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Covid-19 Update 14 – An important message from Waste Management

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Kawartha Lakes - In response to concerns regarding Covid-19, all landfills and municipal buildings have been closed to the public. To address frequently asked questions regarding waste and collection please find answers below:

Are tissues (Kleenex), paper towel, toilet paper and diapers recyclable?
No. These items are waste and should be disposed of in a clear bag and tied closed. This is especially important to keep collection staff safe. If there are any other items you are unsure of how to dispose please visit our website.

Will there still be curbside waste and recycling collection?
Curbside waste and recycling collection is to proceed with no changes at this time.

Why are the landfills closed?
Landfills are a public location with many visitors each day. To limit exposure to City staff and residents, landfills are currently closed to the public. Access will only be given to commercial businesses with approved charge accounts.

Where can residents go to buy large item tags or additional bag tags if our municipal service centres are closed?
Residents are encouraged to retain their large items for now, until services are back to regular hours and operations.

If necessary, residents can purchase bag tags and large item tags from select retailers across the City, while supplies last. For a list of locations please visit our website.

Due to limited quantities, it is highly recommended that residents call the retailer of choice ahead of time to confirm availability.

Where can I purchase recycling bins and carts?
As the municipal service centres and libraries are currently closed, recycling bins and carts can not be purchased at this time. Residents are able to use any type of container that is of similar size for their recycling set outs (e.g. cardboard boxes or Rubbermaid containers).

For additional information please contact our Customer Service by calling 705-324-9411.

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