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Departments and Divisions

Staff Directory

View our staff directory to find contact information for each City department and division.

Chief Administrative Office (CAO)


The CAO is the most senior municipal staff member whose role is to:

  • assist Council, provide overall direction to staff and lead the senior management team
  • represent the municipality at the provincial level
  • develop long-term corporate objectives for the City to improve efficiency and effectiveness

E-Mail the CAO's office or call 705-324-9411 extension 1264

City Clerk 

The City Clerk is responsible for:

E-Mail the Office of the City Clerk or call 705-324-9411 extension 1341 or 1342

Office of Strategy Management

The Office of Strategy Management manages Council's Strategic Plan for the City of Kawartha Lakes and the continuous improvement program and process.

Through facilitation, data analysis, balanced scorecards and training, the Office of Strategy Management ensures the work of business units is in alignment with the Strategic Plan.

E-Mail the Office of Strategy Management or call 705-878-2133

Provincial Offences

Provincial Offences is responsible for the administration and prosecution of non-criminal provincial offences and municipal by-law offences within the City of Kawartha Lakes and the County of Haliburton.

Visit the Provincial Offences section of our website to pay fines online.

E-Mail Provincial Offences or call 705-324-3962

Realty Services

Realty Services administers the acquisition and disposition of land, expropriation, easement and drainage agreements, encroachments, rights-of-way, First Nation notifications, stop up and closure of road allowances and the sale of shoreline road allowances for the City.

In addition Realty Services also administers:

  • negotiations to sell land to the City
  • negotiations from the City to purchase from private (or other public) interests
  • negotiations from the City to sell land (lot expansions, road allowances, development land, building lots, surplus facilities)
  • third party inquiries to purchase or occupy land from the City
  • third party inquiries to lease/license land from the City

E-Mail Realty Services or call 705-324-9411 extension 1261

Community Services

Building and Property Maintenance

The Building and Property Maintenance division maintains City owned administration and library buildings. They also develop and monitor interdepartmental contracts in City facilities.

Email Building and Property Maintenance or call 705-324-9411 to reach the division.

Please contact the Building and Septic Division in Development Services for permits and other matters regarding personal property.


Community Services manages 17 cemetery sites. Visit the Cemeteries section of our website to learn more.

E-mail the Cemetery Administrator or call 705-324-9411 extension 3508

Kawartha Lakes Public Library

Visit the Kawartha Lakes Public Library website to learn more about their services.

Call Kawartha Lakes Public Library at 705-324-9411 extension 1291

Municipal Service Centres 

Service Centres provide a variety of services including:

  • responding to municipal inquiries
  • accepting utility billing, property tax and accounts receivable payments
  • burn permits
  • bulk water payments (Flowpoint)
  • animal tags
  • sale of composters, rain barrels, digesters, and waste tags (garbage bag tags, large item tags, mattress tags and Freon tags)
  • sale of transit passes and tokens
  • accepting parking ticket payments
  • library services within the Coboconk and Bobcaygeon Service Centre
  • Commissioner of Oath
  • public access to computers within the Coboconk and Bobcaygeon Service Centre

E-Mail Customer Service or call 705-324-9411

Parks and Recreation

The Parks and Recreation division:

E-Mail Parks and Recreation or call 705-324-9411 extension 1301

Corporate Services 

Revenue and Taxation

The Revenue and Taxation division is responsible for:

  • property taxation billing and collection
  • utility billing and collection
  • accounts receivable billing and collection

Email Revenue and Taxation or call 705-324-9411 and select 3 when prompted.

Communications, Advertising and Marketing

Communications, Advertising and Marketing Division is responsible for:

  • strategic communications, branding, advertising and marketing
  • media relations
  • providing public information in the event of an emergency
  • online communications including websites, social media and e-communications
  • offline communications including publications and traditional advertising channels
  • internal communications

To request the use of the City's logo, please contact the Communications, Advertising and Marketing division by email using the link below.

Read our Corporate Communications Strategy

E-Mail Communications, Advertising and Marketing or call 705-324-9411 extension 1355

People Services

View current job opportunities with the City of Kawartha Lakes.

The People Services Division is responsible for:

  • recruitment
  • health and safety
  • employee and labour relations
  • training and development
  • benefits and wellness
  • compensation management

Read an accessible version of our People Services Management Strategy

Read our People Services Management Strategy

E-mail People Services or call 705-324-9411 extension 1237

Information Technology

The Information Technology (IT) Department is responsible for:

  • ensuring that City administration and operations have a robust, stable and secure infrastructure, with continuous network availability, and stable business applications
  • evaluating client needs
  • acquiring, building, implementing and supporting innovative solutions

E-Mail Corporate Services or call 705-324-9411


The treasurer is responsible for the overall financial management of the City including managing operations and cash flow. This includes:

  • payment and payroll processing
  • investment and debt management
  • capital projects financing
  • financial accounting and reporting
  • Audited Financial Statements
  • 2016 audited financial statements

E-Mail Corporate Services or call 705-324-9411 extension 1252


  •  ensuring procurement activity is objective, transparent and in accordance with legislation and City policy

Email Corporate Services or call 705-324-9411 extension 1875


Development Services 

Building and Septic

The Building and Septic Division is responsible for the administration and enforcement of the Building Code Act and the Ontario Building Code, as well as administration of municipal sign, pool and accessory residential unit registration by-laws.  Visit the My Property page for more information.

