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Notice of Applications for Consent to Convey Land - July 15, 2021

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Location: 491 Ranch Road
Part Lot 13, Concession 9
Geographic Township of Verulam, Ward 6
Owner:  Emma Elley
Applicant: Ashlyn Kennedy - EcoVue Consulting Services Ltd.

The purpose of the application is to sever approximately 2.12 hectares of rural land while retaining approximately 36.9 hectares of rural land. The severed lands will be consolidated with an abutting residential lot addressed as 34 Berry Lane. A new lot is not being created.

Location: 517 Kawartha Lakes Road (County Road) 121
Part Lot 21, Concession 9
Geographic Township of Fenelon, Ward 3
Owner: Brant and Carolyn Jones
Applicant: Sean Browning

The purpose of the application is to sever approximately 1,125 square metres of rural land and consolidate it with the abutting residential lot addressed as 527 Kawartha Lakes Road (County Road) 121. A new lot is not being created.

Location: 263 Somerville 2nd Concession (Lot 1)
Part Lot 20, Concession 2
Geographic Township of Somerville, Ward 2
Owner: Cathy Bolla - 2543363 Ontario Inc.

This application is the first of two concurrent applications. The purpose of the application is to sever approximately 40 hectares of rural land and retain approximately 40 hectares of rural land. A new lot is being created.

Location: 263 Somerville 2nd Concession (Lot 2)
Part Lot 19, Lot 20, Concession 2
Geographic Township of Somerville, Ward 2
Owner: Cathy Bolla - 2543363 Ontario Inc.

This application is the second of two concurrent applications. The purpose of the application is to sever approximately 40 hectares of rural land and retain approximately 40 hectares of rural land. A new lot is being created.

Location: Land Behind 94 and 96 Canal Road
Part Lot 27, Concession 1, Part 1, 57R-6015
Geographic Township of Eldon, Ward 1
Owner: Christopher Thomas Spaeth
Applicant: Stephanie Yeo - HGR Graham Partners LLP

The purpose of the application is to sever approximately 722 square metres of land and consolidate it with the abutting residential lot addressed as 94 Canal Road. The lot line adjustment will give 94 Canal Road shoreline access. Approximately 826 square metres of land is to be retained and consolidated with the abutting vacant lot addressed as 96 Canal Road.

Location: 6 and 12 Helen Street
Part Lots 2 and 4, Lot 3, West Side of Helen Street, Plan 70, Part 2, 57R-7846
Former Village of Bobcaygeon, Ward 2
Owner: Scott Davidson - Hendren Funeral Home Ltd. (2014)
Applicant: Vincent Starratt - SV Law

The purpose of the application is to sever an approximately 935 square metre parcel containing a dwelling addressed as 12 Helen Street and retain an approximately 2,421 square metre parcel containing the Hendren Funeral Home.

If a person or public body that files an appeal of a decision of the City of Kawartha Lakes in respect of a proposed consent does not make written submissions to the City of Kawartha Lakes before it gives or refuses to give a provisional consent, the Local Planning Appeal Tribunal may dismiss the appeal.

If you wish to be notified of the recommendation and/or the decision of the City of Kawartha Lakes in respect of a proposed consent, you must make a written request to the City of Kawartha Lakes, c/o Development Services – Planning Division, 180 Kent Street West, Lindsay, ON K9V 2Y6 or by email to Please refer to the file number.

If you would like additional information regarding any of the above Applications for Consent, you may contact Development Services – Planning Division during normal office hours from 8:30am to 4:30pm Monday to Friday. When making enquiries, please refer to the file number.

Dated at the City of Kawartha Lakes this 15th Day of July 2021.
Mark LaHay, Acting Secretary-Treasurer
Committee of Adjustment, City of Kawartha Lakes
Lindsay Service Centre
180 Kent Street West, Lindsay, Ontario K9V 2Y6  
Tel: 705-324-9411 Extension 1324   Fax: 705-324-4027
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