Website Feedback

Pools and Swimming

Our Winter 2025 Community Guide is now available! This digital, interactive publication highlights a variety of aquatic, fitness and leisure programs, along with information regarding our March Break Camp, Winter Photography, Introduction to Guitar and our newly added roster of youth programs. The winter edition also includes details on our Logie Park Skating Loop, Somerville Forest Tract Ski Loops, community halls and upcoming events, such as the Indoor Triathlon.

Spark a plan for a better connection! To learn more about our winter aquatic programming please view pages 16 through 42 in our Winter 2025 Kawartha Lakes Community Guide.

Registration for winter programming will begin Tuesday December 17 at 9am through our Online Program Registration website.

Download an interactive copy of the Winter 2025 Kawartha Lakes Community Guide.

Alternate formats of the document are available upon request. Contact or call 705-324-9411 extension 1220 to learn more.

Winter 2025 Program Registration

Winter 2025 program registration will begin on Tuesday December 17, 2024 at 9am through our Online Program Registration website.

Winter programs being offered are available for viewing through our Online Program Registration website and in the winter edition of the Kawartha Lakes Community Guide beginning Thursday November 28, 2024.

For further information on aquatic programming and registration e-mail the aquatics team or call 705-324-9411 extension 1557 or 1558.

Aquatic Programming

Kawartha Swim Programming

Kawartha Lakes Parks and Recreation announced the launch of its new Kawartha Swim aquatic programming which came into affect January 2023.

The development of the new programming came as the outcome of an announcement made in early 2022 in which the municipality was informed that The Canadian Red Cross would be ending its swimming program support throughout the country by December 2022 to direct more attention to humanitarian demands.

Municipal staff in partnership with The Lifesaving Society worked closely together to develop the Kawartha Swim programs which have been set to replace The Canadian Red Cross aquatics programs which were previously offered.

Kawartha Swim Logo

Below you will find information on Parent and Tot, Pre-School and School Age programming along with helpful comparison charts to see where you're best suited for registration.

For further information on aquatic facilities or programming e-mail our aquatics team or call 705-324-9411 extension 1557 or 1558.

Parent and Tot Program (ages 4 to 36 months)

Parent and Tot logoKawartha Swim offers three Parent and Tot levels which are designed to spend quality time with your child while you both have fun, learn and socialize. Children progress through the Parent and Tot program based on age.

View The Canadian Red Cross Levels to Kawartha Swim Levels Comparison Chart below to determine which level is the appropriate level to register for.

View Parent and Tot programs and register online

Parent and Tot Program Levels - The Canadian Red Cross to Kawartha Swim Comparison Chart
Red Cross Last Level TakenAge (current)Next Appropriate Kawartha Swim Level
Starfish 4 to 12 months Parent and Tot 1
Starfish 12 to 24 months Parent and Tot 2
Duck 12 to 24 months Parent and Tot 2
Duck 24 to 36 months Parent and Tot 3
Sea Turtle 24 to 36 months Parent and Tot 3
Sea Turtle 3 to 6 years Mitchell Minnow

Program Level Descriptions:

Parent and Tot 1 (ages 4 to 12 months)

Parent and Tot logoParent and Tot 1 introduces babies and their parent/caregiver to buoyancy and movement in the water through play and songs. Participants in this level must be able to hold their head up and be 4 months to 12 months of age. Parents/caregivers will learn age-specific water safety and first aid skills.

Progression into the next level is based on age.

Parent and Tot 2 (ages 12 to 24 months)

Parent and Tot 2 introduces toddlers and their parent/caregiver to movement and active pParent and Tot Level 2 badgelay in the water through games and songs. Participants in this level must be 13 months to 24 months of age. Parents/caregivers will learn age-specific water safety and first aid skills.

Progression to the next level is based on age.

Parent and Tot 3 (ages 12 to 36 months)

Parent and Tot Level 3 badgeParent and Tot 3 introduces toddlers and their parent/caregiver to basic swimming movements including floats, glides, and kicks in a safe water environment using fun and games. Participants in this level must be 25 months to 36 months of age. Parents/caregivers will learn age-specific water safety and first aid skills. Progression to the next level is based on age.

Pre-School Programs (Ages 3 to 6 years)

Pre School LogoBecome a little fish and learn to swim through our Pre-School programs. Designed for children ages 3 to 6 years old, the following six levels develop an appreciation and healthy respect for the water.

Children progress through our Pre-School programs based on skill.

View The Canadian Red Cross Levels to Kawartha Swim Levels Comparison Chart below to determine which level is the appropriate level to register for.

View Pre-School Programs and register online

Pre-School Program Levels - The Canadian Red Cross to Kawartha Swim Comparison Chart
Red Cross Last Level TakenComplete/IncompleteAge (current)Next Appropriate Kawartha Swim Level
Sea Otter Incomplete 3 to 6 years Mitchell Minnow
Sea Otter Complete 3 to 6 years Sturgeon Spottail
Salamander Incomplete 3 to 6 years Sturgeon Spottail
Salamander Complete 3 to 6 years Pigeon Perch
Sunfish Incomplete 3 to 6 years Pigeon Perch
Sunfish Complete 3 to 6 years Balsam Bass
Crocodile Incomplete 3 to 6 years Balsam Bass
Crocodile Complete 3 to 6 years Canal Catfish
Whale Incomplete 3 to 6 years Canal Catfish
Whale Complete 3 to 6 years Cameron Carp

Program Level Descriptions:

Mitchell Minnow

Mitchell Minnow badgeMitchell Minnow participants will gain confidence in the water by learning how to safely enter, move through, and exit shallow water, and develop basic swimming movements including floats and glides. Participants will learn to put their face in the water and blow bubbles.

Progression to the next level is based on meeting specific performance criteria.

Sturgeon Spottail

Sturgeon Spottail badgeSturgeon Spottail participants will continue to build on their confidence in the water by learning how to safely swim with a Personal Flotation Device (PFD) or buoyant aid. Participants will learn how to fully submerge underwater and will work towards kicking on their back for 5 metres. Progression to the next level is based on meeting specific performance criteria.

Pigeon Perch

Pigeon Perch badgePigeon Perch participants will begin demonstrating their swimming skills, including 3 metres front and back glides, without the assistance of an instructor of buoyant aid. Participants will learn how to pick up an object from the bottom of the pool in waist-deep water and how to safely jump into deep water wearing a Personal Flotation Device (PFD).

Progression to the next level is based on meeting specific performance criteria.

Balsam Bass

Balsam Bass badgeBalsam Bass participants will build on their independence in the water and will be introduced to side glide as well as treading water. Participants will increase the length of their front and back floats to 7 seconds and will begin learn side glide.

Progression to the next level is based on meeting specific performance criteria.

Canal Catfish

Canal Catfish badgeCanal Catfish swimmers will compile the foundational skills they have learned in the previous levels to attempt front crawl and back crawl for 5 metres while wearing a Personal Flotation Device (PFD) or being supported by a buoyant aid. Participants will continue to work on their side glide and will demonstrate side glide with kicking for 5 metres.

Progression to the next level is based on meeting specific performance criteria.

Cameron Carp

Cameron Carp badgeCameron Carp swimmers will begin working on advanced skills, such as whip kick, while continuing to develop their front crawl and back crawl for 5 metres. Participants will learn how to roll into deep water, tread for 20 seconds, and swim for 10 metres wearing a Personal Flotation Device (PFD) to demonstrate their readiness for a fall into water.

