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City of Kawartha Lakes Committee of Adjustment Notice of Public Hearing for Minor Variance 20241114

City of Kawartha Lakes

Committee of Adjustment

Notice of Public Hearing for Minor Variance

This Public Meeting will be held virtually with electronic public participation. To attend in person, seating is limited. You must reserve a seat with the Recording Secretary to be able to attend City Hall in person. Please email to reserve your seat. If you have not received a confirmation email from the Planning Division, Recording Secretary that a seat has been reserved for you, you do not yet have a seat reserved for you.

The Committee of Adjustment webcast is available through the City of Kawartha Lakes livestream at:

Video and/or audio recording is not permitted during Council or Committee of Council meetings, pursuant to Trespass to Property Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. T.21.

Take notice, that the Committee of Adjustment of the City of Kawartha Lakes will hold a Public Meeting on November 28, 2024 at 1:00pm in the Council Chambers City Hall, 26 Francis Street, Lindsay, Ontario, to consider minor variance/permission applications, D20-2024-089, D20-2024-096, D20-2024-097, D20-2024-098, D20-2024-099, D20-2024-100, D20-2024-101, D20-2024-102, D20-2024-103, D20-2024-104 and D20-2024-105. A number of applications will be considered at this meeting. The applications are considered in the order that they appear on the Agenda and it may take some time before an application is dealt with at the meeting. The minor variance/permission applications being considered are listed below:

D20-2024-089 – 47 Sugar Bush Trail, Part Lot 26, Concession 10, Geographic Township of Fenelon, Ward 3, now in the City of Kawartha Lakes - To consider relief under Section 45(1) of the Planning Act., R. S. O., as amended, from the Township of Fenelon Zoning By-law 12-95, as amended. The purpose and effect is to facilitate the recognition of an existing detached garage by seeking relief from the following provisions:

  1. Section of the Zoning By-law requires a minimum interior side yard setback for accessory structures of 1.2 metres; the existing setback is +/- 0.68 metres from the southwest corner and +/- 0.8 metres from the southeast corner;
  2. Section of the Zoning By-law requires a minimum setback for an accessory structure from a residential building on the same lot of 1.2 metres; the existing setback is +/- 1.1 metres; and,
  3. Section a) of the Zoning By-law requires a minimum front yard setback of 7.5 metres; the existing setback is +/- 2.6 metres from the southwest corner and +/- 2.9 metres from the northwest corner.

D20-2024-096 – 145 Queen Street, Lots 7 to 8 South of Queen, Plan 100, Former Village of Fenelon Falls, Ward 3, now in the City of Kawartha Lakes - To consider relief under Section 45(1) of the Planning Act., R. S. O., as amended, from the Village of Fenelon Falls Zoning By-Law 89-25, as amended. The purpose and effect is to facilitate the construction of a roof-covered patio onto an existing detached garage. Relief is requested from Section 5.1.4. of the Zoning By-law, which permits a maximum 5% accessory structure lot coverage; the proposed accessory structure lot coverage is +/- 10.1%.

D20-2024-097 – 37 Parkhill Drive, Part Lot 13, Concession 2 (being Lot 22 on Plan 218), Geographic Township of Verulam, Ward 3, now in the City of Kawartha Lakes - To consider relief under Section 45(1) of the Planning Act., R. S. O., as amended, from the Township of Verulam Zoning By-law 6-87, as amended. The purpose and effect is to facilitate the conversion of the existing detached garage to an Additional Residential Unit (ARU). Section 5.27 vi) of the Zoning By-law requires a minimum lot area of 4,000 square metres for a lot that is privately serviced to have an ARU; the existing lot area is +/- 1,093 square metres.

D20-2024-098 – 137 Royal Oak Road, Part Lot 3, Concession 5, Geographic Township of Mariposa, Ward 4, now in the City of Kawartha Lakes - To consider relief under Section 45(1) of the Planning Act., R. S. O., as amended, from the Township of Mariposa Zoning By-law 94-07, as amended. The purpose and effect is to recognize an existing front porch. Section a) of the Zoning By-law requires a minimum front yard setback of 30 metres; the existing setback is +/- 17 metres.

D20-2024-099 – 752 County Road 46, Part Lot 6, Concession 14 (being Part 1 of Reference Plan 57R-6032), Geographic Township of Mariposa, Ward 4, now in the City of Kawartha Lakes - To consider relief under Section 45(1) of the Planning Act., R. S. O., as amended, from the Township of Mariposa Zoning By-law 94-07, as amended. The purpose and effect is to facilitate the construction of a detached garage. Relief is requested from Section of the Zoning By-law, which permits a maximum height of 5 metres for any accessory structure (as accessory to a residential zone or use); the proposed height of the detached garage is +/- 6.58 metres.

