There are 8 wards represented by 8 Councillors plus the Mayor.
One Councillor is elected per ward. The Mayor is elected City-wide. The Deputy Mayor is selected by Council from the existing elected Councillors and they serve a one year term.
View the current ward boundary map
Ward boundaries have been drawn to accommodate the following principles:
- A general balancing of population between wards, (variance not to exceed 20%) based on census population data;
- Consideration of the non-resident population from previous municipal elections, and variations in population densities;
- Consideration of established settlement patterns and existing communities of interest;
- Consideration of physical features as natural boundaries or man-made features to establish wards that are easy to identify; and
- The overriding principle of effective representation for all electors.
Current Ward Boundaries
View the Interactive Kawartha Lakes Ward Boundary Map
View a PDF version of the Kawartha Lakes Ward Boundary Map
Ward 1
View a detailed map of Ward 1
North - Municipal Boundary
East - South from Municipal Boundary at Lot 17 Concession 13 and 14 of Somerville; All lands lying west of Lot 16 Concession 13 and 14 and lots 37 to 72 Concession fronting on the River (Gull River and Silver and Shadow Lakes) east to Balsam Lake, including all islands; south to intersection of Rosedale River and Balsam Lake.
South - North ½ of Lot 26 Concession 1 and 2 Fenelon and North of Lot 16 Concession 1 to 11 Eldon.
West - Municipal Boundary
Ward 2
View a detailed map of Ward 2
North - Municipal Boundary
East - Municipal Boundary
South - East in Sturgeon lake to point north of Lot 12 Concession 8 Verulam to north Corner of Lot 11 Concession 8; east on Concession 10 between Concession 11 and 12 to Boundary.
West - Boundary with Ward 1 and 3 and South from Somerville Boundary - all lands lying west of the east ½ of Concession 3 from Lots 25 to 32 east along south lot 25 Concession 3 and 4; North to Lot 23/24 Concession 4/5; all lands east ½ of Concession 5 Lots 16 to 23 to North side of Island Verulam.
Ward 3
View a detailed map of Ward 3
North - North of Rosedale River to and including island to intersection of southern boundary of Fenelon/Somerville Boundary - east along fourth boundary of Somerville
East - Boundary with Ward 2 to Sturgeon Lake; west to Island Canal to Lot 27 Concession 5 Ops
South - Sturgeon Lake west along Lot 27 Concession 1 - 5 Ops and Lot 23 Concession 11 Mariposa and east ½ Lot 22 Concession 11 Mariposa; north along east ½ of Lot 22 Concession 11 to intersection with south boundary of Ward 1.
West - Boundary with Ward 4
Ward 4
View a detailed map of Ward 4 North - All lands lying south of Lot 17 Concession 1 - 10 Eldon
East - All lands lying west of Concession 11 Eldon; west ½ of Lot 22 Concession 1 to 15 and Lot 23 Concession A and B Mariposa to Lake Scugog
South - Municipal Boundary from west limit to Lot 23 Concession B Mariposa
West - Municipal Boundary
Ward 5
View a detailed map of Ward 5 North - West ½ of Lot 28 Concession 8 Ops; lands lying south of Lot 29 west ½ Concessions 6, 7 and 8 to Sturgeon Lake; follow Lake to south boundary of Ward 3
East - West ½ of Lot 21 to 28 Concession 8 Ops
South - Dew Drop Inn Road to Hwy 7B/35 to Kent Street West, jog Lindsay Street North to Kent Street East to west ½ of Lot 21 Concession 8 Ops
West - East ½ Lot 22 Concession 10 - intersection adjacent to Dew Drop Inn Road.
Ward 6
View a detailed map of Ward 6
North - South Boundary of Wards 2 and 3
East - Municipal Boundary from south boundary of Ward 2 to Lot 23 Concession 12 Emily
South - along Pigeon Lake to all lands lying west of Lot 10 Concessions 3, 4 and 5 and north of Lots 1 to 9 Concession 2 Emily to Pigeon River to Hogsback Road, south to Lot 25 Concession 14 Manvers and all lands north of Concession 13 Manvers; east ½ of Lot 1 to 28 Concession 8 Ops and east ½ Lot 18 Concession 14 Manvers
West - East Boundary of Wards 5 and 7
Ward 7
View a detailed map of Ward 7 All lands west of boundary of Ward 6; south of boundary Ward 5; east of boundary ward 4 and north of Lot 1 to 18 Concession 12 Manvers. |
Ward 8
View a detailed map of Ward 8 All lands Lots 1 to 25, Concessions 1 to 13 Manvers and all lands south of the boundary with Ward 6 to Municipal Boundary. |
Former ward boundaries January 1, 2001 - December 1, 2018
Kawartha Lakes Former Ward Boundaries Map (2001-2018)
Ward 1
View a detailed map of former Ward 1.
