Website Feedback

Major Projects


Bobcaygeon Beach Park Redevelopment

December 2024 project update
  • Work at Bobcaygeon Beach Park is complete. 
  • The park has been winterized for the season now.
  • Image of the new docking and lighting at Bobcaygeon Beach Park
July 2024 project update
  • All permits for the in water work have been obtained.
  • The final phase of the project, construction of the dock and boat launches is anticipated to commence in mid-August, with the work expected to be completed by the end of September.
December 2023 project update
  • Work at Bobcaygeon Beach Park is 95% complete. 
  • Installation of the launch ramps and the floating docking system is expected to be completed for the 2024 boating season.
July 2022 project update

Work continued on the Bobcaygeon Beach Park Redevelopment project throughout June and is projected to continue into August.

July project updates and activities include:

  • Continued site servicing and exterior lighting installation
  • Site topsoil placement and grading continues
  • The exteriors of the maintenance and washroom buildings are 95% complete
  • Plumbing, electrical and interior finishes continue in the Maintenance and Washroom buildings
  • The beach area is 90% complete and is now open to the public
  • Pathways and parking areas have been shaped and base aggregate installed
  • Playground construction and installation is complete (not yet open to the public)
  • Headwalls and retaining walls are nearing completion

Projected activities for August 2022 include, but are not limited to:

  • Site topsoil placement and grading
  • Concrete and hard surface installation around the Washroom building
  • Concrete curbing will be formed and installed
  • Work will continue on the interior of the Maintenance and Washroom buildings.Playground at Bobcaygeon Beach Park Bobcaygeon Beach Park Beach
April 2022 project update

Work continued on the Bobcaygeon Beach Park Redevelopment project in April and will continue into May.

April project updates and activities completed to date include:

  • Masonry work for the Washroom and Maintenance Building facades is now 98% complete.
  • Electrical trenching is complete.
  • Site sub-grade is now complete.

Projected activities for May include, but are not limited to:

  • Installation of park lighting is underway.
  • Site servicing continues.
  • Installation of granular material for hardscaping will continue.
  • Concrete curbing and surfacing will commence.
  • Roofing for the Washroom and Maintenance Buildings is underway and expected to be completed in May.
March 2022 project update

Work continued on the Bobcaygeon Beach Park Redevelopment project this month and will continue into April.

March project updates and activities completed to date include:

  • Fill export has now been completed.
  • The masonry work on the exterior of the building facades and interior masonry walls advanced and is now 90% complete.

Projected activities for April include, but are not limited to:

  • Continued electrical trenching and site servicing.
  • Masonry work for the Washroom and Maintenance Building facades will be finalized.
  • Installation of granular material for hardscaping will take place.

Bobcaygeon Beach Park March update March update

January 2022 project update

Work continued on the Bobcaygeon Beach Park Redevelopment project in January and is projected to continue into February.

January project updates and activities include:

  • Continued electrical trenching and site servicing.
  • Fill export continues daily.
  • Framing of the Maintenance and Washroom Buildings has been completed.
  • The Masonry contractor has commenced work on the exterior building facades, interior masonry walls of the washroom building have been completed.

Projected activities for February 2022 include, but are not limited to:

  • Fill export to continue.
  • Masonry work on the Washroom and Maintenance Building facades will continue.

Washroom building at Bobcaygeon Beach Park Washroom building at Bobcaygeon Beach Park

December 2021 project update

Significant work has been completed on the Bobcaygeon Beach Park Redevelopment project over the past month and is projected to continue in January.

December project updates and activities completed to date include:

  • Site rough grading is 90% complete.
  • Site culverts have been installed.
  • Electrical trenching is underway with the majority of the conduit to be installed and backfilled by the end of December.
  • Fill export continues daily.
  • Framing for the Maintenance and Washroom Buildings are now approaching completion.
  • The Masonry contractor will mobilize and prepare structures for exterior facades and interior masonry walls prior to the end of December.

Projected activities for January 2022 include, but are not limited to:

  • Fill export to continue.
  • Masonry work to advance on Washroom and Maintenance Buildings to include exterior finishes and interior infrastructure.

Bobcaygeon Beach Park Bobcaygeon Beach Park culvert

October 2021 project update

After experiencing a pause due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and additional studies being conducted, construction for the Bobcaygeon Beach Park Redevelopment has now resumed.

Archaeological assessments of the property have been completed, with no substantial archaeological findings. Further permitting requirements with Parks Canada are ongoing.

Current site work will include, continued construction on the park washrooms and maintenance facilities, site preparations/removals and grading and construction of pedestrian bridge access points.

July 2021 project update

After experiencing a pause due to COVID-19 and additional studies, construction for the Bobcaygeon Beach Park Redevelopment is expected to resume August 2021. During the Stay at Home Order, staff continued tasks within social distancing protocols to keep the project moving. As a result, the park is on schedule to open by Summer 2022.

The municipality is required to perform a variety of site inspections and studies. Staff have been in the process of these studies the last few months and they are almost complete. This includes:

  • An Under Water Archaeological Assessment that has been completed with no archaeological findings
  • A Terrestrial Archaeological Assessment of the property that is 50% complete, with no substantial archaeological findings so far
  • Further testing in line with Parks Canada is taking place throughout July

It is anticipated all the tests and studies will be finished in the coming weeks, so construction may resume in August.

April 2021 project update

The Bobcaygeon Beach Park Redevelopment project has experienced and will encounter additional delays as a result of COVID-19. The impacts are material delivery delays and postponed construction activities for safety reasons.

Completed activities:

  • All Site servicing completed, including:
    • Sanitary in place
    • Water services in place
    • Electrical conduit 50% complete  
    • Boat dock anchors
    • Bridge abutments
    • Pedestrian Bridge in place 

Maintenance Building

  • Slab excavation
  • Concrete floating slab
  • Concrete floor fishing
  • Underfloor piping and conduit
  • Block walls

Main Washroom Building

  • Excavation for building footings
  • Concrete footing pour
  • Concrete wall pour to grade
  • Block walls
  • Underfloor piping and conduit

Future prioritized activities (to be completed between April 30 to June 3):

Maintenance Building:

  • Doors/windows
  • Trusses

Main Washroom Building

  • Concrete floor
  • Doors/windows
  • Trusses
  • Site grading
  • Boat Launch
  • Import granular 
  • Import topsoil
  • Export fill
March 2021 project update

The Bobcaygeon Beach Park Redevelopment project has experienced some delays as a result of inclement weather. Next month’s construction progress is imperative and will dictate if the project remains on schedule.

Completed activities:

  • All site servicing has been completed, sanitary and water services are now in place. Electrical conduit is now 50% complete.

Maintenance Building:

  • Slab excavation, concrete floating slab and floor have been completed. The underfloor piping and conduit are finished and scaffolding is in place and ready for block wall work.

Main Washroom Building:

  • Excavation for building footings, the concrete footing and concrete wall pours to grade are finished.

Future prioritized activities to be completed:

  • Docking anchor system
  • Bridge abutments
  • Boat Launch
  • Trucking fill off site

Maintenance Building:

  • Block Walls
  • Doors/window
  • Trusses

Main Washroom Building:

  • Scaffolding placement
  • Underfloor piping and conduit
  • Concrete floor
  • Block walls
  • Doors/window
  • Trusses
January 2021 project update
Between January 4 through January 22 the Contractor will mobilize back to site Monday through Friday.Activities to be completed in January include the following:
  • Installation of winter heat measures for building process which includes, large tents being installed over both building sites (Maintenance and main Washroom buildings). Winter heat will be applied and remain in place until block walls are complete.
  • Excavation is to commence the week of January 11 for both building footings/slabs with a concrete pour to immediately follow the excavation work.
  • The building process below is to commence upon completion of footings:
    • Main Washroom building (block walls, trusses and concrete floor)
    • Maintenance building (concrete floor/slab, block wall and trusses).
November 2020 project update

The project is well underway. The following are the activities completed to date along with the next priorities. Construction activities will continue while weather conditions are favourable. If and when temperatures are consistently below freezing the contractor will suspend outside work until weather permits.

Completed activities:

  • Environmental protection measures installed (silt fence, silt check dams and site security fencing)
  • Tree removals
  • Site removals/Rock removals
  • Dock and building demolition
    • The main washroom building will remain until later in the project as it is being utilized for storage.

Future prioritized activities:

  • Site grading
  • Excavation for building foundations/footings
  • Pour building footings and concrete floors
  • Site servicing
    • Sewer
    • Water
    • Hydro
October 2020 project update

City staff will be on site October 15 and October 16, 2020 removing salvageable materials that will be kept and re-utilized (benches, bike racks etc.).

The project contractor will be mobilizing equipment, finalizing locates and will start installing silt protections commencing October 19, 2020.

The existing pavilion will be demolished as it's location is in direct conflict with the new building and it was discovered that the building was in poor structural condition.  The balance of the pavilion will be demolished between October 19 and 30, 2020 along with the existing washroom building and the small pump house.

The construction project will take approximately 18 months from the start date and the completion date has many variables that will impact it both positively and negatively including, inclement weather, ground conditions and ground water conditions.

Bobcaygeon Beach Park Redevelopment – Conceptual Design

We are excited to initiate this project and recognize the importance of Bobcaygeon Beach Park redesign to the community. Landscape Planning Limited is leading the design project. The conceptual design includes innovative approaches and progressive technologies that are sustainable and operationally feasible. All design elements will meet or exceed Integrated Accessibility Standards Regulation Guidelines and Design of Public Spaces Standards.

The design has a focus on water recreation and will facilitate use by various water craft user groups including activities such as rowing, kayaking, canoeing and motorized water craft. The design incorporates outdoor pavilions, docking to provide access to the Big Bob Channel, washroom facilities to service all park users, playground structures, water view walking paths and shoreline improvements with a focus on connection to all park features. The overall design fosters a water play focus.

Public input is a key component to the design development. The first Public Open House took place on Thursday, June 21, 2018. The meeting was an opportunity for community members to share thoughts, concerns and ideas directly with the project team.

Bobcaygeon Beach Park Redevelopment Final Public Open House

The Final Public Open House for the Bobcaygeon Beach Park Redevelopment took place on Thursday, December 6, 2018 at the Bobcaygeon Service Centre. Approximately 80 individuals attended this meeting. The purpose of this meeting was to share the revised concept design with the public. The initial conceptual design has been revised based on public feedback and comments received at the June 21, 2018 Public Open House and online survey. The revised design was presented during this meeting.

The design continues to have a focus on water recreation and community use by incorporating outdoor gathering spaces, multi-use pathways, playground structures, riparian shoreline improvements and boat docking. Landscape Planning Limited is leading the design project.

The current conceptual design and report will be presented to Council. A project funding request has been included in the 2019 Capital Budget Program, and if approved, an RFP will be prepared in order to award the provision of the final design development and construction management services. It is anticipated that on-site work will begin in the Fall of 2019.

Bobcaygeon Beach Park Redevelopment Conceptual Design - December 2018

The new conceptual design encompasses changes received based on feedback from the previously held Public Open House.

Bobcaygeon Beach Park Redevelopment Master Plan Concept Update Dec 2018

Please be advised that the Conceptual Site Plan Concept, Context and Imagery Design Intent Boards available for download are not in accessible format.  If you require assistance, please contact the City's Parks, Recreation and Culture Department by calling 705-324-9411 extension 1350 or e-mail the Parks and Recreation Division Manager.

For further information please contact:

Jenn Johnson, Manager
Kawartha Lakes Parks and Recreation Division
705-324-9411 extension 1350
Email the Manager of Parks and Recreation

Canal Street Reconstruction



Design Phase

In order to maintain and upgrade existing infrastructure, a detailed design has been created for the reconstruction of Canal Street in the Village of Bobcaygeon, between Sherwood Street and East Street. The scope of the project will include replacements of water mains, storm sewers, sanitary sewers, curbs, gutters, sidewalks and new asphalt.

The proposed design has been completed through the project’s consultant, WSP Canada Group Limited. The design includes not only infrastructure repair, but looking at proposed improvements to elements such as parking, turning lanes, pedestrian access and walkway enhancements

A public meeting was held on November 21, 2019 to review the design concepts for the reconstruction of Canal Street in Bobcaygeon. The meeting was held from 4pm to 6pm in the Council Chambers at the Municipal Service Centre located at 123 East Street South in Bobcaygeon.

To view the design boards from the presentation, please see the documents below:

For more information, please contact a member of the project team:


Steve Davidson, P.Eng., OLS (Ret.), MBA

Corby Purdy, C.E.T.

WSP Canada Group Limited

City of Kawartha Lakes

1224 Gardiners Road, Suite 201

322 Kent Street

Kingston, Ontario  K7P 0G2

Lindsay, ON K9V 5R8


705.324.9411 extension 1155

Construction Phase (TBD)
Construction will be proposed in the 2023 Budget. Please check back for details.

Anne Street and Front Street Sewage Pumping Station Upgrade

 Notice of Commencement: Municipal Class Environmental Assessment
Issued: October 10, 2024

Municipal Class Environmental Assessment Study

Detailed Design for Anne St and Front St Sewage Pumping Station, Bobcaygeon


The Corporation of the City of Kawartha Lakes (the City) is initiating a Municipal Class Environmental Assessment (Class EA) study for Detailed Design of Anne St and Front St Sewage Pumping Station (SPS) in Bobcaygeon, potential upgrade of the existing force-main connecting the SPS locations to the sewage treatment plant, identify and review alternatives and recommend preferred alternative to accommodate the increased growth within the north side of the Bobcaygeon River.

This Municipal Class EA process will follow the planning and design process as described in the Municipal Class Environmental Assessment Document. The goal of the study is to accommodate the increased growth within areas north of the Bobcaygeon River, review, recommend and design upgrades required for the two SPS or propose a new SP’S to intercept additional flows and study option for  twinning/replacing some/all the existing force mains on the existing or new alignments.

