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Applications, Licences and Permits


The following is a list of common application forms, licences and permits in the City of Kawartha Lakes.

We are currently in the process of updating all of our forms and applications to be more user friendly and accessible. We appreciate your patience while we work to serve you better.
If you can't find what you're looking for on this page, try the Forms Index.

Additional Residential Units (ARUs)

ARUs are residential dwelling units that are self-contained, subordinate to and located within the same building and/or on the same lot as a primary dwelling unit. Eligible primary residential units include a single detached, semi-detached or townhouse dwelling.

An ARU must be registered in accordance with the Registration By-law 2020-162. To register an ARU, you must complete the Application for Registration of Additional Residential Units and submit to the Registrar at the Building & Septic Division.

To learn more about ARUs, visit the My Property page.

Accounts Receivable

Adult Entertainment

A licence is required for all adult entertainment bookstores, video stores, parlours, establishments and performers.

You can E-Mail Licensing or call 705-324-9411 extension 1238 if you have questions about the licensing process.


Animal Licences

For the safety and security of all domestic dogs, each owner is required to register their pet in accordance with By-Law 2021-072. It is recommended that domestic cat owners register their pet as well. Please complete this form and submit with a copy of a veterinarian's certificate of rabies vaccination, proof of animal's altered state, if applicable and appropriate registration fee online or to any Municipal Service Centre or library branch within the City of Kawartha Lakes.

Online Animal Tag Registration Form

Birth or Death Certificates

The Office of the Registrar General issues birth and death certificates for residents in the City of Kawartha Lakes. You can complete the application for a birth or death certificate online.

Paper applications are available at the City of Kawartha Lakes Clerk's Office located at City Hall, 26 Francis Street, Lindsay ON, K9V 5R8.

Building Permits and Applications

The Building & Septic Division is responsible for administration and enforcement of the Building Code Act and the Ontario Building Code. Including private on-site sewage systems with a daily sewage flow 10,000 litres or less, as well as administration of the municipal sign, pool and development charges by-laws.

You may need to apply for one or more permits when you plan to renovate or build on your property. Please visit the building permits page on the My Property page for more information and to access forms and applications under the Forms, applications and information sheets tab.

Please E-Mail the Building division or call 705-324-9411 extension 1288 for further information on building permits and applications or to find out if building permits are required for your project.

Burn Permits (open air burning)

Kawartha Lakes By-Law 2016-110 outlines all open air burning regulations in the City. If all requirements are met and the fire is no larger than 60 cm in diameter, you will not need a burn permit.

Unless otherwise stated all burn events including campfires (60 cm or less in diameter) must be at least 5 metres from trees, brush piles or any other combustible materials and at least 15 metres from any buildings including sheds and detached garages.

Permits with "special" in the title may require the Fire Service to conduct a site visit. It can take up to seven business days for you to receive a site visit.

Apply for a Burn Permit

For more information about burn permits and open air burning please visit Kawartha Lakes Fire Rescue Burn Permits Page or call 705-324-5731.

Regular Burn Permit

Cost: $14.00

  • required for fires up to one cubic metre
  • valid for one burn event

Annual Regular Burn Permit

Cost: $60.00

  • required for fires up to one cubic metre
  • valid until December 31 of the year issued

Special Burn Permit

Cost: $25.00

  • required for fires larger than one cubic metre
  • valid for one burn event
  • special provisions for containment and control may be required
  • a site visit may be required

Long Term Special Burn Permit

Cost: $47.00

  • required for fires larger than one cubic metre
  • valid for multiple burn events held during a specific time frame
  • special provisions for containment and control may be required
  • a site visit may be required

Agricultural Burn Permit

Cost: $25.00

  • required for burns on farm properties that are part of normal farm practices
  • valid until December 31 of the year issued
  • maximum burn size of 3 metres by 3 metres
  • burns must be at least 50 metres away from buildings and 25 metres away from trees, fences, brush piles or other combustible materials

Agricultural Special Burn Permit

Cost: $47.00

  • required for burns on farm properties that are part of normal farm practices
  • maximum burn size of 3 metres by 3 metres
  • burns must be at least 50 metres away from buildings and 25 metres away from trees, fences, brush piles or other combustible materials
  • a site visit may be required

Campgrounds, trailer parks and tourist camps

If you own a campground, trailer park or tourist camp you must get an annual permit for campfires within your facility. For more information call 705-324-9411 extension 1343 or E-Mail the City Licensing Officer.


