Kawartha Lakes – At the February 8 Committee of the Whole, Council received a staff report and presentation by Dillion Consulting on the options available to the municipality for waste disposal once the approved landfill capacity is exhausted.
The municipality generates 39,000 tonnes of garbage each year which is disposed across five landfills. The Lindsay Ops Landfill, which accepts 70 percent of all waste, is anticipated to reach capacity in the next eight to 15 years. Fenelon and Laxton Landfills will reach capacity within the next two to four years, adding additional pressure to the Lindsay Ops Landfill. Some of that added pressure is expected to be offset by increased waste diversion through recycling programs for mattresses, construction/demolition, textiles and bulky plastics. Backyard composting has contributed to increased diversion and an organics program is anticipated in 2025.
Dillion Consulting was asked to do a pre-Environmental Assessment (EA) study to help narrow the many waste disposal options available. This could help to streamline the EA process, if needed, which can cost up to $5 million and take several years to complete.
The pre-EA study looked at the full range of options including landfill related scenarios such as expansion, adding a new landfill, landfill mining, exporting waste outside the municipality and privatization of landfills. Alternative technologies such as incineration, gasification and mixed waste processing were also studied. Potential partners such as Five Counties, Peel and Durham Regions have been consulted for potential sharing of resources and facilities for alternatives such as exporting waste or incineration.
Landfill expansion was the highest ranking option in the generic study, scoring a weighted 6.8 out of a possible 9 points. It would cost $10 to $50 million for approvals, design and construction to expand the existing municipal landfill system. The associated operational costs would be equal to or less than current landfill costs per unit of capacity. The additional landfill gas could potentially be converted to an energy source.
Before moving forward with an Environmental Assessment, the public will be consulted on all waste disposal options to understand views on the social, environmental and financial impacts. Watch for more information on how to have your say on Jump In, Kawartha Lakes. Following public consultation, a report will come back to Council by the end of September. This recommendation will be brought to Regular Council on February 22 for adoption.
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