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Regular Council Highlights - July 23, 2024

Regular Council Highlights with image of Council in Council Chambers

Regular Council Highlights with image of Council in Council Chambers

Kawartha Lakes – The following are highlights from the Regular Council Meeting on July 23, 2024.  

The meeting can be viewed in full on our YouTube Channel.

Regular Council Minutes from June 25, 2024 were received and adopted. 

Silver Lights Senior Services Overview Presentation

Council received a presentation by Silver Lights Seniors Services owner/founder Tammy Adams and Managing Director Susan Fisher about the positive impact their business has had on the community and to bring to light the struggles families, caregivers and seniors face when a loved one is diagnosed with dementia or Alzheimer’s.  

Silver Lights Seniors Services is a local family owned and operated business that provides seniors with compassionate, reliable and personalized homecare services.  

Their Adult Day Program for Dementia is a specialized program designed to provide a safe and stimulating environment for individuals living with dementia. It is a community-based service that offers a structured daily schedule of meaningful activities and socialization opportunities to help promote cognitive functioning, social engagement, and overall well-being. The Adult Day Program for Dementia is the only DementiAbility Certified facility in Kawartha Lakes and one of only six in Ontario. 

The primary goal of their Adult Day Program is to enhance the quality of life for individuals with dementia by supporting their functional abilities, reducing isolation and loneliness, and allowing respite for caregivers. Their staff members, including Recreation Therapists, PSWs and management work closely with participants to offer individualized care and support in a secure, home-like setting. 

Telecomm Tower on Gil-Mar Road put on temporary hold 

A deputation was made at the meeting, and Council made a motion to temporarily suspend approval of the project for a Rogers Communications cell tower to be constructed at 1988 Heights Road accessible from Gil Mar Road (Verulam) until further public consultation is held. Leah Barrie, Director of Development Services, updated Council on the project: Pre-consultation on the project took place in July 2019, followed by public consultation in October 2019. The process included public notification through the newspaper and notices sent to landowners within a 225 metre radius from the proposed site. The application was approved in March 2021. A development agreement was executed in February 2023. During the pandemic, the need to fill cell gaps was accentuated and Council approved an updated telecom policy. This policy allows for the Director of Development Services to approve a Reconcurrence (reconsideration of approval after expiration) as long as a series of criteria are met. This is the case with the current agreement and all permits have been reissued after a lengthy delay during the pandemic. The Director thanked the deputants for making their concerns known and offered to correct misinformation and answer all questions through staff in the Planning Division. 

Any additional questions or comments from the public will be accepted by Planning staff before July 31, 2024 and responses provided. Please contact: Manager of Planning John Connolly at or by calling 705-324-9411.

Building Faster Fund to be invested in critical growth projects 

Council adopted the investment plan for the first of three years of funding from the province. The funding is $1.5 million for exceeding 80 percent of the housing target in 2023. The funding will be invested in the following projects:

  • Renovations to Integrated Care Hub, $972,177 
    The Integrated Care Hub, which operates as a drop-in facility with shelter space to support people experiencing homelessness in Lindsay is in need of significant renovations. The building needs to be completely renovated, including foundation work and re-construction of all interior space.

  • Streamlining the Development Approvals Process, $450,000 
    Investment of software, along with process enhancements will streamline and automate the development process. Moving forward, modernization opportunities for digitizing application and permitting processes will be explored and prioritized.

  • Housing Needs Assessment, $144,000 

The needs assessment will establish updated affordable housing targets for the Kawartha Lakes and Haliburton region, as well as help identify what specific type of housing is required. Additionally, the housing needs assessment will include financial plan options, delivery options, and explore the cost of unmet needs of not having sufficient affordable housing.

Committee of the Whole 

Please note that there wasn’t a June Committee of the Whole meeting as we have a reduced Council meeting schedule in July and August. Committee of the Whole returns on September 10, 2024. 

Planning Advisory Committee – July 10, 2024 

Proposed By-Law Amendment to Permit Long Grasses and Native Plants in Urban Areas Approved 

Council approved the proposed By-Law amendment to the municipality’s Yard Clean and Clear By-law 2014-026 to permit long grasses and native plants in urban areas. 

The municipality now permits native plants (sometimes referred to as “weeds”) and grass exceeding eight inches in height in areas zoned or designated as open space, environmental protection, agricultural, rural, waterfront, prime agricultural, and in areas within 30 metres of a waterfront, wetland, water body or watercourse. This is set out in the municipality’s Yard Clean and Clear By-law 2014-026, which regulates vacant lots as well as yards. 

Previously, the municipality did not permit native plants and grass exceeding eight inches in height in urban residential or commercial areas that are not within 30 metres of a waterfront or wetland area. The amendment to By-Law 2014-026 will now allow long grasses and non-noxious weeds to be permitted to grow on private property in urban areas in Kawartha Lakes. 

