Video and/or audio recording is not permitted during Council or Committee of the Whole meetings, pursuant to Trespass to Property Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. T.21.
Request to make a deputation or presentation to Council
A deputation is an opportunity for a member of the public (or a group) to speak to Council or Committee directly about an issue either on an upcoming agenda, or a matter that has not been identified on an upcoming agenda.
A presentation is when Kawartha Lakes staff, an individual, or Community Organization have been invited to present information to Council or Committee typically including one of the following:
- a ceremonial presentation to or from the City of Kawartha Lakes;
- a presentation made by city staff and/or by consultants retained by the City or by another level of government;
- a presentation to or from the City that in the opinion of the Head of Council is most beneficial for all involved if heard at a Committee of the Whole Meeting.
Unless specifically identified as a Public Meeting, anyone who wants to speak at a Council, Planning Advisory, or Committee of the Whole meeting must register as a deputation to be able to speak at the meeting. There are limits to how many people can speak at a meeting (see below), however there are no limits to the number of pieces of written correspondence on a Council Agenda.
Please select from one of the options below to complete a form to register as a deputation or presentation to Council.
How to speak before Council:
To speak to Council or Committee on an item of business already listed on the circulated Agenda for a Regular Council, Committee of the Whole, or a Planning Advisory Committee Meeting, submit a Request for Deputation or Presentation using the forms above to the Clerk's office no later than 12:00pm, three (3) business days prior to the meeting (example: Friday at 12:00pm for meetings held on a Tuesday, or Monday at 12:00pm for meetings held on a Wednesday). If the day preceding the day of the meeting is a holiday, the written request to speak must be received no later than two (2) hours prior to the meeting time on the day of the meeting;
To speak to Council or Committee on a new item of business not listed on a circulated Agenda, you may submit a Request for Deputation or Presentation to the Clerk's office using the forms above. You will be contacted to confirm a meeting date for your deputation. Note: Any item of this nature will typically be placed on a Committee of the Whole agenda. These meetings will not result in any final decisions by Council until confirmed at the next Regular Council Meeting;
Please note:
- Five (5) deputations are permitted per Regular Council Meeting, and eight (8) deputations are permitted at a Planning Advisory Committee Meeting
- Deputations are limited to a time period of not more than five (5) minutes inclusive of all speakers;
- Deputations are limited to two speakers and only those persons listed on the Agenda will be permitted to speak;
- Any printed material, for circulation to Council, must be submitted to the Clerk's office no later than one (1) hour before to the start of the meeting;
- No printed material may be distributed by the deputation on the Council floor;
- Deputations who read from a script must provide a copy to the Clerk's office for the public record;
- If you require audio-visual equipment please contact the Clerk's office upon confirmation of your deputation, to make arrangements.
Tips for presenting at a Council meeting:
- Rules of conduct for delegations are outlined in the City's Procedural By-law;
- Limit your deputation to the time restrictions noted above;
- Highlight your key points;
- Provide additional background and supporting information in writing in advance of the meeting for Council to review;
- Be specific about what you are asking for;
- Adjust the microphone to your height and speak clearly into it;
- Introduce yourself when you are called to the podium;
- Address Council through the Chair (Mayor);
- The Chair may be addressed as Mr. Mayor or Mayor Elmslie.
General Decorum in Council and Committee Meetings:
At all times, including recesses or breaks, all persons attending a Meeting shall be restricted to the Designated Area and shall not approach the Council Floor unless invited by the Mayor or Chair.
No shouting, cheering, booing, deliberate foot-stomping or any other unprofessional or unbusiness-like conduct shall be tolerated by the Chair, at the discretion of the Chair.
Persons who are not Deputations may not address the assembly and shall not do so by shouting out, interrupting, or prompting a Deputation.
Signs, banners, emblems or flags, carried or otherwise, are not permitted in the Council Chambers or other location designated as the Council or Planning Advisory Committee Meeting place, without prior authorization of the Chair.
Profanity is strictly prohibited, whether it is audible or expressed through gesture.
All Meetings and Information Sessions are open to the public unless a resolution is passed to have a Closed Session in accordance with Section 239 of the Municipal Act, 2001.
You also have the option to submit correspondence or a petition to Council.
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