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Housing Services

City of Kawartha Lakes and County of Haliburton rental listings for February 10.

Subscribe to Weekly Rental Listings

The Kawartha Haliburton Renovates Program is now closed for 2024.

Housing Services Data Summary

Housing Needs Review 2023
Housing Services Data Summary
updated through June 30, 2023.

Eviction prevention

You can apply for help with rental arrears and utility arrears. Contact us for more information.

Finding a home

Community Housing

You can apply online for community housing.

Homeownership program

The Homeownership Component of the Ontario Priorities Housing Initiative Program is not accepting applications at this time.

Last month's rent (rent deposit)

You can apply for help with last month's rent deposit. Contact us for more information.

Weekly rental listings and rental websites in Kawartha Lakes and Haliburton County

We do not screen private landlord listings or any other posted information. The information on this page is for reference only. Contact and buildings on this page do not represent Housing Services or the City of Kawartha Lakes. We encourage you to research rental units before applying for housing.

E-mail Housing Services to receive a copy of the weekly rental listing.

The Weekly Rental Listing is a list of private landlord rentals from the following websites:

Other resources:

View our:

The average monthly cost of a rental unit within the City of Kawartha Lakes and the County of Haliburton is as follows:

Average cost of a rental unit within the City of Kawartha Lakes and the County of Haliburton



One Bedroom

Two bedroom

Three Bedroom

Four Bedroom



















Fenelon Falls






Canada Ontario Housing Benefit (COHB)

For those currently in receipt of the Canada Ontario Housing Benefit (COHB), please contact the Provincial Government at 1-888-544-5101 if a renewal form was not received, if you have questions about your benefit, or to provide updated household information. 

The Canada-Ontario Housing Benefit is a closed application process and is not available to the general public.  Eligible applicants will be contacted directly by City of Kawartha Lakes staff. Final determination of COHB eligibility is completed by the Ontario Ministry of Finance.

At this time, priority will be given to the following groups:

  • Families on the homelessness By-Name List (BNL) and/or households on the BNL who are a part of a City of Kawartha Lakes Housing Services program.
  • Senior households on the Community Housing Waiting List, starting from the bottom of the list. Starting from those that have applied most recently.
  • Special Priority applicants on the Community Housing Waiting List.


The Canada Ontario Housing Benefit (COHB) program provides households with a portable housing benefit to assist with rental costs in the private housing market. The benefit is tied to the household and can be used to help pay rent anywhere in Ontario.

This provincially administered benefit is available to eligible priority groups who are on, or are eligible to be on, the Community Housing Waiting List for Rent Geared-to-Income subsidized housing.


Q: Can I refer a client to apply for COHB?

A: No, individuals are chosen based on the specific criteria mandated by the Service Manager (CKL).    

Q: How long does COHB last?

A: The program ends on March 31, 2029

Q: How much money will a client receive?

A: The benefit amount will depend on the recipient’s household size and income. The amount is calculated using a formula that includes household income, the number of people in the household and the local housing market rents in the Service Manager Area.

Q: Is it true that COHB recipients will be removed from the Community Housing Waiting List?

A: Yes, when the Ministry of Finance determines that a household is eligible and begins receiving a COHB benefit, their application to the Community Housing Waiting List will be cancelled. Households can reapply to Community Housing Waiting List if they wish.

Q: Are there only a limited number of COHB applicants allowed each year?

A: Yes, the City of Kawartha Lakes is typically only permitted to put forward approximately 40 households each year from Kawartha Lakes and the County of Haliburton. This number may increase depending on the take-up throughout the rest of the province. However, this means that there are many more potentially eligible households than there are allocated COHB spaces each year for the area.

Homeowner assistance

Kawartha-Haliburton Renovates

The Kawartha Haliburton Renovates Program is now closed until 2024.

Kawartha-Haliburton Renovates (KHR) provides a forgivable loan up to $20,000 for repairs such as roofs, plumbing, heating, foundations, wells and septic systems. A grant up to $5,000 is available for modifications to reduce physical barriers such as ramps, handrails, chair and bath lifts and countertop height adjustments.

You must own your own home to apply for this grant. The value of your home must be at $671,145 or less.

For more information see the Household Eligibility Criteria and the Project Parameters.

Eligible applications will be considered for funding on a priority basis considering both income and the type of repair/modification.

Households who have previously participated in the program must confirm every year that the renovated property remains their sole and permanent home, by completing the annual update form.

Arrears support

You can apply for mortgage, property tax and utility arrears help. Contact us for more information.