D20-2024-100 – 322 Front Street West, Lot 20, Plan 133, former Village of Bobcaygeon, Ward 2, now in the City of Kawartha Lakes - To consider relief under Section 45(1) of the Planning Act., R. S. O., as amended, from the Village of Bobcaygeon Zoning By-Law 16-78, as amended. The purpose and effect is to facilitate the redevelopment of an existing cottage establishment, through construction of five (5) new two-storey cottages, as well as second-storey additions on nine (9) of the existing cottages. Three (3) existing cottages are to be demolished in place of the new cottages. Relief is requested from the following sections of the Zoning By-law (the numbered cottages correspond to the numbers shown on the site plan):

  1. Section 13.2.c. of the Zoning By-law requires a minimum front yard setback of 9 metres; the proposed front yard setbacks of the five (5) new two-storey cottages are +/- 3 metres; the existing front yard setback of Cottage #1 is +/- 0.93 metres;
  2. Section 13.2.d. of the Zoning By-law requires a minimum rear yard setback of 7.5 metres; the existing rear yard setback of Cottage #5 is +/- 5.08 metres; and,
  3. Section 13.2.e. of the Zoning By-law requires a minimum interior side yard setback of 2.5 metres; the existing side yard setbacks of Cottages #1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 13, 14, and 15 range between +/- 0.38 metres to +/- 1.53 metres (site plan identifies individual setbacks); Cottage #12 currently extends beyond the property boundaries and is proposed with a +/- 1.53 metre side yard setback.

D20-2024-101 – 86 Finch Street, Part Lot 28, Concession 8 (being Lot 1, Plan 210; Part 2 of Reference Plan 57R-3688), Geographic Township of Fenelon, Ward 3, now in the City of Kawartha Lakes - To consider relief under Section 45(1) of the Planning Act., R. S. O., as amended, from the Township of Fenelon Zoning By-Law 12-95, as amended. The purpose and effect is to facilitate the construction of an addition onto the existing single-detached dwelling. Relief is requested from Section which requires a minimum 15 metre water setback; the proposed water setback is +/- 8.5 metres.

D20-2024-102 – 100 Reid Street, Part Block G, Plan 29, former Village of Bobcaygeon, Ward 2, now in the City of Kawartha Lakes - To consider relief under Section 45(1) of the Planning Act., R. S. O., as amended, from the Village of Bobcaygeon Zoning By-law 16-78, as amended. The purpose and effect is to facilitate the severance of the property to create three (3) new residential lots each to contain a future single detached dwelling. Section 5.2 b) of the Zoning By-law requires a minimum lot frontage of 15 metres; the proposed frontage of each new lot is +/- 13.46 metres. The Minor Variance is being processed concurrently with Consent applications D03-2024-059, D03-2024-060, and D03-2024-061.

D20-2024-103 – 43 Brook Road, Part Lot 18, Concession 3, Geographic Township of Somerville, Ward 2, now in the City of Kawartha Lakes - To consider relief under Section 45(1) of the Planning Act., R. S. O., as amended, from the Township of Somerville Zoning By-law 78-45, as amended. The purpose and effect is to facilitate the construction of an addition onto the existing single detached dwelling. Section 18.26.4 e) of the Zoning By-law permits a maximum extension of 18 square metres for a building or structure containing habitable space for properties with zoning that is subject to the Floodplain (F) Symbol; the proposed addition is +/- 37.2 square metres.

D20-2024-104 – 12 Kirkconnell Road, Lot 45, Plan 633, Former Town of Lindsay, Ward 5, now in the City of Kawartha Lakes - To consider relief under Section 45(1) of the Planning Act., R. S. O., as amended, from the Town of Lindsay Zoning By-Law 2000-75, as amended. The purpose and effect is to facilitate the construction of an addition onto an existing single-detached dwelling. Relief is requested from Section 6.2.f of the Zoning By-law which requires a 7.5 metre minimum rear yard setback; the proposed addition seeks a +/- 6.67 rear yard setback.

D20-2024-105 – 89 Durham Street West, Part Lots 6 and 7 on Plan 140, Former Town of Lindsay, Ward 7, now in the City of Kawartha Lakes - To consider relief under Section 45(1) of the Planning Act., R. S. O., as amended, from the Town of Lindsay Zoning By-law 2000-75, as amended. The purpose and effect is to facilitate the construction of a detached garage. Section 5.2 c) of the Zoning By-law permits a maximum lot coverage for accessory structures of 5% of the lot area; the proposed accessory structure lot coverage is +/- 18%.

The Committee will make a decision according to information or evidence received before and during the hearing.

Additional Information relating to this proposal may be obtained from (Katherine Evans and Ahmad Shahid) during regular office hours.

How to Participate in the Public Hearings

Submit comments in writing: Submit comments in writing to the City of Kawartha Lakes, Planning Department, 180 Kent Street West, Lindsay, Ontario, K9V 2Y6, prior to this meeting or by email to Comments received by 4:00pm on (November 27, 2024) will be provided to Members of the Committee of Adjustment prior to the meeting.

Register to speak at the Committee of Adjustment Meeting via electronic participation:  should you wish to speak at the Committee of Adjustment meeting, please email the Planning Department at Please include:

• your name (first and last);

• email address in order to send you an invite to participate in the meeting via Zoom which allows for participation by computer, mobile device or telephone;

• which item on the agenda you wish to address; and,

• any visual materials such as pictures or a PowerPoint presentation.

