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Building and Septic Division

The Building and Septic Division is responsible for administration and enforcement of the Building Code Act and the Ontario Building Code, including private on-site sewage systems with a daily sewage flow 10,000 litres or less.

As well, administration of the following municipal by-laws:

  • Sign by-law
  • Pool by-law
  • Development charges by-law
  • Additional residential units registration by-law

Monthly Building Closure

The Development Service Hub building at 180 Kent St W in Lindsay is closed from 8:30am to 12pm on the first Wednesday of each month.

Building & Septic staff across the municipality are unavailable during this time. During the temporary office closure, please feel free to leave a voicemail at 705-324-9411 extension 1288 , or email us at

All other divisions located at 180 Kent St W will be available by phone during the building closure.

The building closure will take place on the following days:

  • 2024: December 4
  • 2025: January 8, February 5, March 5, April 2, May 7, June 4, July 2, August 6, September 3, October 1, November 5, December 3

Building and Septic Permits

How to make an application submission to the Building and Septic Division

Please note: our Lindsay office has relocated to the main floor at 180 Kent Street West, Lindsay and we are now available to customer walk-in traffic. 

Applications may be submitted via Canada Post, third party couriers and in-person drop-off.  

In-person drop-off options are available during normal business hours, 8:30am to 4:30pm, Monday to Friday, with no restriction to item size, at the following locations: 

•    Development Services Building, 180 Kent Street West, Lindsay
•    Coboconk Municipal Service Centre, 9 Grandy Road, Coboconk

After hour’s drop-off - Small items that fit into a standard mail slot can be dropped off at any of the four Municipal Service Centres, locations of mail slot listed below:

•    Development Services Building, adjacent to left side of the rear entrance opposite the rear parking lot, brass coloured and labelled Mail Slot
•    Coboconk Municipal Service Centre, adjacent to the main entrance on the lower level, silver coloured and labelled Book Return


Pre-Approved Model (PAM) Certification Application – pre-approved models are used for subdivision development where a specific design model is constructed multiple times following a single set of plans (not for use by custom home builders)

The online portal will require users to create an account. This account will allow you to make online applications for Pre-approved Model Certificates. To create an account and submit a PAM application please go to:

PAM Application

Check out our Online Portal User Guide for instructions on how to sign up and use the portal. If you need help applying for a PAM Certificate specifically, read the Online Portal User Guide for Pre-approved Model Certificate Application.


Note: All documents contained in your package must be clearly labelled with the project address, property owner’s name and placed in an envelope or bundled securely.  The outside packaging must be clearly labelled “Building and Septic Division” and “attention” to the applicable inspector, if known.  All items will be distributed to appropriate staff for processing your request.

How to make a payment for Building and Septic Division applications

There are three options for making payments relating to Building and Septic Division applications.
  • In Person – available at the locations as listed in the previous section on How to Make an Application.  Please ensure you print off your invoice and bring it with you, as staff are not able to process a payment using an image on your cell phone or tablet. Payment options are cash, debit or cheque, payable to the City of Kawartha Lakes.
  • Via Canada Post/Courier – payments can be submitted by cheque through Canada Post or courier service.  Please remember to include a copy of your invoice with the cheque to ensure payment is matched up to your application file.
  • Online Banking – please download the Public Online Banking Instructions and follow the steps provided.  Please note: if you have previously used this option we have switched accounts and require you to follow the updated instructions and set up a new payee with your banking institution.

Building Permits

It is important that your building or renovation project meets the regulations of the Ontario Building Code and the Building By-law. Download a copy of the Building By-law.

You may need to apply for one or more permits when you plan to renovate or build on your property. Please contact Building staff to find out if permits are required for your project.  Click on the forms, applications and information sheets tab below for building permit related forms.

When do I need a building permit?

Building permits are required for all structures exceeding 10 square metres (108 ft2), including structures less than 10 square metres that are attached or directly adjacent to another structure, as well as all plumbing installations and alterations. Please contact the Building and Septic Division office if you are unsure if a building permit is required.

Permits are not required for self-contained structures 10 square metres or less, and not containing plumbing.

Permits are not required for decks less than 0.6 metres (2 ft) above grade, provided the deck is not located adjacent to a private on-site sewage system (unless approved by the septic inspector).

New **Permits are not required for sheds 15 square metres or less, effective April 29, 2022.

If you commence construction without the benefit of a building permit you are subject to increased costs in permit fees and possible legal action and associated fines. Building permits ensure that all construction is in compliance with the Ontario Building Code and Building Code Act.

All structures, whether governed by a building permit or not, are required to comply with applicable zoning requirements.

Forms, applications and information sheets
Map of building inspector coverage areas
View a map outlining building inspector coverage areas.
Contact Us
Development Services Building, 180 Kent Street West, Lindsay

General Inquiries:
Phone: 705-324-9411 extension 1288
Fax: 705-324-5514

Mailing Address:
City of Kawartha Lakes Building and Septic Division
180 Kent Street West
Lindsay, ON  K9V 2Y6

Building and Septic Permit Fees 2025

The City of Kawartha Lakes Building By-law 2024-219 regulates the fees under Section 6.00. Download a copy of the Building By-law.

The Building/Septic Inspector assigned to your file will determine the fee associated with the permit application, calculated in accordance with Schedule A, and the fee shall be due and payable in full upon the submission of the application for a permit.

A minimum permit fee of $266.00 shall be charged for any application where the calculation results in a lesser amount.

An application may have multiple fees associated with it and may involve fees from more than one table in the by-law.

Please note there are no additional taxes (HST) applied to Building or Septic permit fees.

Administrative Fees

Schedule A: Table 1 - Administration Fees


Schedule A: Table 2 - Fees Payable for Building Permits


Building Fees

Please also refer to the Administrative Fees table for other fees applicable to your project.  If your project involves construction activities that will potentially affect your private on-site sewage system, you may also be subject to a sewage system permit and associated fees are found on the Septic Permit Fees table.

Consult with your area Building Inspector to determine the correct calculation of all fees applicable to your project prior to payment to avoid additional payments/refunds.


Schedule A: Table 3 - Fees Payable for Building Permits


For the proper interpretation and application of this Schedule, see Notes following.


