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Notice of Intention to Amend Heritage Designation By-Laws

Public Notice
Notice of Intention to Amend Heritage Designation By-Laws

By-Laws 1981-08 / 1992–12, 1981-10, 1979-7, 1983-20, 1983-19,2010-090, 1990-71, 1990-10, 1985-15, 1991-24, 1985-42, 1987-48, 1994-55, 1991-25, 1988-86, 1994-017, 1988-87, 2012-221, 1994-97, 1989-01,  1989-19,  1985-23, 1990-11, 1988-48, 1980-02, 1995-038, 1992-75, 2013-102, 1983-09, 1986-05, 1987-06, 1984-34,  1990-70, 1984-26, 1988-95, 1988-01, 1988-84, 1992-38, 1997-10, 2005-154, 1995-26, 1996-36, 1993-19, 1992-04, 1992-22, 2000-14, 2007-124, 1993-12, 2007-006, 2010-091, 2010-092, 2010-093, 2010-094

Pursuant to the Provisions of the Ontario Heritage Act
R.S.O. 1990, Section 29, Section 30.1(2) to (10)

Take Notice that the Council of the City of Kawartha Lakes, intends to amend the following Heritage Designation By-Laws:    

1)    By-Law No. 1981-08 / 1992–12,  37 Colborne St., Fenelon Falls

2)    By-Law No. 1981-10, 72 Francis St W., Fenelon Falls

3)    By-Law No. 1979-7, 15 Lindsay St., Fenelon Falls

4)    By-Law No. 1983-20, 103 Lindsay St., Fenelon Falls

5)    By-Law No. 1983-19, 13 Short St., Fenelon Falls

6)    By-Law No. 2010-090, 746 Janetville Rd., Janetville

7)    By-Law No. 1990-71, 23 Adelaide St N., Lindsay

8)    By-Law No. 1990-10, 28 Albert St S., Lindsay

9)    By-Law No. 1985-15, 55 Albert St S., Lindsay

10)  By-Law No. 1991-24, 40 Bond St W., Lindsay

11)  By-Law No. 1985-42, 46 Bond St W., Lindsay

12)  By-Law No. 1987-48, 54 Bond St W., Lindsay

13)  By-Law No. 1994-55, 60 Bond St W., Lindsay

14)  By-Law No. 1991-25, 78 Bond St W., Lindsay

15)  By-Law No. 1988-86, 31 Cambridge St. N., Lindsay

16)  By-Law No. 1994-017, 51 Cambridge St. N., Lindsay

17)  By-Law No. 1988-87, 58 Cambridge St. N., Lindsay

18)  By-Law No. 2012-221, 4 Colborne St E., Lindsay

19)  By-Law No. 1994-97, 22 Elgin St., Lindsay

20)  By-Law No. 1989-01,  19 Francis St., Lindsay

21)  By-Law No. 1989-19, 21 Francis St., Lindsay

22)  By-Law No. 1985-23, 9 Glenelg St. E., Lindsay

23)  By-Law No. 1990-11, 2 Kent St. W., Lindsay

24)  By-Law No. 1988-48, 3 Kent St. W., Lindsay

25)  By-Law No. 1980-02, 2 Lindsay St. S., Lindsay

26)  By-Law No. 1995-038, 10 Lindsay St. S., Lindsay

27)  By-Law No. 1992-75, 29 Regent St., Lindsay

28)  By-Law No. 2013-102, 46 Regent St., Lindsay

29)  By-Law No. 1983-09, 63 Regent St., Lindsay

30)  By-Law No. 1986-05, 10 Russell St. E., Lindsay

31)  By-Law No. 1987-06, 12 Russell St. E., Lindsay

32)  By-Law No. 1984-34, 29 Russell St. E., Lindsay

33)  By-Law No. 1990-70, 45 Russell St. E., Lindsay

34)  By-Law No. 1984-26, 17 Sussex St. N., Lindsay

35)  By-Law No. 1988-95, 45 Victoria Ave N., Lindsay

36)  By-Law No. 1988-01, 86 Wellington St., Lindsay

37)  By-Law No. 1988-84, 8,10,12 William St S., Lindsay

38)  By-Law No. 1992-38, 73 William St S., Lindsay

39)  By-Law No. 1997-10, 166, 168 Ramsey Rd., Little Britain

40)  By-Law No. 2005-154, 704 Fingerboard Rd., Little Britain

41)  By-Law No. 1995-26, 1201 Salem Rd., Little Britain

42)  By-Law No. 1996-36, 17025 SIMCOE ST (formerly 8 Simcoe St.), Manilla

43)  By-Law No. 1993-19, 430 Taylor's Rd., Oakwood

44)  By-Law No. 1992-04, 973 Eldon Rd., Oakwood

45)  By-Law No. 1992-22, 949 Highway 7, Oakwood

46)  By-Law No. 2000-14, 4249 Highway 7, Oakwood

47)  By-Law No. 2007-124, 1185 Ballyduff Rd., Pontypool

48)  By-Law No. 1993-12, 119 Irene Ave., Sturgeon Point

49)  By-Law No. 2007-006, Rain shelter (Wharf), Sturgeon Point

50)  By-Law No. 2010-091, 145 King St., Woodville

51) By-Law No. 2010-092, 56 King St., Woodville

52)  By-Law No. 2010-093, 121 King St., Woodville

53)  By-Law No. 2010-094, 124 King St., Woodville

The intent of the amendments to the By-Laws is clarify the Statement of Cultural Heritage Value or Interest, the Description of Heritage Attributes, and /or legal descriptions of the properties.

Any objections to the intention to amend the Heritage Designation By-Laws must be submitted in writing, include the reason(s) for the objection(s), all relevant facts, and submitted to the City Clerk within thirty (30) days of the first publication of this Notice.

For further information, please contact:

Debra Soule, Economic Development Officer - Arts, Culture and Heritage
City of Kawartha Lakes
180 Kent Street West, Lindsay, ON  K9V 2Y6
Dated at City of Kawartha Lakes, Ontario this 20th day of June, 2018

Last date for objection is 4pm on July 28, 2018.

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