Progression to the next level is based on meeting specific performance criteria.

Have questions or need assistance determining the appropriate level to register for? E-mail our aquatics team or call 705-324-9411 extension 1557 or 1558.

School Age Programs (Ages 5 to 14 years)

School Age logoKawartha Swim offers School Age programs designed for children 5 to 14 years of age, which focus on making sure your children learn how to swim before they 'get in too deep'.

This program consists of 12 levels which focus on beginners to more advanced skill sets.

View The Canadian Red Cross Levels to Kawartha Swim Levels Comparison Chart below to determine which level is the appropriate level to register for.

View School Age Programs and register online

School Age Program Levels - The Canadian Red Cross to Kawartha Swim Comparison Chart
Red Cross Last Level TakenComplete/IncompleteAge (current)Next Appropriate Kawartha Swim Level
Swim Kids 1 Incomplete 5 to 14 years Swimmer 1
Swim Kids 1 Complete 5 to 14 years Swimmer 1
Swim Kids 2 Incomplete 5 to 14 years Swimmer 2
Swim Kids 2 Complete 5 to 14 years Swimmer 2
Swim Kids 3 Incomplete 5 to 14 years Swimmer 2
Swim Kids 3 Complete 5 to 14 years Swimmer 3
Swim Kids 4 Incomplete 5 to 14 years Swimmer 3
Swim Kids 4 Complete 5 to 14 years Swimmer 4
Swim Kids 5 Incomplete 5 to 14 years Swimmer 4
Swim Kids 5 Complete 5 to 14 years Swimmer 5
Swim Kids 6 Incomplete 5 to 14 years Swimmer 5
Swim Kids 6 Complete 5 to 14 years Swimmer 6
Swim Kids 7 Incomplete 5 to 14 years Swimmer 6
Swim Kids 7 Complete 5 to 14 years Swimmer 7
Swim Kids 8 Incomplete 5 to 14 years Swimmer 7
Swim Kids 8 Complete 5 to 14 years Swimmer 8
Swim Kids 9 Incomplete 5 to 14 years Swimmer 9
Swim Kids 9 Complete 5 to 14 years Swimmer 9
Swim Kids 10 Incomplete 5 to 14 years Swimmer 9
Swim Kids 10 Complete 5 to 14 years Swimmer 10
Rookie Incomplete 5 to 14 years Swimmer 10
Rookie Complete 5 to 14 years Swimmer 11
Ranger Incomplete 5 to 14 years Swimmer 11
Ranger Complete 5 to 14 years Swimmer 12
Star Incomplete 5 to 14 years Swimmer 12
Star Complete 5 to 14 years Bronze Star

Program Level Descriptions:

Swimmer 1

Swimmer 1 badgeSwimmer 1 participants will begin working on the foundational skills of swimming including front and back floats, glides (3 metres), and kicking (5 metres), with the assistance of a Personal Flotation Device (PFD) or buoyant aid. Participants will be introduced to treading water and will gain confidence to jump into chest-deep water.

This class is for participants aged 5 and older.

Swimmer 2

Swimmer 2 badgeSwimmer 2 participants will learn how to safely enter and exit deep water, recover an object for the bottom in chest-deep water, and will be introduced to side glide. Participants will begin to work towards 5 metres of front crawl and 5 metres of back crawl with a buoyant aid.

This class is for participants aged 5 and older who have attempted Balsam Bass or Canal Catfish as well as participants who have successfully completed Swimmer 1, Pigeon Perch, or Balsam Bass. 


Swimmer 3

Swimmer 3 badgeSwimmer 3 participants will continue to increase the distances of their front crawl and back crawl to 10 metres, treading water for 15 seconds, and will learn how to demonstrate their side glide with kicking for 10 metres. Participants will be challenged to put their skills together to demonstrate a jump into deep water, tread for 30 second, and swim 15 metres wearing a Personal Flotation Device (PFD).

This class is for participants aged 5 and older who have attempted Cameron Carp as well as those who have successfully completed Swimmer 2 or Canal Catfish.

Swimmer 4

Swimmer 4 badgeSwimmer 4 participants will be introduced to seated dives and forward roll entries. Participants will attempt to tread for 30 seconds and will learn how to whip kick on their back. Participants will be challenged to increase their front crawl and back crawl distance for 15 metres.

This class is for participants aged 5 and older who have successfully completed Swimmer 3 or Cameron Carp.

Swimmer 5

Swimmer 5 badgeSwimmer 5 participants will begin to work on more advanced skills including whip kick on their front for 5 metres as well as the arm movements for breaststroke. Participants will learn how to do a kneeling dive and will increase their treading water for 45 seconds. Swimmers will increase their front crawl distance to 25 metres and will attempt a front crawl sprint.

This class is for participants aged 5 and older who have successfully completed Swimmer 4.

Swimmer 6

Swimmer 6 badgeSwimmer 6 participants will learn how to complete a standing dive into deep water. Swimmers will increase the distance of their whip kick to 15 metres and their back crawl to 25 metres. Participants will be challenged to put their skills together to demonstrate a roll into deep water, tread for 60 seconds, and a 50 metre swim.

This class is for participants aged 5 and older who have successfully completed Swimmer 5.

Swimmer 7

Swimmer 7 badgeSwimmer 7 participants will increase their front crawl and back crawl distances for 50 metres and combine their whip kick and arm movement skills to demonstrate breaststroke for 15 metres. Participants will be introduced to elementary back stroke and a stationary eggbeater kick. Participants will be challenged with treading water for 2 minutes as well as a 25 metre back crawl sprint.

This class is for participants aged 5 and older who have successfully completed Swimmer 6.

Swimmer 8

Swimmer 8 badgeSwimmer 8 participants will be introduced to advanced swimming skills such as vertical and horizontal dolphin kick and head up front crawl. Participants will continue to increase the distances of their front and back crawl to 75 metres, and will learn how to complete a shallow dive into deep water.

This class is for participants aged 5 and older who have successfully completed Swimmer 7.

Swimmer 9

Swimmer 9 badgeSwimmer 9 participants will be introduced to new skills that will be used in the lifesaving courses, including scissor kick, stride entries, and compact jumps. Swimmers will increase the distances of their front and back crawl to 100 metres, and will work towards a 50 metre breaststroke swim.

This class is for participants aged 5 and older who have successfully completed Swimmer 8.

Swimmer 10

Swimmer 10 badgeSwimmer 10 participants will continue to develop their strokes with 50 metre swims of front crawl, back crawl, and breaststroke. Participants will be introduced to lifesaving sport skills including a 25 metre obstacle swim and 15 metre object carry. Participants will have a first aid component which will focus on assessment of conscious victims, contacting EMS, and how to treat for bleeding.

This class is for participants aged 5 and older who have successfully completed Swimmer 9.

Swimmer 11

Swimmer 11 badgeSwimmer 11 participants will continue to learn more lifesaving skills including searching for a recovering an object, supporting an object for 1 minute, and removing a conscious victim from the water. Participants will expand their first aid knowledge by learning a primary assessment, how to care for a victim in shock, and how to assist a conscious person with an obstructed airway.

This class is for participants aged 5 and older who have successfully completed Swimmer 10.