Currently the existing settlement within the North-West area is serviced by the Front St SPS. The Front St SPS is a tributary SPS to the Anne St SPS. The Front St SPS and the Anne St SPS are located on the north side of the Bobcaygeon River. The area is serviced by a municipal wastewater collection system with several SPS that ultimately discharges to the Bobcaygeon Water Pollution Control Plant (WPCP).

map indicating the environmental assessment study zone


The Process

The process involves consulting the public, Indigenous groups, and external agencies. It includes evaluating alternative solutions, assessing potential impacts, and developing measures to mitigate them. This ensures that environmental concerns are addressed, and adverse effects are alleviated.

Public Consultation

Public consultation is a vital aspect of the Municipal Class EA process, and we appreciate your contribution throughout the planning phase. A Public Information Centre (PIC) will be conducted. Once the PIC date is confirmed, announcements will be posted in local newspapers, on the City’s website (City of Kawartha Lakes), and shared with all individuals and organizations expressing interest in the project.

If you wish to be placed on the Project Contact List to receive notices and information or to provide comments at any time during the process, you can do so by contacting:


Marten Leclerc
Senior Engineering Tech
Engineering & Corporate Assets,
City of Kawartha Lakes

(705) 324 9411 ext. 1131

Vivek Sharma, P.Eng., MBA
Project Manager
ConceptDash Inc.
(647) 463 9803

Under the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act and the Environmental Assessment Act, unless otherwise stated in the submission, any personal information such as name, address, telephone number and property location included in a submission will become part of the public record files for this matter and may be released, if requested, to any person.

Click here for a printable PDF version of this Public Notice.


Click here to see the Approximate Study Area Boundary



Intersection Design - East St and Cedartree Lane/Duke Street

Notice of Study Commencement and Public Information Centre

Notice of Study Commencement and Public Information Centre

City of Kawartha Lakes Intersection Design

East Street North and Cedartree Lane/Duke Street and Duke Street and Helen Street Intersections in Bobcaygeon


The Process

The City of Kawartha Lakes has initiated an intersection design for the East Street and Cedartree Lane/Duke Street intersection in Bobcaygeon. The municipality has retained Concept Dash Engineering to prepare the design for the intersection.

The proposed intersection designs will be completed to address the traffic operations and enhance safety for both motorists and pedestrians. Various design concepts will be presented including traffic signals or a traffic circle. Some designs include changes to the intersection at Duke Street and Helen Street. The design will be completed in accordance with industry standards and will corporate the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA) guidelines and requirements.

The design will include replacement of existing curbs, aprons and will have new pavement markings. In addition, Accessible Pedestrian Signals (APS) and tactile plates will be provided at all corners of the intersection. The study intersections are shown in the key map below:


Map showing location of the future intersection design in Bobcaygeon



About the Public Information Centre (PIC)

Public consultation is a key component to this project. We would like to invite you, your friends, and your neighbours to participate in the Public Information Centre (PIC) to inform these studies. The PIC will be an Open House style session which includes a review of display boards by the participants. At the PIC, you will be able to learn about our approach and our findings, ask us questions, and share your thoughts and opinions. Your participation in PICs is important to us. 

How to Participate

A key component of the intersection designs will be consultation with stakeholders, regulatory agencies, and the public. Everyone with an interest in this work is invited to get involved and provide input. A PIC is being held to inform the process, present findings, and receive public input. A notice indicating the time and location of the PIC will be provided to registered stakeholders, local media and published on the Public Notice’s section of the municipality’s website. 

If you are unable to attend the PIC in person, the display boards will be available online after the event on the municipality’s Major Projects page.

Public Information Centre

Date: Thursday, November 30, 2023
Time: 5pm to 7pm (Open House style drop-in)
Location: Bobcaygeon Library, 123 East Street South, Bobcaygeon

Click here to view the Public Information Centre display board.

Project Team

If you require additional information or would like to be placed on the project contact list, please visit the municipality’s website at or contact one of the project team: 

Michael Farquhar
Project Manager
City of Kawartha Lakes
Phone: 705 324 9411 extension 1156

Sagar K P
Transportation Engineer
Concept Dash


Public Information Centre Resources

Thank you for attending the Public Information Centre (PIC) on November 30, 2023.

If you were unable to attend the Public Information Centre display boards can be viewed here. The options presented at the PIC were as follows:

  1. Option 1 - Do Nothing
  2. Option 2A - Median
  3. Option 2B - Pork Chop Island
  4. Option 3A - No North
  5. Option 3B - Cul-De-Sac
  6. Option 3C - Cul-De-Sac 2
  7. Option 4 - Roundabout

More details for each of the above options is available in the display boards linked above. Video examples of the cul-de-sac and roundabout options were shared at the PIC as well. Follow the links below to see what those options could look like:

  1. Cul-de-sac Example 1
  2. Cul-de-sac Example 2
  3. Roundabout Example 1
  4. Roundabout Example 2

Next Steps

The detailed project design is anticipated to be completed in April 2024.

Project Team

If you require additional information or would like to be placed on the project contact list, please contact one of the project team: 

Michael Farquhar
Project Manager
City of Kawartha Lakes
Phone: 705 324 9411 extension 1156

Sagar K P

Transportation Engineer
Concept Dash


 Bolsover Community Centre - Playground Improvements

Playground improvements were completed this year at the Bolsover Community Centre, located at 16 Bolsover Road, with a new junior structure installed.

Play features include:

  • Single bay swings with one infant seat and one belt seat
  • Playground structure with one large curved slide and one small double slide.

Bolsover Community Centre Playground Improvements

For further information contact:

Christopher Lyons
Supervisor, Capital and Special Projects

Parks and Recreation, City of Kawartha Lakes
Phone: 705-324-9411 extension 2120


Four Mile Lake Boat Launch Replacement and Upgrades

The Four Mile Lake Boat Launch, located on Four Mile Lake at Hillside Drive and Birch Glen Drive in Coboconk is scheduled for replacement and upgrades beginning in 2025.

The planned work includes the following:

  • New precast concrete sections on steel sleeper system for in water launching with poured concrete upland approach to aid with accessibility.
  • Riprap and armour stone will be used for shoreline stabilization.

For further information contact:

Christopher Lyons
Supervisor, Capital and Special Projects

Parks and Recreation, City of Kawartha Lakes
Phone: 705-324-9411 extension 2120

 Summerside Drive Boat Launch Replacement and Upgrades

The Summerside Drive Boat Launch, located on Gull River at the end of Summerside Drive in Coboconk is scheduled for replacement and upgrades beginning in 2025.

The planned work includes the following:

  • New precast concrete sections on steel sleeper system for in water launching with poured concrete upland approach to aid with accessibility.
  • Riprap and armour stone will be used for shoreline stabilization.

For further information contact:

Christopher Lyons
Supervisor, Capital and Special Projects

Parks and Recreation, City of Kawartha Lakes
Phone: 705-324-9411 extension 2120


 Lake Dalrymple Bridge Replacement
 Notice of Public Information Centre

UPDATE - October 4, 2024 at 3pm: Due to popular demand the time and location of the Lake Dalrymple Bridge public meeting has changed. The meeting will now take place at the Carden Recreation Centre on 258 Dalrymple Road from 5pm to 7pm on October 16, 2024. There is no presentation, it's a drop-in meeting, and if you're unable to make the meeting, the display boards will be shared on our website for comment afterwards.

Issued October 2, 2024

Kawartha Lakes – The Lake Dalrymple Bridge is at the end of its service life and was identified during the biennial inspection program as in need of replacement. The City of Kawartha Lakes has been advancing the design to replace the Lake Dalrymple bridge.

map indicating where the Lake Dalrymple Bridge construction will take place


Project Details

  • The existing bridge will be replaced with a new single span concrete deck on girder bridge, eliminating the timber piers within the watercourse.
  • The bridge will be closed for the duration of construction and traffic will be detoured
  • Local traffic either side of the bridge will be permitted to maintain access to all properties
  • The boat launch on Osprey Lane will remain open
  • Boat traffic under the bridge will be restricted during certain construction activities for safety
  • Construction is planned for Spring to Fall 2025 pending budget approval.

Purpose of Notice

A Public Information Centre has been arranged to provide further information to the members of the public, approval agencies and interested stakeholders on the project. All those with an interest in the project are encouraged to attend. The information session will be a drop-in format where the public can provide feedback on the proposed bridge replacement.

Public Information Centre:

Date: Wednesday October 16, 2024
Time: 5pm to 7pm
Location: Carden Recreation Centre, 258 Dalrymple Road, Sebright

If you are unable to attend in person, comments and questions can be submitted to the City and/or consultant as noted below:

Taylor Burke C.E.T., Senior Engineering Technician
Engineering and Corporate Assets
City of Kawartha Lakes
322 Kent St. W., Lindsay, ON, K9V 4T7
Phone: 705-324-9411 extension 1153

Emma Wilkinson, H.B.A, B.E.Sc, P.Eng., Consultant Project Manager
Tatham Engineering Limited
Phone: 705-444-2565 extension 2101

This notice issued October 2, 2024

All personal information included in a submission, such as name, address, telephone number and property location, is collected, maintained and disclosed for the purpose of transparency and consultation. The information is collected and maintained for the purpose of creating a record that is available to the general public as described in s.37 of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. Personal information you submit will become part of a public record that is available to the general public unless you request that your personal information remain confidential.

Public Information Centre October 16 - Display Boards

Thank you to all of those that attended the public meeting we held on Wednesday October 16 at the Carden Recreation Centre.

If you missed the meeting, the project display boards are available below:

Comments and questions can be submitted to the City and/or consultant as noted below:

Taylor Burke C.E.T.,
Senior Engineering Technician

Engineering and Corporate Assets
City of Kawartha Lakes
322 Kent St. W., Lindsay, ON, K9V 4T7
Phone: 705-324-9411 extension 1153

Emma Wilkinson, H.B.A, B.E.Sc, P.Eng.,
Consultant Project Manager

Tatham Engineering Limited
Phone: 705-444-2565 extension 2101


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Click here to see the FAQs


Dalton Community Centre - Park Lot Improvements

The Dalton Community Centre Parking Lot Improvements are now complete.

Dalton Community Centre Parking Lot improvements included:

  • New asphalt paving.
  • The creation of code compliant barrier-free accessible parking stalls.
  • Asphalt sport surface with painted lines for a standard size Pickleball Court.

Dalton Community Centre Parking Log Improvements - showing barrier free accessible parking stalls.

For further information contact:

Christopher Lyons
Supervisor, Capital and Special Projects

Parks and Recreation, City of Kawartha Lakes
Phone: 705-324-9411 extension 2120

 Victoria Falls (Black River Road) Bridge Replacement

Victoria Bridge

The municipality of Kawartha Lakes is planning for the replacement of Victoria Falls (Black River Road) Bridge. The bridge is located on Black River Road, approximately 12.2 km east of Kawartha County Road 6 in the Township of Dalton, bordering the Township of Digby.  Black River Road is surrounded by the boundaries of Queen Elizabeth II Wildlands Provincial Park. The bridge carries a single‑lane east-west traffic over the Black River and is a connecting link between the Townships of Dalton and Digby, which are owned by Longford Reserve Limited.

Map of Virtoria Falls BridgeThe municipality has retained D.M. Wills Associates Limited (Wills) to undertake a Schedule “B” - Municipal Class Environmental Assessment (Municipal Class EA) for the planning, detailed design and construction of the bridge replacement.

Given the current condition of the bridge, it has been determined that the bridge must be replaced to maintain safe access to the Longford Reserve and Ontario Parks lands. 

The City has completed:

All interested parties are encouraged to review the background documents and Project File, and provide comment(s) as appropriate. 

Input on the project will be received until April 5, 2021.

Subject to comments received and the receipt of necessary approvals, the City of Kawartha Lakes intends to proceed with the design and construction of this project.

If you are interested in providing comments or receiving further information on this project, please contact the following individuals:

Martin Sadowski
City of Kawartha Lakes
322 Kent Street, P.O. Box 9000
Lindsay, ON K9V 5R8
p. 705.324.9411 extension 2342

Kyle Riddell, P.Eng.
D.M. Wills Associates Ltd.
150 Jameson Drive
Peterborough, ON K9J 0B9
p. 705.872.7050

Comments and information regarding this study are being collected to assist in meeting the requirements of the Environmental Assessment Act. These comments will be maintained on file for use during the study in accordance with the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. All comments, with the exception of personal information, will become part of the public record. If you have any accommodation requirements in order to participate in this project, please contact one of the project team members listed above.

- 30 -

Media Inquiries


Centennial Park Playground Improvements

Playground improvements were completed this year at Centennial Park located off Kawartha Lakes Road 24 in Dunsford, with new Junior and Senior structures installed.

Play features include:

  • Swings with an accessible seat.
  • Net climbers.
  • Rigid climber.
  • Large slide.
  • Spinner.
  • Double slide.
  • Small curved slide.
  • Swings with 2 infant seats.
  • Spring toy.

Image one of Centennial Park in Dunsford improvements.Image two of Centennial Park in Dunsford improvements.

For further information contact:

Christopher Lyons
Supervisor, Capital and Special Projects

Parks and Recreation, City of Kawartha Lakes
Phone: 705-324-9411 extension 2120


Marilyn Crescent Boat Launch Replacement and Upgrades

The Marilyn Crescent Boat Launch, located on Pigeon Lake at Marilyn Crescent in Emily is scheduled for replacement and upgrades beginning in 2025.

The planned work includes the following:

  • New precast concrete sections on steel sleeper system for in water launching with poured concrete upland approach to aid with accessibility.
  • Riprap and armour stone will be used for shoreline stabilization.

For further information contact:

Christopher Lyons
Supervisor, Capital and Special Projects

Parks and Recreation, City of Kawartha Lakes
Phone: 705-324-9411 extension 2120

Fenelon Falls

 Ellice St. Reconstruction
Update: Construction returns

Issued: August 27, 2024

After construction was stopped due to a unseasonably high groundwater table in late June, the contractor has remobilized on Ellice Street and is back to work installing the watermain and water services. The contractor will ensure that the new watermain and services are installed and commissioned this fall.  

