Building and Septic Division
The Building and Septic Division is responsible for administration and enforcement of the Building Code Act and the Ontario Building Code, including private on-site sewage systems with a daily sewage flow 10,000 litres or less.
As well, administration of the following municipal by-laws:
- Sign by-law
- Pool by-law
- Development charges by-law
- Additional residential units registration by-law
Monthly Building Closure
The Development Service Hub building at 180 Kent St W in Lindsay is closed from 8:30am to 12pm on the first Wednesday of each month.
Building & Septic staff across the municipality are unavailable during this time. During the temporary office closure, please feel free to leave a voicemail at 705-324-9411 extension 1288 , or email us at
All other divisions located at 180 Kent St W will be available by phone during the building closure.
The building closure will take place on the following days:
- 2024: December 4
- 2025: January 8, February 5, March 5, April 2, May 7, June 4, July 2, August 6, September 3, October 1, November 5, December 3
Building and Septic Permits
How to make an application submission to the Building and Septic Division |
Please note: our Lindsay office has relocated to the main floor at 180 Kent Street West, Lindsay and we are now available to customer walk-in traffic. Applications may be submitted via Canada Post, third party couriers and in-person drop-off.
• Development Services Building, 180 Kent Street West, Lindsay After hour’s drop-off - Small items that fit into a standard mail slot can be dropped off at any of the four Municipal Service Centres, locations of mail slot listed below: • Development Services Building, adjacent to left side of the rear entrance opposite the rear parking lot, brass coloured and labelled Mail Slot
Pre-Approved Model (PAM) Certification Application – pre-approved models are used for subdivision development where a specific design model is constructed multiple times following a single set of plans (not for use by custom home builders) The online portal will require users to create an account. This account will allow you to make online applications for Pre-approved Model Certificates. To create an account and submit a PAM application please go to: Check out our Online Portal User Guide for instructions on how to sign up and use the portal. If you need help applying for a PAM Certificate specifically, read the Online Portal User Guide for Pre-approved Model Certificate Application.
Note: All documents contained in your package must be clearly labelled with the project address, property owner’s name and placed in an envelope or bundled securely. The outside packaging must be clearly labelled “Building and Septic Division” and “attention” to the applicable inspector, if known. All items will be distributed to appropriate staff for processing your request. |
How to make a payment for Building and Septic Division applications |
There are three options for making payments relating to Building and Septic Division applications.
Building Permits |
It is important that your building or renovation project meets the regulations of the Ontario Building Code and the Building By-law. Download a copy of the Building By-law. You may need to apply for one or more permits when you plan to renovate or build on your property. Please contact Building staff to find out if permits are required for your project. Click on the forms, applications and information sheets tab below for building permit related forms.
Building and Septic Permit Fees 2025 |
The City of Kawartha Lakes Building By-law 2024-219 regulates the fees under Section 6.00. Download a copy of the Building By-law. The Building/Septic Inspector assigned to your file will determine the fee associated with the permit application, calculated in accordance with Schedule A, and the fee shall be due and payable in full upon the submission of the application for a permit. A minimum permit fee of $266.00 shall be charged for any application where the calculation results in a lesser amount. An application may have multiple fees associated with it and may involve fees from more than one table in the by-law. Please note there are no additional taxes (HST) applied to Building or Septic permit fees. Administrative FeesSchedule A: Table 1 - Administration Fees
Schedule A: Table 2 - Fees Payable for Building Permits
Building FeesPlease also refer to the Administrative Fees table for other fees applicable to your project. If your project involves construction activities that will potentially affect your private on-site sewage system, you may also be subject to a sewage system permit and associated fees are found on the Septic Permit Fees table. Consult with your area Building Inspector to determine the correct calculation of all fees applicable to your project prior to payment to avoid additional payments/refunds.
Schedule A: Table 3 - Fees Payable for Building Permits
For the proper interpretation and application of this Schedule, see Notes following. Notes:
Septic FeesConsult with your area Septic Inspector if you are unsure which Class of System corresponds with your proposal.
Schedule A: Table 4 - Fees Payable for Sewage System Permits and Reviews
Code of Conduct for Building Officials |
The purpose of the code of conduct is to:
Septic Systems and Permits |
The Building and Septic Division Sewage System Program administers the legislation under Part 8 of the Ontario Building Code affecting private sewage systems with a daily design sewage flow of 10,000 litres per day or less. Sewage system permits are required for all private on-site sewage systems for new installations, replacement installations and additions and repairs. Sewage system permits are not required for Class 1 systems, privies or portable toilets, however standards still apply. Also, you may need to locate, upgrade or replace your private on-site sewage system as a result of your renovation or building proposal. Please contact the Building and Septic Division Lindsay office if you are unsure if a permit is required or for clarification of requirements. Large or Municipal systems (more than 10,000 litres per day) are regulated by the Ministry of the Environment and Climate Change.
Municipal Source Water Protection & Mandatory Sewage System Assessments |
In 2006, the Provincial government enacted the Clean Water Act. Through this legislation, the Drinking Water Source Protection Program was founded. The program was part of the Province’s multi-barrier approach to ensure clean, safe and sustainable drinking water for all Ontario.
Other Permits
Additional Residential Units (ARUs) |
At the December 15, 2020 Council meeting, Council adopted new policies and regulations that permit ARUs in the City of Kawartha Lakes. The policies and regulations have the effect of allowing up to two ARUs for every primary residential unit, where one ARU may be attached to the primary residential unit, and one ARU may be in an accessory building to the primary residential unit. Eligible primary residential units include a single detached, semi-detached or townhouse dwelling.
