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Public, Unassumed and Private


Boundary roads

We share boundary roads with our neighbouring municipalities. Some of these roads are unassumed.

Each section of boundary road falls under a particular agreement with a neighbouring municipality. Residents on boundary roads should make themselves aware of which municipality is responsible for their particular section of road.

If you are unsure about municipal responsibility on a section of boundary road contact your nearest Municipal Service Centre.

Provincial Highways

Provincial Highways and their intersections with municipal roads are the responsibility of the Ministry of Transportation of Ontario, which usually tenders maintenance operations to private contractors. All provincial highways within the municipality are currently tendered to Emcon Services Inc., which can be reached at:

Emcon Services Inc. - Bancroft Division
6611 Highway 7,
Cavan Monaghan, Ontario

There are four provincial highways with segments in Kawartha Lakes including:

  • Highway 35
  • Highway 115
  • Highway 7A
  • Highway 7

Unassumed Roads

Publicly accessible road allowances owned by the municipality may be signed as Unassumed or Unimproved. These roads usually do not meet the minimum standards that the municipality considers acceptable for assumption. The municipality absolves itself of liability in connection to these roads.

The municipality may assume a previously unassumed or private road in the future provided the road meets the minimum standards outlined in the Assumption of Private and Unassumed Roads Policy CP2017-010

Seasonal level of service

You should review the requirements in the Seasonal Level of Service Policy and be aware that the road must meet the minimum standards before submitting an application. This Seasonal Level of Service Application is for unassumed roads only, we no longer accept applications for service on private roads. All applications require a Letter of Consent for their Designated Representative, naming the main contact for communications from the City.

City staff will inspect the road prior to approving or declining the application. The City will inform the applicant of any reasons that an application has been declined and provide opportunity to rectify any deficiencies for a second inspection where warranted.

Once annual inspections are completed, qualifying roads will receive seasonal service as defined in the Seasonal Level of Service Policy when time and resources permit.

Seasonal load restrictions and road closures

There are currently no load restrictions in effect in the City of Kawartha Lakes.

Restrictions are typically put into place during the spring thaw, when road damage is most likely to occur due to heavy loading. This program identifies and imposes load restrictions on roads, or portions of roads that are weakened by excess water in the road base. Once the road has been determined to be structurally sound, load restrictions may be rescinded.

Load restriction periods are usually between October 1 and May 31 annually. Notices will be issued each year to define restriction periods based on seasonal weather conditions.

Many gravel roads are placed under a 5 tonnes-per-axle load restriction every spring. Signs are erected to notify road users of this restriction.

Load weight will be restricted on most secondary roads throughout the City in accordance with By-Law 2022-190, at the discretion of the Director of Public Works.

When fluctuating weather patterns are forecasted (warm weather and significant rain), the City imposes load restrictions to protect the integrity of the road network. Operations will monitor conditions and amend the notice as appropriate.

Due to changing weather patterns, the roads affected and the duration of the restricted period may change.

The table below lists roads in the City of Kawartha Lakes that will not be load restricted.  All other roads will be in a load-restricted state per the date on this notice, in accordance with By-Law 2022-190.

Roads that are not restricted:
Road Names (#): From: To:
Village of Bobcaygeon

All roads within Village of Bobcaygeon Limits, save and except Front Street West and West Street as described below:

Half Load Restrictions apply to the following roads:

  • Front Street West, Bobcaygeon - from Main Street to the West End
  • West Street, Bobcaygeon - from Front Street West to North Street at CKL Road #8
Road #49 All 
Road #36 All 
Village of Fenelon Falls All roads within Village of Fenelon Falls Limits 
CKL Road 44 (Hillside Drive) From CKL Rd 121 to 82 CKL Road 44 (pit entrance)
Road #121 All 
Town of Lindsay All roads within Town of Lindsay Limits 
Wilson Road From Road #36 
Road #31 (Mount Horeb Road) Young’s Pit east Hwy. #7
Lifford Road Lafarge Pit Gate west Porter Road
Porter Road Lifford Road Hwy. #7A
Whiterock Road Hwy. #7 Black School Road
Black School Road Whiterock Road Road #46
Taylor Road Hwy. #7 Skyline Road
Road #46 Hwy. #7 Road #9 (Woodville Road)
Road #9 (Woodville Road) Road #46 (South) Road #46 (North)
Road #46 Road #9 (Woodville Road) Road #48
Road #48 All 
Road #8 (Glenarm Road) Hwy. #35 Road # 46 (at Argyle)
Miller Road 800 metres south of CKL Road 47  (Brechin Road) Scotts Road
Scotts Road Miller Road CKL Road 47 (Mara/Carden Boundary)
CKL Road 47 (Mara/Carden Boundary) Scotts Road Rohallion Road

Please subscribe to the Public, Unassumed and Private Roads page for alerts on updates to the reduced load information by clicking "Subscribe to this Page" at the bottom of this page.