  1. The occupancy classifications used in this by-law shall be based on the building code major occupancy classifications.
  2. For floor areas with mixed occupancies, the fee shall be calculated based on each major occupancy within the building, except as stated in note 3.
  3. Industrial Occupancies rate includes incidental finished office space to a maximum of 10% of the total floor area.
  4. Floor area shall be measured to the outer face of exterior walls and to the centerline of party walls or demising walls. No deductions shall be made for openings within the floor area (eg. stairs and stair openings, ducts, elevators, escalators). Floor area shall include all habitable areas, including mezzanines, finished attics and enclosed balconies.
  5. For detached, semi-detached and townhouse dwellings, the floor areas of the unfinished basements, plumbing and decks shall not be included in the area calculations, but the fee is inclusive of these areas if proposed and constructed at the same time as the dwelling they serve.
  6. No additional fee applies for sprinklers, fire alarms, electromagnetic locks, site servicing or other mechanical systems or equipment proposed and installed at the same time as the construction they serve.
  7. Construction Value, as used in Item No. 15 and 16 of Schedule A Table 3, means the value of the proposed construction as determined by the Chief Building Official or a professional appraiser.


Septic Fees

Consult with your area Septic Inspector if you are unsure which Class of System corresponds with your proposal.


Schedule A: Table 4 - Fees Payable for Sewage System Permits and Reviews


 Code of Conduct for Building Officials

The purpose of the code of conduct is to:

  • promote appropriate standards of behaviour by building officials in the exercise of their powers and performance of their duties.
  • prevent practices which may constitute an abuse of power, and
  • promote appropriate standards of honesty and integrity.

Building Officials undertake at all times to:

  • act in the public interest, particularly with regard to the safety of buildings and designated structures
  • maintain their knowledge and understanding of the best current building practice, the building laws and regulations relevant to their building certifying functions
  • commit themselves to a process of continuous education so as to constantly be aware of developments in building design, practice and the law relevant to their duties
  • comply with the provisions of the Building Code Act, the Building Code and any other Act or applicable Law that regulates or governs Building Officials of their functions
  • avoid situations where there may be, or where there may reasonably appear to be, a conflict between their duties to their clients, their profession, their peers and the public at large and their personal interests
  • not act beyond their level of competence or outside their area of expertise
  • apply all relevant building laws, regulations and standards strictly and without favour and independent of the influence of interested parties or members of municipal council
  • perform their inspections and certifying duties impartially and in accordance with the highest professional standards
  • not divulge any confidential or sensitive information or material, that they became privy to in the performance of their duties, except in accordance with laws governing freedom of information and protection of privacy
  • extend professional courtesy to all
  • not act officiously or permit personal feelings, prejudices, animosities or friendships to influence decisions
  • recognize the appointment under the Building Code Act as a symbol of public faith
  • maintain current accreditation to perform the functions assigned to them
  • take all reasonable steps to ascertain and document all available facts relevant to the performance of their duties
  • demonstrate compliance with all regulations and standards that govern building construction, health & safety or other matters related to their status as a building official

The Building Code Act provides that the performance of Building Officials will be measured against this code of conduct.  In response to any allegation of a breach of this code, the Chief Building Official shall direct an investigation and where appropriate, recommend disciplinary action against any Building Official who fails to comply with this code of conduct.  Where the allegation is against the chief building official, the Director of Development Services and/or the Chief Administrative Officer will direct the investigation and make such recommendations as are reasonable.

In determining the appropriate discipline, the Chief Building Official or the Director of Development Services and/or the Chief Administrative Officer will have regard to the relevance of the conduct to the official's powers and responsibilities as well as the severity of any misconduct.

Septic Systems and Permits

clip art sewage system

The Building and Septic Division Sewage System Program administers the legislation under Part 8 of the Ontario Building Code affecting private sewage systems with a daily design sewage flow of 10,000 litres per day or less.  Sewage system permits are required for all private on-site sewage systems for new installations, replacement installations and additions and repairs.

Sewage system permits are not required for Class 1 systems, privies or portable toilets, however standards still apply.

Also, you may need to locate, upgrade or replace your private on-site sewage system as a result of your renovation or building proposal.

Please contact the Building and Septic Division Lindsay office if you are unsure if a permit is required or for clarification of requirements.

Large or Municipal systems (more than 10,000 litres per day) are regulated by the Ministry of the Environment and Climate Change.

COVID-19 and Your Septic System

The unexpected COVID-19 crisis has lead to many changes in our everyday lifestyle including self-isolation, working at home, and kids out of school which have all lead to an increase in domestic water usage and changes to wastewater. 

With many individuals and families doing their part by staying home, many septic systems are receiving an increase in wastewater, from regular day to day activities such as food preparation, dish washing, laundry and personal use.  The increases in wastewater into private septic systems can lead to problems with the balance of the sewage.  For each litre of wastewater entering the septic tank, one litre of sewage effluent is discharged to the septic field.  Too much wastewater may lead to an overload in your septic causing back-ups into your house or break-outs in your yard.  As well, large amounts of wastewater over short periods of time can reduce settling and separation time in the septic tank.  This can lead to solids being carried out to the septic field and clogging the pipes.  Older septic systems are the most sensitive to overuse.

In some instances, the type of wastewater has changed due to a higher volume of cleaning and disinfecting.  While following the recommendations to disinfect touched surfaces frequently, families are using higher than normal amounts of chemicals such as bleach.  These chemicals can kill the good bacteria in the septic system which causes the waste to move into the septic system with limited breakdown of materials leading to clogging in the septic field.

Here are some tips to lower the stress on your septic system:

1)    Spread out the laundry and dishwasher loads over the entire week.  Wait until you have a full load to turn on the unit.

2)    Take shorter showers.

3)    Spread out showers and tubs throughout the week.

4)    Limit the amount of disinfectants that go directly into the septic system.  Use disinfecting wipes where possible and throw them in the trash. 

5)    Use as many septic friendly cleaning/disinfecting products as possible.

6)    Only dispose of human waste and toilet paper into the toilet.  Do not put any of the following items in your toilet - disinfectant wipes, baby wipes, paper towels, facial tissues, etc.

Map of Sewage Inspector Coverage Areas

View a map outlining inspector coverage areas.

A Sewage Inspector is available each morning from 8:30 am - 10:30 am for phone inquiries. 

Call 705-324-9411 North Area Inspector ext. 2126 or South Area Inspector ext. 1312.

