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Street Closures

When to complete a Street Closure Application

When an event is scheduled that will close down a lane of traffic or an entire roadway which will impede vehicular traffic for any length of time; (i.e. parade, run, race, construction, etc.).

Street Closure Application

A Street Closure Application is available at all Municipal Service Centres, as well as on the City's website. The completed application is to be sent to the Public Works - Roads Operations Department via email or by fax to 705-328-3122.


  • A map of the route for the road closure must be attached to the application
  • A Traffic Control Plan must be submitted with the application as per Book 7 of the Ontario Traffic Manual
  • Proof of Liability Insurance in the amount of $2 million must also be submitted as per the specifications on the application
  • In the case of construction, ensure that any household garbage is taken to a central location for pickup and notification is made to Miller Waste Systems Inc. at 1-888-557-4711 regarding the road closure.
  • In the case of parades, races or other events, all debris/garbage must be picked up and disposed of by the event organizers.

Permit process

Once an application has been received by Public Works - Roads Operations and the above requirements have been met, the application is forwarded to the following departments for approval: Fire Department, Area Roads Manager, Ontario Provincial Police or Kawartha Lakes Police Services, Community Services and final approval from the Director of Public Works.

Time frame

The time frame from receipt of the complete application, to notification of approval is approximately 15 business days.

Departments/agencies notified

The Public Works - Roads Operations Department notifies the following departments or agencies once a road closure has been approved: the Area Roads Department, EMS, Fire Department, Engineering Department, Ontario Provincial Police or Kawartha Lakes Police Services, Municipal Service Centres, Economic Development, Community Services, Communications Department, Lindsay Downtown BIA, Trillium Lakelands District School Board, Solid Waste Department, Transit Supervisor, Insurance Risk Management Coordinator and Area Councillors.

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