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Who to Call, When?

Who to Call When? in Kawartha Lakes banner

With a municipality as geographically large as we are, it can sometimes be confusing as to who you should call in what situation. See below for directions on who to call, when:

  1. Medical Emergency
  2. Police Non-Emergency
  3. Fire Non-Emergency
  4. ATV or Off Road Vehicle Issue
  5. Short Term Rental Issue
  6. Noise Complaint
  7. Illegal Dumping/Littering
  8. Animal Services Issue
  9. General Inquiries or Other Municipal Services

Medical Emergency icon

Medical Emergency

Call 9-1-1

Police icon

Police Non-Emergency

Please call 9-1-1 in an emergency.

If you're in Lindsay or Ops, call Kawartha Lakes Police Service:

If you're outside of Lindsay or Ops, call Kawartha Lakes OPP:

Fire non-emergency icon

Fire Non-Emergency

Please call 9-1-1 in an emergency.

Call Kawartha Lakes Fire Rescue Service to report a live Fire/Burn Complaint: 705-324-2191

Call their non-emergency line for general fire related questions: 705-324-5731

If the fire has ended but you'd like to report it to the municipality for investigation, contact the Municipal Law Enforcement Office (MLEO):

705-324-9411 extension 1212 or use the online MLEO Complaint Form.

ATV icon

ATV or Off Road Vehicle

Report speeding, illegal trail use, unsafe practices, etc. to the local police services.

If you're in Lindsay or Ops, call Kawartha Lakes Police Service:

If you're outside of Lindsay or Ops, call Kawartha Lakes OPP:

If you're reporting a by-law infraction specific to ATVs or ORVs, contact the Municipal Law Enforcement Office (MLEO):

705-324-9411 extension 1212 or use the online MLEO Complaint Form.

Short Term Rental icon

Short Term Rental

Report loud parties, waste or garbage issues, violation of occupancy limits, parking issues or anything else STR related to the 24/7 STR Hotline:

Call: 705-990-2497

Or use the STR Tips Online Form.

Municipal Law Enforcement complaints related to an STR can be reported here:

705-324-9411 extension 1328

Noise complaint icon

Noise Complaint

For noise complaints after 11pm contact the local police services:

If you're in Lindsay or Ops, call Kawartha Lakes Police Service:

If you're outside of Lindsay or Ops, call Kawartha Lakes OPP:

If you're reporting a noise complaint the day after the incident, contact the Municipal Law Enforcement Office (MLEO):

705-324-9411 extension 1212 or use the online MLEO Complaint Form. Reminder, if it's Short Term Rental related please use the STR contacts.

illegal dumping icon

Illegal Dumping/Litter

To report illegal dumping/littering on municipal property:

705-324-9411 or use our online Report It form.

Illegal dumping/littering on private property is a police matter, please contact the local police services as outlined in the Police Non-Emergency section above.

If you'd like to report a violation of the Property Standards or Clean and Clear By-laws use the online MLEO Complaint Form.


Animal services icon

Animal Services

Our Municipal Law Enforcement Office is in charge of Animal Services in Kawartha Lakes.

During regular business hours, Monday to Friday, 8:30am to 4:30pm, report animal related issues to MLEO:

705-324-9411 extension 1212 or use the online MLEO Complaint Form.

If you're calling after hours (don't forget to leave a detailed message):

Animal welfare is a provincial responsibility. Please report any sick, abused or injured animals to Animal Welfare Services (AWS): 1-833-926-4625


General inquiries icon

General Inquiries, By-law Complaints or Other Municipal Services

During regular business hours, Monday to Friday, 8:30am to 4:30pm, call Kawartha Lakes Customer Service:

After-hours, if you're reporting a municipal emergency, call: 1-877-885-7337

Any municipal service requests can be sent in through our online Report It form.

For general by-law complaints use the online MLEO Complaint Form.

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