Septic Applications, Permits and Loan Programs
Septic Do's and Don'ts



  • Connect all household plumbing to the septic tank.
  • Pump your tank routinely and have the pumper clean the effluent filter where applicable. Every three to five years is recommended.
  • Check the condition of both inlet and outlet baffles at the time of pumping.
  • Conserve water use in your house to reduce the amount of wastewater for treatment. Only use the dishwasher or laundry machine when there is a full load, use low flow shower heads and taps. Fix all dripping taps and running water immediately.
  • Encourage a good cover of grass over the leaching bed. Good ventilation and adequate sunlight should be maintained.
  • Check with the sewage system inspector at the building department prior to any changes to your property such as additions, renovations, additional buildings or added bedrooms, bathrooms, etc. to ensure they will not impact the system.
  • Familiarize yourself with the location of your system and keep a reference diagram in a safe place. The City of Kawartha Lakes maintains the Sewage System records back to 1974.
  • Repair leaky plumbing fixtures.
  • Spread the number of loads of laundry throughout the week.
  • Divert surface water away from the leaching bed.
  • Test your well water regularly, at least three times a year, to check for bacteria indicators.




  • Don’t allow roof drains to discharge to the septic tank or surface waters to drain towards the area of the leaching bed.
  • Don’t drive or park any vehicles over the septic tank or tile bed area including snowmobiles or ATV’s.
  • Don’t plant trees where the root system could gain access to the weeping lines.
  • Don’t discharge the backwash from any water treatment device (water softener, iron remover etc.) into a sewage disposal system, unless it has been property designed for it.
  • Don’t pave or construct on top of the septic tank or leaching bed.
  • Don’t flush anything into the septic system that does not break down naturally. Pharmaceuticals (including products from chemo therapy), cigarette butts, sanitary products, paint thinners, hazardous chemicals or cleaners, grease, household garbage or food wastes.
  • Don’t enter the tank, the gases and lock of oxygen can be fatal.
  • Don’t allow livestock on the leaching bed.
  • Don’t drain hot tub and spa water top the septic system.
  • Don’t use a garbage disposal unit/garburator unless your system has been designed for it.
  • Don’t connect the leaching deb or greywater system to an agricultural field drain.
  • You do not need to add any special additive to enhance the performance of your tank or system. Normal regular use is all that is needed.

 Municipal Source Water Protection & Mandatory Sewage System Assessments

In 2006, the Provincial government enacted the Clean Water Act.  Through this legislation, the Drinking Water Source Protection Program was founded. The program was part of the Province’s multi-barrier approach to ensure clean, safe and sustainable drinking water for all Ontario.

Source Water Protection Planning under the Act, required local Source Protection Committees, formed with municipal stakeholders, community partners, technical experts and the public, to develop a science-based strategy for the protection of our drinking water resources.  These strategies were developed into Source Protection Plans. The main principle of the plan is to establish policies that would protect development, construction and uses within the vulnerable area of the source water.

In the City of Kawartha Lakes we have 15 municipal wellhead areas and 6 surface water intakes that are governed under the Trent Conservation Coalition Source Water Protection Plan and the South Georgian Lake Simcoe Source Protection Plan.  

 Quick facts about source water protection
 Why a Mandatory Sewage System Maintenance Inspection Program?
  • The Clean Water Act, 2006 identified sewage systems as 1 of 21 potential significant threats to drinking water sources and as such we want to ensure adequate protection of our valuable water resources, such as our lakes, rivers, streams, and watersheds.
  • To protect the environment and to ensure a sustainable future for the next generation
 Where are Mandatory Sewage System Inspections required?
  • Inspections are required to be completed for existing and future sewage systems located in vulnerable areas as identified in the Source Protection Plan around Municipal Well Heads and Surface Water Intake Zones.
  • Wellhead Protection Zone is a defined vulnerable area around the municipal well.
  • Surface Water Intake Protection zones are the area on the water and land surrounding a municipal surface intake.
 What are the steps in a Maintenance Inspection?
  • Complete a search of records to locate documentation on the existing sewage system.
  • Complete a homeowner questionnaire about the property and the sewage system maintenance.
  • Complete an on-site visual assessment of the property and sewage system.
  • Provide an opportunity for questions and education.
 What if a problem is found?
  • A more invasive investigation will have to be performed to locate the issue.
  • It will be the responsibility of the homeowner to obtain the necessary permits/approvals to complete the upgrades and bring the sewage system into compliance.
 Source Protection Notice (Section 59 Notice)

Construction projects that fall within a Wellhead or Surface Intake vulnerable area will require a Source Protection Notice from our Risk Management Official. The assessment through a Source Protection application will ensure that the proposed construction will not cause a threat to one of our drinking water sources.  Information and applications are available through the Kawartha Region Conservation Authority.


 Building Projects NOT requiring a Source Protection Notice
  • Decks
  • Gazebo
  • Pools
  • Interior Renovations
  • Septic (Completed with a CKL permit)
 Mandatory Sewage System Maintenance Inspection Program

 The Mandatory Maintenance Sewage System Program is intended to support the Ontario Building Codes health & safety‎ and environmental integrity objectives. The requirement for mandatory assessments was a result of recommendations brought forth from the Walkerton Inquiry and the objectives of The Clean Water Act.

The program requires the assessment of sewage systems on properties located immediately adjacent to the vulnerable zone of the Surface Water Intake area and properties located within the identified vulnerable area of a Municipal Wellhead.

Section 8.9 of the Ontario Building Code (Operation and Maintenance‎) requires that all on-site sewage systems be operated and maintained in accordance with the basis on which their construction was approved. Thus, the mandatory maintenance inspection program is geared to identify systems that aren't being properly maintained and to provide education to home owners to ensure that on-site sewage systems do not cause a public health threat or environmental concerns.


 Mapping Link

 Look for your property to determine if it falls within a mandatory inspection area using our interactive mapping tool.

Schedule of Assessments

Sewage System assessments will be conducted in several municipal wellhead areas throughout each year. 

2024 - Stay Tuned for updates


To book your appointment please contact:

Cynthia Beaulieu
Administrative Assistant
Development Services - Building and Septic Division
705-324-9411 extension 1202

Should you require more information on this program please contact:

Anne Elmhirst C.P.H.I. (C), B.A.Sc., B.Sc.
Supervisor - Part 8 Sewage Systems
Development Services - Building and Septic Division
705-324-9411 extension 1882

E-Mail Development Services - Building and Septic Division

Other Permits

 Additional Residential Units (ARUs)


At the December 15, 2020 Council meeting, Council adopted new policies and regulations that permit ARUs in the City of Kawartha Lakes. The policies and regulations have the effect of allowing up to two ARUs for every primary residential unit, where one ARU may be attached to the primary residential unit, and one ARU may be in an accessory building to the primary residential unit. Eligible primary residential units include a single detached, semi-detached or townhouse dwelling.

