Payment options |
All payments must be received on or before the due date. Late payments will be subject to penalty charges. We do not accept the postmark as proof of the date of receipt. To make paying your water bill as convenient as possible we provide a variety of payment options including:
Pre-Authorized Debit (PAD) |
There are two plans: monthly or bill due date. The account must be paid up to date to begin using this program. Monthly plans require 12 months of history to estimate the equalized payment. The equalized payment is calculated by totalling the 12 months of history and dividing by 11. There is an annual reconciliation date (month 12), where if a balance is remaining it is withdrawn to bring the account to zero. Credits remain on the account. The monthly equalized payment is recalculated after the reconciliation. Reconciliation dates are:
Please refer to the billing frequency to see what billing cycle you are in. You must complete a PAD application form. The PAD plans are not transferable between houses should you sell your property and purchase another in Kawartha Lakes. If you require assistance please call: 705-324-9411, extension 1272. Submit a Water/Wastewater Pre-Authorized Debit Agreement Application Form Submit a Pre-Authorized Debit Cancellation Form |
Billing frequency |
Bills are calculated quarterly and sent at the beginning of the month. Payments are due by the end of the month. Not all residences are billed on the same frequency. The municipality has three billing quarters.
Notification and bill insert |
Bills are sent using Canada Post regular mail, unless you have signed up for eBilling. Reminder notices and are only sent through regular mail. It is the homeowners responsibility to ensure we have the correct mailing address. Mailing address changes must be received in writing via mail, email, fax or dropped off in person. Failure to receive your utility bill does not remove your responsibility to pay your bill on time. Penalty will be incurred for any late payments. |
Learn more about eBilling and receive your bills electronically |
Visit the eBilling page for information on how to sign up to receive your utility bills electronically. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
2024 Water and Wastewater Rates - Effective March 1, 2024 |
Moving in and out - Application for service form |
Any time you move in or out of a property that has water or wastewater services you must complete an application for service form. If you are moving into a newly built home, please contact us to find out if the builder has made arrangements to install a meter before your closing date. Failure to return the complete form before the closing date can delay your final reading and account set up. If you want to connect your property to municipal water and wastewater services you will need to complete a Serviceability Application. |
2025 Water relief program for low income seniors and low income persons with a disability |
Council grants eligible seniors and disabled property owners a credit of 20% of water billed in the previous year. This is applied to the account as a credit the following January. Please read the eligibility requirements and complete the Low Income Senior and Disabled Persons Water Relief Program form to submit an application for this program. You can pick up an application form at any Municipal Service Centre or City Hall. The deadline to apply for this program is September 30 of each year. The City does not issue refunds for this program, the credit is processed for the first bill in the following year. Applications will be available by May 1, 2025 |
High Water Bill Adjustment Policy |
The High Water Bill Adjustment Policy (CP2017-006) covers various types of high consumption water and wastewater bills and how to address customer concerns. |
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