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COVID-19 Update 38: A message from the Mayor

April 16 2020. A message from the Mayor

"The weather this week was a gentle reminder that things are constantly changing and that we need to continue to adapt to circumstances.

As of today, all municipal services are still focused on essential and critical response only. Federally, Parks Canada put an announcement out yesterday that they are delaying the opening of the locks and the waterways until at least May 31 while they continue to monitor the pandemic.

As we also monitor and manage operations accordingly, we are doing our best as a municipality to assist residents through this difficult time. As an example, we have now organized an extra curbside collection for our spring leaf and yard pick up scheduled for the first and second Fridays in May, in addition to the June pick up. We’ve chosen this route for your safety, so you can continue to follow the mandate to stay home and avoid non-essential travel by having to visit one of our landfills.

I’m also pleased to share that our Human Services department, which oversees social services for both Kawartha Lakes and Haliburton County, is administering $1.8 million of relief funding from the province. Our staff are doing critical work right now to support emergency housing, homelessness prevention and food security programs and this funding will go a long way towards helping those who need it most.

As a municipality, we are beginning to shift focus to our continuity plan while still keeping our pandemic response strategy a priority. In the upcoming weeks, there will be further announcements regarding city resources and service delivery. Please be patient as we work through this together and above all, continue to practice physical distancing and stay safe.

Thank you."

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