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Public input needed for new proposed Tree Preservation By-law

aerial image of trees on a shoreline in Kawartha Lakes

Kawartha Lakes – Kawartha Lakes is taking further steps to protect the environment and grow its tree canopy. Check out the new public engagement project on Jump In, Kawartha Lakes, aimed at getting feedback from the community on a proposed Tree Preservation By-law.

Aerial of trees by a shoreline in Kawartha LakesCurrently, the municipality does not regulate or restrict the removal of trees on privately-owned property. To address environmental concerns and promote a healthier ecosystem, the proposed changes will introduce a permit requirement for property owners looking to remove mature trees under specific circumstances.

Fees for the permits will depend on the property size. Exemptions are also being considered for use of firewood for heating homes, Christmas tree farms and removing invasive species, among others. For details on the proposed changes, visit

The proposed Tree Preservation By-law aligns with the municipality's strategic priority of a Healthy Environment and is in support of the Council-adopted Healthy Environment Plan 2019 and Lake Management Plans.

To participate in this public engagement project:

  1. Fill out the survey on Jump In, Kawartha Lakes. Your feedback will be considered by Council when making decisions about the future By-law.
  2. Send your feedback on the proposed By-law directly to Staff at any time by emailing
  3. Follow the project to stay up-to-date on its progress and receive important notifications.

Kawartha Lakes encourages all residents to take part in this initiative, as community input plays a vital role in shaping the future of our environment. Your opinions and feedback are invaluable in preserving the natural beauty of the region and ensuring a sustainable and healthy environment. Be sure to Jump In to the survey today.

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