Due to unforeseen circumstances, a PTTW is required to install the sanitary sewer. We anticipate that this permit will be received by the end of September. Following completion of the watermain and water services, the contractor will make every effort to complete the installation of the remaining sanitary sewer and storm sewer this fall.  Sewer replacement that is not complete will be scheduled in the spring of 2025.

The municipality will issue another update in October to advise residents of the progress. 

For additional information, or if you have any questions or concerns about the project, please contact:

Julie VanLeur, C.Tech.
Engineering Technician
City of Kawartha Lakes
705-324-9411 extension 2342

Greg Lynch, C.E.T
Project Manager
Green Infrastructure Partners

Update: Construction temporarily on hold

Issued: June 21, 2024

The reconstruction project on Ellice Street in Fenelon Falls from Clifton Street to Wychwood Crescent has been temporarily paused due to unforeseen circumstances.

The contractor will be temporarily demobilizing from the site effective Monday June 24, 2024.

The issue that the contractor has run into on site is an unseasonably high groundwater table that requires them to obtain a Permit to Take Water (PTTW) from the Ministry of Environment Conservation and Parks (MECP) to dewater the excavation in order to continue installing the underground infrastructure.     

Before leaving the site, the contractor will ensure that it is cleaned up and safe for local traffic use. To minimize the amount of dust left behind at the site, dust control will be applied to the area during the week of June 24. 

The contractor is tentatively schedule to return to the site by August 1, 2024 to continue their work on the Ellice Street reconstruction project.

The municipality is optimistic that the PTTW will be received later this summer which will allow the contractor to proceed with the needed removal of the groundwater and the installation of the remaining underground infrastructure. 

For additional information, or if you have any questions or concerns about the project, please contact:

Julie VanLeur, C.Tech.
Engineering Technician
City of Kawartha Lakes
705-324-9411 extension 2342

Greg Lynch, C.E.T
Project Manager
Green Infrastructure Partners

Thank you for your patience while the contractor works through this temporary delay. Stay up-to-date on all things construction in Kawartha Lakes by visiting the Construction, Roadwork and Closures and Major Projects pages on our website.

Construction Notice
Issued: April 10, 2024

Weather permitting, Kawartha Lakes will be starting a reconstruction project on Ellice Street in Fenelon Falls from Clifton Street to Wychwood Crescent on Monday April 15, 2024.

The scope of the project is to install new underground infrastructure (storm sewer, sanitary sewer and watermain), new sidewalks, curbs and a new roadway on Ellice Street.

The contractor for the project is Green Infrastructure Partners Inc. (GIP).

The work is expected to start on April 15, 2024 and it is anticipated to be completed in October 2024. Working hours are expected to be 7am to 6pm Monday through Friday, with occasional Saturday work if time is lost due to inclement weather or other factors.

Additional information for residents and business owners in the area:

  • Pedestrian access to all buildings will be maintained throughout the project.
  • You will be given advance notice should access to your building or property need to be limited. Disruptions will be kept to a minimum but they will sometimes be unavoidable due to the nature of the project. 
  • Since part of the project is to replace the watermain, a temporary water delivery system will be in place and water will be supplied to all homes or businesses in the area via an overland system through outside taps. If you do not have a functional outside tap, please contact staff listed below. They will arrange to have one installed at no charge to the home or business owner. Please note that a plumbing contractor will require access to your home for installation of the outside tap.
  • Due to the nature of the work and possibility of vibrations from construction equipment, a building and structure survey will be completed by Premises Inspections for all buildings within the construction area. The survey includes an interior and exterior inspection. There is no cost to residents or business owners, and all inspectors will carry photo identification.
  • Please use caution when driving or walking through the construction site and be aware that heavy construction equipment will be operating on-site. To make sure you are visible to equipment operators, try to get in the habit of making eye contact with the operators as you are walking or driving near them. 

For additional information, or if you have any questions or concerns about the project, please contact:

Julie VanLeur, C.Tech.
Engineering Technician
City of Kawartha Lakes
705-324-9411 extension 2342

Greg Lynch, C.E.T
Project Manager
Green Infrastructure Partners

Thank you for your patience while the work gets underway. Stay up-to-date on all things construction in Kawartha Lakes by visiting the Construction, Roadwork and Closures and Major Projects pages on our website.
Project Contacts

Julie VanLeur, C.Tech.                                                       Pat Lynch

Engineering Technician, CKL                                              Superintendent, Green Infrastructure Partners Inc.

(705) 324-9411 x 2342                                                    (905) 429 1743                                


John Innes, C.E.T.                                                           Greg Lynch CET

Senior Engineering Technician                                          Project Manager, Green Infrastructure Partners Inc

(705) 324-9411 x 1164                                                   (289) 685-1619                                   


Fenelon Falls Second Crossing

Fenelon Falls Bridge


A full history of the consultation on a Fenelon Falls Second Crossing is available on Jump In, Kawartha Lakes. Please visit the project page for more information.

Fenelon Falls Bridge Replacement

The preliminary planning and design work for the Fenelon Falls Bridge replacement began last year (2022). Progress on the evaluation of options for replacement of the Fenelon Falls Bridge was slowed due to high flow conditions within the river last Fall.

Parks Canada is currently working on studies for major rehabilitation work on the upstream dam and spillways in the area. The spillway along the north side of the river feeds the Orillia Power Generating Station therefore any proposed bridge work will have a major impact on Orillia Power. Parks Canada is evaluating all options for the spillway(s) and they will ultimately be in control of permitting any proposed City works with consideration for their own dam program and the needs of Orillia Power.

Our Consultant, D.M. Wills Associates Limited, will be completing all necessary desktop exercises and field work to ensure that they have a full understanding of the natural environment, and fisheries that may affect construction methods, timing and mitigation measures. The field work is set to resume in May 2023 and a Public Information Centre will be held in Fall 2023.

 Juniper Park

Kawartha Lakes Juniper Park Improvements Project is out for Construction Tender based upon the plan below. Final scope of project work to be undertaken, will be established by approved budget and weighed against bids received.

Work will commence upon award, and is expected to be completed by the end of June 2025.

Blueprint drawing of Juniper Park improvements. For a larger version please contact the Supervisor, Capital and Special Projects Parks & Recreation, City of Kawartha Lakes by phone at 705-324-9411 extension 2120, or by email at

For further information contact:

Christopher Lyons
Supervisor, Capital and Special Projects

Parks and Recreation, City of Kawartha Lakes
Phone: 705-324-9411 extension 2120


Centennial Trailer Park Redevelopment

The Kawartha Lakes Parks and Recreation Division hosted a virtual Public Information session regarding the Centennial Trailer Park Master Plan on Tuesday January 23, 2024. The purpose of this session was to share information on the future proposed park.

Follow the link to view the recording of the Centennial Trailer Park Master Plan Virtual Public Information session on our YouTube channel.

Collection of questions and comments regarding the Master Plan Presentation or Conceptual Design will be received until February 23, 2024 by e-mailing:

Centennial Trailer Park Redevelopment Conceptual Plan

For further information contact:

Kawartha Lakes Parks and Recreation Division

705-324-9411 extension 1301

E-mail the Kawartha Lakes Parks and Recreation Division

Centennial Trailer Park Boat Launch Renovation

Boat Launch upgrades are scheduled for the Centennial Trailer Park Boat Launch.

Launch upgrades include the installation of pre-cast concrete ramp sections and new concrete approaches.

Work on the upgrades is expected to commence in January 2024 to be completed by June 30, 2024.

For further information contact:

Ryan Smith, Supervisor Capital-Special Projects, Cemeteries and Trails

Kawartha Lakes Parks and Recreation Division

705-324-9411 extension 2120

E-Mail the Supervisor of Capital-Special Projects, Cemeteries and Trails

Homewood Park Boat Launch Replacement and Upgrades

The Homewood Park Boat Launch, located on Balsam Lake at Homewood Park Road and Treewood Lane in Kirkfield is scheduled for replacement and upgrades beginning in 2025.

The planned work includes the following:

  • New precast concrete sections on steel sleeper system for in water launching with poured concrete upland approach to aid with accessibility.
  • Riprap and armour stone will be used for shoreline stabilization.

For further information contact:

Christopher Lyons
Supervisor, Capital and Special Projects

Parks and Recreation, City of Kawartha Lakes
Phone: 705-324-9411 extension 2120
Otter/Maple Park Boat Launch Replacement and Upgrades

The Otter/Maple Park Boat Launch, located on Balsam Lake at Otter Road and Maple Avenue in Kirkfield is scheduled for replacement and upgrades beginning in 2025.

The planned work includes the following:

  • New precast concrete sections on steel sleeper system for in water launching with poured concrete upland approach to aid with accessibility.
  • Riprap and armour stone will be used for shoreline stabilization.

For further information contact:

Christopher Lyons
Supervisor, Capital and Special Projects

Parks and Recreation, City of Kawartha Lakes
Phone: 705-324-9411 extension 2120
Suter Drive Boat Launch Replacement and Upgrades

The Sutter Drive Boat Launch, located on Head Lake at Suter Drive and Dewberry Lane in Kirkfield is scheduled for replacement and upgrades beginning in 2025.

The planned work includes the following:

  • New precast concrete sections on steel sleeper system for in water launching with poured concrete upland approach to aid with accessibility.
  • Riprap and armour stone will be used for shoreline stabilization.

For further information contact:

Christopher Lyons
Supervisor, Capital and Special Projects

Parks and Recreation, City of Kawartha Lakes
Phone: 705-324-9411 extension 2120
Trent Canal Bridge Rehabilitation (Fenel Road - CKL 35)

April 8, 2024

Fenel Road (CKL 35) Bridge Rehabilitation project starting again on April 15, 2024

Kawartha Lakes – The rehabilitation of the Trent Canal Bridge located on Fenel Road (CKL 35) over the Trent Canal is set to begin again this spring.

Traffic will be reduced to one lane for the duration of the project and short traffic stoppages may be required.

The contractor will be placing advanced warning signs for the one lane closure during the week of April 8, with the rehabilitation work set to begin again on April 15, 2024, weather permitting.

Project Scope:

  • Rehabilitation of the bridge deck and the concrete finish
  • Rehabilitation of the concrete sidewalk and curb
  • Replacement of the end wall and new railings and guide rails
  • Reconstruction of the deck and repairs to all deteriorated concrete

The rehabilitation work is anticipated to be completed by August 18, 2024, weather permitting.


June 8, 2023

The Corporation of the City of Kawartha Lakes has retained Bob Hendricksen Construction Ltd. to undertake the rehabilitation of the Trent Canal Bridge located on Fenel Road (CKL 35) over the Trent Canal. Chisholm, Fleming and Associates will be assisting the City with oversight on this project.

Project Scope Includes:

  • Rehabilitation of the bridge deck and the construction of a 60 mm concrete overlay
  • Rehabilitation of the concrete sidewalk and curb including 60mm overlay
  • Replacement of the end wall & installation of new box beam railing systems
  • Reconstruction of the deck and abutments to a semi-integral configuration
  • Reconstruction of new approach slabs
  • Concrete repairs to deteriorated concrete on fascia, soffit, wingwalls, abutments, diaphragms, girders and piers
  • Installation of the new steel beam guide rail with end treatments

This construction work is anticipated to start June 15, 2023. Traffic will be reduced to one lane for the duration of the rehabilitation and may also require short traffic stoppages. Construction is anticipated to be completed by the Winter of 2023.


Map showing the location of the bridge on Fenel Road (CKL 35)

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation throughout this project. If you have any concerns, please contact one of the undersigned.

Project Lead - Contact Information:

Taylor Burke, C.E.T.
Senior Engineering Technician
City of Kawartha Lakes
705-324-9411 extension 1153

Robert Friscioni
Manager of Construction Services
Chisholm Fleming Associates


Colborne Street West Reconstruction

In order to maintain existing infrastructure, a detailed design has been approved for the reconstruction of Colborne Street West in Lindsay, between Charles Street and William Street. The scope of the project will include replacements of water mains, storm sewers, sanitary sewers, curbs, gutters, sidewalks and intersection improvements.

Colborne Street West reconstruction will be completed in phases. The first phase ran from William Street to Adelaide and was completed in 2021.

The design was completed through the project’s consultant, Ainley Graham & Associates Limited (Ainley Group).

An Open House was held on August 29, 2019 for residents to drop in and review the design concepts.


Phase 2 does not yet have an anticipated start date. A public consultation meeting will be held prior to the commencement of this phase.

Municipal Class Environmental Assessment process
This project is being carried out as Schedule ‘A+’ in accordance with the Municipal Class Environmental Assessment (Class EA) process. Schedule A + activities are pre-approved, meaning they are limited in scale and have minimal adverse environmental effects. Schedule A+ activities are not subject to the Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks appeal process; however, comments will be received by the municipality.

Project team
For questions or further information on the project, please contact:

John Innes, C.E.T.
Kawartha Lakes
Infrastructure Design and Construction
Engineering and Corporate Assets
705-324-9411 extension 1164

Elizabeth Bonucchi, P.Eng
Ainley Group
Project Manager
343-266-0002 extension 207

Hillside Drive Reconstruction

If you didn't get a chance to visit the February 7 Public Information Centre (PIC), you can view the display boards below:

If you'd like to share your feedback on the project with the project team, you are welcome to download and fill out the Public Meeting Comment Sheet below:

Please submit your Public Meeting Comment Sheet to the indicated contacts no later than February 28, 2023.

Notice of Public Information Centre

January 26, 2023

Map highlighting Hillside Drive in Lindsay Ontario


The City of Kawartha Lakes, through their consultant D.M. Wills Associates Limited is undertaking the detailed design for the reconstruction of Hillside Drive in Lindsay. The project involves full road reconstruction including watermain and sanitary sewer replacement, new storm sewer, curb and gutter.                          

The project is being carried out as Schedule ‘A+’ in accordance with the Municipal Class Environmental Assessment (Class EA) process. Schedule A+ activities are pre- approved meaning they are limited in scale and have minimal adverse environmental effects. Schedule A+ activities are not subject to the Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks appeal process; however, comments will be received by the City.

The Public Information Centre (PIC) will be held on February 7, 2023. The meeting will be an informal ‘drop-in’ format where residents can view the design concept and ask representatives from the Project Team questions.