Application for Registration of ARUs

An ARU must be registered in accordance with the Registration By-law 2020-162. Units previously registered under Town of Lindsay By-law 97-169 or City of Kawartha Lakes By-law 2014-305 will be deemed compliant and do not require any further action to remain registered. To check to see if your unit is registered, see the Public Register below.

To register an ARU, you must complete the Application for Registration of Additional Residential Units and submit to the Registrar at the Building Division.

Resources to Create ARUs

Please refer to the Guide to Create Additional Residential Units in the City of Kawartha Lakes for more information about the process to establish an ARU.

In 2019, the Province of Ontario released a homeowner guide Adding a Second Unit in an Existing House to help homeowners plan and build a second unit within their house. Please note that while the legislation has been amended to replace Second Units with ARUs, the guide continues to be helpful in explaining the Building Code requirements for adding additional units on a lot.

ARU Public Register

Add #StreetGeographic LocationDate RegisteredReg. By-lawLocation of ARURegistration Number
32 George St. E. Lindsay Jan-98 97-169 Primary dwelling 1-98
170 Colbourne St. W. Lindsay Mar-98 97-169 Primary dwelling 2-98
165 St. David St. Lindsay Mar-98 97-169 Primary dwelling 3-98
41 St. Lawrence St. Lindsay Apr-98 97-169 Primary dwelling 4-98
331 William St. N. Lindsay Apr-98 97-169 Primary dwelling 5-98
80 Angeline St. S. Lindsay Jun-98 97-169 Primary dwelling 6-98
29 Cottingham Cres. Lindsay Jun-98 97-169 Primary dwelling 7-98
10 Oak St. Lindsay Jul-98 97-169 Primary dwelling 8-98
175 Ardmore Ave. Lindsay Aug-98 97-169 Primary dwelling 9-98
5 Mill St. Lindsay Dec-98 97-169 Primary dwelling 10-98
122 Elgin St. Lindsay Feb-99 97-169 Primary dwelling 11-98
29 St. Paul St. Lindsay Apr-99 97-169 Primary dwelling 1-99
208 William St. N. Lindsay Apr-99 97-169 Primary dwelling 2-99
71 King St. Lindsay Jan-00 97-169 Primary dwelling 01-2000
69 King St. Lindsay Jan-00 97-169 Primary dwelling 02-2000
61 Albert St. S. Lindsay Mar-00 97-169 Primary dwelling 03-2000
67 Eglington St. Lindsay May-00 97-169 Primary dwelling 04-2000
93 William St. S. Lindsay Jul-02 97-169 Primary dwelling 01-2002
64 Russel St. E. Lindsay Apr-04 97-169 Primary dwelling 01-2004
21 Eglington St. Lindsay Jul-04 97-169 Primary dwelling 02-2004
142 Sanderling Cres. Lindsay Oct-05 97-169 Primary dwelling 01-2005
174 Ardmore Ave. Lindsay Mar-06 97-169 Primary dwelling 01-2006
52 Adelaide St. S. Lindsay Aug-06 97-169 Primary dwelling 02-2006
97 Colbourne St. W. Lindsay Sep-06 97-169 Primary dwelling 03-2006
321 William St. N Lindsay Jan-10 97-169 Primary dwelling 01-2010
323 William St. N Lindsay Feb-10 97-169 Primary dwelling 02-2010
79 Short Ave Lindsay Dec-10 97-169 Primary dwelling 03-2010
10 Flavelle Cres Lindsay Dec-11 97-169 Primary dwelling 01-2011
69 Glenelg St. E. Lindsay Apr-13 97-169 Primary dwelling 01-2013
333 William St. N. Lindsay Jan-16 2014-305 Primary dwelling 2016-001
99 Elgin St. Lindsay Jan-16 2014-305 Primary dwelling 2016-002
18 Liberty Lane Emily Jun-16 2014-305 Primary dwelling 2016-003
18 Short St. Fenelon Falls Sep-16 2014-305 Primary dwelling 2016-004
34 Lisbeth Cres. Lindsay Sep-16 2014-305 Primary dwelling 2016-005
82 Durham St. W. Lindsay Dec-16 2014-305 Primary dwelling 2016-006
101 Pottinger St. Lindsay Jul-17 2014-305 Primary dwelling 2016-007
10 Milner Crt. Lindsay Jul-17 2014-305 Primary dwelling ADU2017-0005
3 Richardson Crt. Lindsay Aug-17 2014-305 Primary dwelling 2016-008
9 Karen Dr. Lindsay Dec-17 2014-305 Primary dwelling ADU2017-0001
64 St Patrick St. Lindsay May-18 2014-305 Primary dwelling ADU2017-0011
44 Truax St. Lindsay Jul-18 2014-305 Primary dwelling ADU2017-0010
20 Beall St. Lindsay Aug-18 2014-305 Primary dwelling ADU2018-0008
31 Glenelg St. E. Lindsay Aug-18 2014-305 Primary dwelling ADU2017-0012
9 Jefferson Blvd. Lindsay Aug-18 2014-305 Primary dwelling ADU2018-0010
48 Beall St. Lindsay Sep-18 2014-305 Primary dwelling ADU2018-0007
24 Beall St. Lindsay Nov-18 2014-305 Primary dwelling ADU2018-0011
151 King St. Lindsay Feb-19 2014-305 Primary dwelling ADU2018-0001
10 McGibbon Blvd. Lindsay Mar-19 2014-305 Primary dwelling ADU2018-0014
107 Pottinger St. Lindsay May-19 2014-305 Primary dwelling ADU2018-0012
103 Adelaide St. S. Lindsay Jun-19 2014-305 Primary dwelling ADU2018-0006
163 Springdale Dr. Lindsay Jun-19 2014-305 Primary dwelling ADU2019-0002
143 Queen St. Lindsay Jul-19 2014-305 Primary dwelling ADU2019-0005
111 Sanderling Cres. Lindsay Jul-19 2014-305 Primary dwelling ADU2019-0001
83 Thrushwood Trail Lindsay Oct-19 2014-305 Primary dwelling ADU2019-0007
47 Gee Cres. Lindsay Nov-19 2014-305 Primary dwelling ADU2018-0009
11 Hutton Rd. Lindsay Nov-19 2014-305 Primary dwelling ADU2017-0009
31 Madill Cres. Lindsay Dec-19 2014-305 Primary dwelling ADU2019-0012
53 Truax St. Lindsay Jan-20 2014-305 Primary dwelling ADU2019-0016
28 Beall St. Lindsay Jan-20 2014-305 Primary dwelling ADU2019-0015
103 Alcorn Dr. Lindsay Feb-20 2014-305 Primary dwelling ADU2019-0009
19 Albert St. N. Lindsay Feb-20 2014-305 Primary dwelling ADU2019-0010
9 Dunsford Crt. Lindsay Mar-20 2014-305 Primary dwelling ADU2020-0002
72 Albert St. N. Lindsay Jul-20 2014-305 Primary dwelling ADU2020-0006
50 Gee Cres. Lindsay Aug-20 2014-305 Primary dwelling ADU2020-0001
305 Mary St. W. Lindsay Oct-20 2014-305 Primary dwelling ADU2020-0007
3 Duke St. Lindsay Oct-20 2014-305 Primary dwelling ADU2017-0007
93 Sweetnam Dr. Lindsay Oct-20 2014-305 Primary dwelling ADU2019-0008
34 Mary St. E. Lindsay Oct-20 2014-305 Primary dwelling ADU2019-0011
49 Orchard Park Rd. Lindsay Nov-20 2014-305 Primary dwelling ADU2020-0009
271 Victoria Ave. N. Lindsay Nov-20 2014-305 Primary dwelling ADU2019-0014
31 Durham St. E. Lindsay Nov-20 2014-305 Primary dwelling ADU2018-0004
31 Elgin St. Lindsay Dec-20 2014-305 Primary dwelling ADU2020-0008
86 Queen St. Lindsay Mar-21 2020-162 Primary dwelling ARU2021-0004
270 Riverside Dr. Bobcaygeon Mar-21 2020-162 Primary dwelling ARU2015-0001
1 Richardson Crt. Lindsay Apr-21 2020-162 Primary dwelling ARU2020-0010
33 Glenelg St. W. Lindsay Apr-21 2020-162 Primary dwelling ARU2021-0005
1082 Lilac Rd. Lindsay Apr-21 2020-162 Accessory structure ARU2019-0018
258 Victoria Ave. N. Lindsay May-21 2020-162 Primary dwelling ARU2019-0003
60 Cook St. Lindsay Sep-21 2020-162 Primary dwelling ARU2021-0001
77 Pottinger St. Lindsay Nov-21 2020-162 Accessory structure ARU2021-0010
384 White Rock Rd. Mariposa Nov-21 2020-162 Primary dwelling ARU2021-0008
360 Farms Rd. Eldon Dec-21 2020-162 Primary dwelling ARU2021-0013
68 Alcorn Dr. Lindsay Dec-21 2020-162 Primary dwelling ARU2021-0018