Services include:

  • building permits
  • sewage system permits
  • pool permits
  • sign permits
  • accessory residential unit registration

E-Mail the Building and Septic division or call 705-324-9411 extension 1288

Monthly Building Closure

The Development Service Hub building at 180 Kent St W in Lindsay is closed from 8:30am to 12pm on the first Wednesday of each month.

Building & Septic staff across the municipality are unavailable during this time. During the temporary office closure, please feel free to leave a voicemail at 705-324-9411 extension 1288 , or email us at

All other divisions located at 180 Kent St W will be available by phone during the building closure.

The building closure will take place on the following days:

  • 2024: January 3, February 7, March 6, April 3, May 1, June 5, July 3, August 7, September 4, October 2, November 6, December 4

Economic Development 

Visit the Economic Development section of our website for more information.

E-Mail Economic Development or call 705-324-9411 extension 1232

Mapping and GIS

The Mapping and GIS division provides Mapping and GIS support to City staff and the public.


Visit the Planning and Development section of our website for more information.

E-Mail Planning and Development


Engineering and Corporate Assets

Engineering and Corporate Assets is made up of four distinct groups: 

Do you have a question for engineering? Email the department.


Corporate Assets

Develop and maintain the City's Asset Management Strategy and Asset Management Plan. Download an accessible version of the City's 2017 Asset Management Plan. For more information about the Asset Management Strategy or Asset Management Plan please call 705-324-9411 extension 1183 or E-Mail the Corporate Asset Manager.

Development Engineering 

Ensures responsible development with infrastructure that conforms to City standards and does not negatively impact surrounding properties. For more information please visit the Development Engineering webpage here or call 705-324-9411 extension 1146 or E-Mail Development Engineering.

Infrastructure, Design and Construction 

Manages, coordinates, designs, constructs and administers engineering construction services for capital construction projects. For more information please visit the Major Projects page here which lists all Corporate Major Projects, or call 705-324-9411 extension 1146 or E-Mail Infrastructure, Design and Construction.

Technical Services 

Prepares 5 year capital budgets and implements programs for roads, traffic signals, streetlights, drainage and sidewalks.

For more information please visit the Construction and Roadworks page here or the Traffic Management Requests page here or call 705-324-9411 extension 1146 or E-Mail Technical Services

Engineering and Corporate Assets is also responsible for overseeing the following:

Crossing Guards

The mandate of the program is to ensure elementary school students cross streets safely as they walk to and from school. There are approximately 15 school Crossing Guards at designated locations throughout the City of Kawartha Lakes. Inquire about Crossing Guard Services.

Municipal Airport

The City's airport is an important asset that offers significant economic and community benefits. It brings visitors to our community, creates jobs and supports local business by making their customers and suppliers more accessible. The airport is the only facility between Minden and Peterborough available for Ornge medical evacuations and is used frequently for life-saving missions.

Fire Rescue Service

Kawartha Lakes Fire Rescue Service leads the City's Emergency Management preparation and provides fire and emergency services

E-Mail Kawartha Lakes Fire Rescue Service or call 705-324-5731

Human Services

Housing Services

Housing Services provides assistance to residents in the County of Haliburton and the City of Kawartha Lakes including:

E-Mail Housing Services or call 705-324-9870

Human Services 

Human Services provides support for residents in the County of Haliburton and the City of Kawartha Lakes.

E-Mail Human Services or call 705-324-9870 (City of Kawartha Lakes) or 705-457-4571 (Haliburton County)


Victoria Manor Home for the Aged 

Victoria Manor provides secure long-term care for 166 residents. Residents enjoy a variety of wellness activities, programs and services including a multi-faith worship facility.

Physiotherapy, restorative care programs, volunteer programs, musical events and pet therapy are some of the many options available for residents.

Call Victoria Manor at 705-324-3558

Paramedic Service 

Primary and Advanced Care Paramedics respond 24 hours a day to 911 medical requests for help. Visit the Paramedics section of the website for more information.

E-Mail Kawartha Lakes Paramedic Service or call 705-324-9411 extension 3314

Police Service 

Visit the Police Service section of our website for more information.

E-Mail Municipal Law Enforcement or call 705-324-9411 extension 1212

Public Works 

The Public Works Department is responsible for meeting the operational needs of the City as it pertains to roads, solid waste, municipal drinking water, wastewater and transit. In addition, the Public Works Department manages the City's non-emergency fleet inventory.

Roads Operations 

The Roads Operations Division maintains public works infrastructure including roads, bridges, sidewalks and storm water systems. Visit the Roads section of our website for more information.

Call the Roads Department at 705-324-9411 or 1-877-885-7337 for after hours emergencies

Solid Waste and Landfills 

The Solids Waste Division leads operation requirements for all of the City's open and closed landfills, curbside waste and recycling collection, and waste reduction and diversion programs. Visit the Waste and Recycling section of our website for more information.

Contact Waste Management by emailing or call 705-324-9411


The Transit Division is responsible for the day to day operation of the City's transit services including regular and LIMO transit services. Visit the Transportation and Transit section of our website for more information.

Call the Transit Department at 705-324-9411 or call LIMO Specialized Transit at 705-324-3331

Water and Wastewater 

The Water and Wastewater Division is responsible for the City's 21 drinking water treatment and distribution facilities and 6 wastewater collection and treatment systems. Visit the Utilities, Water and Wastewater section of our website for more information.

Call Water and Wastewater at 705-324-9411.


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