Swimmer 12

Swimmer 12 badgeSwimmer 12 participants will be challenged to complete a 300 metre swim in under 9 minutes. Participants will continue to develop their lifesaving skills as they learn the ready position, the defense methods, and how to remove an unconscious victim from the water. Participants will learn how to care for a bone or joint injury, and respiratory emergencies.

This class is for participants aged 5 and older who have successfully completed Swimmer 11.


Have questions or need assistance determining the appropriate level to register for? E-mail our aquatics team or call 705-324-9411 extension 1557 or 1558.

Adult and Teen Programs (15 years of age or older)

Kawartha Swim adult badgeOur Adult and Teen programs are open to individuals 15 years of age or older and are suitable for all fitness levels. Participants should be comfortable in waist deep water. All Aquafitness and Therapy classes will be 45 minutes in length.

Pre-registration is required for all Adult and Teen programs through our Online Program Registration website.

View Adult and Teen Programs and register online

Adult 1

adult and teen 1 kawartha swim badge

In Adult One, you will work towards a 10 to 15 metre swim on your front and back. You will do jump entries from the side and recover an object from the bottom in chest-deep water. Improve your fitness and your flutter kick with four by nine to twelve metre interval training. This class is for participants aged 15 years and older.

Adult 2

adult and teen 2 kawartha swim badge

In Adult Two, you will increase your swimming ability with two interval training workouts, work on dive entries, and demonstrate breaststroke arms and breathing over 10 to 15 metres. You will be supporting yourself at surface for one or two minutes, and showing off your handstands in shallow water. This class is for participants aged 15 and older.

Adult 3

adult and teen 3 kawartha swim badge

In Adult Three, you will learn eggbeater, stride entries, and compact jumps. You will be doing a 300 metre workout and sprinting 25 to 50 metres. In this level, you will master your front crawl, back crawl, and breaststroke. This class is for participants aged 15 years and older.


Aquafitness classes provided an active workout incorporating a variety of exercises which wiAquafitness badgell build cardiovascular, muscle strength and endurance without the impact.

Aqua Therapy

A low impact exercise program designed to re-educate weak muscles Aqua Therapy badgeand to build strength and range of motion. Classes take place in the small pool at the Forbert Memorial Pool and Workout Centre in Bobcaygeon.


This gentle exercise class focuses on strengthening and maintaining muscles and joints required for Bluebirds badgenormal daily activities including muscle endurance, balance, flexibility and range of motion to help minimize chronic pain.

Water Therapy

A low impact exercise program designed to re-educate weak muscles and to build strength and range of motion. Aqua Therapy badgeClasses take place in the small pool at the Lindsay Recreation Complex.

Water Yoga

The unique properties of water allow people of all fitness levels and various conditions to benefit from Water Yoga. Classes include: breathing, warm-up, exercises, a series of poses and a relaxation period.

Water Yoga Badge

For further details e-mail the Aquatics team or call 705-324-9411 extension 1557 or 1558.

Lifesaving and Leadership

Get certified for a job you will love and launch your aquatic career. We are pleased to offer Lifesaving Society leadership courses that will certify you to become a lifeguard and swim instructor. Lifesaving Leadership badge

After completion of Swimmer 12, swimmers can sign up for Bronze Star.

Below is how you can expect to move through the swim levels to reach your lifesaving and leadership goals

  • Kawartha Swim
    • Parent and Tot levels
    • Pre-School Levels
    • Swimmer Levels
  • Bronze Star
    • Bronze Star Medallion and Emergency First Aid
    • Bronze Cross and Standard First Aid with CPR-C
  • National Lifeguard
  • Assistant Instructor
    • LSS Swim Instructor
    • Lifesaving Instructor

View Lifesaving and Leadership Programs and register online


For questions regarding lifesaving and leadership programs or progression, e-mail the aquatics team by calling 705-324-9411 extension 1557 or 1558.

Bronze Star

After completing your Red Cross Swim Levels you will move into Bronze Star. The suggested age for this course is 11 to 14 years of age and the suggested pre-requisite is Swimmer 12.

Candidates in this level support a 10 pound object at the surface for 3 minutes, swim a 400 metre fitness swim, learn CPR, rescues and the immobilization of the spinal victim on land.

100% attendance is required.

Bronze Medallion and Emergency First Aid

Pre-Requisites: Minimum 13 years of age or Bronze Star Certification (need not be current).

This award teaches an understanding of the lifesaving principles; judgement, knowledge, skills and fitness. Rescuers learn tows, carries, defences and releases. They must also swim 500 metres in 15 minutes or better.

This program consists of both online learning and in-person practical skills.

100% attendance is required.

Register Button Link

After completing your Bronze Star you will move into Bronze Medallion and Emergency First Aid. The pre-requisite for this course is 13 years of age and older or completion of Bronze Star. 

This award teaches an understanding of the lifesaving principles; judgement, knowledge, skills and fitness. Rescuers learn tows, carries, defences and releases. Participants must also swim 400 metres in 12 minutes or better.

100% attendance is required.

Bronze Cross with Standard First Aid with CPR-C

After completing your Bronze Medallion and Emergency First Aid you will move into Bronze Cross and Standard First Aid with CPR-C. The pre-requisite for this course is the completion of Bronze Medallion and Emergency First Aid.

This award develops more advanced training including the introduction to safe supervision in Aquatic Facilities, as well as immobilization of a spinal victim in deep water and underwater searches. Participants must swim 400 metres in 11 minutes or better.

100% attendance is required.

Lifesaving Society Standard First Aid with CPR-C

Standard First Aid provides comprehensive training covering all aspects of First Aid and CPR. Standard First Aid incorporates all of Emergency First Aid and is designed for those who require a more in-depth understanding of first aid including; legal implications of first aid treatment, spinal injuries, heat or cold injuries, bone and joint injuries, chest injuries, and medical emergencies. Includes CPR-C certification.

The First Aid program is designed for anyone who is interested in First Aid or who requires it for their workplace as it is WSIB recognized.

100% attendance is required.

Lifesaving Society Standard First Aid with CPR-C Re certification

Current Standard First Aid (SFA) holders may re-certify their Lifesaving Society SFA certification just once on a Lifesaving Society SFA Re-certification Course not more than 3 years from the Standard First Aid date of issue. To renew SFA certifications subsequently, award holders must repeat the full SFA Course. Thereafter, individuals may renew by alternating re-certifications and original courses.

Holders of Standard First Aid certificates from other agencies may not re-certify their certificate on a Lifesaving Society Re-certification Course. They may only re-certify only with the original certifying agency.

100% attendance is required.

National Lifeguard

After completing your Bronze Cross and Standard First Aid you can move into National Lifeguard to become a Lifeguard. The pre-requisite for this course is the completion of Bronze Cross and Standard First Aid with a minimum age of 15 years of age.

This program consists of both online learning and in-person practical skills. 100% attendance is required.

This Certification is designed to develop the judgement, knowledge, skills and fitness required by lifeguards. Some of the fitness items required include: swimming 400 metres in 10 minutes or better, swimming 15 metres underwater, swimming 50 metres of head-up front crawl or head-up breaststroke in 1 minutes or less. This course emphasizes lifeguarding skills, principles and practices and the decision making process to develop effective safety supervision in pool environments.

National Lifeguard Re certification

Prerequisites: Must bring proof of prior National Lifeguard (NL) Certification.

Re-Certification is required every 2 years to remain current.