Recreational cannabis was legalized on October 17, 2018 by the federal government. It is now legal to purchase and use cannabis for recreational purposes across Canada.

Visit the City's Cannabis page for information on cannabis retail stores, purchasing cannabis, consumption of cannabis, reporting prohibited cannabis use, and more.

Charitable Gaming / Lottery License

The Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario (AGCO) authorizes the City of Kawartha Lakes to issue charitable gaming licences to charitable, not-for-profit organizations that demonstrate an eligible mandate including:

  • relief of poverty
  • advancement of education
  • advancement of religion
  • other charitable purposes beneficial to the community

Organizations must submit an eligibility package to the City and receive approval prior to applying for a charitable gaming license.

To apply for eligibility please complete the Eligibility Application.

You can E-Mail the City Licensing Officer or call 705-324-9411 extension 1238 if you have questions about the licensing process.

The original signed application must be handed in or by postal mailed to 37 Lindsay Street South, Lindsay, Ontario. All completed lottery licenses are to be picked up at 37 Lindsay Street South.

Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario Forms:

Death registration

The Office of the City Clerk provides various services required by Provincial legislation including the registration of deaths, in accordance with the Vital Statistics Act. This service is available to Funeral and Cremation Centres at City Hall or any Municipal Service Centre.

The Office of the Registrar General issues birth and death certificates. You can complete the application for a birth or death certificate online. Paper applications are available at the City of Kawartha Lakes Clerk's Office located at City Hall, 26 Francis Street, Lindsay ON, K9V 5R8.


Building permits are required for all decks with a height 0.6 metres (2 feet) or greater above grade at any point.

Permits are not required for decks less than 0.6 metres (2 feet) above grade, regardless of the area and regardless of whether the deck is connected to another structure or not.

Please visit the My Property page for more information on building permits, email the Building Division or call 705-324-9411 extension 1288 if you are unsure if a building permit is required.

Development Applications

The Planning division is responsible for processing development applications.

Discharge of Fireworks

Apply for a permit to discharge fireworks.

No Discharge Permit shall be required to discharge Consumer Fireworks on, or the 1 day preceding or the 1 day following:

  • Victoria Day
  • Canada Day
  • Family Day
  • Indigenous Peoples Day
  • Labour Day
  • New Years Eve

Event Application

The City of Kawartha Lakes appreciates the importance of special events in enhancing the quality of life, tourism, culture, recreation and education and in providing economic benefits to the local economy.

The Municipal Event Application (MEA) is a strategic resource for individuals hosting an event with an anticipated attendance of more than 500 individuals within Kawartha Lakes.


Fee Schedule

The City of Kawartha Lakes Fees By-law establishes fees for services offered by the City.


Fences are regulated by the Fence By-law in Kawartha Lakes. Contact the Building & Septic Division for information about constructing a fence. For information on building a fence on an undisputed property line, see Line Fences.

Film in Kawartha Lakes

The City of Kawartha Lakes provides one point of contact for location scout inquiries and production requests. Please refer to our Film in Kawartha Lakes page for more details.

Initial inquiry or reach out can be done directly through the Film Permit Application.

Fireworks Sales

A Sale of Consumer Fireworks licence is required for all businesses selling consumer fireworks in the City.

If you have questions please call 705-324-9411 extension 1328 or E-Mail the City Licensing Officer.

Applications can be received in person or by postal mail to 37 Lindsay Street South, Lindsay, Ontario. Payment must be received at the time of applying. If you are paying by cheque please make it out to the City of Kawartha Lakes. Application fees are non-refundable.

Freedom of Information

Freedom of Information requests can be filed at the Office of the City Clerk at City Hall, 26 Francis Street, Lindsay ON, K9V 5R8.

For more information on how to file a Formal FOI Request, visit our Freedom of Information page.


Garage or Shed

See the Building Permits section of the My Property page for information about necessary permits. 

Inspections pertaining to building permits

Minimum 48 hours notice is required when booking a building inspection.

Visit the My Property page to access the Contact information tab for contact numbers for arranging building inspections. 


