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Municipal Service Connections

A Municipal Service Connection Application is required if:

  • You are interested in connecting your property to a municipal water or sanitary sewer system and you live within the municipal servicing boundary for a municipal water and/ or sanitary system.
  • You are buying or selling a property, or are a real estate agent or developer and want to know what servicing exists or is available to the property.
  • You live within the servicing boundary for a municipal water and/ or sanitary system, you are required by By-Law 2014-255, to connect to the system.
  • If your application is related to an Approved Site Plan, please complete the Municipal Service Connections Application and contact the City of Kawartha Lakes Engineering & Corporate Assets department to review the design and installation of services.

Servicing shall be in accordance with the following By-Laws:

Storm lateral connections will be required where appropriate storm sewer infrastructure exists.

Please ensure the Municipal Service Connection Application is complete. An incomplete application could cause delays in processing. There is a non-refundable application Fee. The permission to connect is valid for a period of one (1) year from the date the Completed MSC form is provided to the applicant.  Service connection must be completed within the one year term.

Engineering & Corporate Assets will review the municipal servicing available to the property and confirm whether there is existing servicing. There are also prescribed fees for service connections, as per By-Law 2018-039, including Frontage Charge, Connection Charge, Inspection Fees and Water Meter Fees. In some instances, the former municipality may have already collected the Frontage Charges associated with your property. These fees will be confirmed as part of your Municipal Service Connections Application review.

If a new service lateral(s) must be installed in the City's Right of Way, the Property Owner must secure a contractor from the City's Approved Service Connection Contractor List and confirm the service installation costs with the Approved Service Connection contractors. This agreement for the installation and payment of the service lateral in the City's Right of Way, is solely between the Property Owner and the Approved Service Connection Contractor.

It is difficult to forecast the cost for installation of services due to a number of site specific variables including season, existing ground conditions, utility conflicts and length of service. All existing conditions must be field verified by the Approved Service Connection Contractor.

Engineering will provide the bid sheet template for the work. The Approved Service Connection Contractor and Property Owner must complete, sign and submit the bid sheet to Engineering, as confirmation that an Approved Service Connection Contractor is retained to complete the work in the City's Right of Way. The City does not comment on pricing or terms of payment for this work.

Authorization to proceed with the service lateral installation in the City's Right of Way is subject to Engineering & Corporate Assets receipt of the following:

  • Completed bid sheet form, confirmed by the Approved Service Connection Contractor and the Property Owner
  • Schedule of Work
  • Payment to the Building Division, for municipal frontage, connection and water meter Fees
  • Approved Service Connection Contractor Certificate of Insurance
  • City of Kawartha Lakes Road Occupancy Permit
  • Ministry of Labour Notice of Trench Work with Ministry acknowledgement
  • Ministry of Transportation (MTO) Permit for work within the MTO controlled area

The continuation of the service from the property line into the home is the responsibility of the owner/applicant to arrange with a private contractor, working under permits from the Building Division.

If you are undertaking a new development on a property within the municipal servicing boundary, where the adjacent road(s) does not have existing water and/or sanitary infrastructure, you are required to extend the municipal infrastructure and install service laterals, to allow the new development to connect. A Development Agreement is required.

For more information about Municipal Service Connections, please contact the Development Engineering division.

A Municipal Service Connections Application is required if:

  • You are interested in connecting your property to a municipal water or sanitary sewer system and you live within the municipal servicing boundary for a municipal water and/ or sanitary system.
  • You are buying or selling a property, or are a real estate agent or developer and want to know what servicing exists or is available to the property.
  • You live within the servicing boundary for a municipal water and/ or sanitary system, you are required by By-Law 2014-255, to connect to the system.

The Municipal Service Connections Application must be completed, and submitted to a Building Division office. There is a non-refundable application fee of $100.

Servicing shall be in accordance with the following By-Laws:

Storm lateral connections will be required where appropriate storm sewer infrastructure exists.

Please ensure the Municipal Service Connections Application is complete. An incomplete application could cause delays in processing.

Engineering & Corporate Assets will review the municipal servicing available to the property and confirm whether there is existing servicing. There are also prescribed fees for service connections, as per By-Law 2011-260, including Frontage Charge, Connection Charge, Inspection Fees and Water Meter Fees. In some instances, the former municipality may have already collected the Frontage Charges associated with your property. These fees will be confirmed as part of your Municipal Service Connections Application review.

If a new service lateral(s) must be installed in the City's Right of Way, the Property Owner must secure a contractor from the City's Approved Service Connection Contractor list and confirm the service installation costs with the Approved Service Connection contractors. This agreement for the installation and payment of the service lateral in the City's Right of Way, is solely between the Property Owner and the Approved Service Connection Contractor.

It is difficult to forecast the cost for installation of services due to a number of site specific variables including season, existing ground conditions, utility conflicts and length of service. All existing conditions must be field verified by the Approved Service Connection Contractor.

Engineering will provide the bid sheet template for the work. The Approved Service Connection Contractor and Property Owner must complete, sign and submit the bid sheet to Engineering, as confirmation that an Approved Service Connection Contractor is retained to complete the work in the City's Right of Way. The City does not comment on pricing or terms of payment for this work.

Authorization to proceed with the service lateral installation in the City's Right of Way is subject to Engineering & Corporate Assets receipt of the following:

  • Completed bid sheet form, confirmed by the Approved Service Connection Contractor and the Property Owner
  • Schedule of Work
  • Payment to the Building Division, for municipal frontage, connection and water meter fees
  • Approved Service Connection Contractor Certificate of Insurance
  • City of Kawartha Lakes Road Occupancy Permit
  • Ministry of Labour Notice of Trench Work with Ministry acknowledgement
  • Ministry of Transportation (MTO) Permit for work within the MTO controlled area

The continuation of the service from the property line into the home is the responsibility of the owner/applicant to arrange with a private contractor, working under permits from the Building Division.

If your application is related to an Approved Site Plan, please complete the Municipal Service Connections Application and contact the City of Kawartha Lakes Engineering & Corporate Assets department to review the design and installation of services.

If you are undertaking a new development on a property within the municipal servicing boundary, where the adjacent road(s) does not have existing water and/or sanitary infrastructure, you are required to extend the municipal infrastructure and install service laterals, to allow the new development to connect. A Development Agreement is required.

For more information about Municipal Service Connections, please contact the Engineering & Corporate Assets Department.

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