Public Information Centre:

Date: Tuesday February 7, 2023
Time: 5:00pm to 7:00pm
Location: 322 Kent Street West, Main Entrance, Lindsay ON K9V 4T7

For questions or further information, please contact:

John Innes, C.E.T.                                                       Mark Spiers
City of Kawartha Lakes                                                D.M. Wills Associates Ltd.
Infrastructure Design and Construction                         Project Manager
Engineering and Corporate Assets                          
322 Kent Street West                                                  150 Jameson Drive
Lindsay, ON K9V 4T7                                                   Peterborough, ON K9J 0B9
T: 705-324-9411 ext. 1164                                          T: 705-742-2297 ext. 227
E:                                    E:

Notice of Municipal Class Environmental Assessment Study on Hillside Drive

Notice of Study Commencement                              

The Study

The City of Kawartha Lakes (CKL) together with their Consultant, D. M. Wills Associates Ltd. (Wills), is undertaking a Municipal Class Environmental Assessment (EA) study to complete the urbanization and reconstruction of Hillside Drive in Lindsay from Logie Street to Verulam Road (Hwy 36). Urbanization includes the addition of curb and gutter, storm sewer and sidewalk.

This project was previously approved by council through the 2018 budget. Hillside Drive was identified in the CKL, Road Needs Study Report (April 2017) as in need of reconstruction due to poor structural adequacy and outdated rural cross section, the road also contains aging infrastructure in need of replacement. The study area is generally outlined in Figure 1.

Figure 1

Hillside Drive Preview Image

The Process

This study is being conducted in accordance with the requirements of a Schedule A+ of the Municipal Engineers Association (MEA) document, Municipal Class Environmental Assessment, October 2000, as amended in 2007. Schedule A+ projects are pre-approved, however, the public is to be advised prior to project implementation.

Public Consultation

Public and agency consultation is an important component of the Environmental Assessment process. Throughout the study, CKL and Wills shall consult with the required agencies and advise members of the community. Any comments received during the study will be considered in the design implementation of the project.

A Public Information Centre (PIC) will be held a later date where the public will be able to view preliminary plans and provide feedback to the project team. Notice will be provided once a date and location has been determined. If you would like to be added to the project mailing list please contact the Project Manager.

Should you have any questions or comments please contact the Project Manager below:

Wills Project Manager
Mark Spiers
D.M. Wills Associates Ltd
PO Box 9000, Peterborough, ON K9J 0B9
705-742-2297 extension 227

City of Kawartha Lakes
John Innes, C.E.T., Senior Engineering Technician
Engineering and Corporate Assets

12 Peel Street, Lindsay, ON K9V 5R8
705-324-9411 extension 1164

Comments and information regarding this study are being collected to assist in meeting the requirements of the Environmental Assessment Act. These comments will be maintained on file for use during the study in accordance with the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. All comments, with the exception of personal information, will become part of the public record. If you have any accommodation requirements in order to participate in this project please contact one of the project team members listed above.


King Street Reconstruction


Construction Update - Lindsay Street North closure
As a part of the King Street Reconstruction project, Lindsay Street North from Queen Street to Kent Street East is closed as of August 13, 2024:
Map indicating the construction taking place on Lindsay Street North
Weather permitting, the closed section of Lindsay Street North is anticipated to re-open in four weeks time.
Construction Notice - King Street, Lindsay

May 6, 2024

Kawartha Lakes – The City of Kawartha Lakes has retained Broz Excavating Inc. to undertake the restoration of King Street in Lindsay from Lindsay Street North to St. David Street:

Map of King Street in Lindsay indicating where the reconstruction will take place

Project Scope:

  • Install new underground infrastructure (storm sewer, sanitary sewer and watermain)
  • Replace curbs and gutters
  • Install new sidewalk
  • Place new asphalt

The construction work is anticipated to start May 15, 2024. Working hours are expected to be 7am to 6pm, Monday through Friday, with occasional Saturday work if production time is lost due to inclement weather or other factors. The construction is anticipated to be completed in October 2024

Additional information for residents and business owners in the area:

  • Pedestrian access to all buildings will be maintained throughout the project.
  • You will be given advance notice should access to your building or property need to be limited. Disruptions will be kept to a minimum but they will sometimes be unavoidable due to the nature of the project. 
  • Since part of the project is to replace the watermain, a temporary water delivery system will be in place and water will be supplied to all homes or businesses in the area via an overland system through outside taps. If you do not have a functional outside tap, please contact staff listed below. They will arrange to have one installed at no charge to the home or business owner. Please note that a plumbing contractor will require access to your home for installation of the outside tap.
  • If you are aware of privately installed utilities that may be within or near the City’s Right of Way, please contact one of the below listed staff so that the contractor can be made aware and costly repairs can be avoided. Examples of such utilities include underground sprinkler systems, electrical lines for a lamp post, or sump pump discharge lines that are not connected to existing infrastructure.
  • Due to the nature of the work and possibility of vibrations from construction equipment, a building and structure survey will be completed by Premises Inspections for all buildings within the construction area. The survey includes an interior and exterior inspection. There is no cost to residents or business owners, and all inspectors will carry photo identification.
  • Please use caution when driving or walking through the construction site and be aware that heavy construction equipment will be operating on-site. To make sure you are visible to equipment operators, try to get in the habit of making eye contact with the operators as you are walking or driving near them. 

For additional information, or if you have any questions or concerns about the project, please contact:

Nate Park
Engineering Technician
City of Kawartha Lakes
705-324-9411 extension 2138

John Innes, C.E.T.
Senior Engineering Technician
City of Kawartha Lakes
705-324-9411 extension 1164

Wayne Bruce
Project Manager
Broz Excavating Inc.

Wesley Brough
Broz Excavating Inc.
Notice of Public Information Centre - King Street, Lindsay

The Process

The City of Kawartha Lakes is undertaking the detailed design for the reconstruction of King Street in Lindsay. The project involves full road reconstruction including replacement of watermain, sanitary sewer, storm sewer, replacement of the curb and gutter, installing new sidewalk and placing new asphalt.

The proposed limits on the project are as follows and outlined in the map below:

  • King Street from Lindsay Street North to St. David Street
  • Lindsay Street North from Queen Street to the Lindsay Street North Bridge
  • Caroline Street from King Street to Queen Street
  • St. Paul Street from King Street to Queen
  • St. Patrick Street from King Street to Queen
  • St. Peter Street from the south end of St. Peter Street to Queen Street


Map of King Street in Lindsay indicating where the reconstruction will take place


The project is being carried out as Schedule ‘A+’ in accordance with the Municipal Class Environmental Assessment (Class EA) process. Schedule A+ activities are pre-approved meaning they are limited in scale and have minimal adverse environmental effects. Schedule A+ activities are not subject to the Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks appeal process; however, comments will be received by the City.

About the Public Information Centre (PIC)

The Public Information Centre (PIC) will be held on December 6, 2023, in the Victoria Room, located on the second floor, at City Hall. The meeting will be an informal ‘Drop-In’ format where residents can view the design concept and ask questions of the representatives from the Project Team.

Public Information Centre

Date: Wednesday December 6, 2023
Time: 5pm to 7pm
Location: City Hall, Victoria Room, 26 Francis Street, Lindsay, ON

Project Team

For questions or further information, please visit the municipality’s website at or contact the project team:

John Innes, C.E.T.
Senior Engineering Technician
City of Kawartha Lakes
Infrastructure Design and Construction
Engineering and Corporate Assets
322 Kent Street West
Lindsay, ON K9V 4T7
Phone: 705 324 9411 extension 1164

Nate Park
Engineering Technician
City of Kawartha Lakes
Infrastructure Design and Construction
Engineering and Corporate Assets
322 Kent Street West
Lindsay, ON K9V 4T7
Phone: 705 324 9411 extension 2138
Frequently Asked Questions

What is the General Scope of the project?

Kawartha Lakes will be reconstructing King Street in Lindsay. The project involves full road reconstruction including replacement of watermain, sanitary sewer, storm sewer, replacement of the curb and gutter, installing new sidewalk and placing new asphalt. The municipality will be replacing all aging underground services (watermain, sanitary sewer, and storm sewer) within the municipal right of way.

When will the project start and end?

Kawartha Lakes will be having a pre-construction meeting with the contractor to establish a work schedule. Pending budget approval, the project is estimated to start in May 2024 and all major construction is anticipated to be completed by October 2024.    

Will there be bike lanes?

The municipality is currently undertaking a Transportation Master Plan study. Once the study is complete, staff will begin reviewing the Transportation Master Plan, so that they can make the appropriate recommendations to Council for their approval. If approved by Council, bike lane painting may be implemented at a later date. Please note that due to utility constraints within the municipal right of way, King Street cannot be widened.

Will there be a pedestrian crossing?

The municipality is currently undertaking a Transportation Master Plan study. Once the study is complete, staff will begin reviewing the Transportation Master Plan, so that they can make the appropriate recommendations to Council for their approval. If approved by Council, a pedestrian crossing may be implemented at a later date. Please note that a pedestrian crossing at the Lindsay Street bridge is not a part of the King Street reconstruction project.

How will stormwater quality management work?

Kawartha Lakes will be complying with the Consolidated Linear Infrastructure Environmental Compliance Approval (CLI/ECA) process as outlined by the Ministry of Environment, Conservation and Parks (MECP). Moreover, any stormwater quality requirement set out by the CLI/ECA will be met during the reconstruction.

Will there be any traffic calming measures put in place?

Per Council Report ENG2023-011, Council has decided to follow the recommendation of staff and they’ve approved three raised intersections for King Street. The raised intersections will cover the entire area of the intersection, inclusive of all crosswalks, and is elevated above the adjacent road surface and usually ties in to the sidewalk at, or close to grade. These raised intersections will be installed at the St. Paul Street and King Street, St. Patrick Street and King Street, and St. Peter Street and King Street intersections to reduce vehicle speeds.


Detailed Design of the Colborne Street Bridge


Notice of Study Commencement

Municipal Class Environmental Assessment Addendum for Colborne Street Bridge


The Study and Background

To facilitate a new bridge crossing over Scugog River connecting Colborne Street East and Colborne Street West in the Town of Lindsay, a Municipal Class Environmental Assessment (EA) study was completed in 1994, followed by an EA Addendum in 2000.

To meet the requirements of MCEA due to the elapsed time (over 10 years) since the completion of the 2000 EA addendum, the City of Kawartha Lakes has initiated a second round of EA Addendum to re-confirm the findings of the previous assessments and continue the progress to the detailed design.


The Process

The project is being undertaken as a Class EA Addendum to the 1994 Class EA and the 2000 Class EA Addendum and will follow the approved Municipal Class EA process (October 2000, as amended in 2007, 2011, 2015 and 2023) as defined under the Ontario Environmental Assessment Act. This Class EA Addendum is being undertaken in support from Parks Canada to satisfy the requirements of the Parks Canada Impact Assessment Process under the federal Impact Assessment Act. The project team will confirm the findings of the previous study and complete detailed design for the Colborne Street Bridge.

We Invite You to Participate!

A key component of the project will be consultation with the public, Indigenous Communities, regulatory agencies, and stakeholders who are interested in this project. The preliminary design was completed as part of the previous 1994 Class EA and 2000 EA Addendum. Currently, project is undergoing detailed design with a Tied Arch Bridge at this site. After the completion of 60% detailed design a Public Information Centre (PIC) will be held during summer of 2024 and the design will be shared with the public and other stakeholders to solicit their feedback. Advanced notification of the PIC will be advertised on the project webpage and in the local newspaper, in addition to being sent to those on the project mailing list.

Stay Connected!

As the project progresses and more information becomes available, it will be posted on the project webpage: coming soon.

If you have any questions or concerns, or wish to be added to the project mailing list, please contact one of the project team members below or through the project webpage above:


Taylor Burke, C.E.T

Senior Engineering Technician                               

City of Kawartha Lakes                                          

705-324-9411 ext. 1153                                                                        


Akram Kahn, M.A.Sc. P.Eng.

Consultant Project Manager




Orchard Park - Playground Improvements

Playground improvements were completed this year at Orchard Park located at 36 Applewood Crescent in Lindsay, with new Junior and Senior structures installed.

Play features include:

  • Climbing net structure.
  • Spinners.
  • Teeter totter.
  • Large and small straight slides.
  • Swings with both accessible and infant seats.

Orchard Park Playground Improvements.

For further information contact:

Christopher Lyons
Supervisor, Capital and Special Projects

Parks and Recreation, City of Kawartha Lakes
Phone: 705-324-9411 extension 2120

Ops Community Centre Park Redevelopment

The Kawartha Lakes Parks and Recreation Division is scheduled to host a Public Information session to share information on future proposed Ops Community Centre Park Redevelopment. Community members are invited to attend the sessions to learn about future potential projects and to share their feedback.

Ops Community Centre Park Redevelopment Public Information Session:

Date: Tuesday February 6, 2024

Time: 6:30pm to 8:30pm

Location: Lindsay Recreation Complex – Community Room, 133 Adelaide Street South, Lindsay

Pre-registration is not required to attend the session. The session will be drop-in style format and no formal presentations will take place. Individuals are invited to attend at any time during the session to discuss the project with staff.

The project is currently in the information gathering/design phase. This proposed project will be pending council approval; if approved, the project would commence in 2025.

Jump in and join the conversation by asking questions and providing design feedback on the Ops Community Centre Park Redevelopment Jump In project page

Public Information Session Comment Form

For further information contact:

Ryan Smith, Supervisor Capital-Special Projects, Cemeteries and Trails

Kawartha Lakes Parks and Recreation Division

705-324-9411 extension 2120

E-Mail the Supervisor of Capital-Special Projects, Cemeteries and Trails

Pioneer Park Redevelopment

The Kawartha Lakes Parks and Recreation Division is scheduled to host a Public Information session to share information on future proposed Ops Community Centre Park Redevelopment. Community members are invited to attend the sessions to learn about future potential projects and to share their feedback.