Municipal Law Enforcement staff will continue to accept and review concerns regarding noxious weeds and the enforcement of the Weeds Control Act as outlined in the report. 

This decision falls in alignment with the municipality’s strategic priority of a healthy environment and is in support of the municipality’s Council-adopted Healthy Environment Plan 2019. 

Special Rate Area tax levy to be harmonized across the municipality 

Council adopted the recommendation to move the Street Lights and Parks and Fire Area Rates from the Special Rate Area Tax Levy to the General Rate Tax Levy. This means that all residents share in the cost of providing these services as all residents have the benefit of the services. The impact to residents will be minimal as the growth in Lindsay will subsidize any additional cost for rural residents. The change will not affect service levels. For more information, read the Special Rate Area (SRA) Tax Levy Update report.

Release of Fenelon Falls Legacy C.H.E.S.T. Funds 

The Fenelon Falls District Chamber of Commerce (FFDCC) requested $6,000 in funding from the Fenelon Falls Legacy C.H.E.S.T. Fund to paint a rainbow crosswalk in downtown Fenelon Falls. The Water/May Street and Oak Street crosswalk was chosen to be painted rainbow to celebrate the 2SLGBTQI+ community. The report was received and adopted as printed. 

Request for Parking Restrictions – Mary Street West, Lindsay

At the November 21, 2023 Regular Council Meeting, staff were directed to review the feasibility of prohibiting parking in front of Caressant Care on Mary Street West in Lindsay due to safety concerns brought forward by residents. A motion was made by Council that the parking on Mary Street West be restricted on both sides of the street from Angeline Street South to a point 40 metres east of Wilson Avenue and that the centreline and parking restriction markings be established on Mary Street West through the S turn located between Wilson Avenue and Angeline Street South. The motion was passed.

Request for Speed Limit Reduction – Balsam Lake Drive, Kirkfield 

At the January 30, 2024 Regular Council Meeting, staff were directed to review a request for speed reduction on parts of Balsam Lake Drive in Kirkfield. Upon review, staff recommend that the speed limit of Balsam Lake Drive from a point 2300 metres south of CKL Road 49 to a point 250m east of Blanchards Road be changed from 50 km/hr to 40 km/hr. Staff also recommend installing keep right warning signs for a hill at the beginning of the requested new speed zone. The report was received and adopted as printed. 

Request for Speed Posting and All-Way Stop – Fleetwood Road 

At the May 21, 2024 Regular Council Meeting, staff were directed to review a request for posting speed limits and an all-way stop on Fleetwood Road. Upon review, staff recommend that an all-way stop and flashing red warning beacons be installed at the intersection of Fleetwood Road and Saint Mary’s Road. Staff also recommend that the speed limit of Fleetwood Road between Highway 35 and Ski Hill Road be posted to 60 km/hr. The report was received and adopted as printed.


A petition regarding a request to Resurface Lightning Point Road (between Highway 35 and South Fork Road) was received and referred to the Roads Task Force for consideration in the 2025 budget process later this year. The first page of the petition can be found here. A complete copy of the petition with 28 signatures is available at the Clerk's Office upon request.

A petition regarding a request for the Resurfacing of County Road 41 was received and referred to the Roads Task Force for consideration in the 2025 budget process later this year. The first page of the petition can be found here. A complete copy of the petition with 108 signatures is available at the Clerk's Office upon request.


Councillor Ashmore brought the Memorandum Regarding a Parking Lot for Coronation Hall in Omemee to Council. Council recently approved a renovation and restoration of Coronation Hall as a part of the Capital Budget. Currently, there is no parking lot for Coronation Hall, the memorandum requested Staff to explore the feasibility of adding a parking lot by potentially purchasing or leasing a small lot nearby and report back to Council by December 31, 2024. The motion was to move as printed and it passed.

Heritage Designations 

There were two properties designated as being of cultural heritage value or interest by Council. 35 Bolton Street in Bobcaygeon and 34 to 36 King Street East in Omemee. 

35 Bolton Street was constructed in 1914 as the former Bank of British North America in Bobcaygeon, while 34 to 36 King Street East was constructed in 1863 and is one of the oldest commercial buildings in downtown Omemee. 

Next Council meeting  

Council will return for a Regular Council meeting on August 27, 2024 at 1pm. 

Please note that we have a reduced Council meeting schedule in July and August, with the next Committee of the Whole set for September 10, 2024. 

Public attendance in Council Chambers is welcome. Regular and Committee of the Whole meetings will be broadcast live on the City’s YouTube Channel and on Cogeco cable television. 

Please note that you can watch recordings of the City of Kawartha Lakes Regular Council Meetings on Cable Cable channel 26 and Rogers Ignite channel 548 at 1pm on the Sunday that follows the Tuesday meeting.  

Staying Connected 

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