Assistant Instructor
After completing your Bronze Cross and Standard First Aid with CPR-C you will move into the Assistant Swim Instructor course. The pre-requisite for this course is the completion of Bronze Cross and Standard First Aid with CPR-C and must be a minimum of 14 years of age.
Lifesaving Society (LSS) Instructor with Swim Instructor

After completing your Assistant Instructor you will move into the LSS Swim Instructor course. The pre-requisite for this course is the completion of Bronze Cross and Standard First Aid with CPR-C and a minimum of 15 years of age.

The Lifesaving Society Instructor course prepares the instructor to teach and evaluate swimming strokes and related skills found in the Lifesaving Society Swim for Life program. Candidates acquire proven teaching methods, planning skills, and a variety of stroke development drills and corrective techniques.

Completion of the Lifesaving Society Assistant Instructor program is strongly recommended as a pre-requisite for this course. 100% attendance is required.

Lifesaving Instructor

The pre-requisite for this course is the completion of Bronze Cross and Standard First Aid with CPR-C, LSS Swim Instructor or Red Cross Water Safety Instructor and 15 years of age by the end of the course.

The Lifesaving Instructor Course prepares instructors to teach the Lifesaving Society's:

  • Canadian Swim Patrol Program
  • Bronze Star
  • Bronze Medallion
  • Bronze Cross
  • Lifesaving Fitness, Distinction
  • Basic and Emergency First Aid
  • CPR-A, CPR-B and CPR-C

100% attendance is required.

Lifesaving Society Examiner Course

This course will provide specific training in examination methodology through the Lifesaving Society program standards. Examiner candidates must must have taught or co-taught at least one course in the stream(s) in which they are seeking Certification as an Examiner. Certification as an Examiner is a three-step process:

1. Successfully complete an Examiner course with a current Trainer.

2. Successfully apprentice with an Examiner Mentor on one exam in the stream(s) in which you seek to be certified as an Examiner.

3. Submission of the completed Examiner Training Record and the Certification.

Aquatic Supervisory Training

Prerequisites: National Lifeguard or Lifesaving Society Instructor (Swim or Lifesaving) Certification (need not be current), and 100 hours of experience as a Lifeguard and/or an Instructor.

For deck level supervisory staff, this course provides the knowledge and skills beyond National Lifeguard Certification, to manage a safe aquatic environment.

100% attendance is required.

Have questions regarding Lifesaving and Leadership programs? E-mail our aquatics team or call 705-324-9411 extension 1557 or 1558.

Upcoming Registration Dates
 Spring 2025 Session

Registration for the Spring 2025 session will begin on Tuesday March 4, 2025 at 9am through our Online Program Registration website.

Programs being offered are available for viewing in the Spring edition of the Kawartha Lakes Community Guide starting Thursday February 13, 2025 at 9am.

 Summer 2025 Session

Registration for the Summer 2025 session will begin on Tuesday June 17, 2025 at 9am through our Online Program Registration website.

Programs being offered are available for viewing in the Summer edition of the Kawartha Lakes Community Guide starting Thursday May 29, 2025 at 9am.

 Fall 2025 Session

Registration for the Fall 2025 session will begin on Tuesday August 26, 2025 at 9am through our Online Program Registration website.

Programs being offered are available for viewing in the Fall edition of the Kawartha Lakes Community Guide starting Thursday August 7, 2025 at 9am.

Beach Lessons

Beach Lessons BadgeWe’re excited to bring our Kawartha Swim Programs to you this summer at three local beaches within the City of Kawartha Lakes; Sandy Beach on Balsam Lake, Birch Point on Balsam Lake and Four Mile Lake in Burnt River. To learn more and to register please email the Aquatics Coordinator or call 705-324-9411 extension 1558. 

Private and Semi Private Lessons

We are pleased to offer one-on-one Private Lessons and Semi-Private Lesson for all ages and swim levels.

Private Lessons

Our one-on-one Private Lessons are useful where a special need exists and/or an individual is working on a specific skill.

Small pool private lessons are only available for swimmers in Mitchell Minnow, Sturgeon Spottail, Pigeon Perch and Swimmer one.

View available Private and Semi Private Lessons and register online

Semi-Private Lessons

Semi-Private Lessons are available for all ages and swim levels. Lessons are two participants to one instructor ratio. Semi-Private Lessons are useful where a special need exists and/or individuals working on a specific skill.

For further information regarding Semi Private Lessons, e-mail our aquatics team or call 705-324-9411 extension 1557 or 1558.

Pool Rules, and Safety Protocols for Aquatic Programming

The municipality has implemented pool rules and safety protocols for all aquatic facilities as well as for all programming to ensure a safe and enjoyable experience for all participants and patrons.

Forbert Memorial Pool - Pool Rules and Safety Protocols for Aquatic Programming
Aquatic Programming will adhere to specific Pool Rules and Safety Protocols, including:
  • Equipment will be available during lessons and Public Swims
  • Snorkels will be permitted
  • Participants may bring their own equipment, should they choose to do so
  • The Forbert Memorial Pool and Workout Centre is a scent-free facility
  • Participants are required to sign in at the Front Desk/Attendant prior to attending their first class or for all Public Swim
  • Pool Admission Standards must be adhered to at all times
  • Cellphones and cameras are not permitted in the Change Rooms or on the pool deck
  • Patrons are encouraged to limit their time in the Change Rooms before and after their programs

Please note, pool rules and safety protocols are subject to change. For questions, call 705-324-9112 extension 1557 or 1558 or e-mail the aquatics team.

Lindsay Recreation Complex - Pool Rules and Safety Protocols for Aquatic Programming

All Aquatic Programming will adhere to specific pool rules and safety protocols, including:

  • Equipment will be available during lessons and Public Swims
  • Snorkels will be permitted
  • Participants may bring their own equipment, should they choose to do so
  • The Lindsay Recreation Complex is a scent-free facility
  • Participants are required to sign in at the Front Desk/Attendant prior to attending their first class and for all Public Swims
  • Pool Admission Standards must be adhered to at all times
  • Cellphones and cameras are not permitted in the Change Rooms or on the pool deck
  • Patrons are encouraged to limit their time in the Change Room before and after their programs

Please note, pool rules and safety protocols are subject to change. For questions, call 705-324-9112 extension 1557 or 1558 or e-mail the aquatics team.

How to register for Aquatic Programs

All participants in all of our Aquatic Programming will be required to register through our Online Program Registration website. Pre-registration is required for all aquatic programs.

Upcoming Registration Dates
Summer 2024 Session

Registration for the Summer 2024 session will begin on Tuesday June 11, 2024 at 9am through our Online Program Registration website.

Summer programs being offered are available for viewing through our Online Program Registration website and in the Summer edition of the Kawartha Lakes Community Guide beginning on Thursday May 30 at 9am.

For further information regarding aquatics program registration e-mail the aquatics team or call 705-324-9411 extension 1557 or 1558.

Fall 2020 Aquatics Registration will begin on Monday September 21 at 9am.

Registration will take place online ONLY through our Online Program Registration website:

In-person and telephone registration will not be available for the Fall 2020 session.

Fall 2020 Aquatics Registration will begin on Monday September 21 at 9am.

Registration will take place online ONLY through our Online Program Registration website:

In-person and telephone registration will not be available for the Fall 2020 session.

Existing Clients - How to register

Once registration is open for the session, existing clients can simply visit our Online Program Registration website at: to register for all aquatic programs.