Pioneer Park Redevelopment Public Information Session:

Date:Wednesday February 28, 2024

Time: 6:30pm to 8:30pm

Location: Lindsay Recreation Complex – Community Room, 133 Adelaide Street South, Lindsay

Pre-registration is not required to attend the session. The session will be drop-in style format and no formal presentations will take place. Individuals are invited to attend at any time during the session to discuss the project with staff.

The project is currently in the information gathering/design phase. The proposed project will be pending council approval; if approved, the project would commence in 2025.

Jump in and join the conversation by asking questions and providing design feedback on the Pioneer Park Redevelopment Jump In project page

Public Information Session Comment Form

For further information contact:

Ryan Smith, Supervisor Capital-Special Projects, Cemeteries and Trails

Kawartha Lakes Parks and Recreation Division

705-324-9411 extension 2120

E-Mail the Supervisor of Capital-Special Projects, Cemeteries and Trails

Memorial Park Roadways and Park Upgrades

Construction has commenced for the Memorial Park Roadways and Park Upgrades.

This Capital Project will include the following:

  • Upgrades to the roadways.
  • Upgrades to parking lots.
  • Upgrades to the pathway systems throughout the park.
  • Replacement of two existing shelter structures.
  • New concrete flooring to an existing shelter.
  • Park drainage infrastructure.

Blueprint Drawing of the Memorial Park Roadways and Upgrades currently underway. To view a larger version of this image please contact Christopher Lyons, Supervisor, Capital and Special Projects Parks and Recreation, City of Kawartha Lakes by phone at 705-324-9411 extension 2120, or by email at

For further information contact:

Christopher Lyons
Supervisor, Capital and Special Projects

Parks and Recreation, City of Kawartha Lakes
Phone: 705-324-9411 extension 2120

Nayoro and Riverview Park Shoreline and Slope Stability

Work is ongoing for the shoreline and slope stability upgrades taking place at Nayoro and Riverview Park in Lindsay. The work is expected to be complete by the Spring of 2025.

Image one showing Nayoro and Riverview shoreline and slope stability upgradesImage two showing Nayoro and Riverview shoreline and slope stability upgrades

For further information contact:

Christopher Lyons
Supervisor, Capital and Special Projects

Parks and Recreation, City of Kawartha Lakes
Phone: 705-324-9411 extension 2120

Rainbow Pedestrian Bridge Replacement

Updated as of November 22, 2023

The City of Kawartha Lakes has retained Ratcliff Excavating & Grading to replace the Rainbow Pedestrian Bridge in Lindsay. The Rainbow Bridge will be closed from December 4, 2023 to May 17, 2024. A detour will be in place for the duration of the closure. Please see the map below for detour information.

City Staff Contact:
Taylor Burke, C.E.T.
Senior Engineering Technician
Engineering and Corporate Assets,
Infrastructure Design & Construction,
City of Kawartha Lakes
705-324-9411 ext.1153

View the Victoria Rail Trail Detour Map below:

Rainbow Pedestrian Bridge Detour Map

Download a larger version of the map here.

Kawartha Lakes - The City of Kawartha Lakes is preparing for the replacement of the Rainbow Bridge over the Scugog River in Lindsay, ON. The bridge is located on the Victoria Rail Trail, 1km north of Dobson St. and 50m east of the intersection of Russell St. East and Water St. in Lindsay, ON.

The City of Kawartha Lakes has retained the services of D.M. Wills Associates Ltd. to undertake the Municipal Class Environmental Assessment (Municipal Class EA) and engineering design services for the replacement of the Rainbow Bridge.

The replacement of the Rainbow Bridge is a Schedule “A+” undertaking in accordance with the Municipal Class EA. Subject to completion of the Schedule A+ Class EA process, the project is considered exempt under the Municipal Class EA. Following this Notice and subsequent Public Information Centre (PIC), the City of Kawartha Lakes intends to proceed with tendering and construction of this project.

The location of the Rainbow Bridge is shown on the key plan below:


A map of Lindsay marked with the location of the Rainbow Pedestrian Bridge (Victoria Rail Trail, 1km north of Dobson St. and 50m east of the Russell Street East and Water Street intersection


A PIC (Public Information Centre) meeting was held on June 15, 2023, where residents could ask questions and provide feedback. 

Feedback received through the PIC consultation process will be considered in the delivery of the project. However, the PIC is intended to be a notification and information sharing event with the purpose of informing the Public of the scope of work along with the impacts to the surrounding community.


If you didn't have a chance to attend the June 15 PIC, you can view the display board here.

View the summary of feedback and responses to June 15 meeting here.


City Staff Contact:

Taylor Burke, C.E.T.
Senior Engineering Technician, City of Kawartha Lakes

Consultant contact information:

D.M. Wills Associates Ltd.
Attn: Tim Rosborough, P.Eng. | Project Engineer
150 Jameson Drive
Peterborough, ON K9J 0B9
705-742-2297 extension 317


Rivera Park - Trail and Shoreline Improvements

Work is ongoing for the sidewalk, shoreline, shoreline slope, shoreline stability and trail upgrades. The work is expected to be completed by the Spring of 2025.

Image one showing Rivera Park pathway upgrade down to the shoreline upgradesImage two showing Rivera Park trail upgrades.

For further information contact:

Christopher Lyons
Supervisor, Capital and Special Projects

Parks and Recreation, City of Kawartha Lakes
Phone: 705-324-9411 extension 2120

Wilson Fields Trail Upgrades

Trail construction is underway at Wilson Fields, this work includes the construction of new trails that will connect with the existing trails to create a network. The proposed trails will be limestone screenings to a width of 3 metres.

December 2023 update
  • Trail construction at Wilson Fields is 100% Complete. 
  • Trees lining the trail system have been planted to round out the project.

Wilson Trail upgrades

July 2022 project update

Trail construction at Wilson Fields is 85% completed, the remaining pathway connection to Kent Street will start in the later part of July.  Final grading of restoration areas will be completed and seeded in August.

May 2022 project update
Trail construction is nearing completion at Wilson Fields, new trails have been installed, landscaping and site restoration will continue throughout May with work expected to be completed by the end of May 2022.

Work is expected to be completed by the end of May 2022.

projected trail loop at Wilson Fields Lindsay

Download the projected trail loop plan

For further information contact:

Ryan Smith, Supervisor Capital-Special Projects, Cemeteries and Trails

Kawartha Lakes Parks and Recreation Division

705-324-9411 extension 2120

E-Mail the Supervisor of Capital-Special Projects, Cemeteries and Trails

Angeline Street North Reconstruction

 Angeline Street North Public Information Centre 1

Angeline Street North Public Information Centre design boards
Angeline Street North comment form

A Public Information Centre was held on February 28 to present the design project to for intersection improvements, reconstruction and potential widening of Angeline Street North. The section of Angeline Street North to be improved is between Colborne Street West and Roosevelt Street, and is proposed to be widened to four (4) lanes.

Kawartha Lakes has retained Ainley Group to undertake preliminary and detail design activities and to complete the Municipal Class Environmental Assessment (MCEA) process. The preliminary and detail design activities for Angeline Street North and the intersection improvements are being initiated as a Schedule ‘B’ undertaking in accordance with the MCEA, which applies to municipal infrastructure projects including roads, bridges, water, and wastewater projects.


Public and agency consultation is an important component of the MCEA process. 2 Public Information Centres (PICs) will be held to provide information to the public regarding the project and to answer any questions. The date, time, and location of PIC #2 will be provided in future correspondence. Subject to comments received and the receipt of necessary approvals, the City of Kawartha Lakes intends to proceed with the planning, design, and construction of this project.

You are encouraged to provide input. If you would like to provide comments, please fill out our comment form and forward your written submissions by March 15, 2019 to either of the project team members below.  Any comments received will be considered in the design process.

Ms. Elizabeth Bonucchi, P.Eng.
Consultant Project Manager
Ainley Group
1-50 Grant Timmins Drive
Kingston, ON   K7M 8N2
Phone: 343-266-0002 extension 207
Fax: 343-266 -0028


Mr. Corby Purdy, C.E.T.
Supervisor, Infrastructure Design and Construction
Engineering and Corporate Assets
12 Peel St. Lindsay, ON. K9V 5R8
Phone: 705-324-9411 extension 1155
Fax: 705-324-2982

Comments and information regarding this study are being collected to assist in meeting the requirements of the Environmental Assessment Act.  These comments will be maintained on file for use during the study in accordance with the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. All comments, with the exception of personal information, will become part of the public record.  If you have any accommodation requirements in order to participate in this project please contact one of the project team members listed above.

 Angeline Street North Public Information Centre 2
View the Design Boards from the May 9 PIC 2:
Please provide any comments or feedback to the project team with the following form:
Angeline Street North comment form

Issued: April 22, 2024
Kawartha Lakes – The City of Kawartha Lakes has retained Ainley Group to complete design activities and to undertake the Municipal Class Environmental Assessment (MCEA) process for the proposed reconstruction of Angeline Street North within the City of Lindsay. The section of Angeline Street North to be reconstructed is between Colborne Street West and Roosevelt Street, and includes intersection improvements at Angeline Street North and Kent Street, and Angeline Street North and Colborne Street, and the evaluation for potential widening up to four (4) lanes to address future traffic demands.

Map indicating showing Angeline Street North construction zone from Colborne Street West to Roosevelt Street

The preliminary and detailed design activities for Angeline Street North and the intersection improvements are being completed in accordance with the MCEA, which applies to municipal infrastructure projects including roads, bridges, water, and wastewater projects.

Public and agency consultation is an important component of the Environmental Assessment process. The first of two (2) Public Information Centres (PICs) was held on February 28, 2019 to provide information from background studies and the alternative solutions, and to answer questions regarding the project. A second PIC is being held to provide information regarding the preliminary recommended alternative for the project.

PIC 2 was held on Thursday May 9, 2024 from 5pm to 7pm in the Victoria Room of City Hall, at 26 Francis Street in Lindsay. The PIC consisted of a drop-in type format with displays showing project background information, the alternatives, and the preliminary recommended alternative.

Staff from the City of Kawartha Lakes and the Project Lead Consultant (Ainley Group) will be on hand to answer any questions. Subject to comments received and the receipt of necessary approvals, the City of Kawartha Lakes intends to proceed with the planning, design, and construction of this project. If you are interested in providing comments or receiving further information on this project, please contact the following individuals:

Corby Purdy
Manager, Infrastructure Design and Construction
City of Kawartha Lakes
26 Francis Street, Lindsay, ON, K9V 5R8
Phone: 705-324-9411 extension 1155


Alexander Wilkinson, P.Eng.
Consultant Project Manager
Ainley Group
1-50 Grant Timmins Drive
Kingston, ON, K7M 8N2
Phone: 343-266-0002 extension 204
Fax: 343-266-0028


Under the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act and the Environmental Assessment Act, unless otherwise stated in the submission, any personal information such as name, address, telephone number and property location included in a submission will become part of the public record files for this project and will be released, if requested, to any person.

Pottinger Street Reconstruction

 Notice of Public Information Centre:

Issued: August 29, 2024

Kawartha Lakes – The City of Kawartha Lakes, through our consultant D.M. Wills Associates Limited is undertaking the detailed design for the reconstruction of Pottinger Street in Lindsay. The project involves full road reconstruction including watermain and sanitary sewer replacement, new storm sewer, curb and gutter, and sidewalks.

Map indicating where the construction on Pottinger Street will take place

The project is exempt from the requirements of the Environmental Assessment (Class EA) under the Amended Municipal Class Environmental Assessment, dated March 2023. The City of Kawartha Lakes scheduled the date and time below to receive comments from the public regarding the proposed design.

The Public Information Centre (PIC) will be held on September 12, 2024. The meeting will be an informal ‘drop-in’ format where residents can view the design concept and ask representatives from the Project Team questions.

Public Information Centre:

Date: Thursday September 12, 2024
Time: 5pm to 7pm
Location: City Hall, Victoria Room, 26 Francis Street, Lindsay

For questions or further information, please contact:

Julie VanLeur C.Tech., Engineering Technician
Infrastructure Design and Construction, Engineering and Corporate Assets
City of Kawartha Lakes
322 Kent St. W., Lindsay, ON, K9V 4T7
Phone: 705-324-9411 extension 2342

Sarah Roberts, P.Eng., Senior Project Engineer
D.M. Wills Associates Ltd.
Phone: 705-742-2297 extension 318

Public Information Centre Information

Issued: September 17, 2024

The display boards for the Pottinger Street Reconstruction project Public Information Centre that was held on September 12, 2024 are available below:


Click here to view the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)


Click here to view the Comment Summary


Highway 7 Sewage Pumping Station

Notice of Commencement: Highway 7 Sewage Pumping Station - Class Environmental Assessment

This notice issued February 6, 2024

The City of Kawartha Lakes (City) is initiating a planning process to expand the wastewater collection system for the community of Lindsay. The community of Lindsay is rapidly expanding with new developments and requires upgrades to the wastewater collection system to support the increased needs of the residents in the community. The project is being carried out with the requirements for a Schedule ‘B’ project under the terms of the Municipal Class Environmental Assessment (Class EA) process. A keymap is attached showing the location of the proposed construction of a new Sewage Pumping Station as part of the development of the Southeast Development Area. The Class EA process includes:

  • Consultation with the public, review agencies, and other stakeholders
  • Field investigations
  • Evaluation of viable alternative solutions
  • Assessment of the impacts of the alternative solutions and identification of measures to mitigate any adverse environmental, social, cultural, and economic impacts
  • Selection of a preferred solution

Public input into the planning and design of this project is a key component of any Class EA process and is encouraged.  The City will be sharing information with the Public and interested Stakeholders through the City’s website.  As part of the Class EA process for reviewing the upgrades to the wastewater collection system, a Public Information Centre (PIC) will be conducted by the City. Notice of this PIC will be provided at least two weeks in advance. If you have any comments or questions regarding this project, or would like to receive further information, please send an email to one of the following project contacts:

Marten Leclerc
Senior Engineering Tech
City of Kawartha Lakes
26 Francis Street
Lindsay, ON, K9V 5R8
T: (705) 324 9411 x 1131

Tony Guerrera, P.Eng.
The Greer Galloway Group Inc.
1620 Wallbridge Loyalist Road
Belleville, ON K8N 4Z5
T: (613) 966-3068
F: (613) 966-3087

Under the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act and the Environmental Assessment Act, unless otherwise stated in the submission, any personal information such as name, address, telephone number and property location included in a submission will become part of the public record files for this project and will be released, if requested, to any person.