Parkway Ave. Lindsay Jan-22 2020-162 Primary dwelling ARU2019-0013
152 Durham St. W. Lindsay Jan-22 2020-162 Primary dwelling ARU2021-0024
35 Richmond St. W. Eldon Mar-22 2020-162 Accessory structure ARU2021-0010
88 Cook St. Lindsay Mar-22 2020-162 Primary dwelling ARU2021-0030
53 1/2 Colborne St. E. Lindsay May-22 2020-162 Primary dwelling ARU2021-0033
25 Ridout St. Lindsay Jan-23 2020-162 Accessory structure ARU2022-0010
316 County Rd. 41 Bexley Apr-23 2020-162 Primary structure ARU2021-0007
38 Albert St. S. Lindsay Apr-23 2020-162 Primary structure ARU2022-0040
22001 Simcoe St. N. Mariposa Jun-23 2020-162 Primary structure ARU2021-0003
2220 Elm Tree Rd. Fenelon Jun-23 2020-162 Accessory structure ARU2021-0012
248 Front St. W. Bobcaygeon Jun-23 2020-162 Accessory structure ARU2021-0026
41 Weldon Rd. Ops Jun-23 2020-162 Accessory structure ARU2021-0027
103 Pottinger St. Lindsay Jun-23 2020-162 Primary structure ARU2022-0003
39 McGibbon Blvd. Lindsay Jun-23 2020-162 Primary structure ARU2022-0030
6 Wilson Ave. Lindsay Jun-23 2020-162 Primary structure ARU2022-0031
73 Pottinger St. Lindsay Jun-23 2020-162 Primary structure ARU2022-0042
342  William St. N. Lindsay  Jul-23  2020-162  Primary structure ARU2022-0032
4 Deacon Cres. Lindsay Jul-23 2020-162 Primary
172 Colborne St. W. Lindsay Jul-23 2020-162 Primary
122 Sanderling Cres. Lindsay Aug-23 2020-162 Primary
93 Princes' St. W. Fenelon Falls Sept-23 2020-162 Primary
154 Durham St. W. Lindsay Sept-23 2020-162 Primary
100 Starr Blvd. Mariposa Sept-23 2020-162 Primary
22 Lakeland Rd. Bobcaygeon Sept-23 2020-162 Accessory structure ARU2021-0014
2 Huron St. Lindsay Sept-23 2020-162 Primary
138 Queen St. Fenelon Falls Sept-23 2020-162 Primary
105 Elgin St. Lindsay Oct-23 2020-162 Primary
61 Francis St. W. Fenelon Falls Oct-23 2020-162 Primary
61 Francis St. W. Fenelon Falls Oct-23 2020-162 Primary
1810 Heights Rd. Verulam Nov-23 2020-162 Primary
1360 Elm Tree Rd. Ops Nov-23 2020-162 Primary
1 Elaine Dr. Lindsay Nov-23 2020-162 Primary
27 Connolly Rd. Lindsay Nov-23 2020-162 Primary structure ARU2023-0015
184 Sanderling Cres. Lindsay Dec-23 2020-162 Primary structure ARU2021-0034
1738 Hayes Line Emily Jan-24 2020-162 Accessory structure ARU2021-0029
16 Carew Blvd. Lindsay Jan-24 2020-162 Primary structure ARU2022-0046
3 Wilson Ave. Lindsay Jan-24 2020-162 Primary structure ARU2023-0004
75 Angeline St. S. Lindsay Feb-24 2020-162 Primary structure ARU2023-0011
75 Angeline St. S. Lindsay Feb-24 2020-162 Accessory structure ARU2022-0023
60 Dunn St. Bobcaygeon Feb-24 2020-162 Accessory structure ARU2021-0009
51 Adelaide St. S. Lindsay Apr-24 2020-162 Accessory structure ARU2023-0022
36 Blythe Shore Rd. Fenelon Apr-24 2020-162 Accessory structure ARU2021-0023
166 Cedar Glen Rd. Verulam May-24 2020-162 Accessory structure ARU2023-0050
173 Monck Rd. Dalton May-24 2020-162 Primary structure ARU2023-0042
134 Lakeland Rd. Verulam May-24 2020-162 Accessory structure ARU2024-0017
122 Francis St. Fenelon Falls Jun-24 2020-162 Primary structure ARU2024-0007
34 Sherwood St. Bobcaygeon Jun-24 2020-162 Primary structure ARU2024-0022
124 King St. Lindsay Jul-24 2020-162 Primary structure ARU2023-0049
100 Queen St. Fenelon Falls Jun-24 2020-162 Primary structure ARU2024-0025
425 Digby Laxton Boundary Rd. Kirkfield Jul-24 2020-162 Accessory structure ARU2024-0009
8 Pottinger St. Lindsay Jul-24 2020-162 Primary structure ARU2024-0010
 217  Fairbairn Rd.  Verulam Jul-24 2020-162 Accessory structure ARU2021-0011
62 Orange Corners Rd. Emily Jul-24 2020-162 Primary structure ARU2021-0021
1174 Pigeon Creek Rd. Manvers Jul-24 2020-162 Primary structure ARU2021-0037
27 Leaside St. Fenelon Falls Aug-24 2020-162 Accessory structure ARU2023-0012
43 Maryknoll Ave. Lindsay Aug-24 2020-162 Primary structure ARU2023-0044
139 Queen St. Lindsay Aug-24 2020-162 Primary structure ARU2024-0008
56 Carew Blvd. Lindsay Sept-24 2020-162 Primary structure ARU2023-0040
48 West St. N. Fenelon Falls Sept-24 2020-162 Accessory structure ARU2024-0030
13 Rosemary Dr. Lindsay Sept-24 2020-162 Primary structure ARU2024-0004
10 Sunrise Cres. Fenelon Twp. Oct-24 2020-162



