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200 Services

Kawartha Lakes offers over 200 services to its residents. Each service helps meet one of our four goals: A Healthy Environment, A Vibrant and Growing Economy, An Exceptional Quality of Life, and Good Government.

The 2024-2027 Strategic Plan was developed by collaborating with our community, partners, agencies, staff and Council.

A Healthy Environment

  • Ensure municipal drinking water sources are protected 
  • Develop and adhere to the Drinking Water Quality Management Standard (DWQMS)
  • Manage and administer the municipality’s Asbestos Management Plan
  • Treat and deliver clean, safe drinking water across 21 water systems
  • Treat, collect and discharge wastewater across 6 wastewater systems
  • Oversee source water protection for private sewage systems 
  • Provide private On-Site Part 8 Sewage System Assessments
  • Provide tile drainage loan program to property owners
  • Manage curbside waste collection for over 40,000 households
  • Manage curbside recycling collection (blue and green bins)
  • Manage five active landfills and 11 closed landfills
  • Provide free residential drop off of scrap metal
  • Collect and manage household hazardous waste
  • Offer leaf and yard waste collection (spring/fall)
  • Offer mattress recycling
  • Offer construction and demolition recycling 
  • Operate and maintain the Lindsay/Ops landfill gas generator
  • Collect large item pickup at curbside
  • Offer Environmental Roundup Days
  • Manage and administer the municipality’s Energy Management Plan
  • Maintain and manage more than 9,800 acres of forest, including the annual timber harvest
  • Manage the urban tree program
  • Provide feedback to policies on renewable energy fill
  • Provide engineering expertise to Kawartha Conservation for Flood Plain Mapping
  • Provide guidance in various policy and regulatory initiatives with Provincial and Conservation Authority partners
  • Repair and maintain all Capital assets (buildings, fleet, equipment and infrastructure worth more than $3.2 billion) 
  • Utility Services - Provide utility meter reading, maintenance, installation and Utility Locates to prevent damage
  • Oversee management of Water Treatment Plants
  • Repair main breaks and conduct regular flushing
  • Repair and maintain manholes and fire hydrants
  • Provide septage services
  • Maintain established municipal drains and coordinate new drain construction on behalf of landowners 
  • Execute nine Lake Management Plans in partnership with Kawartha Conservation and landowners to keep lakes clean and healthy

A Vibrant and Growing Economy

  • Process Planning Act applications and resolve related appeals
  • Provide engineering review of designs to ensure compliance for with provincial and municipal guidelines, by-laws, and standards for (pre-consultation, minor variance, consent, re-zoning, site plan, subdivision)
  • Provide engineering review and provincial ministry review for all storm, sanitary, and stormwater management approvals
  • Provide engineering review of the design implementation for site plans (site inspections as coordinated through Planning Division, as well as, cost estimate review, servicing connection review and inspection, sediment and erosion controls inspections, stormwater management review, etc.)
  • Provide engineering review of the design implementation for subdivisions (pre-construction meetings, continuing construction meetings, acceptance and assumption inspections, regular field inspections, cost estimate reviews for multiple security reduction requests, review of and inspection of servicing connections, review of and inspection of watermain commissioning, review of sediment and erosion controls, review of stormwater management, including updates to the on-going operation and maintenance for compliance prior to assumption, review of input for municipal asset registry, preparation of assumption reports to Council/Committee, etc.)
  • Review and approve subdivision agreements and site plan agreements
  • Plan, design and build all new municipal capital projects (buildings, roads, bridges, arenas, parks, etc)
  • Provide mapping services to staff and stakeholders
  • Provide coordination for the utilities working within the municipality
  • Develop municipal engineering requirements, guidelines, templates, and standards for development processes
  • Provide zoning and site plan compliance requests
  • Develop and monitor policy and by-laws related to future growth and community development
  • Provide planning and development information on various processes
  • Oversee the process for severance, rights-of way, easements and other changes to property boundaries
  • Issue patio licence agreements
  • Issue liquor licences and extensions
  • Issue building permits
  • Issue permits for private septic systems and swimming pools  
  • Develop sign-by law and issue permits
  • Issue business and related licenses (lottery, taxi, business, etc.)
  • Issue permits and registration of Accessory Dwelling Units
  • Issue Heritage Permit Applications
  • Process applications from farmers for livestock kills
  • Oversee the process for fence disputes
  • Ensure the Ontario Building Code is enforced for public and environmental safety
  • Enhance tourism through marketing initiatives (
  • Oversee Kawartha Choice Farm Fresh marketing program for local food producers
  • Provide small business start-up consultations and learning opportunities 
  • Provide business consultation for existing and growing businesses
  • Provide business training and development
  • Stimulate business attraction and relocation
  • Work closely with the agricultural sector to support and advocate for growth opportunities and removal of barriers
  • Offer business development programs to benefit the retail sector 
  • Maintain directory of tourism businesses and offer business related development opportunities
  • Foster cohesiveness, business development and data collection among Arts, Culture and Heritage Sector Businesses  
  • Develop, expand and promote the Arts & Heritage Trail
  • Actively market and promote emerging specialized engineering and manufacturing sector opportunities 
  • Administer the Million Dollar Makeover program
  • Revitalize downtowns in partnership with communities 
  • Build collaborative networks with local organizations to build the economy
  • Manage public parking and issue tickets