Housing and homelessness

Visit the Housing section of our website for information about Housing and Homelessness initiatives.

Assistance for Landlords

We encourage landlords to notify us of any rental vacancies by completing our Vacant unit notification form.

As of April 30, 2018 most private landlords in Ontario must use the new standardized lease. To learn more about the new standardized lease please visit the Province of Ontario's website.

The standard lease has changed and an updated version is now available. Until February 28, 2021, a landlord and tenant may use the old or updated version of the standard lease. For most new residential tenancy agreements signed on or after March 1, 2021, you must use the updated standard lease.

Other financial support

Visit the Financial Assistance section of our website for more information about available financial support.

Emergency housing

Emergency housing can be accessed by contacting:

A Place Called Home

Lindsay, Ontario

Telephone: 705- 328-0905

Toll Free: 1-866-520-2689

Women's Resources

Lindsay, Ontario

Telephone: 705-878-3662

Toll Free: 1-800-565-5350


Minden, Ontario

Telephone: 705-286-1942


Please note that RentSmart has been cancelled until further notice.

Assistance for Renters

Searching for housing

Below you will find resources to assist you in your search for housing. Housing Services would like to thank the Region of Waterloo for generously allowing Kawartha Lakes to share components of their material.

Financially assisted housing

Information on Financially Assisted Housing can be found on our Financially Assisted Housing page.

Where to find private rental housing

Strategies for getting “Leads” on potential available rental units:

  • Ask friends or family already living in the community if they know of any available rental units
  • Search the classified ads in community newspapers, daily and weekly newspapers and those serving particular cultural communities or groups of interest
  • Ask to be added to our weekly rental listing
  • Get a copy of the current weekly rental listing which can be found on the Housing Services page, under the Finding a Home section
  • Suggested rental websites can also be found on the Housing Services page, Finding a home/Weekly rental listings and rental websites in Kawartha Lakes and Haliburton County
  • Check bulletin boards in grocery stores, laundromats, health clinics, thrift stores, community centres and service clubs
  • Put your own notices on bulletin boards asking for an apartment or room for rent in an area you like
  • Go from building to building and ask building superintendents if there are apartments for rent now or if one will be available soon and fill out an application to go on the waiting list
  • If you are a member of a local church, mosque, synagogue or other place of worship, put the word out among fellow members; they may be aware of unlisted opportunities
  • Universities and community colleges lists rooms and apartments for rent for students and there may be inexpensive apartments available during the summer months while students are away

Tips on how to talk to a landlord

Be prepared to explain why you’re looking for housing:

If you get asked the question, there are many reasonable and positive factors you can share. Such as; Relocating to be closer to family or work, wanting to downsize to save money, wanting to be in a neighbourhood with more amenities or activities, or a change in family status (e.g. separation).

You may want to explain upfront why the advertised unit meets your needs. By being proactive and, you are less likely to encounter awkward questions you are not comfortable answering or that may present you as a less-than-ideal potential tenant.

What the landlord can ask you for:

  • A deposit for last month’s rent when you apply for a unit
  • A deposit for first month’s rent by the first day of the lease- or lease signing day
  • Proof of income or the ability to pay
  • A credit check
  • References from past Landlords

What the landlord cannot ask you for:

  • Damage deposits
  • Post-Dated cheques (although you may choose to provide these for your own convenience if this is a deal breaker)
Preparing to call a potential landlord
  • Plan to call from a quiet place so you can hear the landlord and he or she can clearly hear you (avoid places with a lot of noise)
  • Have a pen and paper ready for taking notes
  • Review the list of questions in this tip sheet so you are prepared when you call the landlord
  • Be prepared for an answering machine and practice writing a script using the examples below
  • Know the date you can move and what amount of rent you can pay
  • Write down the name of the person you talked to, their phone number, and the date you called in case you need to ask more questions or schedule/reschedule and appointment
  • Make note of all the landlords you have contacted to help you remember when you have scheduled a rental unit tour/viewing, which apartments you have applied for, and who you need to follow up with

Requesting a Viewing:

If the landlord seems receptive when you call, ask to arrange a time to meet to see the unit. Confirm when and where to meet, and who should ask for. Be sure to thank her or him before hanging up.

Sample script: Responding to an ad or listing

“Hello, my name is ______________, and I saw your advertisement for a (describe apartment or unit)________________, in the (where you saw the ad, e.g. newspaper)_____________________. I was wondering if I could speak with you to get some details, and hopefully set up an appointment to meet with you to see the unit.”