8 Carew Blvd. Lindsay Nov-24 2020-162

Primary structure

7 Albert St. S. Lindsay Nov-24 2020-162

Primary structure

7 Albert St. S. Lindsay Nov-24 2020-162

Primary structure

176 Lilac Rd. Ops Jan-25 2020-162



131 Kenedon Rd  Emily Jan-25 2020-162 Primary structure ARU2021-0019
22 Clifton St. Fenelon falls Jan-25 2020-162 Primary structure ARU2024-0035
18 Kawartha Dr. Lindsay Jan-25 97-169 Primary structure 01-2007

Pool Permits

Any swimming pool capable of containing a water depth of greater than 1.2m (48 inches) of water requires a pool permit.

The City of Kawartha Lakes Pool By-law 2005-314 outlines the requirements for the installation of both above ground and in ground swimming pools and the associated fencing requirements. The Pool By-law regulates all private pools servicing 1-5 dwelling units.

The Ontario Building Code regulates all public pools, which includes private pools servicing 6 or more dwelling units. Common examples of public pools are pools servicing trailer parks, cottage establishments and hotels/motels. A building permit is required to install these types of pools.


 Sign Permits

City of Kawartha Lakes Sign By-law 2009-076 regulates the erection of signs for both residential and non-residential advertising.

Signage is regulated within the Town of Lindsay, with additional site specific regulations within the Lindsay Business Improvement Area, Village of Fenelon Falls and Village of Bobcaygeon.

Signage is not permitted on any municipal lands, which includes all City road allowances.

Signs are also regulated by the Ministry of Transportation and the Ontario Building Code. The Ministry of Transportation regulates all advertising signage located within 400 meters of any Provincial Highway Right-of-Way.

The Ontario Building Code regulates all signage that falls outside of the municipal by-law, and these signs would require a building permit, rather than a municipal sign permit.

You can complete a Sign Permit Application and submit it to the Building and Septic Division for review.

Municipal 911 Addressing and Municipal Farm 911 Field Entrance Addressing

Municipal 911 Addressing: Green 911 Sign Requests

A municipal address, or 911 number, is assigned to a property to aid in emergency response and for ease of way-finding.  The number is assigned to the property based on the location of the entrance on that property and a measurement to an intersecting road.

The municipal address number is assigned by the municipality at one of the following stages: the time of creation of a lot in a plan of subdivision, the time of a building permit application for construction on a vacant property or at the request of a property owner on vacant land.

Municipal Address Sign Request Form

Municipal Farm 911 Field Entrance Addressing: Yellow Farm 911 Sign Requests

The mission of Farm 911: To improve emergency service response times in rural communities by ensuring landowners can request a civic address from their municipality for entrances to their vacant farm fields.

Farm landowners that purchase a sign or signs for their vacant and non-building lots will have a civic address that they can refer to when calling first responders.

Municipal Farm 911 Field Entrance Sign Application

For more information visit our Municipal Farm 911 Field Entrance Sign page.

Entrance Permits

All entrances shall be constructed in a professional and responsible manner applying proper, acceptable construction and safety techniques.

Entrance Permit Application, Information and Instructions


2025 Development Charges

 2025 Non-Residential Development Charges


City of Kawartha Lakes Schedule of Non-Residential Development Charges for January 1 - December 31, 2025 as per By-Law 2019-184

Municipal Service

Electricity Generation

Other Non-Residential

($/500 KW of NGC)

($/m² of GFA)

Health and Social






By-Law Enforcement






Parks and Recreation






Administration Studies















Waste Diversion



Roads and Related



Water Treatment



Water Distribution



Wastewater Treatment



Wastewater Collection






Municipal Service Area

Electricity Generation

Other Non-Residential

($/500 KW of NGC)

($/m² of GFA)


















 2025 Residential Development Charges

 City of Kawartha Lakes Schedule of Residential Development Charges for January 1 - December 31, 2025 as per By-Law 2019-184


Municipal Service Single or Semi-Detached ($/Dwelling Unit) Row or Multiple ($/Dwelling Unit) Apartment - Two or More Bedrooms ($/Dwelling Unit) Apartment - Other ($/Dwelling Unit)

Health and Social










By-Law Enforcement










Parks and Recreation










Administration Studies

























Waste Diversion





Roads and Related





Water Treatment





Water Distribution





Wastewater Treatment





Wastewater Collection











Service Area Single or Semi-Detached ($/Dwelling Unit) Row or Multiple ($/Dwelling Unit) Apartment - Two or More Bedrooms ($/Dwelling Unit) Apartment - Other ($/Dwelling Unit)



























Development Charges Studies and By-laws

 Development Charges Studies and By-laws

 Emergency preparedness

 Learn how to prepare your family and your home for an emergency.

