Kawartha Lakes - An important message from the Mayor:
"Good morning, it’s Friday March 20 at about 11:30 in the morning and today I have a two-part message for you. Yesterday, a message went out to our residents regarding payment of bills and utilities. The intent of that message failed, we were trying to let our residents know how they could pay their bills with some of our buildings being closed and what we ended up doing was causing additional stress to a lot of our residents. Obviously, that was not the intent, for that I apologize.
I want to address that right now, I want to assure our residents no essential services will be disconnected. There will be no penalty or interest applied to any account until further notice. We are aware of the hardship that many of our residents are going through. Obviously, as a municipality we are not looking to add to that burden. Relief and flexibility are on the way. There are a lot of things going on in the community right now, but we will work with you to help get through this.
So, part two of my message today is directed at some of our residents returning from down south and from outside of Canada. We’re very glad that you’re home safely, we hoped you had a good holiday. Now, you need to self-quarantine for two weeks. This is crucial, this is very important, this is not optional, you need to do that now as soon as you return, no exception.
For those of you not taking this seriously, that attitude needs to change and it needs to change now. This is a serious situation, we have a lot of vulnerable residents in our community and we all have a responsibility to play in keeping our community safe. If we want to get ahead of this and we want to flatten this curve, as everybody tells us, we need to take these actions and we need to take them now.
Thank you."
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