If you reach an answering machine: “I am very interested in your rental and I can be reached at (phone number and best time)__________________________. “Thank you and hope to hear from you soon”

Sample script: Cold calling a landlord

“Hello, my name is ___________, I’m looking for a (1,2,3,4,5) bedroom apartment for (when-this month, next month, two months from now)_________. Do you have any available units? If the Landlord does not have any units _ “Do you have any other properties with a vacancy?” or “Are you keeping a wait list?” “If so should I put my name of the list?”

Responding to awkward questions: Reframing your responses

The landlord may ask you about your credit and rental history, and even your criminal history. What information you share is up to you. Generally, it’s best to be truthful (without giving too many details) and to take responsibility for past mistakes. It’s best not to focus on the past, but to emphasize how things are different and why. If you have questions or concerns, please contact your Client Services Worker, they can help you prepare.

See sample below.

Landlord: “Are you on welfare?”

Potential Renter: “At this time I am looking for work but I have the funds to pay for my rent. I can arrange to have my rent sent directly to you so you can be sure of receiving it each month.”

Landlord: “Do you work?”

Potential Renter: “I am able to pay the rent you are charging, and I can give you a reference to show that I am a reliable tenant.” (You may want to tell them about your past work history and your current job search prospects.)

Keeping track of your apartment inquiries

It is important to keep organized and track your inquires when searching for rentals. You can do this by using the rental inquiry log.

Things to consider when viewing

When looking at a place, assess the unit and the overall condition of the building and check out the neighbourhood. Your sense of safety and the distance to services and other amenities will impact your quality of life. Also consider what the Landlord is like; your comfort and rapport with him or her could help resolve problems easier.  For more on how to prepare for and attend a viewing visit Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation and search “Before meeting the Landlord.”

Also see our Rental Listing checklist for further details.

Preparing for the viewing

Here's a list of what you should bring:

  • Copies of your documentation (ID, references, proof of Income, banking details, Money/Money order to provide deposit, etc.)
  • Notebook or clipboard with paper and pen
  • Measuring tape (plan for furniture)
  • Camera (or cellphone with camera feature)

If you’re seeing more than one unit, make sure your documentation is organized so you can easily follow up with any potential landlord or building.

Things to consider when viewing an apartment or house
  • Do you like the neighbourhood?
  • If you have children are there schools and playgrounds in the area?
  • Is there a bus route?
  • Is there a laundromat-If laundry is not in the building, where is the closest laundromat?
  • Is there a controlled entry/buzzer system and does it work?
  • Do the locks work? Is there a peephole?
  • Do the windows have locks and screens?
  • Do all the appliances work? (Fridge, stove, lights)?
  • Is there Mold or Water Damage? Red flag!
  • Are there any signs of cockroaches/mice?

How to rent despite poor credit

Bad credit can definitely be an issue when trying to secure rental accommodations.

Many landlords use credit checks to determine if potential renters are suitable candidates. They’ll review your credit history to assess how much of a financial risk you might be. If your credit history is bad, you might have a tough time qualifying for that rental you hope to secure.

Here are some ways you can overcome your bad credit and still get that rental you’re looking for:

1. Look for Rentals That Don't Check Credit

The best way to get an apartment when you have bad credit is to look for landlords that don’t do credit checks. Most often, apartment complexes are owned by large property management companies that require a credit check on all applications. These types of apartments usually have very strict policies and are not flexible.  You are more likely to be turned down if you have bad credit. Try looking for properties owned by individual landlords who often don't check credit or who may be more willing to take a risk on a tenant who doesn't have the best credit history but has good rental history and solid income.

If you do decide to apply to a large property management, call the office and ask what information is considered when approving tenants.  Make sure you have all the information they need when it comes time to complete the application.

2. Find a Guarantor or Co-Signer

Ask a friend or relative with good credit to co-sign the rental application with you. You’ll be the only one actually living in the apartment but your co-signer agrees to cover the payments in the event that you don’t pay your rent. This can help a landlord feel safer renting to someone with less than great credit.

Remember though - you don’t actually want your co-signer to be forced to take over payments for you, so make sure the monthly rent is an amount you can comfortably afford.

3. Get Recommended

Use a past landlord or a good friend who can vouch for you that you are a great tenant.  A good recommendation may go a long way to help convince a landlord that despite your poor credit, you’re worth taking a chance on.  When going to a showing, bring letters of reference from previous landlords even if they were only short term.  Also, bring letters of reference from past roommates. 