Notwithstanding the deadlines noted above, members of the public are requested to register as soon as possible in order to facilitate an orderly registration process and meeting.

Members of the public are encouraged to email written comments to prior to the date above even if they choose to register to speak at the meeting via electronic participation in order for the Committee of Adjustment Members to have their comments in the event they are not successful in joining the electronic meeting.

Electronic Participation for Persons Wishing to Make Representations

Upon receipt of your request to speak at the meeting, you will be provided the Zoom meeting details and password prior to the meeting, including a link to educational resources for those who may be new to using Zoom.

Please note that neither a computer, nor a video sharing device, is required to participate in the meeting via Zoom. You may also opt to call in from a cell or landline. A call-in number will be provided in the email invite for this purpose.

Persons who intend to participate during the meeting may wish to register/sign up in Zoom if they have not already done so. The following information is provided for your consideration and guidance during remote participation in the meeting:

As screen-sharing will not be enabled for participants during this meeting, those persons who wish to provide a visual presentation (PowerPoint or other) must email it to The Clerk who is moderating the meeting will share your presentation from his/her screen as you speak. Therefore, in order to allow sufficient time for set-up and testing in advance of the meeting start time, those who wish to provide visual presentations are required to register to speak and provide those materials to the Planning Department prior to 4:00pm on November 27, 2024).

• When you join the meeting, either by phone or online, you will be admitted in as an attendee. You will not be greeted upon joining the call. You will be able to hear the meeting and see the active speaker (if you have video capability), but your microphone will be muted until it is your turn to speak.

• You may also follow along on livestream until you are called upon to speak (a separate device is best if you are calling on a cell), but you must mute that feed when you are called on to speak in order to prevent feedback. Please note there may be a 5 to 30 second delay between the live meeting and what you see on livestream.

• If you join the Zoom meeting through your phone, please do not put the phone on hold at any time, as this will result in broadcasting “hold music” online once your microphone function is unmuted.

• To optimize call quality when using a laptop, a headset with microphone is best if available to you; otherwise, whether using your laptop microphone or cell phone, please speak directly into the receiver and do not use speaker phone.

• If you are having technical difficulties on (November 28, 2024) with respect to gaining access to Zoom, you may contact the Clerk’s Office via email at or call at 705-324-9411 ext. 1322 or ext. 1266. Please be advised that the City has limited resources available and is not able to diagnose or address technical issues with your hardware or internet connection.

Please be reminded that the meeting will be live streamed and archived to the livestream. If you enable your camera, you will appear to meeting participants and on the livestream.

• Please do not share the Zoom meeting details with anyone or post through social media. These details are restricted to Members of Committee of Adjustment, specifically designated staff, applicants or their representatives and persons that have made a request to speak. All others will be able to watch and listen to the meeting on the City of Kawartha Lakes livestream.

Public delegations will be provided five (5) minutes in which to make their comments once called upon to speak by the Committee Chair. Questioning of / debate with the members or staff is not permitted. If you have questions, you may state them during your five minutes. Your comments must be directly related to the content of the report(s) to which you are speaking. The Committee Members may choose to ask you follow-up questions following your remarks, comment, or ask staff to respond to what you have said.

Persons Wishing to Make Representations In Person

  • The Meeting starts at 1:00pm. Please arrive early so that you do not interrupt a meeting in progress.  
  • Do not bring any additional guests with you who have not registered with the Planning Division, Recording secretary, for in-person attendance. There is limited seating being provided in Council Chambers
  • Please enter at the Colborne Street Doors of City Hall (26 Francis Street, Lindsay).
  • Bring any speaking notes with you. If you can send them at least one hour in advance of the meeting, we can circulate them to the committee prior to the meeting. Please email any notes to
  • To speak at the podium, you must press the button at the base of the microphone. This will turn the microphone red, which means it’s on, and all in the room, and those online can hear you.
  • Health, Safety and Medical Masks: The health and safety of our community and staff is our top priority. Wearing a medical mask or non-medical face covering before entering the office is optional. For accessibility purposes for people watching online, it is our preference that those speaking at the podium remove their mask temporarily. We also ask that you:
    • Practice physical distancing when possible.
    • Use the hand sanitizer that is provided for you.
    • Stay at home if you are experiencing COVID-19 related symptoms.
    • Respect others rights to wear a face mask.

     •    You are encouraged to send written comments for the Committee of Adjustment’s consideration in addition to your oral presentation to

The Secretary-Treasurer shall send one copy of the decision to each person who appeared in person or by counsel at the hearing and who filed with the Secretary-Treasurer a written request for notice of the decision.

Accessible formats and communication supports are available, upon request.

Dated at the City of Kawartha Lakes this 14th Day of November 2024.

Mark LaHay, Secretary-Treasurer

Committee of Adjustment, City of Kawartha Lakes

Lindsay Municipal Office, 180 Kent Street West,

Lindsay, Ontario K9V 2Y6

Telephone: 705-324-9411 Extension 1324

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