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Reminders for safe disposal of syringes and needles

Kawartha Lakes – Residents are reminded that all syringes and needles are considered hazardous waste and must be contained in an approved yellow sharps bin and disposed of at Household Hazardous Waste (HHW) depots. Hazardous waste depots within the Kawartha Lakes are located at:

Lindsay Ops Landfill – 51 Wilson Road, Lindsay ON

Fenelon Landfill – 341 Mark Road, Cameron ON

Community pharmacies also accept pharmaceuticals and used syringes/needles. For more information on safe handling and disposal locations, visit Hazardous waste found on public property can be reported to Kawartha Lakes Police Services at 705-324-5252 or to the OPP at 705-324-6741.

As per By-Law 2016-144 (By-Law for Collection and Management of Waste and Recyclables within the City of Kawartha Lakes) needles and syringes are prohibited for curbside collection. 

Please do not dispose of these items with your curbside waste or recycling. Improper disposal places municipal waste and recycling staff at risk of being harmed by needle stick injuries and contaminates the properly disposed materials. Recycling that has been contaminated with syringes/needles or other hazardous materials must be disposed of in the landfill and is unable to be properly recycled.

If you have any questions please contact 705-324-9411 or visit the municipal website waste management page.

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