A kennel licence is required for all persons who operate a kennel for the purposes of breeding, boarding, or training, whether for profit or not for profit including the keeping of hunting dogs.

If you have questions please call 705-324-9411 extension 1328 or E-Mail the City Licensing Officer.

Applications can be received in person or by postal mail to 37 Lindsay Street South, Lindsay, Ontario. Payment must be received at the time of applying. If you are paying by cheque please make it out to the City of Kawartha Lakes. Application fees are non-refundable.

Limited Service Agreement for Roads

Please visit the Roads and Parking section of our website for more information.

Line Fences (fences built on property lines)

Property owners both have the right to build a fence, compliant with the Fence By-law, on the property line. As both parties have the same right for one fence, this can sometimes cause disputes. The municipality always recommends resolving your dispute between yourself and your neighbour on terms that are suitable to everyone. If a dispute is unavoidable and:

  • There is no dispute about the location of the property line (property line disputes are civil matters dealt with by the courts and/or local land surveyor firms);
  • A fence has not already been constructed, or materials purchased; and
  • The proposed fence is not replacing a fence that is generally in a state of good repair
  • No other legal situation applies (swimming pools, condition of severance, subdivision agreement terms).

Then either one of two laws may apply to your situation:

Your property location within Kawartha Lakes determines which law applies to your situation. The Fence Cost Sharing By-law applies to all properties designated in the Official Plan as:

  • Urban (Bobcaygeon, Fenelon Falls, Lindsay, Omemee, Woodville)
  • Hamlet (smaller villages in Kawartha Lakes such as Coboconk, Kirkfield, Oakwood, Pontypool, Sturgeon Point, etc.)
  • Waterfront (lakeside and riverside locations throughout Kawartha Lakes with significant residential and seasonal development); and
  • Development Plan Areas

The Line Fences Act applies to all other areas not covered by the Fence Cost Sharing By-law listed above. This typically includes (but is not limited to);

  • Agricultural properties
  • Rural or forested properties
  • Severed residential lots in rural areas

Use the Fence Dispute Mapping Tool to determine which law applies to your property. When the fence is being constructed between two properties that are in the two different regulation areas, the Line Fences Act applies.

More information about both laws and commonly asked questions can be found on Fences Built on Property Line section of the My Property page.

Liquor License

The City facilitates the municipal approval process for new liquor license applications and temporary extensions to licensed areas. 

Please note: effective January 1, 2023, the Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario (AGCO) Registrar no longer accepts applications or has the authority to approve temporary outdoor extensions (temporary patios) for licensees located in municipalities. Licensees holding a valid Liquor Sales Licence from the AGCO can apply for a temporary outdoor extension as part of the Temporary Outdoor Physical Extension Licence Application. Applications can be returned with payment to:

Municipal Law Enforcement and Licensing Office
37 Lindsay Street South
Lindsay, Ontario, K9V 2L9

Applicants must notify the AGCO of the approval, the duration of the approval, and any conditions on the approval. As part of the completion of your application, you will be required to obtain clearance from the City of Kawartha Lakes for liquor sales licenses and temporary liquor license extensions.

The City of Kawartha Lakes has a fee for the processing of municipal liquor license approvals. The fees are as follows:

  • Temporary Extension to Licensed Areas - $104.00 per application
  • New Liquor License Applications - $208.00 per application

If you have questions please call 705-324-9411 extension 1328 or E-Mail the City Licensing Officer.

Liquor License Document Requirements:

  • Application Summary (AGCO Form)
  • Municipal Information Form (AGCO Form)
  • Liability Insurance
  • Site Plan
  • Licensing Fee

Applications can be received in person or by postal mail to the Municipal Law Enforcement and Licensing Office listed above. Payment must be received at the time of applying. If you are paying by cheque please make it out to the City of Kawartha Lakes. Application fees are non refundable

Livestock predation

Livestock and poultry producers are entitled to make claims to their local municipality for livestock injuries or kills due to predation by coyotes, dogs, wolves and other wildlife under the Ontario Wildlife Damage Compensation Program. More information on this program can be found on the Animal Services section of our website.