Forget your account password?

1. Visit our Online Program Registration website and click on 'Forgot your password?' at the bottom of the screen.

Forgot password screen

2. A new temporary password will be sent to the e-mail address associated with your Online Program Registration website account.

Password reset screenshot

3. Clients will be asked to reset their password.

Choose a password that is familiar to you so that you will remember it the next time you log in.

Once you click the 'Save' button, a notification will appear that your password has been successfully changed. 

Now log in using your username and updated password and you will now be able to access your account.

Locked out of your account? or for any other account related questions:

Contact us by calling 705-324-9112 during regular business hours or e-mail us.
New Clients - How to register

In order to register online for any of our aquatic programs new clients will be required to create an account for our Online Program Registration website. Once an account has been created and registration for the session is open clients will be able to register for programs online.

How to create an account

To get started visit our Online Program Registration website at:

For the best registration experience, please use Google Chrome or Firefox.  Using other browsers may produce unexpected results.

Steps on how to create an account:

1. Click on the 'Signup' button at the top of the Login to your account box.

PM home screen

2. Once all fields have been completed, click the 'Become Member' button at the bottom. You will receive a new temporary password by e-mail.

Become a Member screen

3. After clicking the 'Become Member' button, a new screen will open. On this screen you can edit your account information and add family members to your account. Family members must be listed under your account in order for you to register them for a program.

Add Family Member Screen

Add all family member information so that your account is up to date.

Step three add family member screen shot

Once the family is updated, click on your name in the top right corner to log out and exit the web browser.

Log Out Screen

4. Check your e-mail and look for an e-mail from us.  Click on the link in the e-mail and use the username and password provided in that e-mail to log in.

Login Info E mail Screenshot

5. When you log in using the username and password that was e-mailed to you, users will then be asked to reset their password. 

Choose a password that is familiar to you so that you will remember it the next time you log in.

Once you click the 'Save' button, a notification will appear that your password has been successfully changed.  Then log in using your username and updated password.

Password reset screenshot

If you have any questions or require assistance setting up an account e-mail the Parks and Recreation Division or call 705-324-9112 during business hours.

How to register for an Aquatic Program online

Once an account has been created and registration for the session is open, you will now be able to register for all Aquatic Programs online through our Online Program Registration website.

How to register for an Aquatics Program online

How to register for an Aquatic Program online:

1. Log in to our Online Program Registration website at: using your username (e-mail) and password.

Login screen

2. Once logged in, you will be required to Select an Activity. Under the 'Aquatics' category, select the appropriate program category for the program that you wish to register for.

Alternatively, you can also use the search bar function on the top right corner and search for the program by name or by program barcode.

Step 1 Select Program

3. Under the program category, find the program you wish to register for and click on the 'Show courses' down arrow to expand and view the available courses for the program.

Step 2 choose program

4. Once you have found your desired program that you wish to register for, click the 'Book' button.

Step 4 Book

5. The next screen will ask who you would like to book for the program. Select the individual you wish to register for the program and then click 'Next' button.

If you do not see the individual you wish to register, you can click the '+' button to Add a Family Member.

Step 5 select registrant

6. Depending on the program, if you are required to complete any mandatory forms such as a Par-Q form prior to registering they will now appear automatically on this screen.

Answer all required questions and click the 'Next' button.

If your program does not require any additional forms to be completed you will not see this screen. Not all programs will require forms to be completed, if they do not appear automatically no additional forms are required at this time.

Par Q form

7.  Review the information on the Cart Summary page to ensure that the all of information is correct and that you are registering for the correct desired program.

If the information is not correct, click on the 'Modify Booking' button to make the appropriate changes.

If you wish to add/register for additional programs, click on the 'Book another event' button.

If all of the information is correct, click on the 'Checkout' button to proceed to the checkout.

Cart Summary screen

8. You will now be required to enter your payment method (credit card required). Enter your card information, including the billing address information associated with your card.

Review your order summary and click on the 'Place My Order' button to make a payment and complete the registration for the program.

payment screen

9. You will wait for a confirmation screen to appear confirming you have been successfully registered for the program. You will now receive a confirmation e-mail to confirm your registration as well as a copy of your receipt.

Confirmation Screen

For questions regarding registering online for a program please call 705-324-9112 during business hours or e-mail the Parks and Recreation Division. 
How to register for multiple drop-in Programs online

How to register for multiple drop-in sessions:

1. Log in to your Online Program Registration website account at:

2. Follow the registration process by selecting "Register" and selecting an activity. If you are unsure how to register, visit the section above that provides step-by-step details on how to register for a program.

3. Add the first registration to your cart by following the prompts. Once you see the checkout screen, do not add a payment, instead click the "Continue Shopping" button under the payment section.

Continue Shopping

You will then be redirected back to the 'Select an Activity' screen.

Select an Activity

Note: you can see on the top right side of your screen, that you have an item in your Cart and your spot is being held

Spot Held

4. Select the additional programs/drop-in's that you would like to register for, follow the registration process.

5. Both registrations are now visible in the checkout screen. If you would like to add more registrations, please click 'Continue Shopping'.

6. Once you have the program registrations in your cart, you can process your payment for all of the registrations in your order summary.


For questions regarding registering online for a program please call 705-324-9112 during business hours or e-mail the Parks and Recreation Division.

Public Swimming

Participants are encouraged to pre-register to reserve a swim space in advance using our Online Program Registration website. Walk in reservations and payment will be accepted on site when space allows.

Entry will only be allowed up to your registered start time. Schedules are subject to change and cancellations may occur.

To confirm the schedule contact the Facility by calling the Lindsay Recreation Complex at 705-324-9112 or the Forbert Memorial Pool, Bobcaygeon at 705-738-5858.

Public Swimming Pool Rules and Safety Protocols
The municipality has implemented public swimming pool rules and safety protocols for all aquatic facilities to ensure a safe and enjoyable experience for all participants and patrons.
Forbert Memorial Pool and Workout Centre - General Pool Rules and Safety Protocols

The Forbert Memorial Pool and Workout Centre will adhere to the following General Pool Rules and Safety Protocols:

  • Participants are encouraged to pre-register to reserve a swim space in advance using our Online Program Registration website. Walk in reservations and payment will be accepted on site when space allows.
  • All participants will be required to sign in with the Front Desk/Attendant prior to heading to their class
  • Do not enter the facility if you are sick; experiencing a fever, cough, sore throat or shortness of breath
  • Equipment will be available during lessons and Public Swims, participants may also bring their own equipment
  • Snorkels are permitted
  • Pool Admission Standards must be adhered to at all times
  • No cellphones/camera use will be permitted in the Change Room or on the pool deck
  • Patrons are encouraged to limit their time in the Change Room before and after their programs

Please note, pool rules and safety protocols are subject to change. For questions, call 705-324-9411 extension 1557 or 1558 or e-mail the aquatics team.

Lindsay Recreation Complex - General Pool Rules and Safety Protocols

All participants will be required to adhere to the following specific Pool Rules and Safety Protocols:

  • Participants are encouraged to pre-register to reserve a swim space in advance using our Online Program Registration website. Walk in reservations and payment will be accepted on site when space allows.
  • Equipment will be available during lessons and Public Swims
  • Snorkels will be permitted
  • Do not enter the facility if you are sick; experiencing a fever, cough, sore throat or shortness of breath
  • Pool Admission Standards must be adhered to
  • No cellphones/camera use will be permitted in the Change Room or on the pool deck
  • Patrons are encouraged to limit their time in the Change Room before and after their programs

Please note, pool rules and safety protocols are subject to change. For questions regarding the Lindsay Recreation Complex Public Swimming Pool Rules and Safety Protocols please call 705-324-9112 or e-mail the aquatics team.

