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Notice of Commencement: Logie and Ridout Street SPS - Class Environmental Assessment

Logie and Ridout Street Keymap

Notice of Commencement

Logie and Ridout Street Sewage Pumping Station – Class Environmental Assessment

The City of Kawartha Lakes (City) is initiating a planning process to upgrade the wastewater collection system for the community of Lindsay. The community of Lindsay is rapidly expanding with new developments and requires upgrades to the wastewater collection system to support the increasing needs of the residents of the community. The project is being carried out with the requirements for a Schedule ‘B’ project under the terms of the Municipal Class Environmental Assessment (Class EA) process. A keymap is attached showing the study area including the Logie and Ridout Street pumping stations, forcemains, and discharge manholes. The Class EA process includes:

  • Consultation with the public, review agencies, and other stakeholders
  • Field investigations
  • Evaluation of viable alternative solutions
  • Assessment of the impacts of the alternative solutions and identification of measures to mitigate any adverse environmental, social, cultural, and economic impacts
  • Selection of a preferred solution

Public input into the planning and design of this project is encouraged. The City will be sharing information with the Public and interested Stakeholders through the City’s website.  As part of the Class EA process for reviewing the upgrades to the wastewater collection system, a Public Information Centre (PIC) will be conducted by the City. Notice of this PIC will be provided at least two weeks in advance. If you have any comments or questions regarding this project, or would like to receive further information, please send an email to one of the following project contacts:

Marten Leclerc
Senior Engineering Tech
City of Kawartha Lakes
26 Francis Street
Lindsay, ON, K9V 5R8
T: (705) 324 9411 x 1131

Tony Guerrera, P.Eng.
The Greer Galloway Group Inc.
1620 Wallbridge Loyalist Road
Belleville, ON K8N 4Z5
T: (613) 966-3068
F: (613) 966-3087

For more information, visit:

This notice issued October 3, 2024

Under the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act and the Environmental Assessment Act, unless otherwise stated in the submission, any personal information such as name, address, telephone number and property location included in a submission will become part of the public record files for this project and will be released, if requested, to any person.

Keymap (more accessible version available upon request):

Logie and Ridout Street Keymap

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