4. Try for a shorter lease

If your potential landlord is hesitant to rent to you because of your bad credit, try suggesting starting off with a shorter lease – sort of like a trial period. Ask your landlord if you can start off with a lease of just three or six months to prove you can pay on time and be a great tenant.

If you do so, hopefully they will renew the lease for longer when it ends. If you do end up making late payments or missing payments, you can move out after the short lease ends and they won’t have to worry about evicting you.

5. Pay in Advance or Increase Your Security Deposit

Bad credit makes landlords nervous because it tends to make them feel you may not pay your rent or will be late with it. By paying a month or more in advance or offering a two-month security deposit, it shows that you’re committed to the unit and making efforts to be a good tenant.

6. Compromise by Paying a Little More

Some landlords — especially if you’re renting from a property management company —charge additional “risk” fees if your credit score is poor. If you can afford it, you may want to consider accepting this option for a short term if you really love the apartment, or if you need to find a place to live quickly.  Once you’ve established a good tenant history, you could potentially negotiate to get the fees removed.

If you’re dealing with an individual manager who is inclined to deny your application, you may be able to negotiate a slightly higher rent as a gesture of good faith.  Again, this is only if you can afford it.  Don’t offer to pay a higher amount of rent that puts such a strain against your budget that you can’t afford your other bills.

7. Show Solid Income and Offer to Pay via Direct Deposit

If your credit is not great, being able to show that you currently have regular, solid income can go a long way towards making a landlord feel better about you.

When applying for an apartment, have proof of income ready, such as recent pay stubs, tax returns and a letter from your employer verifying your employment status and income. Offering to have your rent automatically deducted from your bank account can also help or if you are on Social Assistance, offer to have the rent paid directly from your assistance.

8. Get a Roommate

Willing to share your living room and kitchen? Consider having a roommate. If the landlord will allow just one person to sign the lease, see if your roommate is willing to sign it solo. (Alternately, try to move-in with a roommate who’s mid-lease.) This way, the person on the lease is the one with more solid credit.

Roommates come with a second benefit: you’ll be able to share the bills. By reducing your financial burden, you can continue to pay down your debt and repair your bad credit faster — a true win-win!

9. You May Have Better Luck if You’re Willing to Live Outside of the Area

If you’ve really tried everything but are still struggling to secure a rental unit, you might need to expand your search criteria.

If you’re willing to move to an area outside of town, you may have better luck finding an apartment that accepts you regardless of your credit score, and one that doesn’t have three other people with good credit in competition with you.

Living outside of the area you want to be in may not be desirable, but you may need to do this for the short term until you can find something that is more suitable.

10. Be Honest and Show Progress

Bad credit doesn’t only happen because of bad money management. You may have lost your job, suffered from medical problems or experienced another financial setback that was out of your control. If this is the case, be upfront about it—before the landlord even runs your credit check. Your willingness to admit and own up to your bad credit is a point in your favour.

It also helps to be able to demonstrate the steps you’ve taken, and are currently taking, to fix the problem. This will show the landlord you’re responsible and committed, even if your credit isn’t perfect.

When It Comes Right Down to Convincing a Landlord to Rent to You (Even If You Have Bad Credit)

Being a good tenant isn’t just about having good credit and a good income.  While those things are often important to a landlord, it’s also important that a landlord feels good about who you are. This can mean communicating clearly and confidently; give straight forward answers when asked. And above all, be honest, even if you have bad credit. Landing the place is just the start. When it comes time to renew your lease or to ask your landlord to be a reference for the next place, you don’t want them to feel like you were not someone you claimed to be when you moved in.

Receiving an eviction notice

If you receive an eviction notice for any reason, you do not have to leave your rental unit unless the Sheriff has posted the second notice on your door and the locks are changed. Only the Sheriff can legally remove you from your unit. It is advised that you seek assistance from your free local Legal Clinic (Community Legal Clinic of Simcoe, Haliburton and Kawartha Lakes) or speak to a Client Services Worker immediately following the receipt of your first Eviction Notice. 

Housing Tip: Seek support in a timely fashion so that you may adequately plan to save your tenancy. Finding rental housing is a huge challenge.

What to do if I've received an eviction notice due to non-payment of rent

If you are living in rental housing in Ontario and you receive an eviction order, it does not mean that you must vacate your unit immediately. Under the Residential Tenancies Act (RTA), there are specific reasons why a landlord can begin an eviction process.  The most common reason is for rent arrears but there are a number of other reasons as well including problematic behaviours. Eviction notices is a way for a landlord to communicate that there is a problem with your tenancy. Sometimes tenancies can be saved and you can continue to be housed in your current place.