Take Immediate Action

  1. Notify a nearby Municipal Predation Investigator (Livestock Valuer) within 48 hours of discovering the injury or death of your livestock or poultry. Contact information can be found below.
  2. Preserve the injury/kill site: Do not move, destroy or dispose of the carcass(es) or injury/kill-site evidence until the municipal or territorial investigator has investigated and agrees it/they can be destroyed or disposed of. An exception will be made if this contravenes Ontario Regulation 106/09 of the Nutrient Management Act, 2002. Suggested methods of preserving the site include avoid walking in or around the area, placing a tarp over the carcass(es), adding lime around the site, and taking photos of the injuries/carcass(es) and scene.
  3. Seek veterinary care: If an animal sustained an injury, immediately seek veterinary care or other humane treatment options to prevent further suffering. Veterinary care costs are eligible under this program up to the Fair Market Value of the livestock. All receipts and invoices should be saved and submitted with the application.
 Municipal Livestock Predation Investigator Contact Information
If you believe you have suffered an injury or kill of livestock or poultry due to predation, you should immediately notify a nearby Predation Investigator by calling them directly. If the nearby investigator is unavailable, you may contact any of the investigators listed below, as they are all approved to conduct investigations anywhere in Kawartha Lakes.

You may also contact the City Clerk's Office at:

Office of the City Clerk
26 Francis Street, P.O. Box 9000
Lindsay, ON K9V 4R5

Phone: 705-324-9411 extension 1341 or 1342

E-Mail the Clerks Office

 Bobcaygeon, Omemee and Area (Emily, Verulam)
 John Hope, 705-731-7006
 Fenelon Falls, Coboconk and Area (Fenelon, Somerville, Bexley, Laxton-Digby-Longford)
 Brian Vanderkleyn, 705-887-5388
 Lindsay (Ops)

Charlie Clarke, 705-879-1073

Mark Robbins, 705-928-5946

 Little Britain, Oakwood and Area (Mariposa)
 Barry Dart, 705-340-9061
 Pontypool Area (Manvers)
 Jeff Schaafsma, 905-442-3126
 Woodville, Kirkfield and Area (Eldon, Carden, Dalton)
 Robert MacEachern, 705-439-2248


More information about getting married can be found on the Marriage Services page.

Motor vehicle racing facility

A licence is required for all businesses that operate lands, buildings, or structures for the use and/or purposes of motor vehicle racing.

If you have questions please call 705-324-9411 extension 1328 or E-Mail the City Licensing Officer.

Applications can be received in person or by postal mail to 37 Lindsay Street South, Lindsay, Ontario. Payment must be received at the time of applying. If you are paying by cheque please make it out to the City of Kawartha Lakes. Application fees are non-refundable.

Noise By-law Exemption

If your special event or construction activity may violate the Noise By-law you must apply for a Noise By-law Exemption. To apply for a Noise By-law Exemption, please complete the Noise Exemption Application and submit a non-refundable $77.00 fee.

If you have questions about a Noise By-law Exemption or if you would like to submit the $77.00 application fee please call 705-324-9411, extension 1212, or email By-Law Complaints.

Submit a Noise By-Law Exemption request by completing our online form.

Patio License Agreements

Restaurant or café owners can apply for a Patio License Agreement to allow them to extend their premises onto the City’s public right-of-way (sidewalk) from May 1 to October 31. Patio Licenses are non-transferable and valid only for the location specified on the agreement and are required to be applied for each year. The purpose of the license is to ensure patios are established in a safe and orderly manner and to promote pedestrian uses and increase street level activity.

The following will be required in order to obtain a Patio License Agreement:

  • business name
  • business address
  • owner name(s)
  • phone number
  • email address
  • A drawing of the proposed patio listing measurements

Per the agreement, section 3.03 Pedestrian Passage:  The LICENCEE agrees that all portions of the sidewalk abutting the LANDS will have a minimum of two (2) metres of continuous unobstructed space along the entire frontage LANDS for the movement of pedestrians. This distance shall be measured perpendicular from the curb, toward the LANDS, to the closest obstruction and shall not serpentine along the HIGHWAY.

  • payment for Annual Patio License Fee (2024 fee is $310.00)
  • proof of insurance with the City named as a co-insured in an amount of no less than $5,000,000.00 (is required when serving alcohol), $2,000,000.00 (is required if NOT serving alcohol).

Use our online form to apply today:

Temporary Patio License Application

For more information on the Patio License Agreement process contact Engineering and Corporate Assets.

