Kawartha Lakes – The Kawartha Lakes Parks and Recreation Division is scheduled to host a follow-up Public Information Session to share information on the feasibility of a future Splash Pad, including park redevelopment concepts for Omemee Beach Park. Community members are invited to attend the session to learn about this future potential project and to share their feedback.
The Public Information Session will take place on Wednesday October 9, 2024 from 6pm to 7pm upstairs at the Emily/Omemee Community Centre located at 212 Sturgeon Road, Omemee.
Pre-registration is not required to attend this information session. This session will include a formal presentation at 6pm. Individuals are invited to attend this session and participate in discussion and feedback with staff following the presentation.
For further information, contact the Kawartha Lakes Parks and Recreation Division by calling 705-324-9411 extension 1301 or by e-mailing: communitydevelopment@kawarthalakes.caContact Us