Pool Permits |
Any swimming pool capable of containing a water depth of greater than 1.2m (48 inches) of water requires a pool permit. The City of Kawartha Lakes Pool By-law 2005-314 outlines the requirements for the installation of both above ground and in ground swimming pools and the associated fencing requirements. The Pool By-law regulates all private pools servicing 1-5 dwelling units. The Ontario Building Code regulates all public pools, which includes private pools servicing 6 or more dwelling units. Common examples of public pools are pools servicing trailer parks, cottage establishments and hotels/motels. A building permit is required to install these types of pools. Resources |
Sign Permits |
City of Kawartha Lakes Sign By-law 2009-076 regulates the erection of signs for both residential and non-residential advertising. Signage is regulated within the Town of Lindsay, with additional site specific regulations within the Lindsay Business Improvement Area, Village of Fenelon Falls and Village of Bobcaygeon. Signage is not permitted on any municipal lands, which includes all City road allowances. Signs are also regulated by the Ministry of Transportation and the Ontario Building Code. The Ministry of Transportation regulates all advertising signage located within 400 meters of any Provincial Highway Right-of-Way. The Ontario Building Code regulates all signage that falls outside of the municipal by-law, and these signs would require a building permit, rather than a municipal sign permit. You can complete a Sign Permit Application and submit it to the Building and Septic Division for review. |
Municipal 911 Addressing and Municipal Farm 911 Field Entrance Addressing |
Municipal 911 Addressing: Green 911 Sign RequestsA municipal address, or 911 number, is assigned to a property to aid in emergency response and for ease of way-finding. The number is assigned to the property based on the location of the entrance on that property and a measurement to an intersecting road. Municipal Address Sign Request Form Municipal Farm 911 Field Entrance Addressing: Yellow Farm 911 Sign Requests The mission of Farm 911: To improve emergency service response times in rural communities by ensuring landowners can request a civic address from their municipality for entrances to their vacant farm fields. Farm landowners that purchase a sign or signs for their vacant and non-building lots will have a civic address that they can refer to when calling first responders. Municipal Farm 911 Field Entrance Sign Application For more information visit our Municipal Farm 911 Field Entrance Sign page. |
Entrance Permits |
All entrances shall be constructed in a professional and responsible manner applying proper, acceptable construction and safety techniques. |
2025 Development Charges |
Development Charges Studies and By-laws |
Emergency preparedness |
Learn how to prepare your family and your home for an emergency. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Fences built along on Property Lines |
Property owners both have the right to build a fence directly on the property line, as long as it complies with the Fence Construction By-law. As both neighbours have the same right to construct a fence on the property line, this can sometimes cause disputes. The municipality always recommends resolving your dispute between yourself and your neighbour on terms that are suitable to everyone. If a dispute is unavoidable and:
Then either one of two laws may apply to your situation: Your property location within Kawartha Lakes determines which law applies to your situation. The Fence Cost Sharing By-law applies to all properties designated in the Official Plan as:
The Line Fences Act applies to all other areas not covered by the Fence Cost Sharing By-law listed above. This typically includes (but is not limited to);
Use the Fence Dispute Mapping Tool to determine which law applies to your property. When the fence is being constructed between two properties that are in the two different regulation areas, the Line Fences Act applies. More information about both laws and commonly asked questions can be found below:
Basic Fence Building Principles:Residents may build a fence fully on their property (for example, 6 inches or more inside of your property line) and assume all expenses, full ownership and responsibility of the fence. This type of setback is not a requirement, as both neighbours still have the right to build a fence along the property line if they desire to mark the boundary line. A neighbour who does not want a fence along the property line generally does not have a right of refusal for their neighbour to construct a fence. A fence built fully on your own property must still comply with the Fence Construction By-law. To avoid a dispute, it is good practice to inform your neighbour prior to construction in case they dispute where the property line is however, this is not mandatory. In general, newly constructed fences built on your property, or the property line must be:
If you believe your neighbour is constructing a fence in contravention to the Fence Construction By-law (eg: the fence is too tall, the fence is on municipal property, the fence is of poor quality), talk to your neighbour to bring forward your concerns, and if required, contact Municipal Law Enforcement. If your neighbour is building a fence on your property, this is a civil matter that a municipality will not get involved in. You may need to contact a local land surveyor to demarcate the property line, or a lawyer who specializes in property law, to understand your rights.
Heritage Building Register |
Resources for heritage property owners are available through our Heritage Preservation pages. For information on permitting, please see our Heritage Permitting page. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Northwest Trunk Sanitary Sewer Capital Charges |
In accordance with section 4.01.2 of
By-Law 2015-151, starting on August 11, 2016 Northwest Trunk Sanitary Sewer Capital Charges shall be indexed annually in accordance with the Quarterly Construction Price Statistics Index published by Statistics Canada. Whereas the index stood at 156.8 on June 30, 2015 and at 161.6 on June 30, 2016, the capital charges that would have otherwise been in effect for the period August 11, 2016 to August 11, 2017, pursuant to By-Law 2015-151, shall be indexed by (161.6/156.8 - 1)*100% = 3.061%.
The following charges are in effect August 11, 2023 to August 10, 2024:
The following charges are in effect August 11, 2024 to August 10, 2025:
Site Alteration |
Visit our Site Alteration page to learn more information. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Taxes |
Visit the taxes section of our website. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Utilities |
Visit the utilities, water and sewer section of our website. |
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