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City of Kawartha Lakes Notice of Applications for Consent to Convey Land 20241111

City of Kawartha Lakes                                                                  
Notice of Applications for Consent to Convey Land

D03-2024-054          Location:        232 Lakeshore Drive
                                                          Part Lot 20, Concession 14
                                                          Geographic Township of Emily, Ward 6

                                   Owner:           Carolyn Maynes

                                   Applicant:      Carolyn Maynes

The purpose of the proposed consent is to permit a lot line adjustment between two lots (232 Lakeshore Drive & 234 Lakeshore Drive) in order to consolidate part of 234 Lakeshore Drive to 232 Lakeshore Drive by straightening the property line between the two lots from the road (Lakeshore Drive) to the lakefront (Pigeon Lake). The subject lands, being Part Lots 22 & 23, Concession 14, Emily (RP; 57R49, Part 20) known municipally as 232 Lakeshore Drive, is being severed so a portion of the lands will be transferred to 234 Lakeshore Drive (Part Lots 22 & 23, Concession 14, Emily (RP; 57R49, Part 19), which is the benefitting lot.

D03-2024-062 (A)    Location:        Part Lot A, Concession B, Part 1, 59R-9117; and

D03-2024-063 (B)                            Part Lot B, Concession A; Part 2, 57R-9117

                                                           Geographic Township of Somerville, Ward 1

                                    Owners:         Kenneth and Sharon Kimmerly

                                    Owners:         R. A. Colonel Young

                                    Applicant:      Joyce Parkinson

The purpose of the proposed consent is to grant an easement/right-of-way on/over Mission Drive (Norland) Somerville to the benefitting parcel of land described as 1675 Mission Road, Part Lot 29, Concession 1, Parcel 3, PL35194 (Lutterworth) Township of Minden Hills.

The subject lands consist of a strip of land including  Part of Lot B, Concession A; Part 2 57R-9117, having an area of approximately 82 square metres (0.2 acres) in size with a width of about 7 metres (23 feet) abutting Nevison Drive in the south and the Road Allowance between Concessions A and B to the north; and also Part of Lot A, Concession B; Part 1 of 57R-9117 being a parcel of about 0.52 acre, and approximately 7 metres in width extending from the Concession Road Allowance northward to the boundary of City of Kawartha Lakes and County of Haliburton.

The owner of the benefitting parcel has been granted approval for the remaining part of Mission Drive in Haliburton County.

D03-2024-064          Location:        12 Victoria Street

                                                           Part Lots 17 to 20, Part Block T East of Victoria; and

                                                           Part Block M South of Albert Street, Plan 80, Village of Oakwood

                                                           Geographic Township of Mariposa, Ward 4

                                    Owner:           Stephen Luchuk

                                    Applicant:      Stephen Luchuk


The purpose of the application is to create one new residential lot with frontage on Albert Street, to contain a future single detached dwelling.

The subject lands consist of Part Lots 17 to 20, Part Block T East of Victoria Street; and Part Block M south of Albert Street, Plan 80, Village of Oakwood, Mariposa.

The subject lands have a combined area of approximately 3899 square metres (0.963 acre). The parcel has about 28.58 metres abutting Victoria Street and approximately 27.18 metres abutting Albert Street, and contain existing storage building(s) and or structure(s).

Through the severance, approximately 2017 square metres (0.498 acre) would be severed from the subject lands with frontage of about 27.18 metres on Albert Street.  The proposed severed parcel currently contains storage buildings and/or structures that will be removed.

The retained parcel would be about 1882 square metres (0.465 acre) in size, would have frontage of approximately 28.58 metres on Victoria Street; and is currently vacant.

D03-2024-066 (Lot 2) Location:     s/s Mill Street West

D03-2024-067 (Lot 1)                       (Two consent Applications Part Lot 14, Concession 19 Harvey;

                                                           Part 1 57R9118)

                                                           Geographic Village of Bobcaygeon (Ward 2)

                                    Owner:           Dave Sweeney

                                    Applicant:      Tom DeBoer, TD Consulting Inc.


The purpose of the application is to create two new residential lots with frontage on Mill Street, in Bobcaygeon.

The subject lands consist of Part Lot 14, Concession 19 Harvey; Part 1 57R-9118 S/T R442531; South of Mill Street.  The lands have a combined area of approximately 1850 square metres (0.46 acre); and have about 88.5 metres abutting Mill Street and is currently vacant.

LOT # 1

Through the severance, approximately 476.5 square metres (5129 square feet) would be severed from the subject lands with frontage of about 24.98 metres (82 feet) on Mill Street.  The proposed severed parcel would be a vacant Residential Type One (R1) Zoned lot.