Summer road maintenance

The following services are typically delivered from May-October:

Grading and shouldering

Gravel roads are usually graded four times per year and arterial roads are usually shouldered three times per year. Exact service levels may vary from year to year.

Dust control

Calcium Chloride is applied to gravel roads during May and June.


Hot or cold mix materials are used in patching potholes, depressions, and edges.

Weed control

Noxious Weed Program

Weed Control Within the City of Kawartha Lakes

Our Public Works – Roads Department manages a program to control Noxious and Invasive Weeds as required under the Weed Act on City owned properties. Plants identified as a noxious weed generally have negative impacts to agriculture or livestock, and in some cases can cause significant harm to humans.

The City also applies herbicide with strict adherence to the Pesticides Act to protect certain pieces of infrastructure from the damaging effects certain plant growth can cause and to generally extend the lifecycle replacement cost of those City Assets. This herbicide application is more cost effective than manual vegetation removal that would otherwise occur several times a year.

The application of herbicide is carried out by an experienced operator licenced by the Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks under the Pesticides Act. The Herbicides used by the operator are licenced for use by the Environment and Climate Change Canada branch of the Federal Government under the Pest Control Products Act.

The Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs maintains a list of Noxious Weeds for the Province of Ontario. The following is a list of the currently designated Noxious Weeds in Ontario effective January 1, 2015:

Noxious Weeds in Ontario

List of Noxious Weeds In Ontario

Black Dog-Strangling Vine

Bull Thistle

Canada Thistle


Common Barberry

Common Crupina

Cypress Spurge


Dog-Strangling Vine

European Buckthorn

Giant Hogweed

Jointed Goatgrass



Leafy Spurge 

Poison Hemlock

Poison Ivy


Serrated Tussock

Smooth Bedstraw

Sow Thistle

Tansy Ragwort

Wild Chervil

Wild Parsnip

Woolly Cupgrass



Herbicide applications generally occur from Victoria Day to the end of September. The main herbicide currently being used to control noxious weeds is ClearView Herbicide by Dow AgroSciences (registration number 29752 under Pest Control Products Act). ClearView Herbicide is a selective herbicide for post-emergent control of annual and perennial broadleaf weeds, invasive plants and shrubs with good tolerance of cool and warm season grasses. The active ingredient in this herbicide is Aminopyralid (present as potassium salt) and Metsulfuron – Methyl.

Issues related to weed concerns are sent to the Public Works Weed Control group. An inspector from the group will inspect the area and determine if a Noxious Weed as designated by the Ministry of Agriculture, Food, and Rural Affairs is present. The inspector will ensure the destruction of such weeds as required by the Weed Control Act. The inspector will decide what the best practice is to destroy the weeds depending on the biological nature of the plant.

The City of Kawartha Lakes also conducts the spraying of undesirable vegetation on roadside Guide Rail throughout the spring and summer months. This spraying is done to reduce the growth on vegetation that can pose a threat to the health of the asset. Under the Pesticides Act of Ontario [1] R.S.O. 1990, c. P.11, the justification of the use of these herbicides is:

  • To prevent damage to the structural integrity of a public work, if the potential damage caused to the public work by the plant, would place the health or safety of a person at risk.
  • To facilitate essential maintenance of a public work, if the plant would interfere with or prevent the maintenance.
  • To ensure the security of a public work, if the plant would place the security at risk.

A Map of Noxious Weed Spray Areas in the City of Kawartha Lakes

Approved Alternative Notification for Pesticide Use from MECP for 2020

Up-to-date information about using pesticides in Ontario

Pictures, descriptions and more information on over 170 weeds

Want to report a noxious weed issue within the City’s Right of Way? Report it online or by contacting customer service at 705-324-9411.

Roadside mowing

Roadside grass is cut back 6 feet from the shoulder in June.

Brushing and ditching

These activities take place on selected lengths of roadway when needed.

Street sweeping

As part of the annual road maintenance needs, the City of Kawartha Lakes provides street sweeping services.  Sweeping services are completed to provide a safe environment for pedestrian and vehicular traffic.  Sweeping also helps prevent materials placed during winter maintenance activity from entering the City’s storm infrastructure which can cause blockages and restrict flow.

Staff plan sweeping activity based on forecasted weather, resource availability and planned workload.  Generally Staff coordinate sweeping within community central business districts first.  Council has adopted a policy CP2019-001 on street sweeping. The policy outlines equipment, resources and includes a list of roads that receive sweeping services.

Parking lots

Municipal parking lots are kept swept and are painted in May and June.


Sidewalks are repaired as needed until reconstruction takes place.

Private roads 

A private road is a local road that is not owned by the municipality. It may or may not be publicly accessible. On March 21, 2017 Council made resolution on CR2017-248 that no new agreements be accepted for Limited Service Agreements (now Seasonal Level of Service) on Private Roads.

The municipality may assume a previously unassumed or private road in the future provided the road meets the minimum standards outlined in the Assumption of Private and Unassumed Roads Policy CP2017-010

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