Pool permit

Any swimming pool capable of containing a water depth of greater than 1.2 metres (48 inches) of water requires a pool permit.

The City of Kawartha Lakes Pool By-law 2005-314 outlines the requirements for the installation of both above ground and in ground swimming pools and the associated fencing requirements. The Pool By-law regulates all private pools servicing 1-5 dwelling units.

The Ontario Building Code regulates all public pools, which includes private pools servicing 6 or more dwelling units. Common examples of public pools are pools servicing trailer parks, cottage establishments and hotels/motels. A building permit is required to install these types of pools.


For more information or to complete an application visit the My Property page.

Property Taxes

Visit our Taxes page for information about due dates, notification options, payment and the appeals process.

Tax Rebates 

We offer tax rebates for the following criteria:

Low Income Senior and Disabled Persons Programs 

Council grants eligible seniors and disabled property owners up to $175. Please read the eligibility requirements and complete the Low Income Senior and Disabled Persons Tax Assistance Form to submit an application for this program.

You can pick up an application form at any Municipal Service Centre or City Hall. The deadline to apply for this program is June 30, 2017. Successful applicants will receive a credit applied to future tax installments. The City does not issue refunds for this program.

If you are on a monthly pre-authorized payment plan the credit will be applied towards your reconciliation payment. For those on the instalment due date plan, the credit will be applied to the September instalment.

Registered Charity Tax Rebate

Registered charitable organizations renting space in commercial or industrial properties can apply for the Registered Charity Tax Rebate. 

Refreshment Vehicle

A Refreshment Vehicle Licence is required for all mobile food vendors including chip trucks, catering trucks, hotdog carts, ice cream carts, portable bbq's, etc.

If you have questions please call 705-324-9411 extension 1328 or E-Mail the City Licensing Officer.

Applications can be received in person or by postal mail to 37 Lindsay Street South, Lindsay, Ontario. Payment must be received at the time of applying. If you are paying by cheque please make it out to the City of Kawartha Lakes. Application fees are non-refundable.

Road permits, applications and Municipal Consent

Introducing, Permit Central, our new online public access portal for Roads Operations Permits.

Please note that Permit Central is now the only place you can apply for the five roads operations permits listed below. Submitting the applications via email, will not be an option moving forward.

As of June 3, 2024 the following permits are exclusively available in Permit Central:

Note that the above permit applications must all be submitted, inclusive of payment where applicable, via the Permit Central online portal.

Check out the Permit Central How to Guide for more information on how to sign up and use the portal. If you need help while applying for permits, read the Permit Central How to Guide for Roads Operations Permits

If you need assistance creating a Permit Central account, please contact Roads Operations at 705-324-9411 extension 1171.

The following applications are not in Permit Central and no changes have been made to how they should be completed:

  • Utility companies require Municipal Consent in order to make installations within the City of Kawartha Lakes right-of way. Approval of a Municipal Consent is only granted to utility companies, commissions, agencies and private applicants, who have the authority to construct, operate and maintain their infrastructure within the City right-of-way.

    All utility work within the City requires Municipal Consent from Engineering & Corporate Assets and a Road Occupancy Permit Application from the Public Works Department. With the exception of emergency work, no installations shall begin before Municipal Consent has been received. Companies must provide formal, detailed drawings for review that show where the utility will be placed. CKL aims to have Municipal Consents approved within 30 days of submission. This deadline cannot always be met depending on request complexity, scope of project and number of submissions received.

    Please contact Engineering & Corporate Assets to start the process of submitting a Municipal Consent Application.


Salvage Yard

A licence is required for all automobile wrecking yards or a place designed or intended to receive scrap metals or other materials.

If you have questions please call 705-324-9411 extension 1328 or E-Mail the City Licensing Officer.

Applications can be received in person or by postal mail to 37 Lindsay Street South, Lindsay, Ontario. Payment must be received at the time of applying. If you are paying by cheque please make it out to the City of Kawartha Lakes. Application fees are non-refundable.

Seasonal Trailer Park

A Seasonal Trailer Park Licence is required for all persons operating a business wherein land is made available to the public to locate trailers, tents, recreational vehicles.

If you have questions please call 705-324-9411 extension 1328 or E-Mail the City Licensing Officer.

