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Join a Board or Committee

Boards and committees provide advice and recommendations to Council. Most committees include members of the public, and members of Council. Volunteering on a board or committee is a great way to:

  • meet new people and share your ideas and talents
  • provide input into the strategic direction setting and decision-making of the municipality
  • support local government in adequately addressing issues
  • make a difference in your community

Current vacancies

Specific citizen positions for various committees will appear from time to time below to provide Kawartha Lakes residents opportunities to volunteer their time, in various activities associated with local government.

The City of Kawartha Lakes invites applications from members of the public, including citizen and stakeholder interest group representatives, who are interested in serving on the City of Kawartha Lakes Boards and Committees. Members of the public interested in serving on Boards and Committees are asked to submit a Citizen Appointment Application Form.

The citizen positions listed below provide City of Kawartha Lakes residents with an opportunity to volunteer their time in various activities associated with local government.

Applicant eligibility:

  • A resident of the City (own, rent, live in shared accommodation where you do not pay rent or live in the municipality with no fixed address); or
  • An owner of property in the City or a person who rents property in the City, or the spouse of the above; and
  • at least eighteen years of age; and
  • a Canadian citizen or a permanent resident of Canada.


Citizen Appointments

The citizen positions listed below provide City of Kawartha Lakes residents with an opportunity to volunteer their time in various activities associated with local government.

Applicant eligibility:

  • A resident of the City (own, rent, live in shared accommodation where you do not pay rent or live in the municipality with no fixed address); or
  • An owner of property in the City or a person who rents property in the City, or the spouse of the above; and
  • at least eighteen years of age; and
  • a Canadian citizen or a permanent resident of Canada.

Please note that there are no vacancies at the current time.

Download a printable Citizen Appointment Application Form


In addition to any other qualification requirements established by resolution or by City policy, any Persons appointed to a Committee must be:

  • A resident of the City (own, rent, live in shared accommodation where you do not pay rent or live in the municipality with no fixed address); or
  • An owner of property in the City or a person who rents property in the City, or the spouse of the above; and
  • at least eighteen years of age; and
  • a Canadian citizen or a permanent resident of Canada.

The following persons are ineligible for appointment to the City's Committees as a Citizen Appointee:

  • current members of the Council (with the exceptions of statutory requirements and ex officio positions)
  • current trustees of the Trillium Lakelands District School Board or the Peterborough, Victoria, Northumberland, Clarington Catholic District School Board who have direct association/affiliation with the service/facility in question
  • current City employees who have direct association/affiliation with the service/facility in question
  • any person who may have an actual or perceived (in the opinion of the Interview Team) conflict of interest with the purposes of the Committee in question due to his or her employment or otherwise
  • any person who is in litigation or potential litigation with the municipality


Terms are established within the Terms of Reference for each board or committee and may vary from one to four years.

Many committee positions last for the term of Council (4 years: 2018-2022 or 2022-2026)


With the exception of the Municipal Election Compliance Audit Committee, Committee of Council appointments are on a volunteer basis. No per diems are paid.

Application process and form

Applications are only accepted when a vacancy on a board or committee has been advertised. Each autumn an advertisement will appear in the local newspaper regarding upcoming positions available to residents to sit on various boards or committees. All residents are welcome to apply by submitting a Citizen Appointment Application Form. Applicants are responsible to ensure that the Municipal City Clerk's Office has received your application.

Download a printable Citizen Appointment Application Form

Selection process

Once application submissions have closed, application forms are reviewed, short-listed and interviews take place. A report is submitted to Council by staff on behalf of the interview team with recommended appointments. This report is dealt with in closed session as it contains personal information. Council appoints the members in open session and all applicants are advised of the decision.

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