Public Swim Schedules and Swim Descriptions

We are pleased to offer Public Swim opportunities year-round at both the Lindsay Recreation Complex and the Forbert Memorial Pool in Bobcaygeon.

Participants are encouraged to pre-register to reserve a swim space in advance using our Online Program Registration website. Walk in reservations and payment will be accepted on site when space allows.

Participants are able to register for their desired swim time up to 14 days in advance.

Public Swim Descriptions

Participants are encouraged to pre-register to reserve a swim space in advance using our Online Program Registration website. Walk in reservations and payment will be accepted on site when space allows.

Public Swimming will take place at both the Lindsay Recreation Complex and the Forbert Memorial Pool in Bobcaygeon.

Schedule subject to change, cancellations may occur.

For questions regarding Public Swimming contact the Lindsay Recreation Complex at 705-324-9112, Forbert Memorial Pool at 705-738-5858 or e-mail the aquatics team.

Swim Descriptions:

Fun Swim

This is an active, high activity and noisy swim time for all ages. The diving board will be open during Fun Swims. Public equipment is available. Personal equipment is permitted in the shallow end of the large pool and in the small pool. No equipment is allowed in the deep end of the large pool at any time. Snorkels are permitted. No length swimming.

Pool Admission Standards must be maintained at all times.

Adult Swim

This swim provides the opportunity for those 15 years and older to chat, relax and complete their personal fitness programs. This is a quiet swim. Lanes are available for swimming lengths, there will be public equipment available. Exercise/length swimming equipment will be available. Snorkels are permitted.

Fitness Swim

This swim is for all ages wishing to swim lengths in the large pool and complete exercise goals in the small pool. Exercise/length swimming equipment will be available for use, no toys permitted. Snorkels are permitted. Pool Admission Standards must be maintained at all times.

Fun/Fitness Swim

This is an active swim time for all ages where swimmers can choose to swim lengths or relax. The diving board will be open. Lanes will be adjusted based on demand. Public equipment will be available. Personal equipment is permitted in the shallow end of the large pool and in the small pool. No equipment is allowed in the deep end of the large pool at any time. Snorkels will be permitted.

Pool Admission Standards must be maintained at all times.

The on-deck Sauna at the Lindsay Recreation Complex is available during Public Swim times to those attending the swim, or any patrons who hold a Swim Membership or a Squash Membership.
The Aquaglide is a giant floating obstacle course that features jumping and balancing sections. Children 14 years of age or younger will be required to pass the Facility Swim Test in order to use the Aquaglide.
Diving Board/Diving Blocks
The Diving Blocks at the Lindsay Recreation Complex are open during Fitness Swims and Adult Swims only if a safety hazard does not exist. Diving Blocks are available in lanes 2 and 3 during Fun Swims. Those wishing to use the Diving Blocks must be able to pass the Facility Swim Test. Forward jumps or dives only – no flips, twists, somersaults, or backwards entries.

Public Swim Schedules

Public Swim Schedules are available to view online through our Online Program Registration website.

Lindsay Recreation Complex Public Swim Schedule

Participants are encouraged to pre-register to reserve a swim space in advance using our Online Program Registration website. Walk in reservations and payment will be accepted on site when space allows.

View the Lindsay Recreation Complex Public Swim Schedule and register online

Lindsay Recreation Complex Public Swim Schedule: January 5 until March 9, 2025


  • Adult Swim - 12pm to 1pm
  • Fun/Fitness Swim - 6pm to 8pm


  • Fitness Swim - 6:15am to 8am
  • Fun/Fitness Swim - 11am to 12pm
  • Adult Swim - 12pm to 1pm
  • Fun/Fitness Swim - 2:45pm to 3:45pm
  • Fun Swim - 8pm to 9pm
  • Fitness Swim - 9pm to 10pm


  • Fitness Swim - 6:15am to 8am
  • Adult Swim - 12pm to 1pm
  • Fun/Fitness Swim - 2:45pm to 3:45pm
  • Fitness Swim - 9pm to 10pm


  • Fitness Swim - 6:15am to 8am
  • Fun/Fitness Swim - 11am to 12pm
  • Adult Swim - 12pm to 1pm
  • Fun Swim - 7pm to 8pm
  • Fitness Swim - 8pm to 9pm


  • Fitness Swim - 6:15am to 8am
  • Adult Swim - 12pm to 1pm
  • Fun/Fitness Swim - 2:45pm to 3:45pm
  • Fitness Swim - 9pm to 10pm


  • Fitness Swim - 6:15am to 8am
  • Fun/Fitness Swim - 11am to 12pm
  • Adult Swim - 12pm to 1pm
  • Fun/Fitness Swim - 2:45pm to 3:45pm


  • Fitness Swim - 1pm to 2pm
  • Fun Swim - 2pm to 4pm

Book your swim at the Lindsay Recreation Complex online

Schedules are subject to change. Contact the Lindsay Recreation Complex at 705-324-9112 or e-mail the aquatics team to confirm schedule.

Schedules are subject to change. Contact the Lindsay Recreation Complex at 705-324-9112 or e-mail the aquatics team to confirm schedule.

Forbert Memorial Pool, Bobcaygeon Public Swim Schedule

Participants are encouraged to pre-register to reserve a swim space in advance using our Online Program Registration website. Walk in reservations and payment will be accepted on site when space allows.

View the Forbert Memorial Pool Public Swim Schedule and register online

Forbert Memorial Pool (Bobcaygeon) Public Swim Schedule: January 5 until March 9, 2025

  • Adult Swim - 12pm to 1pm
  • Fitness Swim - 1pm to 2pm
  • Fun/Fitness Swim - 2pm to 4pm


  • Fitness Swim - 6:30am to 8am
  • Fitness Swim - 11am to 12pm
  • Adult Swim - 12pm to 1pm
  • Fun Swim - 6pm to 7pm
  • Fitness Swim - 7pm to 8pm


  • Fitness Swim - 6:30am to 8am
  • Adult Swim - 12pm to 1pm
  • Fun/Fitness Swim - 2:30pm to 3:30pm
  • Fun/Fitness Swim - 7pm to 8pm


  • Fitness Swim - 6:30am to 8am
  • Fitness Swim - 11am to 12pm
  • Adult Swim - 12pm to 1pm
  • Fun/Fitness Swim - 6pm to 7pm


  • Fitness Swim - 6:30am to 8am
  • Adult Swim - 12pm to 1pm
  • Fun/Fitness Swim - 7pm to 8pm


  • Fitness Swim - 6:30am to 8am
  • Adult Swim - 12pm to 1pm
  • Adult Swim - 1pm to 2pm


  • Adult Swim - 1:15pm to 2:15pm
  • Fun/Fitness Swim - 2:15pm to 4pm

Book your swim at Forbert Memorial Pool online

Schedules are subject to change. Contact the Lindsay Recreation Complex at 705-324-9112, Forbert Memorial Pool at 705-738-5858 or e-mail the aquatics team to confirm schedule.

