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By-Law and Municipal Law Enforcement

The Municipal Law Enforcement division is responsible for investigation and enforcement of City by-laws.

To file a complaint, please fill out a Municipal Law Enforcement general complaint form.

Find out how to pay a ticket or fine.

Pets and animal services

Visit the animal services section of our website to find out about:

  • lost and found pets
  • wildlife
  • reporting a dead animal
  • livestock predation
  • kennel licensing
  • the Humane Society
  • animal licenses and dog tags
  • fishing and hunting


Visit the parking section of our website to find out about parking by-laws. 

Property standards

Municipal Law Enforcement is responsible for investigating and enforcing the Property Standards By-Law.

Property standards complaints must be sent to the Municipal Law Enforcement Office in writing. To make a complaint you must provide your full name, address, phone number and a description of the problem. You can submit a property standards complaint online or in person.

Complaints are confidential until such time as the complainant may be asked to testify in support of the complaint.

Short Term Rental Complaints

You asked and we delivered! If you live near a Short Term Rental (STR) and you've been experiencing issues such as loud parties, trespassing, violation of occupancy limits, parking issues, or anything else, you can now report your issues at any time to our 24/7 Complaint Hotline and/or Online Form.

Residents can either call the number listed below to get their complaint in or they can visit the online form:

Call: 705-990-2497
Use the online form: 24/7 STR Complaints Hotline 

Reporting your complaints or issues through these channels will help us to monitor Kawartha Lakes' Short Term Rental units for non-compliance and possible By-Law infractions. Which in-turn, will help us to ensure that Short Term Rentals are following all of the rules that they have to follow in order to remain licensed. 

For more information visit our Short Term Rentals page.

Any questions about the hotline or online form can be directed to

Taxi and limousines 

All taxicab and limousine companies licensed to operate within Kawartha Lakes must have their vehicles inspected and approved in accordance with By-law 2013-198. Visit the applications, licenses and permits section of our website, call 705-324-9411 extension 1212 or E-Mail Municipal Law Enforcement for more information.

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