View the keymap image below:

Aerial map image of the environmental assessment location

Notice of Public Information Centre: Highway 7 Sewage Pumping Station

View the Presentation from the May 22 PIC 1:

Please provide any comments or feedback to the project team with the following form:
Highway 7 Sewage Pumping Station comment form
Comments were due on June 14, 2024.

Kawartha Lakes – The City of Kawartha Lakes (City) is currently planning to upgrade the wastewater collection system for the community of Lindsay. The community of Lindsay is rapidly expanding with new developments and requires upgrades to the wastewater collection system to support the increasing needs of the residents of the community.

The project is being carried out with the requirements for a Schedule ‘B’ project under the terms of the Municipal Class Environmental Assessment (Class EA) process. As part of the class EA process for reviewing the upgrades to the wastewater collection system, public comment during the evaluation of alternatives will be requested.

The City hosted a public information center on Wednesday May 22, 2024 from 5pm to 7pm.

We are interested in hearing any comments or concerns that you may have about this project. A public database of comments will be maintained and, except for personal information, included in the study documentation made available for public review. Parties interested in providing input or that wish to obtain additional information at this stage of the study are asked to submit comments in writing to:

Marten Leclerc

Senior Engineering Tech
City of Kawartha Lakes
26 Francis Street, Lindsay, ON, K9V 5R8
705-324-9411 extension 1131

Tony Guerrera, P.Eng.
The Greer Galloway Group Inc.
1620 Wallbridge Loyalist Road
Belleville, ON K8N 4Z5
Phone: 613-966-3068
Fax: 613-966-3087

This notice issued May 9, 2024

Under the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act and the Environmental Assessment Act, unless otherwise stated in the submission, any personal information such as name, address, telephone number and property location included in a submission will become part of the public record files for this project and will be released, if requested, to any person.

Approximate location of the new SPS:

Aerial map image showing the location of the environmental assessment

Notice of Study Completion: Class Environmental Assessment
View the August 27th Presentation to Council:
Highway 7 Sewage Pumping Station Council Presentation
Issued: September 3, 2024
Notice of Study Completion - New Highway 7 Sewage Pumping Station Class Environmental Assessment

The City of Kawartha Lakes (City) has completed a Municipal Class Environmental Assessment (EA) study to determine the preferred solution to expand the wastewater collection system for the community of Lindsay. The City intends to construct a new sewage pumping station and associated forcemain located within the new Gateway Subdivision.

This study was carried out in accordance with the requirements for a Schedule “B” Municipal Class Environmental Assessment. The planning and decision-making process which includes consultation with public, first nations, and review agencies, assessment of environmental impacts of alternative solutions, and identification of the preferred solution has been completed.

A hard copy of the project report is available for viewing at City Hall in Lindsay, it can also be obtained by emailing the project contacts listed below.

The 30-day public review period will commence on September 3, 2024. For more information or to provide comments please email one of the following project contacts by October 3, 2024:

Marten Leclerc
Senior Engineering Tech
City of Kawartha Lakes
26 Francis Street, Lindsay, ON, K9V 5R8
705-324-9411 extension 1131

Tony Guerrera, P.Eng.
The Greer Galloway Group Inc.
1620 Wallbridge Loyalist Road
Belleville, ON K8N 4Z5
Phone: 613-966-3068
Fax: 613-966-3087

The public has the ability to request a higher level of assessment on a project if they are concerned about potential adverse impacts to constitutionally protected Aboriginal and treaty rights. Additionally, the minister may issue an order on his or her own initiative within a specified time period. The director (of the Environmental Assessment Branch) will issue a Notice of Proposed Order to the proponent if the minister is considering an order for the project within 30 days after the conclusion of the comment period provided in the Notice of Completion. Further, the proponent may not proceed after this time if:

  • a Section 16 Order request has been submitted to the ministry regarding potential adverse impacts to constitutionally protected Aboriginal and treaty rights, or
  • the Director has issued a Notice of Proposed Order regarding the project.

Members of the public must ensure that concerns are directed to the proponent for a response, and that in the event there are outstanding concerns regarding potential adverse impacts to constitutionally protected Aboriginal and treaty rights, Section 16 Order requests on those matters should be addressed in writing to:

Minister, Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks

777 Bay Street, 5th Floor,
Toronto ON, M7A 2J3


Director, Environmental Assessment Branch
Ministry of Environment, Conservation and Parks
135 St. Clair Avenue West, 1st Floor,
Toronto ON, M4V 1P5  

For more information on requests for orders under Section 16 of the Environmental Assessment Act visit:

This notice issued September 3, 2024

Under the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act and the Environmental Assessment Act, unless otherwise stated in the submission, any personal information such as name, address, telephone number and property location included in a submission will become part of the public record files for this project and will be released, if requested, to any person.

Lindsay Water Pollution Control Plant upgrade and expansion

Lindsay Water Plant Upgrade detailsThis project intends to upgrade and expand the existing Lindsay Water Pollution Control Plant (WPCP) by providing additional wastewater treatment capacity for its largest urban centre. The project also aims at improving the current treatment process to ensure the plant can be in compliant with the regulatory requirements by the Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks (MECP).

The major work components include:

  • Construction of cast-in-place concrete aeration tanks with in-tank air diffusion systems to replace the existing aerated lagoon;
  • Construction of a new aeration process blower building with high capacity aeration blowers;
  • Upgrades to the headworks process and provision of flow monitoring to improve the influent flow control;
  • Upgrades to the existing secondary clarification process for enhanced controlLindsay Water Plant Upgrade drawing of sludge removal from the existing clarifiers;
  • Miscellaneous site works including construction of large underground pipes.

The City has awarded the construction of the project to Bennett Mechanical Installations (2001) Ltd. CIMA Canada Inc. has been retained to provide the construction management services on behalf of the City.

The project will officially commence in November 2020 and is expected to be completed by the end of 2022. The existing wastewater treatment plant will remain in operation during construction and commissioning of the planned upgrades. All temporary shutdowns of major and minor process subsystems will take place in a sequence with minimum disruption to the operation of the plant. Given the location of the project site, no impact to the public is anticipated by the construction activities.
Glenelg Street West Reconstruction
 Notice of Public Information Centre

Issued: October 9, 2024

Kawartha Lakes – The City of Kawartha Lakes, is undertaking the reconstruction of Glenelg Street West within the Town of Lindsay. The proposed limits on the project are Glenelg Street West between Victoria Avenue South and Lindsay Street South. The project involves full road reconstruction, which will include the replacement of underground utilities, including storm sewer, sanitary sewer and watermain, as well as the replacement of the curb and gutter, installing new sidewalk and placing new asphalt.

Map indicating the construction zone on Glenelg Street West from Victoria Avenue South to Lindsay Street South

The project is exempt from the requirements of the Environmental Assessment (Class EA) under the Amended Municipal Class Environmental Assessment, dated March 2023. 

The Public Information Centre (PIC) will be held on October 17, 2024. The meeting will be an informal ‘drop-in’ format where residents can view the design concept and ask representatives from the Project Team questions.

Public Information Centre:

Date: Thursday October 17, 2024
Time: 5pm to 7pm
Location: City Hall, Victoria Room, 26 Francis Street, Lindsay

For questions or further information, please contact:

Nate Park

Engineering Technician
Infrastructure Design and Construction
Engineering and Corporate Assets
City of Kawartha Lakes
322 Kent Street West
Lindsay, ON K9V 4T7
Phone: 705 324 9411 extension 2138

Mike Chernis, P.Eng.
Senior Project Manager
Municipal and Transportation Design
415 Baseline Road West, Second Floor
Bowmanville, ON, L1C 5M2
Phone: 905-697-4464

This notice issued October 9, 2024

Under the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act and the Environmental Assessment Act, unless otherwise stated in the submission, any personal information such as name, address, telephone number and property location included in a submission will become part of the public record files for this project and will be released, if requested, to any person.

Public Information Centre Display Boards

If you missed the Public Information Centre for this project, check out the meeting display boards below:

Please provide questions, comments or feedback to the project team:

Nate Park

Engineering Technician
Infrastructure Design and Construction
Engineering and Corporate Assets
City of Kawartha Lakes
322 Kent Street West
Lindsay, ON K9V 4T7
Phone: 705 324 9411 extension 2138

Mike Chernis, P.Eng.
Senior Project Manager
Municipal and Transportation Design
415 Baseline Road West, Second Floor
Bowmanville, ON, L1C 5M2
Phone: 905-697-4464



Lindsay Street Sewer and Watermain Extension

Notice of Public Information Centre

The City is completing this project in order to provide Municipal services to lands between Logie Street and Highway 7 as well as the Gateway Residential Subdivision at the NE corner of Lindsay Street and Highway 7.


View the Presentation and presented materials from PIC 1:

Lindsay Street Sewer and Watermain Extension Presentation

Overall Plan

Plan to PS





PP1 - Present

PP2 - Present

PP3 - Present

PP4 - Present


Mr. John Innes
Supervisor, Infrastructure Design and Construction
Engineering and Corporate Assets
322 Kent St. W. Lindsay, ON.
Phone: 705-324-9411 extension 1164


Mr. Corby Purdy, C.E.T.
Manager, Infrastructure Design and Construction
Engineering and Corporate Assets
322 Kent St. W. Lindsay, ON.
Phone: 705-324-9411 extension 1155

Logie and Ridout Street Sewage Pumping Station
 Notice of Commencement - Class Environmental Assessment

Issued: October 3, 2024

Notice of Commencement

Logie and Ridout Street Sewage Pumping Station – Class Environmental Assessment

The City of Kawartha Lakes (City) is initiating a planning process to upgrade the wastewater collection system for the community of Lindsay. The community of Lindsay is rapidly expanding with new developments and requires upgrades to the wastewater collection system to support the increasing needs of the residents of the community. The project is being carried out with the requirements for a Schedule ‘B’ project under the terms of the Municipal Class Environmental Assessment (Class EA) process. A keymap is attached showing the study area including the Logie and Ridout Street pumping stations, forcemains, and discharge manholes. The Class EA process includes:

  • Consultation with the public, review agencies, and other stakeholders
  • Field investigations
  • Evaluation of viable alternative solutions
  • Assessment of the impacts of the alternative solutions and identification of measures to mitigate any adverse environmental, social, cultural, and economic impacts
  • Selection of a preferred solution

Public input into the planning and design of this project is encouraged. The City will be sharing information with the Public and interested Stakeholders through the City’s website.  As part of the Class EA process for reviewing the upgrades to the wastewater collection system, a Public Information Centre (PIC) will be conducted by the City. Notice of this PIC will be provided at least two weeks in advance. If you have any comments or questions regarding this project, or would like to receive further information, please send an email to one of the following project contacts:


Marten Leclerc
Senior Engineering Tech
City of Kawartha Lakes
26 Francis Street
Lindsay, ON, K9V 5R8
T: (705) 324 9411 x 1131

Tony Guerrera, P.Eng.
The Greer Galloway Group Inc.
1620 Wallbridge Loyalist Road
Belleville, ON K8N 4Z5
T: (613) 966-3068
F: (613) 966-3087

For more information, visit:

This notice issued October 3, 2024

Under the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act and the Environmental Assessment Act, unless otherwise stated in the submission, any personal information such as name, address, telephone number and property location included in a submission will become part of the public record files for this project and will be released, if requested, to any person.


Keymap Image:

Logie and Ridout Street Keymap


Little Britain

Elm Tree Road Bridge

Public Notice: Elm Tree Road Bridge to remain open for Winter 2024

Issued: November 15, 2024

Elm Tree Road bridge open

The City of Kawartha Lakes has developed a solution to address safety concerns related to winter maintenance on the Elm Tree Road Bridge, located south of Cross Creek Road.

The new operational plan will allow for safe winter maintenance over the bridge, which will keep the bridge open throughout the winter barring any changes as outlined below.

This approach will allow the bridge to remain open for winter use, providing essential access to the community. City staff will continue to closely monitor the bridge’s condition throughout the winter and respond promptly to any changes. The bridge is subject to closure at any time if deemed necessary for public safety.

We appreciate residents' cooperation and understanding as we work to maintain safe infrastructure for all.

Update Archive

On November 15, 2024 it was announced that the Elm Tree Road bridge would remain open for the 2024 winter season.

See below for an archive of past communications:

Public Notice: Bridge Closure

Issued: October 31, 2024 Map indicating that the Elm Tree Road bridge is closed

Kawartha Lakes – The municipality has made the decision to close the Elm Tree Road bridge, located on Elm Tree Road, south of Cross Creek Road, starting on November 11, 2024.

The bridge was temporarily closed earlier this summer to assess damage to the bridge deck. Temporary measures were implemented at that time to keep the bridge accessible to the community through the summer and early fall. The bridge is scheduled for rehabilitation in spring 2025.

After assessing the temporary deck repairs to determine if they would be suitable for winter maintenance, staff determined that the temporary measures put in place are not suitable for winter maintenance due to concerns around snow plows potentially damaging the temporary steel plate decking while performing routine winter maintenance.

While the bridge is structurally sound and safe to drive over, potential damage to the temporary decking in the winter presents a significant safety risk to the public and our snow plow operators. As a result, the Elm Tree Road bridge will be closed as of November 11, 2024.

Elm Tree Road will be closed to southbound traffic south of Cross Creek Road. Elm Tree Road will also be closed at Boulder Road to northbound traffic with the exception of local traffic. Northbound traffic will have no access to Cross Creek Road.

While we understand the bridge closure will negatively impact residents in the area, we are confident that closing the bridge until the end of the rehabilitation project is in the best interest of public safety. As a part of the road closure approval process, our Emergency Services (Fire, Paramedic, and Police) were notified and approved the road closure. 

Rehabilitation of the bridge is projected to start in April 2025 and anticipated to last until August 2025.