If you have rent arrears, your landlord will typically give you an early warning to end your tenancy with an end date. This Notice to End Your Tenancy is called an N4. If you pay the Rent Arrears by the date on the notice, then the notice is no longer valid and your tenancy is secure. If you need assistance with rent arrears and you are in receipt of Ontario Works, your first step is to call your caseworker to discuss options. If you are not connected with Ontario Works, your Client Services Worker may be able to assist you with exploring financial options to maintain your tenancy.

In-person legal advice from the Community Legal Clinic can be accessed at the following locations during the times noted below.  For further details please contact 1-800-461-8953.

Legal Clinic Drop in:


Tuesday’s from 10AM-4PM

189 Kent Street West, Suite 214, Lindsay Ontario (Kent Place Mall Services Office)



Every other Friday

14 IGA Road, Haliburton Mental Health Services Office, Heritage Plaza, Lower Level, Minden Ontario

What to do if I've received an eviction notice due to problematic behaviour

If your landlord has stated that there is problematic behaviour, they typically give you an early warning to change unwanted behaviour, with a form called N5. This is an opportunity for you to discuss with your landlord the behaviours you are willing to change in order to save your tenancy. It is also a chance to improve your landlord relationship to sustain and maintain your tenancy. 

In-person legal advice from the Community Legal Clinic can be accessed at the following locations during the times noted below.  For further details please contact 1-800-461-8953.

Legal Clinic Drop in:


Tuesday’s from 10AM-4PM

189 Kent Street West, Suite 214, Lindsay Ontario (Kent Place Mall Services Office)



Every other Friday

14 IGA Road, Haliburton Mental Health Services Office, Heritage Plaza, Lower Level, Minden Ontario

Deciding to move

Things to consider 

Deciding to move is a big decision that needs to be carefully considered. There are very few available rentals available and monthly rent prices continue to rise in our region. Staying housed when possible is best; contact our office if we can help you explore options to stay housed.

If you do decide to move, consider reviewing the checklist.

How do I tell my landlord that I want to move out?

As a tenant, you must give proper notice in writing to your landlord that you want to move and when. You can fill out a Tenant's Notice to Terminate the Tenancy (Form N9). This and other forms can be found online with the Landlord and Tenant Board. If you decide to write your own notice instead, it must include your current address, the date you are moving, your signature, and the date you signed it. You do not need to give a reason for why you are moving. Usually, you are required to give notice two months in advance of your move date.

You can mail, fax, or give your notice in person to your landlord or your landlord's agent, such as the superintendent or property manager. If you deliver it in person, ask them to sign and date your copy. Make sure you keep a copy of your notice as well. And if you mail it, keep a record of when you did by getting a receipt from the post office.

How do I calculate my notice date?

For your notice to be legal, you must choose the right date (the “termination date”). This date and when to give notice both depend on the type of tenancy you have. Check online for information on how you can determine your termination date. Typically, you must give two months’ notice (e.g., if you want to be out by January 1, give notice November 1).

To figure out when to give notice, count the number of days starting on the day after your landlord would get the notice and ending on the termination date. If you mail your notice, start counting on the sixth day after you mail it to account for the time it takes to get delivered by Canada Post. The Landlord and Tenant Board can also help you determine these dates. Please call 1-888-332-3234 or visit The Landlord and Tenant Board website for more information.

You can also contact the Human Services office.

What if I don't have time to give proper notice?

You may need to move out before your tenancy ends if something happens that makes it impossible for you to live in your place. It could be you are facing a serious danger to your health or safety, the place is not fit to live in, or the landlord is harassing you.

To make sure you can move out without having to owe extra rent in this situation, you can:

  • — Get your landlord to agree to end your tenancy early
  • — Assign or sublet your place to a new tenant
  • — Give notice if your landlord refuses to let you assign a new tenant

If you want to move out without giving proper notice, apply to do so through the Landlord and Tenant Board (unless the conditions are so bad that you need to leave right away). Visit or call 1-888-332-3234 for more information.

There is a $45 fee for most applications to the Landlord and Tenant Board, but you might get the money back if you win your case or the board may waive the fee if you have a low income. You can download the fee waiver request form online.

Before your hearing with the Board and/or before you leave, take pictures or gather other evidence.

Contact Us