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Community Pandemic Recovery Task Force makes recommendations to Council

community pandemic recovery task force

community pandemic recovery task forceKawartha Lakes – At the Committee of the Whole meeting on November 3, the Community Pandemic Recovery Task Force presented its recommendations to Council. The Task Force was created on May 26 to provide advice and recommendations to Council and Staff on resources and support to assist with community recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic.

The Task Force established working groups to better understand local challenges and concerns and to identify potential opportunities. After gathering information from local partners, exploring all the options and weighing the priorities, the Task Force brought forward four key recommendations:

1. Establish a new Kawartha Lakes Community Recovery Fund for 2021 and 2022, to encourage collaboration, foster innovation and build strength and capacity to move forward in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic.

2. Allocate funds from the Lindsay Legacy C.H.E.S.T. Fund Committee in 2021 to the Kawartha Lakes Community Recovery Fund, as the C.H.E.S.T. Fund Committee has decided to suspend their normal programing for 2021 to support COVID-19 recovery.

3. Waive the requirement for a matching contribution from applicants to the 50/50 Community Project Capital Funding Program for 2021 and 2022, so staff can proceed with the application process and release the City’s contribution of up to 50% toward projects aimed at improving facilities and parks.

4. Leverage internal resources and external support to offer a series of workshops to develop and promote safety protocols for operations, planning events, strategic planning, innovation and technical training during COVID-19.

“The pandemic has caused transformational change. It is essential for the long-term growth of our community that we bolster our service providers so they can survive, thrive and continue to serve,” commented Heather Kirby of Kawartha Lakes Food Source and Amy Terrill of Boys and Girls Club of Kawartha Lakes, Co-chairs of the Community Pandemic Recovery Task Force. “Results have shown that the community is ready to move forward and these recommendations will help provide the necessary funding and resources to continue to innovate on the road to recovery.”

Council will consider the recommendations during the next Regular Council Meeting on November 17, 2020. For more details on the Community Pandemic Recovery Task Force’s recommendations, please see online their Report to Council and presentation during Committee of the Whole.


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