We apologize for any inconvenience this will cause throughout the closure.

When the bridge is closed, the detour plans will be available through Municipal 511.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why is Elm Tree Road being closed?

Elm Tree Road required temporary lane closures over the bridge south of Cross Creek Road during the summer for temporary repairs that were intended to keep the bridge open through the summer and the early fall months. After careful consideration, staff determined that the temporary measures put in place will not be suitable for winter maintenance due to snow plows potentially damaging the temporary measures, generating significant health and safety concerns for snow plow operators and the public. The closure is scheduled for November 11, 2024 to April 15, 2025.

Where will Elm Tree Road be closed?

Elm Tree Road will be closed to southbound traffic at Cross Creek Road with no access south of Cross Creek Road.

Elm Tree Road will be closed to northbound traffic at Boulder Street. Local traffic will be provided access to 325 metres south of Cross Creek Road.

Is the Elm Tree Road bridge safe?

The bridge is structurally sound and safe for motorist to travel on. Structural engineers were consulted to implement the temporary measures that were made to the bridge. These temporary measures were planned to allow traffic to travel over for the summer and early fall months but have generated significant health and safety concerns for the operators of the snowplows assigned to perform winter maintenance on Elm Tree Road as well as to the public that would be regularly travelling on it. Subsequent inspections have been completed at regular intervals to ensure the structural integrity of the bridge.

Why did the municipality choose to temporarily repair the bridge instead of completing permanent rehabilitation?

Temporary repairs were completed to allow passage over the bridge during the summer and fall months. For rehabilitation of the bridge to occur, an environmental assessment and design is required prior to construction. The environmental assessment and design are in plan to be completed over the winter. Rehabilitation of the bridge is expected to begin in Spring 2025.

How long will the Elm Tree Road be closed for?

As of now, the bridge closure is intended to occur from November 11 to April 15, which is the duration of our winter maintenance season. Once construction is schedule for the bridge rehabilitation project, additional notices for closure will be issued.

Will winter maintenance be affected on the rest of Elm Tree Road and the surrounding roads?

Response times and service to Elm Tree Road and the surrounding areas will continue to adhere to timelines set out by the City of Kawartha Lakes Level of Service Policy-Road Winter Maintenance and Ontario Reg. 239/02 Minimum Maintenance Standards.

Were emergency services notified?

All emergency services have been notified of the bridge closure through the City of Kawartha Lakes Road Closure process.

Will there be a detour route?

Yes, detour routes have been provided and signage will be erected prior to the bridge closure to display the detour. Please see southbound and northbound detour routes below.


Southbound Detour RouteElm Tree Road bridge closure southbound detour


Southbound traffic access to Elm Tree Road south of Cross Creek Road

All southbound traffic that require access to Elm Tree Road, south of Cross Creek Road, will be detoured westbound on Little Britain Road to Valentia Road. The detour will direct traffic southbound on Valentia Road to the south portion of Elm Tree Road where you can proceed eastbound to your required route. Elm Tree Road will be closed with the exception of local traffic at Boulder Street. Access to Elm Tree Road north of Boulder Street will be provided to local traffic to approximately 325 metres south of Cross Creek Road at which point a Road Closure sign will be present. Detour signage will be posted along the route.

Download larger version of the Southbound detour map here.



Northbound Detour RouteElm Tree Road bridge closure northbound detour


Northbound traffic requiring access to Elm Tree Road north of the bridge located at Cross Creek Road

All northbound traffic requiring access to Elm Tree Road, north of the bridge at Cross Creek Road, will be diverted westbound on Elm Tree Road to Valentia Road. Traffic will then be rerouted northbound to Little Britain Road, then eastbound for access to Elm Tree Road and Cross Creek Road. The road will be closed at Cross Creek Road and no access will be allowed south of Cross Creek. Detour signage will be posted along the route.


Download larger version of the Northbound detour map here.


Nonquon Boat Launch Replacement and Upgrades

The Nonquon Boat Launch, located on Lake Scugog at Robinglade Avenue and Riverview Road in Seagrave is scheduled for replacement and upgrades beginning in 2025.

The planned work includes the following:

  • New precast concrete sections on steel sleeper system for in water launching with poured concrete upland approach to aid with accessibility.
  • Riprap and armour stone will be used for shoreline stabilization.

For further information contact:

Christopher Lyons
Supervisor, Capital and Special Projects

Parks and Recreation, City of Kawartha Lakes
Phone: 705-324-9411 extension 2120

Pleasant Point Park Boat Launch Replacement and Upgrades

The Pleasant Point Park Boat Launch, located on Lake Scugog at the end of Chickadee Court in Little Britain is scheduled for replacement and upgrades beginning in 2025.

The planned work includes the following:

  • New precast concrete sections on steel sleeper system for in water launching with poured concrete upland approach to aid with accessibility.
  • Riprap and armour stone will be used for shoreline stabilization.

For further information contact:

Christopher Lyons
Supervisor, Capital and Special Projects

Parks and Recreation, City of Kawartha Lakes
Phone: 705-324-9411 extension 2120

Port Hoover Boat Launch Replacement and Upgrades

The Port Hoover Boat Launch, located on Lake Scugog at the end of Port Hoover Road in Little Britain is scheduled for replacement and upgrades beginning in 2025.

The planned work includes the following:

  • New precast concrete sections on steel sleeper system for in water launching with poured concrete upland approach to aid with accessibility.
  • Riprap and armour stone will be used for shoreline stabilization.

For further information contact:

Christopher Lyons
Supervisor, Capital and Special Projects

Parks and Recreation, City of Kawartha Lakes
Phone: 705-324-9411 extension 2120

 Swain Boat Launch Replacement and Upgrades

The Swain Boat Launch, located on Lake Scugog at Lakeview Boulevard in Little Britain is scheduled for replacement and upgrades beginning in 2025.

The planned work includes the following:

  • New precast concrete sections on steel sleeper system for in water launching with poured concrete upland approach to aid with accessibility.
  • Riprap and armour stone will be used for shoreline stabilization.

For further information contact:

Christopher Lyons
Supervisor, Capital and Special Projects

Parks and Recreation, City of Kawartha Lakes
Phone: 705-324-9411 extension 2120


Omemee Arena - Ice Pad and Facility Upgrades

Omemee Arena, Ice Pad and Facility Upgrades – Design work is ongoing, with Tender for Construction to be issued December 2025. Construction is expected to start on April 1, 2025.

For further information contact:

Christopher Lyons
Supervisor, Capital and Special Projects

Parks and Recreation, City of Kawartha Lakes
Phone: 705-324-9411 extension 2120

Omemee Marina - Boat Launch, Parking Lot and Shoreline Upgrades

Omemee Marina located off Colborne Street North on Pigeon River in Omemee will be undergoing improvements and upgrades to the boat launch, parking lot and shoreline areas. These improvements and uprades are expected to take place in 2025.

The work being done includes:

  • Precast concrete sections on a steel sleeper system for in water launching.
  • Poured concrete upland approach to aid with accessibility for launching.
  • Riprap for shoreline stabilization.
  • Armour stone wall with decking for dock.
  • New benches.
  • New tables.
  • Updated landscaping.

Blueprint drawing of Omemee Marina Boat Launch, Parking Lot & Shoreline upgrades – Omemee (off Colborne St N) on Pigeon River

For further information contact:

Christopher Lyons
Supervisor, Capital and Special Projects

Parks and Recreation, City of Kawartha Lakes
Phone: 705-324-9411 extension 2120

Omemee Wastewater Treatment Upgrade

The City of Kawartha Lakes has completed a Municipal Class Environmental Assessment (EA) study to determine the preferred solution to address operational issues with the large sub-surface disposal system (LSSDS) at the Omemee Wastewater Treatment Plant located at 267 Beaver Road. The City intends to operate the existing LSSDS at a reduced capacity and continue to run the existing spray irrigation system during the warm season. This will require process improvements for the lagoon effluent that goes to the LSSDS, including a Dissolved Air Flotation System in order to be reliable.

This study was carried out in accordance with the requirements for a Schedule “C” Municipal Class Environmental Assessment. The planning and decision-making process - including consultation with the public and review agencies, assessment of environmental impacts of alternative solutions, and identification of the preferred solution - has been completed. The project report is available for viewing on-line on the City website or in person during normal business hours at the following location.

  • Kawartha Lakes Public Library – Omemee Branch - 24 King St. E. Omemee, ON K0L 2W0

The 30-day public review period will commence on November 10, 2022. For more information or to provide comments please email one of the following project contacts by December 10, 2022:

Juan Rojas, P.Eng.                                                      Tony Guerrera, P. Eng.

City of Kawartha Lakes                                                   The Greer Galloway Group Inc.

26 Francis Street, P.O. Box 9000                                     1620 Wallbridge Loyalist Road

Lindsay, ON. K9V 5R8                                                    Belleville, ON. K8N 4Z5

705-324-9411 extension 1151                                        613-966-3068                                      

The public has the ability to request a higher level of assessment on a project if they are concerned about potential adverse impacts to constitutionally protected Aboriginal and treaty rights. In addition, the Minister may issue an order on his or her own initiative within a specified time period. The Director (of the Environmental Assessment Branch) will issue a Notice of Proposed Order to the proponent if the Minister is considering an order for the project within 30 days after the conclusion of the comment period on the Notice of Completion. At this time, the Director may request additional information from the proponent. Once the requested information has been received, the Minister will have 30 days within which to make a decision or impose conditions on your project.

Therefore, the proponent cannot proceed with the project until at least 30 days after the end of the comment period provided for in the Notice of Completion. Further, the proponent may not proceed after this time if:

  • a Section 16 Order request has been submitted to the ministry regarding potential adverse impacts to constitutionally protected Aboriginal and treaty rights, or
  • the Director has issued a Notice of Proposed order regarding the project.

Members of the public must ensure that concerns are directed to the proponent for a response, and that in the event there are outstanding concerns regarding potential adverse impacts to constitutionally protected Aboriginal and treaty rights, Section 16 Order requests on those matters should be addressed in writing to:

Minister, Ministry of the Environment,       AND       Director, Environmental Assessment Branch

Conservation and Parks                                             Ministry of Environment, Conservation and Parks

777 Bay Street, 5th Floor,                                            135 St. Clair Ave. W, 1st Floor,  

Toronto ON, M7A 2J3                                                   Toronto ON, M4V 1P5                              

For more information on requests for orders under section 16 of the Environmental Assessment Act visit:

This notice issued November 10, 2022

Under the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act and the Environmental Assessment Act, unless otherwise stated in the submission, any personal information such as name, address, telephone number and property location included in a submission will become part of the public record files for this project and will be released, if requested, to any person.

The first Public Information Centre was held on July 15, 2021.

 The second Public Information Centre was held on May 25, 2022.

 King Street Reconstruction
The municipality, through their consultant Ainley Graham & Associates Limited (Ainley Group), is undertaking the detailed design for the reconstruction of King Street in Omemee, between James Street North and the Pigeon River bridge. The scope of the project is a full reconstruction of the road, including replacements of storm sewers, curbs, gutters, sidewalks and streetscape improvements.

To learn more about the project and to view past public meetings, please visit the Downtown Omemee Reconstruction page.
Cowan's Bay Bridge Rehabilitation

Issued: Monday June 24, 2024

The municipality will be undertaking the rehabilitation of the Cowan’s Bay Bridge on Peace Road (CKL 14) over the Pigeon River in Kawartha Lakes this summer.

Map showing location of Cowan's Bay Bridge

The construction work is anticipated to start Tuesday July 2, 2024. During the work, traffic in the area will be reduced to one lane with alternating directions controlled by temporary traffic lights. Short traffic stoppages should be expected. Weather permitting, the construction is anticipated to be completed by October 24, 2024.

Project Scope:

  • Patching, waterproofing and paving of the bridge’s deck top slab.
  • Removal of the existing sidewalk and curbs on deck, as well as the wingwalls and retaining walls on approach; they will be reconstructed with a new four tube combination railing system.
  • Construction of new concrete approach slabs.
  • Installation of new joint seals.
  • Concrete patch repairs to the precast girders, abutments, wingwalls and retaining walls on the bridge.
  • Approach paving, shouldering and granular sealing.
  • Grading and installation of erosion control measures at each quadrant.

The Cowan’s Bay Bridge rehabilitation project has been awarded to Beton Inc. The municipality has also retained DM Wills Associates Limited for project management and inspection services.

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation throughout this project. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the project team below:

Taylor Burke
Senior Engineering Technician
City of Kawartha Lakes
705-324-9411 extension 1153  

Lucas Maines
Contract Administrator
DM Wills Associates Limited


 Pinewood Park

Kawartha Lakes Pinewood Park Improvements Project is out for Construction Tender based upon the plan below. The final scope of project work to be undertaken, will be established by the approved budget and weighed against the bids received.

Work will commence upon award, and is expected to be completed by the end of June 2025.

Blueprint drawing of Pinewood Park Improvements in Pontypool. If you require a larger version for viewing please feel free to contact our Supervisor, Capital and Special Projects Parks & Recreation, City of Kawartha Lakes by phone at 705-324-9411 extension 2120 or by email at

For further information contact:

Christopher Lyons
Supervisor, Capital and Special Projects

Parks and Recreation, City of Kawartha Lakes
Phone: 705-324-9411 extension 2120


Transportation Master Plan

August 24, 2023 – To strategically prepare for this growth and enhance the City’s existing transportation network, the City of Kawartha Lakes has retained McIntosh Perry to undertake the development of the City’s Transportation Master Plan (TMP) update. The TMP is a strategic policy document that will serve as a road map for short-range, medium-range, and long-range transportation infrastructure investments, as well as multi-modal transportation planning to meet the demands up to the 2051 horizon year. The goal is to optimize existing infrastructure and adopt sustainable practices for accommodating new development, aligned with the city's Growth Management Strategy. The plan will guide how we:

  • Develop our roadways
  • Coordinate infrastructure improvements with land uses
  • Provide sustainable, multi-modal transportation facilities, and services to ensure enhanced mobility, accessibility and connectivity
  • Respond to future growth and demand on our transportation network


The TMP update will be developed in accordance with the Provincial Environmental Assessment (EA) Act, following the new Municipal Class Environmental Assessment (MCEA) Master Planning process. The TMP will cover Phase 1, Problem and Opportunity, and Phase 2, Alternative Solutions, of the MCEA process and facilitate streamlining and implementation of recommended capital works.