An Exceptional Quality of Life

  • Oversee community emergency management program including training and public education
  • Maintain all fire stations, maintain and manage all fleet and equipment
  • Perform maintenance on fire trucks and set aside capital dollars for future replacement
  • Educate the public on fire safety and prevention
  • Provide Door-to-Door Smoke Alarm and Carbon Monoxide Program
  • Enforce the Fire Code
  • Provide Simplified Fire Risk Assessments
  • Facilitate weekly firefighter training for more than 300 volunteer firefighters and staff
  • Issue permits to hold a public display of fireworks
  • Issue open air burn permits
  • Attend public events for education and awareness of safety protocol
  • Respond to paramedic, fire, rescue and medical 911 calls, monitor call out times, complete post call reports
  • Provide hazardous material recovery and specialized rescue
  • Respond to medical calls, monitor call out times and complete post call reports
  • Transport of critical care patients of heart attacks and strokes to centres of excellence
  • Provide Primary and Advanced Care prehospital care
  • Public Access Defibrillation (PAD) program to place Automated External Defibrillators (AED) in strategic locations throughout the community
  • Provide CPR education
  • Community Paramedicine Referral Program
  • Provide Paramedic Student Placement
  • Provide Community Care non-urgent transport
  • Manage the dispatch centre
  • Evaluate future needs for station capacity and coverage area
  • Pick up, house and reunite stray dogs with owners
  • Administer dog licences 
  • Investigate complaints of by-law infractions
  • Manage burial services, sale of lots, record retention and maintenance for active cemeteries
  • Contribute to safe and well-kept neighbourhoods by investigating and enforcing the Property Standards By-Law
  • Investigate complaints related to noise, animals and parking and enforce applicable municipal by-laws
  • Provide door-to-door public transit service for people with physical and or functional disabilities (LIMO Transit)
  • Provide bus services within Lindsay (Lindsay Transit provides over 100,000 rides per year)
  • Provide Public Library services with traditional and digital programming for all ages (books, magazines, periodicals, etc.)
  • Maintain and provide public use and rental of 11 arena facilities 
  • Maintain and provide public use and rental of 18 community centres/halls
  • Maintain and provide public use and rental of 55 sports fields 
  • Maintain and manage two municipal trailer parks
  • Maintain more than 135 municipal parks (services include grass cutting, horticulture programs and waste collection)
  • Provide safe, clean and well maintained public facilities such as beaches, boat launches, docks, splash pads, sport courts and skate parks.
  • Maintain and manage rentals and programming at two recreation centres and swimming pools
  • Offer summer day camps for a variety of ages and interests
  • Plan, coordinate and fund special events such as Concerts in the Park and the Lindsay Milk Run.
  • Make quality child care available by administering fee subsidies to families and operating funding for child care agencies
  • Administer Health Unit funding
  • Develop and oversee homelessness prevention programs and supports including emergency shelter
  • Program delivery and employment supports of Ontario Works 
  • Provide administration for non-profit housing providers, including Kawartha Lakes Haliburton Housing Corp. which provides almost 700 units of affordable housing.
  • Operate 166-bed long term care home (Victoria Manor)
  • Provide community agency programs for poverty reduction and community participation programs (primarily for children of low income families)
  • Provide doctor recruitment incentives to recruit doctors through Kawartha Lakes Health Care Initiative
  • Provide Nurse Practitioner funding, administered by Victorian Order of Nurses
  • Offer customer service requests of popular transactions through four municipal service centres
  • Call centre with support during business hours, and after hours municipal emergency support line
  • Provide online service requests and information via municipal website
  • Connect with the public via social media channels
  • Online engagement platform, Jump In, Kawartha Lakes offers convenient public participation on municipal projects and issues
  • Issue marriage licences and officiate marriage ceremonies
  • Issue burial permits
  • Ensure accessible access to all members of the public to municipal buildings, online services and documents