Fences built along on Property Lines

Property owners both have the right to build a fence directly on the property line, as long as it complies with the Fence Construction By-law. As both neighbours have the same right to construct a fence on the property line, this can sometimes cause disputes. The municipality always recommends resolving your dispute between yourself and your neighbour on terms that are suitable to everyone. If a dispute is unavoidable and:

  • There is no dispute about the location of the property line (property line disputes are civil matters dealt with by the courts and/or local land surveyor firms);
  • A fence has not already been constructed, or materials purchased; and
  • The proposed fence is not replacing a fence that is generally in a state of good repair
  • No other legal situation applies (swimming pools, condition of severance, subdivision agreement terms).

Then either one of two laws may apply to your situation:

Your property location within Kawartha Lakes determines which law applies to your situation. The Fence Cost Sharing By-law applies to all properties designated in the Official Plan as:

  • Urban (Bobcaygeon, Fenelon Falls, Lindsay, Omemee, Woodville)
  • Hamlet (smaller villages in Kawartha Lakes such as Coboconk, Kirkfield, Oakwood, Pontypool, Sturgeon Point, etc.)
  • Waterfront (lakeside and riverside locations throughout Kawartha Lakes with significant residential and seasonal development); and
  • Development Plan Areas

The Line Fences Act applies to all other areas not covered by the Fence Cost Sharing By-law listed above. This typically includes (but is not limited to);

  • Agricultural properties
  • Rural or forested properties
  • Severed residential lots in rural areas

Use the Fence Dispute Mapping Tool to determine which law applies to your property. When the fence is being constructed between two properties that are in the two different regulation areas, the Line Fences Act applies.

More information about both laws and commonly asked questions can be found below:

Fence Cost Sharing By-law

Where a Fence Cost Sharing By-law is in place, it overrides the Line Fences Act. The Kawartha Lakes Fence Cost Sharing By-law is designed to encourage property owners to settle disputes informally, without involving the use of the local government or courts. In summary it provides:

  • that an owner may construct a fence directly on the property line (there is no 6 inch setback requirement)
  • definitions of what a basic fence is (4 foot coated steel chain-link)
  • that unless otherwise agreed, both neighbours are responsible for 50 percent of the cost of a basic fence.
  • if one property owner want a higher standard of fence other than a basic fence, that they are 100% responsible for the additional costs
  • that without an informal agreement, an owner seeking to share the cost of constructing a new line fence, or reconstruction of a line fence must serve upon the adjoining owner(s) a notice that includes:
    • a copy of the cost sharing by-law;
    • the date the work is planned to commence;
    • copies of 3 estimates received for the cost of the proposed fence;
    • an estimate of the basic cost of the proposed fence;
    • and a request for payment from the adjoining owner calculated in accordance with this by-law
  • that notice must be served at least fourteen (14) days before the commencement of any work or execution of any contract in relation to the work to be undertaken

The Fence Cost Sharing By-law cannot be used:

  • in rural or agricultural areas in Kawartha Lakes (see the Line Fences Act above)
  • to replace a fence that is in state of good repair
  • as a mechanism to solve a property line dispute (this is a civil matter, and may involve a local land surveyor)
  • to establish a cost sharing measure for a fence that must be constructed for another legal reason (Swimming pool by-law, severance condition, subdivision agreement)

The Fence Cost Sharing By-law allows residents resolved disputes on their own terms, and provides procedures for when a neighbouring property owner is unwilling to participate. Read it carefully, and direct any further questions to the City Clerk's Office at 705-324-9411 extension 1322 or email the Clerk's Office.

 The Line Fences Act (Fence-Viewers)

The Line Fences Act provides a method for some properties in Kawartha Lakes to resolve disputes between neighbours constructing a fence on an undisputed property line. Fences being built off of the property line are permitted without a neighbour's consent if the fence being constructed is compliant with the Fence Construction By-law or applicable building codes. However, we always recommend that you inform your neighbour prior to the construction of a fence as they may dispute the location of the property line. 

Contact the Building department for information or questions about constructing a fence compliant with the Fence By-law.

The Line Fences Act cannot be used:

 What can I do if my neighbour is not willing to share the cost of a fence on the property line?
It is always best to try to resolve the issue with your neighbour before requesting the Fence-Viewers. Discuss with your neighbour the type of fence you want and the reasons why you want the fence to try to resolve this issue. If a fence cannot be agreed upon, you can initiate the process for requesting the Fence-Viewers to view the site and make an award. Do not build or purchase any materials for the fence until the Fence-Viewers have been contacted. 
 Can my neighbour refuse me from building a fence along the property line? Can I refuse my neighbour from building a fence along the property line?

Generally speaking, there is no right of refusal. The Line Fences Act has as its core the premise that if a property owner wants a fence to mark the property line, that there shall be a fence; that there is value and benefit to having a fence to mark one's property line, the cost of which should be shared 50:50 unless to do so would be unjust in the circumstances.

This being said, there may be very specific and rare circumstances where building a fence along a property line may violate another municipal by-law, or provincial or federal law. If this is the case, the Fence-Viewers should be informed of the legal situation which would restrict your neighbour from building a fence.

 Does the municipality or the Fence-Viewers determine my property lines?
The Fence-Viewers cannot determine the location of the boundary between two properties. This is a civil matter and may require a survey and the advice of lawyers. The City does not keep survey records on file. You may consider contacting a local surveyor to have property lines marked out for you and your neighbour if the property line is in question. If the property lines are in dispute, a Fence-Viewing is not permitted to proceed.
 Does the Line Fences Act also govern the design and construction of fences?
If the Fence-Viewers are requested to hold a fence-viewing and make an award stating that a fence is required, the award must include a description of the fence to be built and materials to be used. The description of the fence specified in the award must conform to the Fence Construction by-law. The fence-viewers may also require that a third-party contractor build the fence to avoid further disputes.
 May I call a Fence-Viewer directly for advice on my situation?

Fence-Viewers do not give advice. If you have questions about the process, please call 705-324-9411 extension 1322 or E-Mail the Clerks Office.

If you need advice about a property line dispute, you should contact a lawyer with property law expertise.

 How do I get a Fence-Viewer to come to my property?