Overall, the TMP will have three phases that will follow the MCEA process:

  • Phase 1: Assess the existing conditions, area context and specific challenges
  • Phase 2: Assess traffic operations and road safety:
    • Assess the City's transportation needs
    • Develop preferred solutions to meet those needs
    • Update and implement policies and develop design standards to align with the City's goals
  • Phase 3: Refine the preferred solutions and develop a comprehensive TMP document

Have your say

An important part of this study is consultation with the public, stakeholders, and the City’s agency partners. We want to hear from you on the issues and opportunities that you see for the City’s Transportation System to the horizon year of 2051.

At any time during this study, you can provide comments, questions, and concerns to the project team. We will also organize Public and Stakeholder engagement events to present an overview of the study and existing conditions while outlining alternatives, evaluation, and study recommendations.

The project team will host two (2) Public Information Centres (PIC) to gather public input and present findings of the study, with the first PIC anticipated later in 2023. A PIC Notice will be published at least two weeks in advance providing the date, time, and location of the meeting.

Learn more

All public input, consultations, and stakeholder engagement activities will be conducted through the exclusive City of Kawartha Lakes engagement platform called "Jump In" hosted by Engagement Headquarters. For regular updates and to share your valuable input, visit the Transportation Master Plan project page on Jump In! Stay connected and participate in shaping the future of our community! 

Privacy statement

Information is collected under the authority of the Municipal Act. Information collected will be used and managed by the City of Kawartha Lakes in accordance with the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy. If you require additional information, please view our Freedom of Information and Routine Disclosure Policy.

Contact us:

Mehemed Delibasic, P.Eng.
Consultant Project Manager
McIntosh Perry Consulting Engineers
Phone: 647-463-7993

Michael Farquhar
Project Manager
City of Kawartha Lakes
Phone: 705-324-9411 extension 1156

Joseph Kelly, CET
Traffic Lead
City of Kawartha Lakes
Phone: 705-324-9411 extencion 1168

Urban/Arterial Road Resurfacing

2024 Urban/Arterial Road Resurfacing

2024 Urban/Arterial Resurfacing Map

A more accessible version of this map is available upon request


Water and Wastewater Servicing and Capacity Master Plan

Latest News

January 31, 2025

Water and Wastewater Servicing and Capacity Master Plan Project File Report


December 13, 2024

A Water and Wastewater Servicing and Capacity Master Plan update presentation was presented to Council at the December 10 Regular Council Meeting. View the presentation slides below:


Notice of Commencement

Issued on June 8, 2023

Kawartha Lakes - Issued on June 8, 2023 - The City of Kawartha Lakes (City) is beginning an Environmental Assessment (EA) for the City’s Water and Wastewater Servicing and Capacity Master Plan Update under the Environmental Assessment Act.


The City of Kawartha Lakes has experienced a significant increase in growth over the recent years.  The Water and Wastewater Servicing and Capacity Master Plan was initiated to identify the existing servicing constraints and provide a long-term water and wastewater servicing strategy that supports existing communities and growth to 2051 and beyond (ultimate buildout). The study will conform to provincial policies and legislation, Official Plan, Growth Management Strategy and other existing and ongoing planning initiatives.

The Process

This study is being conducted in accordance with the requirements of Phases 1 and 2 of the Municipal Class Environmental Assessment, which is an approved process under the Environmental Assessment Act.

In Phase 1, past master planning works, and existing support documentations will be reviewed. The existing and future servicing constraints will be identified.

In Phase 2, various long-term servicing alternatives will be developed to address any existing or potential long-term servicing constraints identified in Phase 1. A preferred alternative to be able to best support planned growth will be determined.

We Want to Hear from You

Public consultation is a key component of any Class Environmental Assessment. We will be sharing information with the Public and interested Stakeholders through the Major Projects page on the City website. We invite you to consult this website to review the information as it is made available.

The website will include the Project Managers’ contact information. The public will be invited to email the Project Managers with any questions or comments they have regarding the project. The public will also be able to ask the Project Managers to put them on the project’s mailing list, so that they can receive any project updates right to their inbox.

As the project evolves to Phase 2, we will coordinate a formal Public Consultation Centre (PCC) event to present the recommended servicing solutions to the stakeholders in person, and to answer any questions.

Your feedback is important to us:

To provide comments, request additional information, or receive future correspondence related to the project, please contact a member of the project team below:


Kevin Brown, P.Eng.
Project Manager
T.Y. Lin International Canada Inc.
(416) 843-4689

Nafiur Rahman, P.Eng., PMP
Environmental Capital Project Management
Infrastructure Design and Construction
Engineering and Corporate Assets
City of Kawartha Lakes
705-324-9411 ext. 1193


Under the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act and the Environmental Assessment Act, unless otherwise stated in the submission, any personal information such as name, address, telephone number and property location included in a submission will become part of the public record files for this matter and may be released, if requested, to any person.

Notice of Public Information Centre (PIC) #1

September 29, 2023

Kawartha Lakes notice of Public Information Centre for Water and Wastewater Servicing and Capacity Master Plan


The City of Kawartha Lakes has experienced a significant increase in growth over the recent years. The Water and Wastewater Servicing and Capacity Master Plan was initiated to identify the existing servicing constraints and provide a long-term water and wastewater servicing strategy that supports existing communities and growth to 2051 and beyond (ultimate buildout).


Master Plan Class Environmental Assessment

This study is being conducted in accordance with the requirements of Phases 1 and 2 of the Municipal Class Environmental Assessment, which is an approved process under the Environmental Assessment Act.

The Master Plan Class Environmental Assessment (MPCEA) process includes public and review agency consultation, an assessment of the problem and opportunities, an evaluation of alternative solutions, an assessment of potential effects on the environment, and identification of reasonable measures to mitigate the adverse effects. The preferred solution(s) will be determined based on engineering requirements, environmental considerations (natural, social, economic), public input and information gathered during the studies.


About the Public Information Centre #1

Public consultation is a key component of the MPCEA process. We would like to invite you, your friends, and your neighbours to participate in the Public Information Centres (PICs) to inform these studies. The PIC will be an Open House style session with a 15-minute summary presentation at 7pm followed by review of display boards by the participants. At the PICs, you will be able to learn about our approach and our findings, ask us questions, and share your thoughts and opinions. Your participation in PICs is important to us.


If you are unable to attend the PIC in person, the display boards will be available online, and a live stream of the presentation will be available on zoom. Live-stream participants will also have the opportunity to ask questions after the presentation using the chat feature. For more information go to: (Scroll to the “City-Wide” section).


Public Information Centre #1 Details:

Date: Wednesday, October 18, 2023

Time: 6 pm to 8 pm

Presentation: 7 pm (15 minutes)

Location: City Hall, Victoria Room, 26 Francis St., Lindsay, ON

 Map of Kawartha Lakes Water-Wastewater systems


The public are invited to email the Project Managers listed below with any questions or comments they have regarding the project. The public may also ask the Project Managers to put them on the project’s mailing list, so that they can receive any project updates right to their inbox.

Kevin Brown, P.Eng.
Project Manager
T.Y. Lin International Canada Inc.
(416) 843-4689

Nafiur Rahman, P.Eng., PMP
Environmental Capital Project Management
Infrastructure Design and Construction
Engineering and Corporate Assets
City of Kawartha Lakes
705-324-9411 ext. 1193


Under the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act and the Environmental Assessment Act, unless otherwise stated in the submission, any personal information such as name, address, telephone number and property location included in a submission will become part of the public record files for this matter and may be released, if requested, to any person.

Public Information Centre 1 Presentation and Feedback

View the Water Wastewater PIC 1 presentation recording:

View the PowerPoint presentation for the Water and Wastewater Servicing and Capacity Master Plan PIC 1 Presentation.

Provide your feedback and add yourself to the project contact list for the Water and Wastewater Servicing and Capacity Master Plan using our Public Information Centre Online Comment Sheet. The comment form is now closed as the deadline to submit feedback for PIC 1 was October 31, 2023.

Notice of Public Information Centre (PIC) #2

May 23, 2024


The City of Kawartha Lakes has experienced a significant increase in growth over the recent years. The Water and Wastewater Servicing and Capacity Master Plan was initiated to identify the existing servicing constraints and provide a long-term water and wastewater servicing strategy that supports existing communities and growth to 2051 and beyond (ultimate buildout).

Master Plan Class Environmental Assessment

This study is being conducted in accordance with the requirements of Phases 1 and 2 of the Municipal Class Environmental Assessment, which is an approved process under the Environmental Assessment Act.

The Master Plan Class Environmental Assessment (MPCEA) process includes public and review agency consultation, an assessment of the problem and opportunities, an evaluation of alternative solutions, an assessment of potential effects on the environment, and identification of reasonable measures to mitigate the adverse effects. The preferred solution(s) will be determined based on engineering requirements, environmental considerations (natural, social, economic), public input, and information gathered during the studies.

About the Public Information Centre

Public consultation is a key component of the MPCEA process. We would like to invite you, your friends, and your neighbours to participate in the Public Information Centres (PICs) to inform these studies. The first PIC was held on October 18th, 2023, and discussed the project objectives and processes. The upcoming PIC will present the study findings and recommended upgrades for the City of Kawartha Lakes water and wastewater infrastructure. To centralize the Public Information Centre, both Fenlon Falls and Lindsay will host PIC events on separate evenings. Both locations will present the same information, addressing the entirety of the City of Kawartha Lakes. The events will be conducted as in-person Open House style sessions, with a formal presentation at 7:00pm.  At the PICs, you will be able to learn about our approach and our findings, ask us questions, and share your thoughts and opinions. Your participation in PICs is important to us.


Kevin Brown, P.Eng.

Project Manager

TYLin International Canada Inc.
(289) 349 1902


Nafiur Rahman, P.Eng., PMP

Supervisor, Environmental Capital Project Management

Engineering and Corporate Assets

City of Kawartha Lakes

705-324-9411 ext. 1193

Under the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act and the Environmental Assessment Act, unless otherwise stated in the submission, any personal information such as name, address, telephone number and property location included in a submission will become part of the public record files for this matter and may be released, if requested, to any person.


Public Information Centre 2 Presentation and Feedback

View the Water Wastewater PIC 2 presentation recording:

View the PowerPoint presentation for the Water and Wastewater Servicing and Capacity Master Plan PIC 2 Presentation.

The comment form is now closed as the deadline to submit feedback for PIC 1 was July 31, 2024.



Presentation to Council - December 10, 2024

A Water and Wastewater Servicing and Capacity Master Plan update presentation was presented to Council at the December 10 Regular Council Meeting. View the presentation slides below:

Class EA Project File Report with Appendices

 Water and Wastewater Servicing and Capacity Master Plan Class EA Project File Report with Appendices:


Note: To download the report, click the download button on the Flipbook above. See below for a screenshot of where to find the download button (red rectangle):


screenshot of the bottom of the flipbook app indicating the download button with a red rectangle

Reports and Assessments

January 31, 2025

Water and Wastewater Servicing and Capacity Master Plan Project File Report


View the draft version of Technical Memo 4:

Community Wide Comprehensive Water Wastewater System Capacity Assessment


View the draft version of Technical Memo 5:

Community Wide Comprehensive Water Wastewater Servicing Needs Assessment

Appendices for TM5

Please reach out to the project team if you'd like to read a version of the Technical Memo 3: Field Investigation Report.


View the Project Deliverables:

Project Deliverable Details


Project team:

Nafiur Rahman, P.Eng., PMP

Supervisor, Environmental Capital Project Management

Engineering and Corporate Assets

City of Kawartha Lakes

705-324-9411 ext. 1193

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Question 1: Can I be added to the mailing list for future communications and updates on the project?

We appreciate your interest in the project. Please email your contact information to one of the Project Managers to be added to the contact list.

Kevin Brown:
Nafiur Rahman:

Question 2: Is the property located at ___________ included in the Master Plan Study? Is it your intention to supply municipal services to this property?

The Water and Wastewater Servicing and Capacity Master Plan is considering all lands officially designated for development through the City’s Growth Management Strategy (GMS) process. The Water Wastewater Master Plan will consider the servicing needs for all designated development lands, based on municipal Design Criteria.

Question 3: What are the next steps for communities that have undergone a historical wet weather flow bypass within the last year (E.g., Fenelon Falls)?

Operators report on why bypasses were triggered. Condition assessments have been undertaken at the Lindsay, Bobcaygeon, Fenelon Falls and Omemee plants. The system-wide wet weather flows and treatment plant capacities will be reviewed through the Water Wastewater Master Plan Study and upgrades may be identified.

Question 4: How will settlements with identified water contamination (as identified by the Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks) be addressed? They are currently on emergency water supplies (E.g., Oakwood).

Oakwood is not a standalone system for water servicing, it’s a joint system for a defined area piped in from Lindsay. If works are outside of the currently-established water service area, water services are reliant on private or communal systems (such as wells). The City has no jurisdiction nor responsibility for water quality in private wells. As Oakwood is an extension of the Lindsay Water Supply system, expansion of the Oakwood Water Service Area can be considered for further evaluation if future growth potential is identified through the Growth Management Strategy (GMS) process.

Question 5: Will a water table study be completed for small communities with proposed future developments? Will the increase in population growth cause the future drinking water supply to run out (Ex. Bethany)?

Installation of any new wells or water supply plant expansions require groundwater impact studies. While this study may identify that water supply capacities may need to be increased, the groundwater impact studies will need to be undertaken as part of a more detailed review of the upgrade alternatives.

Question 6: Is the Water and Wastewater Master Servicing Plan being coordinated with the Growth Management Strategy (GMS) to inform future servicing needs based on current and projected development? Or is it only considering future development based on current development proposals within the existing settlement boundaries?

The review of land use designations and urban land needs assessm