Kawartha Lakes – The City of Kawartha Lakes has experienced a 5.1% growth in population from approximately 75,423 people in 2016 to 79,247 people in 2021.
Based on the municipality’s Growth Management Strategy completed in May 2011, the population was forecasted to reach 91,302 by 2021 and 100,000 by 2031. As such, significant growth is forecasted for the municipality. To strategically prepare for this growth and enhance the municipality’s existing transportation network, the City of Kawartha Lakes retained McIntosh Perry to undertake the development of the municipality’s Transportation Master Plan (TMP) update.
The TMP is a strategic policy document that will serve as a road map for short-range, medium-range, and long-range transportation infrastructure investments, as well as multi-modal transportation planning.
The Process
The TMP update will be developed in accordance with the Provincial Environmental Assessment (EA) Act, following the Approach 1 as outlined in the 2023 Municipal Class Environmental Assessment (MCEA) document. The TMP will cover Phase 1, Problem and Opportunity, and Phase 2, Alternative Solutions, of the MCEA process and facilitate streamlining and implementation of recommended capital works.
Have Your Say
An important part of this study is consultation with the public, stakeholders, and the municipality’s agency partners. We want to hear from you on the issues and opportunities that you see for the municipality’s transportation system to the horizon year of 2051.
At any time during this study, you can provide comments, questions, and concerns to the project team on the TMP Jump In page: https://jumpinkawarthalakes.ca/transportation-master-plan
The municipality will also be organizing Public and Stakeholder engagement events to present an overview of the study and existing conditions while outlining alternatives, evaluation, and study recommendations. The project team will host two (2) Public Information Centres (PIC) to gather public input and present findings of the study. Details for the first Public Information Centre are as follows.
Public Information Centre 1
For the public’s convenience, there will be two different opportunities to participate in PIC 1.
Meeting 1:
Date: Tuesday, November 28 2023
Time: 6pm to 8pm
Presentation: 6pm (15 minutes) followed by a question and answer session, and open house drop-in
Location: Fenelon Falls Community Centre (27 Veterans Way, Fenelon Falls) – Community Room*
*Remote broadcasting is not available at this venue. If you wish to attend PIC 1 virtually, your only option is to attend Meeting 2 below.
Meeting 2:
Date: Wednesday, November 29 2023
Time: 6pm to 8pm
Presentation: 6pm (15 minutes) followed by a question and answer session, and open house drop-in
Location: City Hall (26 Francis Street, Lindsay) – Victoria Room
Zoom Link: https://kawarthalakes.zoom.us/j/84944889226?pwd=aKyHH2oeUSMpSSGMmTQFt5CpL5nuWH.1
Both meetings will begin with a 15-minute summary presentation at 6pm followed by a question and answer session. The remaining time will consist of an open house drop-in style session for review of display boards by the participants. At the PICs, you will be able to learn about our approach and our findings, ask us questions, and share your thoughts and opinions. Live-stream participants will also have the opportunity to ask questions after the presentation using the chat feature. Your participation in PICs is important to us. The same material will be presented at both meetings; please note that virtual attendance will only be available at Meeting 2.
If you are unable to attend the PIC in person, the display boards and a recording of the presentation will be available online on the TMP Jump In page at a later date.
Accessible formats and communication supports are available upon request. The City of Kawartha Lakes is committed to accessibility for persons with disabilities. Please contact jkelly@kawarthalakes.ca if you have an accessible accommodation request.
Contact us
For further information or to be added to the study’s mailing list, please contact the study team:
Mehemed Delibasic, P. Eng.
Consultant Project Manager
McIntosh Perry Consulting Engineers
Phone: 647 463 7993
Email: m.delibasic@mcintoshperry.com
Michael Farquhar
Project Manager
City of Kawartha Lakes
Phone: 705 324 9411 extension 1156
Joseph Kelly, CET
Traffic Lead
City of Kawartha Lakes
Phone: 705 324 9411 extension 1168
Staying Connected
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