistance to developers of new rental projects to achieve affordable rents in some or all of the units by way of providing certain incentives. The financial assistance applies only to the units that achieve the affordable rent.

How it works

In return for the funding or incentives, the unit(s) will be offered to applicants on the City’s waiting lists at an agreed upon market rent for an agreed upon number of years. An agreement for the value of the funding or incentives is registered on title. As long as the requirements are met, the value of the funding and incentives is forgiven.


The program benefits the developer by reducing costs and benefits a low to moderate income household with access to a unit at or below the average market rent for the area (inclusive of utilities).

Secondary Suite Program (SSP)

What it is

The program provides financial assistance to homeowners to create a rental unit in their home with an affordable rent by providing certain incentives.

How it works

In return for the funding or incentives, the unit created will be offered to tenants with a low to moderate income at an agreed upon market rent for an agreed upon number of years. An agreement for the value of the funding or incentives is registered on title. As long as the requirements are met, the value of the funding and incentives is forgiven.


The program benefits the homeowner by reducing costs and providing a monthly revenue and benefits a low to moderate income household with access to a unit at or below the average market rent for the area (inclusive of utilities).

Multi-Unit Rehabilitation Program (MURP)

What it is

The program provides financial assistance to a landlord or building owner to rehabilitate former rental or open space to achieve affordable rents in some or all of the units by way of providing certain incentives. The financial assistance applies only to the units that achieve the affordable rent.

How it works

In return for the funding or incentives, the unit(s) will be offered to applicants on the City’s waiting lists at an agreed upon market rent for an agreed upon number of years. An agreement for the value of the funding or incentives is registered on title. As long as the requirements are met, the value of the funding and incentives is forgiven.


The program benefits the developer by reducing costs and benefits a low to moderate income household with access to a unit at or below the average market rent for the area (inclusive of utilities).

Rent Supplement Program (RSP) 

What it is

The program provides a supplement to landlords, non-profits and community housing providers by way of a monthly payment which addresses the gap between what the tenant pays and the established market rent for the unit.

How it works

The unit(s) will be offered to applicants on the City’s waiting lists at an agreed upon market rent for an agreed upon number of years. The City will calculate the portion of rent that tenant will pay to the landlord and monthly the City will pay the landlord the difference between what the tenant pays and the established market rent for the unit.


The program will benefit the landlord, non-profit or community housing provider in several ways including: receiving full rental income (to the maximum level approved by the SM), potential damage expenses and a connection to support services for their tenants. The program will benefit a low to moderate income household with access to a unit at or below the average rent for the area (inclusive of utilities).

Additional Information

Rental rates and household income are set annually. Reach out to Affordable Housing Program Coordinator for current rates.


For more detailed info or to submit your application, please contact:


Affordable Housing Program Coordinator

Contact by email

Telephone: 705-324-9870 ext. 3105

PO Box 2600

68 Lindsay Street North

Lindsay, Ontario K9V 4S7

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