Schedules are subject to change. Contact the Lindsay Recreation Complex at 705-324-9112, Forbert Memorial Pool at 705-738-5858 or e-mail the aquatics team to confirm schedule.

Public Swim Fees

2025 Public Swimming Fees - Effective January 1, 2025
Participant2024 Fee
Children (under 15 years of age) $2.90
Adults (ages 15 years and older) $5.50 + HST
Seniors (ages 60 years and older) $5 + HST
Lindsay Recreation Complex Swim and Health Members Free (fee included in Membership)

Public Swim fees are subject to change.

Participants are encouraged to pre-register to reserve a swim space in advance using our Online Program Registration website. Walk in reservations and payment will be accepted on site when space allows.

For questions regarding Public Swimming please call the Lindsay Recreation Complex at 705-324-9112, Forbert Memorial Pool at 705-738-5858 or e-mail the aquatics team.

How to Register for a Public Swim

Participants are encouraged to pre-register to reserve a swim space in advance using our Online Program Registration website. Walk in reservations and payment will be accepted on site when space allows.

Participants can register up to 14 days in advance for their desired swim time.

New Clients

All new clients will be required to set up an account on our Online Program Registration website prior to being able to register online for a Public Swim time.

How to set up an account

In order to register online for any of our aquatic programs or Public Swim new clients will be required to create an account for our Online Program Registration website.

How to create an account:

To get started visit our Online Program Registration website at:

For the best registration experience, please use Google Chrome or Firefox.  Using other browsers may produce unexpected results.

Steps on how to create an account:

1. Click on the 'Create an Account' button at the bottom of the login box.

public swim login

2. Once all fields have been completed, click the 'Become Member' button at the bottom. You will receive a new temporary password by e-mail.

Become a member screen

3. After clicking the 'Become Member' button, a new screen will open; on this screen you can edit your account information and add family members. Family members must be listed under your account in order for you to register them for a program.

Screen Shot Step Three add Family member

Add all family member information so your account is up to date.

Once the family is updated, click on your name in the top right corner to log out and exit the web browser.

Step three add family member screen shot

4. Check your e-mail and look for an e-mail from us.  Click on the link in the e-mail and use the username and password provided in that e-mail to log in.

Login Info E mail Screenshot

5. When you log in using the username and password that was e-mailed to you, users will be asked to reset their password. 

Choose a password that is familiar to you so that you will remember it the next time you log in.

Once you click the 'Save' button, a notification will appear that you password has been successfully changed. Then log in using your username and updated password.

Password reset screenshot

If you have any questions or require assistance setting up an account e-mail the Parks and Recreation Division or call 705-324-9112 during business hours.

How to register for a Public Swim

Once an account has been created for our Online Program Registration website, participants will then be able to register themselves or their family members for Public Swimming and Aquatic Programs.

How to register online for a Public Swim:

1. Log in to our Online Program Registration website at: using your User Name (e-mail) and Password

2. Under 'Drop in programs' tab select 'Public Swimming'.

3. Use the calendar to view the schedule and select the swim type, date and time you wish to attend.

Select Date

4. Once you have found your desired swim time, click the 'Book' button.

Book button

5. A new page will open, you will then review the swim information, once you have ensured it is the correct swim that you wish to register for, click the 'Book' button.

Book 2 button

6. On the next screen you will be asked who you would like to book for the swim? Select the individual you wish to register/book for the swim and then click 'Next' button.

Select Registrant screen

7.  Review the Fee to pay and click the 'Next' button.

Fee screen

8. Review the information on the Cart Summary page to ensure that the all of information is correct and that you are registering for the correct desired swim time.

If the information is not correct, click on the 'Modify Booking' button to make the appropriate changes.

If you wish to add additional swims or register for any other programs click on the 'Book another event' button.

If all of the information is correct, click on the 'Checkout' button to proceed to the checkout.

Cart Summary screen

9. You will now be directed to the Checkout screen. From here you will enter your payment information (credit card required), you will also be required to enter the billing information associated with the card.

Once the information is added, review your order summary and click on the 'Place My Order' button.

payment screen

10. You will wait for a confirmation screen to appear confirming you have been successfully registered for the swim. You will now receive a confirmation e-mail to confirm your registration as well as a copy of your receipt.

For questions regarding registering online for a Public Swim please call 705-324-9112 during business hours or e-mail the Parks and Recreation Division.

Existing Clients

Existing clients can simply visit our Online Program Registration website at: to register for the Public Swimming.

Forget your account password?

1. Visit our Online Program Registration website and click on 'Forgot your password?' at the bottom of the screen.

Forgot password

2. A new temporary password will be sent to the e-mail address associated with your Online Program Registration account.

Password reset screenshot

3. Clients will be asked to reset their password. Choose a password that is familiar to you so that you will remember it the next time you log in.

Once you click the 'Save' button, a notification will appear that you password has been successfully changed. 

Then log in using your username and updated password and you will now be able to access your account.

Locked out of your account? or for any other account related questions:

For assistance call us at 705-324-9112 during business hours or 

Pool Admission Standards

Pool Admission Standards assist lifeguards in maintaining adequate surveillance over the whereabouts and activities of young bathers while they are inside the pool enclosure.

Children 6 years of age and under must be directly supervised (within arm's reach) of a responsible person 15 years of age or older at all times regardless of swimming ability. The ratio of swimmers to guardians for this age group is 2:1.

Children 7, 8 and 9 years of age who are non-swimmers must be accompanied by a parent, guardian or group leader who is at least 15 years of age and responsible for their direct supervision.

The ratio of non-swimmers to parent or guardian may be a maximum of 4 bathers to 1 (4:1).

The ratio of non-swimmers to parent or guardian may be increased to a maximum of 8 bathers to 1 (8:1), if Lifejackets are worn by all non-swimmers.

To swim without direct supervision (within arm's reach) you must successfully complete the Facility Swim Test.

Individuals with serious medical conditions, especially seizure disorders, must be accompanied by a person knowledgeable of their condition and directly responsible for their supervision.

adult to child ratio for pool admission

For questions regarding Pool Admission Standards by calling the Lindsay Recreation Complex at 705-324-9112 or Forbert Memorial Pool at 705-738-5858 during business hours or e-mail the aquatics team.

Facility Swim Test

Individuals must demonstrate comfort in the water, at the discretion of the lifeguard. The Facility Swim Test consists of:

  • 1 minute of treading water (surface support). Ears must be above the surface.
  • 2 uninterrupted widths of the pool without touching the pool bottom. Swimmers must have their face in the water a minimum of 4 times where they exhale and breathe. Goggle use is discouraged (full face masks are not permitted).

Aquatic staff reserves the right to ask any patron to complete the swim test at any time.

Wrist Band Policy

We have a Wrist Band Policy to ensure that children have a safe and enjoyable swimming experience. This system allows staff to identify children at greater risk of accidents and ensure adequate supervision when in the pool area.

Red Wrist Band:

  • All children 6 years of age and under must swim within arm's reach of a parent or guardian 15 years of age or older in a 2:1 Ratio;
  • Children will be red banded before admittance to the pool.

Yellow Wrist Band:

  • Children ages 7, 8 and 9 will be yellow banded before admittance to the pool;
  • Children 7, 8 and 9 who do not pass the Facility Swim Test will remain yellow banded; those who do pass will be given a green band;
  • Yellow banded swimmers must be monitored in the following ratios by a guardian: 1 guardian to 4 swimmers.

