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City of Kawartha Lakes Notice of Applications for Consent to Convey Land 20241212

City of Kawartha Lakes
Notice of Applications for Consent to Convey Land


D03-2024-032 to 037 Location:        104 Ellice Street (Wychwood Crescent)

(6 Lots) REVISED                                Plan 100, Part Lot H East of CNR-Tracks;

                                                             Plan 22 57R- 2312, Part 1        

                                                             Former Village of Fenelon Falls (Ward 3)

                                       Owner:          Brian Thomas Ellery

                                       Applicant:     Tom DeBoer, TD Consulting Inc.


The purpose of the application is to create six (6) new residential lots along the South side of Wychwood Crescent.

The subject property contains one dwelling municipally addressed as 104 Ellice Street, described as 57R-2312 Part 1; Plan 22 Former Village of Fenelon Falls.  The entire parcel is approximately 1.5803 hectares (3.9 acres) with 20.12 metres (66 feet) of frontage on Ellice Street and 170 metres (557.7 feet) abutting Wychwood Crescent.

D03-2024-032, LOT/BLOCK 1:  The proposed vacant residential block would be 9965.9 square metres (2.46 acres) in size with 36 metres (118.1 feet) on Wychwood Crescent.

D03-2024-033, LOT 2:  The proposed vacant residential lot would be 977 square metres (10,516 square feet) in size with 18 metres (59 feet) on Wychwood Crescent.

D03-2024-034, LOT 3:  The proposed vacant residential lot would be 956 square metres (10,290 square feet) in size with 18 metres (59 feet) on Wychwood Crescent.

D03-2024-035, LOT 4:  The proposed vacant residential lot would be 968.5 square metres (10,425 square feet) in size with 18 metres (59 feet) on Wychwood Crescent.

D03-2024-036, LOT 5:  The proposed vacant residential lot would be 980 square metres (10,549 square feet) in size with 18 metres (59 feet) on Wychwood Crescent.

D03-2024-037, LOT 6:  The proposed vacant residential lot would be 1094 square metres (11.775 square feet) in size with 18 metres (59 feet) on Wychwood Crescent.

The retained parcel would contain the existing dwelling at 104 Ellice Street and be about 862 square metres (9278.5 square feet) with 20.12 metres (66 feet) frontage on Ellice Street.


D03-2024-071          Location:        1333 Kirkfield Road

                                                         Part Lot 22, Eldon Concession 7

                                                         Geographic Township of Eldon, Ward 1

                                   Owner:           Mohammad Kazemi

                                   Applicant:      Mohammad Kazemi


The purpose of the application is to create a farm split, which would sever the agricultural portion of land without any building(s) and/or structure(s) from the retained portion of land that has an existing residence and farm structure.

The Subject Lands are legally described as Part Lot 22, Concession 7, Geographic Township of Eldon.

The Subject Lands have a combined area of approx. 812,896 square metres (81.23 ha). Through the severance, approx. 406,560 sq.m. (40.65 ha) would be severed from the Subject Lands with frontage of about 616 metres on Rockview Road. The proposed severed parcel has no buildings and/or structures but currently contains agricultural land with wooded areas and locally significant wetlands.

The retained parcel would be approximately 406,336 sq.m. (40.63 ha) in size, would have a frontage of 554 metres on Kirkfield Road; and appears to currently have one (1) Residential building/structure, one (1) agricultural farm building/structure, and accessory structures.

If a person or public body that files an appeal of a decision of the City of Kawartha Lakes in respect of a proposed consent does not make written submissions to the City of Kawartha Lakes before it gives or refuses to give a provisional consent, the Ontario Land Tribunal may dismiss the appeal.

If you wish to be notified of the recommendation and/or the decision of the City of Kawartha Lakes in respect of a proposed consent, you must make a written request to the City of Kawartha Lakes, c/o Development Services – Planning Division, 180 Kent Street West, Lindsay, ON K9V 2Y6 or by email to no later than December 26, 2024. Please refer to the file number.

If you would like additional information including location maps and site plans regarding any of the above Applications for Consent, you may contact Development Services – Planning Division during normal office hours from 8:30am to 4:30pm Monday to Friday by email to When making enquiries, please refer to the file number.

Dated at the City of Kawartha Lakes this 12th Day of December 2024.
Mark LaHay, Secretary-Treasurer
Committee of Adjustment, City of Kawartha Lakes
180 Kent Street West, Lindsay, Ontario K9V 2Y6 
Tel: 705-324-9411 Extension 1324   Fax: 705-324-4027
Accessible formats and communication supports are available, upon request.

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