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Kawartha Lakes seeks public input for Children's Services Plan 2024 to 2028



Note: this news release has been updated to include the survey close date of June 26, 2024.

Kawartha Lakes – Kawartha Lakes Children’s Services is looking for public input to help develop a five-year service plan for 2024-2028.

What is a service plan?

A service plan assesses community need and reflects the engagement of community partners to establish strategic priorities and outcomes. The plan will outline steps to implement the strategic priorities at a local level, while also supporting the overall provincial system level goals and vision for early years and child care.

The service plan needs to reflect community input and shared priorities. Multiple methods will be used to consult with early learning and child care providers, partners and families.

“We recognize the importance of community input and value your perspectives and experiences about child care and early years services,” said Anne Kuipers, Program Supervisor, Children’s Services. “By participating in the survey, parents and guardians can play a crucial role in helping us create a supportive and inclusive environment for all children in our communities”

Complete the Survey

The project team wants to hear from parents and guardians of children between the ages of 0 and 12 years old, who live in Kawartha Lakes or the County of Haliburton. The survey should take about 10 minutes to complete, and all responses will be kept confidential. Participation is voluntary and you can choose to answer or skip any question in the survey.

Participants can enter a draw to win a gift card by providing their email address at the end of the survey. This survey closes on June 26, 2024.

For more information and to follow along as the service plan is developed, check out and subscribe to the project page on jump in.

Who are Kawartha Lakes Children’s Services?

The City of Kawartha Lakes is the designated Consolidated Municipal Service Manager (CMSM) responsible for planning, managing and funding the early learning and licensed child care system in the City of Kawartha Lakes and County of Haliburton.

We are committed to providing programs and services that:

  • foster early learning and child development
  • support children being cared for in a safe, nurturing environment
  • support the inclusion of children with special needs in licensed child care
  • enable parents to work or undertake training or education leading to employment
  • provide linkages to other support services
  • Improve child and family outcomes no matter income, race, language, cultural background, religion, family structure, gender identity, sexual orientation, ability, immigration status, or unique needs

Find out more about Children’s Services on our website.

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