Forms for initiating the process to request Fence-Viewers to attend are available at City Hall. Complete the form 'Owner's Request for Fence-Viewers - Dispute' and mail or deliver it to:

City Clerk's Office

26 Francis Street, P.O. Box 9000,

Lindsay, ON, K9V 5R8

Remember to provide a description of both your property and your neighbours, including the property assessment roll number. Attaching a diagram of the property is very helpful to City staff and Fence-Viewers.

Please Note: Fence-Viewers in Kawartha Lakes may only attend properties located outside of the Fence Cost-Sharing By-law area.

If you have questions about the process, please call 705-324-9411 extension 1322 or E-Mail the Clerks Office.

 When can Fence-Viewers attend my property?

Once an a valid application is received in the City Clerk's Office the Fence-Viewers must attend the proposed fence site within 30 days.

The municipality does not process any fence viewing applications between November 1 and the following March 31, unless authorized by Council.

 What does it cost to have Fence-Viewers attend?

The Administration Fee is $275.00 (as of January 2024 and subject to annual changes), plus three Fence Viewer fees at $70.00 per Fence-Viewer and mileage at the City's prevailing rate. On average the total administration costs can be in the range of $500.00 to $650.00.

Fence-Viewers are required to view and attend the site. The responsibility for payment of these fees is paid for by the parties involved. The percentage to be paid by each party is determined by the Fence-Viewers as part of their award.

The total Administration Fee is to be paid by applicant upon filing Form 1 and may be refunded, in whole or part, if required, by a Line Fences Act Award. If applicant makes an agreement with respondent prior to fence viewing date, but after this administration fee has been paid, the City will refund 50% of administration fee and cancel the fence viewing.

 Can I appeal the decision of the Fence-Viewers?
An owner who is dissatisfied with the award may appeal the Fence-Viewers Award. You have fifteen days from the date of receiving a certified copy of the award to initiate an appeal. An award is deemed to have been received seven days after being sent by registered mail. A cheque or money order to cover the appeal fee ($376.00 as of January 2023 and subject to annual changes), payable to the "Minister of Finance", must accompany the appeal. To verify the current appeal fee please visit the Ministry of Agriculture, Food & Rural Affairs website. Additional City appeal administration fees of $110.00 (as of January 2024 and subject to annual changes) will also apply. If you require further information on appealing an award please call 705-324-9411 extension 1322 or E-Mail the Clerks Office.
Basic Fence Building Principles:

Residents may build a fence fully on their property (for example, 6 inches or more inside of your property line) and assume all expenses, full ownership and responsibility of the fence. This type of setback is not a requirement, as both neighbours still have the right to build a fence along the property line if they desire to mark the boundary line. A neighbour who does not want a fence along the property line generally does not have a right of refusal for their neighbour to construct a fence.

A fence built fully on your own property must still comply with the Fence Construction By-law. To avoid a dispute, it is good practice to inform your neighbour prior to construction in case they dispute where the property line is however, this is not mandatory.

In general, newly constructed fences built on your property, or the property line must be:

  • Stable;
  • Vertical;
    • 2 metres is the maximum height in residential areas
  • Made of good quality materials
    • Not permitted: barbed wire, razor wire, electrified wire, and non-vinyl or plastic coated chain-link
  • Constructed and supported in a manner commensurate with the design of the entire fence
  • Structurally capable of safely sustaining its own weight and any load to which it might normally and reasonably be subjected; and

  • Constructed in a manner accepted as good workmanship in the trades concerned

If you believe your neighbour is constructing a fence in contravention to the Fence Construction By-law (eg: the fence is too tall, the fence is on municipal property, the fence is of poor quality), talk to your neighbour to bring forward your concerns, and if required, contact Municipal Law Enforcement.

If your neighbour is building a fence on your property, this is a civil matter that a municipality will not get involved in. You may need to contact a local land surveyor to demarcate the property line, or a lawyer who specializes in property law, to understand your rights.


 Trees on property lines

The municipality does not regulate the trimming of trees or hedges on private property (unless an urgent safety issue has been identified near municipal property).

If the tree in question is dead/dying or has dead branches that could be hazardous, and is on Kawartha Lakes property, or on the property line with the municipality, please file a report with the municipality.

The Forestry Act of Ontario, 1990, also states the following about trees on property lines:

Boundary trees

10 (1) An owner of land may, with the consent of the owner of adjoining land, plant trees on the boundary between the two lands.

Trees common property

(2) Every tree whose trunk is growing on the boundary between adjoining lands is the common property of the owners of the adjoining lands.


Trimming a neighbour's overhanging branches:

The municipality always recommends that you discuss this with your neighbour, before hiring a qualified tree expert, or taking on the work yourself.

There are three main points to remember when dealing with trees on adjacent private property:

  1. You cannot trespass onto your neighbour's property
  2. You cannot damage your neighbour's property (in this case a tree); and
  3. You have the right to maintain your property in a safe condition

It is therefore best for property owners to come to an agreement between themselves with respect to trees overhanging property lines.

If you are unable to reach an agreement with your neighbour and want to determine your legal rights, you should contact a lawyer.

The act of pruning trees on neighbouring private property affects private property rights and is a civil issue between private property owners.


 Heritage Building Register

 Resources for heritage property owners are available through our Heritage Preservation pages. For information on permitting, please see our Heritage Permitting page.

Northwest Trunk Sanitary Sewer Capital Charges

In accordance with section 4.01.2 of By-Law 2015-151, starting on August 11, 2016 Northwest Trunk Sanitary Sewer Capital Charges shall be indexed annually in accordance with the Quarterly Construction Price Statistics Index published by Statistics Canada. Whereas the index stood at 156.8 on June 30, 2015 and at 161.6 on June 30, 2016, the capital charges that would have otherwise been in effect for the period August 11, 2016 to August 11, 2017, pursuant to By-Law 2015-151, shall be indexed by (161.6/156.8 - 1)*100% = 3.061%.

The following charges are in effect August 11, 2023 to August 10, 2024:

Benefitting Area

Index Rate %/Annun

Residential $/Dwelling Unit

Non-Residential $/metre squared of GFA

Jennings Creek




Gravity Sewer




Existing Growth





The following charges are in effect August 11, 2024 to August 10, 2025:

Benefitting Area

Index Rate %/Annun

Residential $/Dwelling Unit

Non-Residential $/metre squared of GFA

Jennings Creek




Gravity Sewer




Existing Growth




Site Alteration

 Visit our Site Alteration page to learn more information.


Visit the taxes section of our website.


Visit the utilities, water and sewer section of our website.

Contact Us