Good Government

  • Manage municipal budget in accordance with the Public Service Accounting Board requirements (more than $250 million in operating, capital, water and waste water  budgets)
  • Maintain asset management database of infrastructure including replacement costs and timing
  • Regularly update the long term financial plan
  • Develop and track progress of the Strategic Plan
  • Provide open and transparent communication with members of the public, media and all stakeholders
  • Develop and oversee all Council Policies and Management Directives
  • Present municipal priorities and issues to other levels of government to ensure policy and funding needs are heard
  • Maintain strong working relationships with all government, non-profit and community agencies to ensure the needs of stakeholders are met
  • Provide the Continuous Improvement Program
  • Ensure all records and the use of private information are stored and retained as required.
  • Provide support to Council and ensure Council agendas and minutes are published in a timely and accessible manner
  • Support Council Committees, Boards and Task Forces
  • Court administration and prosecutions
  • Respond to litigation, claims and provide advice
  • Selling, leasing and licensing City owned land and purchasing of land
  • Establish risk management policies, oversee insurance practices and procedures, manage claims
  • Livestream Council meetings on YouTube
  • Provide timely and relevant information on all municipal services online (
  • Offer residents the option to pull municipal information of interest onto their mobile device via mobile app Pingstreet
  • Conduct the municipal election
  • Process Freedom of Information Requests
  • Manage property tax, utility billing and accounts receivable
  • Identify properties for tax sale and facilitate sales
  • Administer leases for municipal facilities 
  • Conduct audit and evaluate results for all financial accounts, ensure policies and procedures are compliant with applicable legislation and regulations
  • Administer vendor performance management program
  • Manage various municipal funding programs such as 50/50 Capital Partnership, CDPF, CHEST, Powerlinks, Wilson Estate
  • Administration and prosecution of non-criminal provincial offences and municipal by-law offences within the City of Kawartha Lakes and the County of Haliburton.
  • Recruit, onboard,  manage and develop employees to minimize turnover,  maximize productivity and succession-plan
  • Manage labour relations, grievances, arbitrations/contract negotiations for all unions representing over 1300 employees
  • Investigate internal complaints (violence, harassment, Human Rights)
  • Provide programs that promote and enhance Health and Safety
  • Administer payroll, leaves, benefits and accommodations
  • Administer orientation of all new employees, ongoing development and training
  • Manage enterprise systems  and applications to ensure efficient operations
  • Maintain boundary roads according to agreements with neighbouring municipalities
  • Process permits for entrance, oversize/overweight load, road occupancy and road closures
  • Stockpile sufficient materials for winter maintenance (sand and salt) and maintain storage structures
  • Provide winter maintenance operations on 5400 lane kilometres of roads
  • Provide winter sidewalk maintenance 
  • Provide 24/7 road patrol (winter)
  • Snow removal from downtowns
  • Conduct winter drainage activities
  • Routine road patrol (class 1-5 roads)
  • Maintain and inspect street lights
  • Maintain and inspect traffic lights
  • Provide traffic control warrants and studies
  • Install and maintain safety road signs
  • Install guard rails
  • Maintain gravel pit
  • Paint lines and symbols on roads
  • Maintain bridges and culverts
  • Mow roadside grass
  • Provide noxious weed control
  • Roadside brushing and tree removal
  • Provide ditching to all roads
  • Street sweeping 
  • Dust control on gravel roads (calcium chloride)
  • Gravel road grading and shoulder rehabilitation
  • Inspect and repair roads, sidewalks and curbs
  • Maintain catch basins
  • Provide road patching to potholes and cracks (cold and hot mix)
  • Replace guide posts
  • Pick up debris on roadway
  • Maintain Seasonal Level of Service and Limited Service Roads 
  • Administer the Adopt a Road Program
  • Purchase, maintenance and repair of more than 400 vehicles and equipment
  • Oversee all driver and operator licences
  • Fuel purchase, management and tracking for municipal fleet
  • Oversee management of the municipal airport



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