Applications can be received in person or by postal mail to 37 Lindsay Street South, Lindsay, Ontario. Payment must be received at the time of applying. If you are paying by cheque please make it out to the City of Kawartha Lakes. Application fees are non-refundable.

Septic systems and permits

Sewage system permits are required for all private on-site sewage systems with a daily design sewage flow of 10,000 litres per day or less, for new installations, replacement installations and additions and repairs.

Sewage system permits are not required for Class 1 systems, privies or portable toilets, however standards still apply. Please contact the Building & Septic Division Lindsay office if you are unsure if a permit is required or for clarification of requirements.

Septic Rehabilitation Loan Program

For more information, visit the My Property page

Short Term Rental Business Accommodation License

As of June 20, 2023 all Short Term Rental businesses in Kawartha Lakes are subject to having a Short Term Rental Business Accommodation License.

The online application is now live and Short Term Rental owners are encouraged to apply for their license.

For more information, please visit the Short Term Rental page.

The Short Term Rental Accommodation Business License Application can be found here.

Sign permit 

The City of Kawartha Lakes Sign By-law 2009-076 regulates advertising signs and specifically requires permits. Including most signs located within the urban boundaries of the Village of Bobcaygeon, Village of Fenelon Falls and Town of Lindsay.

The Ontario Building Code regulates all advertising signs, with a few exceptions.

For more information visit the My Property page.

Source protection 

It is important to be aware of source protection areas at all times.

To determine if your property is in a source water protection area, and to access permits and other planning and information resources, visit the Kawartha Conservation website.

City of Kawartha Lakes Source Protection Plans can be found under the Trent Conservation Authorities website as well as under the South Georgian Bay Lake Simcoe website and the Ontario Government website

Special events

A licence is required for events on private property for more than 350 attendees.

If you have questions please call 705-324-9411 extension 1328 or E-Mail the City Licensing Officer.


Specialized transit application (LIMO) 

LIMO Specialized Transit is a shared door to door public transit service for people with physical or functional disabilities who are not able to use conventional public transit. It operates in the town of Lindsay.

You must complete a two part application form before you can use LIMO Specialized Transit. You can fill out section A of the form yourself and must have your health care professional fill out section B. Use the contact information on the back of the form to send your finished application to the Transit office.

If you have questions please call 705-324-3331.


Taxicab and limousine 

A licence is required for all taxicab and limousine businesses, vehicles, and drivers.

If you have questions please call 705-324-9411 extension 1328 or E-Mail the City Licensing Officer.

Applications can be received in person or by postal mail to 37 Lindsay Street South, Lindsay, Ontario. Payment must be received at the time of applying. If you are paying by cheque please make it out to the City of Kawartha Lakes. Application fees are non-refundable.

Tile drainage

The Tile Drainage Loan Program allows landowners to access loan funding through the City for the installation of Tile Drainage Systems on their agricultural land. Applications for the loan program are available at the Office of the City Clerk, and information on Tile and other Municipal Drainage can be obtained by contacting the Municipal Drainage Superintendent.

If you have questions please call 705-324-9411 or E-Mail the Clerks Office.


You can access an Application for Tile Loan on the Ontario Government website.

Traffic Management Requests

Many departments and divisions are involved in Traffic Management in Kawartha Lakes. Learn more on our Traffic Management Requests FAQ page.

To request a new all-way stop, a speed limit reduction and/or the installation of traffic calming measures in your neighbourhood, the first step is submitting a petition to us. Learn more about submitting a petition on our Petitions and Correspondence to City Council page.

Transient trader 

A licence is required for all businesses that travel from place to place, door-to-door sales, and vendors at community events.

If you have questions please call 705-324-9411 extension 1328 or E-Mail the City Licensing Officer.

Applications can be received in person or by postal mail to 37 Lindsay Street South, Lindsay, Ontario. Payment must be received at the time of applying. If you are paying by cheque please make it out to the City of Kawartha Lakes. Application fees are non-refundable.

Water or sewer 

  • To enroll in utility billing, complete an Application for Service.
  • If you are going away and would like your utilities to be turned off, complete a Seasonal Turn On / Turn Off Application . Submit this application five business days prior to the service request date;
  • To register for pre-authorized debit for water and wastewater, complete the PAD Agreement Application.

If you have questions please call 705-324-9411.

For applications, licenses and permits not listed here, contact Customer Service 705-324-9411.

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