Green Wrist Band:

  • Children ages 7-14 years of age who have passed the Facility Swim Test will be green banded before admittance to the pool;
  • Swim test cards can be purchased at the front desk.
Swim Test Passed Membership

Children ages 7, 8 and 9 are eligible to pay $2 for a Swim Test Passed Membership card upon successful completion of the Facility Swim Test.

These children must present their Green Wrist Band on their arm to the front desk to show proof of eligibility. A Swim Test Passed Membership card will be issued. Children can scan the card at the front desk and present it to Aquatics Staff to receive a Green Wrist Band upon entry.

Children ages 10-14 who wish to swim in the deep end of the pool may acquire the same Swim Test Passed Membership to be allowed in the deep end of the pool.

At any time, the Aquatics staff may ask a child to re-take the swim test if they feel the child does not demonstrate the ability to maintain the Swim Admission Standard.


Frequently Asked Questions

Below are frequent asked questions regarding Public Swimming and general pool rules:

Is there an alternate way to register other than online?

Registration for all aquatics programs takes place through our Online Program Registration website.

How far in advance can I register for a Public Swim?

You can register up to 14 days in advance online for Public Swims through our Online Program Registration website. Limited space is available in all aquatics programming.

How do I cancel a Public Swim that I have registered for and can no longer attend?

To cancel a Public Swim time you have registered for, please call 705-324-9112 or e-mail: 
Will training equipment be available for use at Public Swims?
Yes, pool/training equipment or toys will be available for public use. Swimmers may also bring their own equipment, should they choose to do so. Snorkels are permitted.

Additional questions? contact the Parks and Recreation Division by calling 705-324-9112 during regular business hours or e-mail the aquatics team.

Pool Facilities and Pool Rentals

The Parks and Recreation Division maintains two aquatic facilities year-round, the Lindsay Recreation Complex in Lindsay and the Forbert Memorial Pool in Bobcaygeon. Both pool facilities are available for private rentals.

Pool Facilities

We operate two indoor aquatic facilities year round the Lindsay Recreation Complex in Lindsay and the Forbert Memorial Pool in Bobcaygeon.

 Lindsay Recreation Complex

The Lindsay Recreation Complex boasts a 25 metre 6 lane pool, a therapeutic warm pool; both of which host a variety of aquatic programming year-round. The facility also features an on-deck sauna, Change Room facilities and showers; 2 ice pads, 2 international sized Squash Courts, a fully equipped Weight Room and cardiovascular gym. A large, bright Fitness Studio with cushioned maple floors hosts a variety of Fitness programs and classes.

A variety of Membership options are available for this facility. The pools are available for private rentals.

The Lane pool features:

  • 25 metres
  • 6 lanes
  • 1 metre diving board
  • Temperature maintained at approximately 28°C (84°F)

Lindsay Recreation Complex lane pool

The Therapeutic pool features:

  • Wet and dry ramps for easy access
  • Temperature maintained at approximately 35°C (96°F)

Lindsay Recreation Complex small pool

Address: 133 Adelaide Street South, Lindsay

Telephone: 705-324-9112

Front Desk Hours: Hours are subject to change. To obtain current hours of operation, please contact the facility directly by calling 705-324-9112 or e-mail the Lindsay Recreation Complex.

 Forbert Memorial Pool

The Forbert Memorial Pool and Workout Centre in Bobcaygeon features a 3 lane swimming pool; the fully equipped Workout Centre hosts a variety of free weights, multi-station selectorized equipment, stability balls, tubing, balance boards and more to easily accommodate a full body workout.

The facility hosts a variety of land fitness and aquatic programs for all fitness levels. A variety of Membership options are available for this facility. The pool is available for private rentals.

Forbert Memorial multi-purpose pool features:

  • 18 metres
  • 3 lanes
  • Stepped ramp
  • Temperature maintained at approximately 28°C (84°F)

Forbert Memorial Pool Bobcaygeon

Address: 16 River Park Road, Bobcaygeon

Telephone: 705-738-5858

Hours of Operation: Hours are subject to change. Contact the facility to confirm by calling 705-738-5858 or e-mail the Forbert Memorial Pool and Workout Centre.

Pool Rentals

The Forbert Memorial Pool and Lindsay Recreation Complex pools are available to rent. 

Groups and individuals can rent pool time and offer kayaking, scuba, competitive swimming, Dragon Boat team practices or other private rentals such as birthday parties.

Arrangements to rent a pool must be made at least two weeks in advance. Renters must meet all pool supervision requirements. Lifeguards will be provided.

For details, pricing and availability contact the Aquatics Coordinator:

Telephone: 705-324-9112 extension 1557 or 1558

E-mail the aquatics team

Swim Instructor and Volunteer Opportunities

Whether you are looking to gain valuable life and work skills/experience through a fun volunteer experience or through a part-time job, we offer a variety of opportunities.

Aquatic Volunteer Program
  • Are you looking to complete your high school community service hours?
  • Are you looking for experience helping to instruct swimming lessons?
  • Do you have your Bronze Medallion or higher?

If you said yes to the above questions then we have the opportunity for you. Come join our Aquatic Volunteer team and gain valuable life and work skills-/experience while completing your community service hours.  Opportunities include assisting with swimming lessons, helping out at fun swims and other special events. 

Anyone that is interested in volunteering must attend a training session prior to starting.

To register for an upcoming Aquatic Volunteer Program training session or for further details e-mail the aquatics team or call 705-324-9411 extension 1557 or 1558.

How to become a Kawartha Lakes Swim Instructor

Applications for part-time Instructor Guard positions are accepted throughout the year. Applicants will be contacted as the need arises. Hiring usually take place in February and March and again in August and September.


  • Current Red Cross Water Safety Instructor certification or current Lifesaving Society Instructor certification
  • Current Lifesaving Society Instructor certification
  • Current National Lifeguard certification and Standard First Aid certification

Resumes may be dropped off to the attention of the Kawartha Lakes Aquatics Coordinator to the following locations:

  • Lindsay Recreation Complex- 133 Adelaide Street South, Lindsay
  • Forbert Memorial Pool - 16 River Park Road, Bobcaygeon
  • City of Kawartha Lakes Human Resources - 28 Francis Street, Lindsay

For further information please call 705-324-9411 extension 1558 or e-mail the aquatics team.

Refunds, Cancellations and Service Interruptions

Refunds for programs:

We reserve the right to cancel programs due to insufficient registration. In these cases a full refund/credit will be issued. Refunds/credits for any other reason are subject to approval and a 15% (minimum $5) administration fee.  All requests must be made in writing to the program coordinator via e-mail to: Refunds under $20 will be issued only as credit on account for future Parks and Recreation Division services.

Refunds for Drop In Programs:

Once a reservation has been made if you are unable to attend your scheduled booking please call 705-324-9112 to cancel your space. Due to limited spaces available, any fees paid will only be refunded as a credit on your account if the cancellation is received a minimum of 48 hours before the booking time. If cancellation is made with less than 48 hours notice fees are non-refundable.

Cancellations and Service Interruptions:

We will post all program cancellations as an alert on our website, on Facebook, and on X (formerly Twitter). Programs will not operate on statutory holidays unless otherwise stated.

Advertised swims may be cancelled for special bookings. All changes to the regular schedule will be posted two weeks in advance.

Contact Us