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Downtown Parking Strategy

Welcome to the Downtown Parking Strategy project page

In 2019 the municipality is undertook a Downtown Parking Strategy to examine the current and future parking requirements in the downtown areas of Lindsay, Fenelon Falls and Bobcaygeon. As outlined in the Kawartha Lakes Transportation Master Plan, this study will develop solutions to optimize parking in the defined areas.

Project background:

In the last several years, demand for downtown parking has increased dramatically. In downtown Lindsay, the average rate of use for parking during peak weekday business hours has increased from 61% in 2014 to 81% in 2018. 

Downtown Fenelon FallsBobcaygeon and Fenelon Falls have also seen increased pressure on parking resources. 

Kawartha Lakes is projected to grow to a population of 100,000 by 2031 and the Strategy will help prepare for this growth.

Kawartha Lakes has been gathering public input on expectations and experiences of parking downtown in the current project communities.

Two online surveys were made available between March and August 2019.

An report came to Council on June 1, 2021, following IBI's completion of the consultation strategy. Key project timeline and documents are available on the right hand side of this page.

If you have any questions regarding the project, please contact the project lead below.

Project Lead: 

Adam Found, PhD, PLE
Manager of Corporate Assets
Corporate Assets Division               
Department of Engineering and Corporate Assets
12 Peel Street, P.O. Box 9000
Lindsay, ON K9V 5R8
Phone: (705) 324-9411 extension 1183
Fax: (705) 324-2982

Adam Found, Project Lead, Downtown Parking Strategy

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