City Council, Planning Advisory Committee and Committee of Adjustment meeting agendas are posted on the City website at least five days before each meeting.
Looking for specific meeting agendas and minutes? To find meeting notes, minutes and agendas, select the appropriate meeting (by date) on the calendar. Council may change meeting dates or schedule special meetings throughout the year.
Minutes for Council and all Committee meetings are found in the City's Council and Committee Calendar. They may be posted in draft format prior to the next meeting where they are approved by Council or their respective committee. Minutes are formally adopted at the next available meeting, and may be edited after first posting on the website in draft format.
You can subscribe to receive an email when Council, Planning Advisory Committee or Committee of Adjustment Agendas and Minutes are posted.
Council agendas and minutes are created using a third party program and may not be completely accessible. Accessible formats and communication supports are available upon request. Contact us if you need assistance.
Have something to say? Learn how to write a letter or apply to speak at a Council meeting.
Other committee meetings
Visit our Boards and Committees page for details on the specific Board or Committee you are interested in.
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