Kawartha Lakes - If you own your home and have been in need of repairs, energy efficient upgrades or accessibility modifications, there may be help.
Kawartha Lakes is participating in the Ontario Renovates Component of the Ontario Priorities Housing Initiative, which was developed to help homeowners improve their living conditions by providing financial assistance to repair deficiencies or make accessibility modifications.
Kawartha-Haliburton Renovates provides a forgivable loan to a maximum of $10,000 for repairs such as roofs, plumbing, heating, foundations, wells and septic systems. A grant to a maximum of $5,000 is also available for modifications to reduce physical barriers like ramps, handrails, chair and bath lifts and countertop height adjustments.
“We know there is a tremendous need for this type of funding in our area,” said Hope Lee, Manager of Housing. “Unfortunately there is limited funding to use toward it." Each eligible application received will be considered for funding on a priority basis. Application forms for the 2021 funding year will be available on April 1, 2021 and can be submitted until April 30, 2021.
Applicants must own their own home. The market value of their home must be at or below $435,126. The applicant’s household income cannot exceed the limits in the table below.
1 Bedroom |
2 Bedroom |
3 Bedroom |
4+Bedroom |
$33,000 |
$39,500 |
$43,500 |
$59,500 |
Applicants must have adequate home insurance, be current with property taxes and mortgage payments and their home located either in the Kawartha Lakes or the County of Haliburton.
Applications and further information can be obtained online at Kawartha Lakes Housing Services, under Homeowner assistance. For further information, please call 705-324-9870 or 1-877-324-9870 or email cklhumanservices@kawarthalakes.ca.
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