LOT # 2

Through the severance, approximately 633.2 square metres (6815.3 square feet) would be severed from the subject lands with frontage of about 17 metres (55.8 feet) on Mill Street.  The proposed severed parcel would be a vacant Residential Type One (R1) Zoned lot.

RETAINED – (Lot 3)

The retained parcel would be about 740.2 square metres (7967.8 square feet) in size, would have frontage of approximately 46.5 metres (152.6 feet) on Mill Street; and would be a third Residential Type One (R1) Zoned parcel.

D03-2024-068          Location:        34 Berry Lane

                                                           Part of Lot 12 to 14, concession 9

                                                           Geographic Township of Verulam, Ward 6

                                    Owner:           Emma Elley

                                    Applicant:      Ashlyn Kennedy, EcoVue Consulting Inc.

The purpose of the proposed consent is to permit a lot addition/lot line adjustment between the two lots (34 Berry Lane & 491 Ranch Road) to consolidate the agricultural lands into one property.

The retained land is municipally known as 34 Berry Lane and legally described as Part of Lots 12-14, Concession 9 former Township of Verulam City of Kawartha Lakes. The property currently contains a single detached dwelling. The benefiting lands are municipally known as 491 Ranch Road and legally as Part of Lot 13, Concession 9, former Township of Verulam, City of Kawartha Lakes.

Both properties are owned by the applicant, who is seeking to adjust the lot line between the two properties in order to add the agricultural uses from the property at 34 Berry Lane to the property at 491 Ranch Road. 34 Berry Lane has approx. 43.59 metres of frontage and is approx. 66.84 hectares (165.17 acres) in area. 491 Ranch Road has approx. 539 metres of frontage and is approx. 36.83 hectares in area.

Through the severance, approx. 39.74 hectares (98.2 acres) would be amalgamated to 491 Ranch Road (the benefitting lot) resulting in the total area of approx. 76.57 hectares (189.21 acres). The retained lands at 34 Berry Lane through the severance would be approx. 27.09 hectares (66.94 acres) in area.

D03-2024-069          Location:        6972 Highway 35

                                                           Part Lot 30, Gull River Range

                                                           Geographic Township of Bexley, Ward 1

                                    Owners:         Dean and Nicola Moore

                                    Applicant:      Douglas Jones

The purpose of the consent for a lot addition is to permit a boundary adjustment to allow the applicant to have the required 10 foot setback for a proposed addition to their cottage. The area to be severed is 0.2 hectares of the owner’s property and will be sold to the applicant.

D03-2024-070          Location:         8 Alma Street North

                                                           Lots 2 and 3, East of Alma Plan 109

                                                          Geographic Village of Omemee, Ward 6

                                   Owner:           Nick Holmes

                                   Applicant:      Tom DeBoer, TD Consulting Inc.

The purpose of the application is to create one new residential lot with frontage on Alma Street North, to contain a future single detached dwelling.

The subject lands consist of Lots 2 and 3, East of Alma Street, Plan 109 Omemee.

The subject lands have a combined area of approximately 2020.7 square metres (0.5 acre). The parcel has about 40.14 metres abutting Alma Street, and contains an existing dwelling, detached garage and two sheds.  One of the sheds would encroach onto the severed parcel, and would be removed.

Through the severance, approximately 881.9 square metres (0.22 acre) would be severed from the subject lands with frontage of about 17.07 metres on Alma Street.  The proposed severed parcel would be a new vacant residential lot.

The retained parcel would be about 1138,8 square metres (0.28 acre) in size, would have frontage of approximately 23.1 metres on Alma Street; and would contain the existing dwelling, detached garage and one shed at 8 Alma Street North.


If a person or public body that files an appeal of a decision of the City of Kawartha Lakes in respect of a proposed consent does not make written submissions to the City of Kawartha Lakes before it gives or refuses to give a provisional consent, the Ontario Land Tribunal may dismiss the appeal.

If you wish to be notified of the recommendation and/or the decision of the City of Kawartha Lakes in respect of a proposed consent, you must make a written request to the City of Kawartha Lakes, c/o Development Services – Planning Division, 180 Kent Street West, Lindsay, ON K9V 2Y6 or by email to Please refer to the file number.

If you would like additional information regarding any of the above Applications for Consent, you may contact Development Services – Planning Division during normal office hours from 8:30am to 4:30pm Monday to Friday. When making enquiries, please refer to the file number.

Dated at the City of Kawartha Lakes this 11th Day of November 2024.
Mark LaHay, Secretary-Treasurer
Committee of Adjustment, City of Kawartha Lakes
180 Kent Street West, Lindsay, Ontario K9V 2Y6 
Tel: 705-324-9411 Extension 1324   Fax: 705-324-4027
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