Ward 1 formerly included:
- all of former Carden, Dalton and Eldon Townships north of the Trent Canal
- all of former Longford Township
- all of former Digby Township except lots 1 to 14 in Concession 1
- all of lots 1 to 13 in Concessions 1 to 7 in former Laxton Township
- all land west of Cty Road 41 and north of Cty Road 48 in former Bexley Township, including all of the islands
Ward 2
View a detailed map of former Ward 2.
Ward 2 formerly included:
- all land lying north of the Trent Canal including all of Grand Island in former Bexley, Laxton and Digby Townships that is not included in Ward 1
- in former Somerville Township all land lying west of lot 16 in former Somerville Township, concessions 13 and 14, and lots 37 to 74, Concession fronting on the River (Gull River and Silver and Shadow Lakes), including all of the islands
Ward 3
View a detailed map of former Ward 3.
Ward 3 formerly included:
- all remaining land in former Somerville Township that is not included in Ward 2, including all of the islands
Ward 4
View a detailed map of former Ward 4.
Ward 4 formerly included:
- all of Carden and Eldon Townships south of the Trent Canal
- the Village of Woodville; lots 1 to 10
- concession 15 Mariposa Township and lots 11 to 24, concessions 8 to 15 Mariposa Township, including all of the islands
Ward 5
View a detailed map of former Ward 5
Ward 5 formerly included:
- former Bexley Township south of the Trent Canal
- former Fenelon Township west of the Trent Canal between Rosedale and Lindsay excluding that area described as being in Ward 6
Ward 6
View a detailed map of former Ward 6
Ward 6 formerly included:
- all of the village of Fenelon Falls
- in former Fenelon Township lots 21 to 32, Concessions 7 and 8; east half of lot 20 Concession 8, all land lying north of and including lot 20, Concession 9;the west half of Lot 17, Concession 10 and lots 18 to 32 in Concessions 10 and 11 that are not within the village
Ward 7
View a detailed map of former Ward 7
Ward 7 formerly included:
- in former Fenelon Township lots 11 to 17, concessions 10 and 11excluding the west half of Lot 17, Concession 10 as described in Ward Six; the village of Sturgeon Point; and all land north of the Trent Canal in Bobcaygeon and the former township of Verulam, including all of the islands
Ward 8
View a detailed map of former Ward 8
Ward 8 formerly included:
- all land in former Mariposa Township excluding that included in Ward 4
Ward 9
View a detailed map of former Ward 9
Ward 9 formerly included:
- within Lindsay, all land north of Colborne St. W., west of Victoria Ave. N
- in former Ops Township all land lying north of Dew Drop Inn Road and the Kent St West extension on the west side of Lindsay, west of the Scugog River
Ward 10
View a detailed map of former Ward 10
Ward 10 formerly included:
- within Lindsay all land lying north of Kent St. East and West and Riverview Road, east of Victoria Ave. N. and its projection northward to the town limit then east to the Scugog River
- in former Ops Township all land lying north of Pigeon Lake Road (County Road 17), east of the Scugog River and bounded on the east by Post Road
Ward 11
View a detailed map of former Ward 11
Ward 11 formerly included:
- in former Ops Township all lands lying south of Dew Drop Inn Road and the Kent St West extension on the west side of Lindsay and west of the Scugog River
- within Lindsay, all land south of Colborne St. W., west of Victoria Ave. N. and north of Kent St. W. South of Kent St. W., all land west of Albert St. S. and its extension south to the town limit then east to the Scugog River
Ward 12
View a detailed map of former Ward 12
Ward 12 formerly included:
- in former Ops Township, all land south of Pigeon Lake Rd. (County Rd. 17), west of Post Road south to Tracey's Hill Road, all land west of Highway 7 between concessions 7 and 8 and west of Hillhead Rd, southward to the former township's boundary westward over to the Scugog River, including all of the islands
- in former Manvers Township, lots 1 to 16, concession 14. Within town of Lindsay, south of Kent St. East and West and Riverview Rd. and east of Albert St. S. and its extension south to the town Limit
Ward 13
View a detailed map of former Ward 13
Ward 13 formerly included:
- all land south of the Trent Canal in the former municipality of Bobcaygeon/Verulam, including all of the islands.
Ward 14
View a detailed map of former Ward 14
Ward 14 formerly included:
- in former Fenelon Township all land south of the Trent Canal between Lindsay and Bobcaygeon
- in former Ops Township, land lying east of Post Road north of Traceys Hill Rd., land east of Highway 7 between concessions 7 and 8, and east of Hillhead Rd. south of Traceys Hill Rd. and north of Confederation and Crosswinds Roads
- in former Emily Township, land north of and bounded on the south by Highway 7, west of Omemee, the village boundary to Sturgeon Rd. (County Rd. 7), north to Beaver Road and then east along Beaver Road to the Pigeon River and includes all land west of Pigeon Lake and River north of this line
- in the village of Omemee it includes land north of Highway 7 (King St. W.) and west of Sturgeon Rd. N. (County Rd. 7)
Ward 15
View a detailed map of former Ward 15
Ward 15 formerly included:
- includes the remaining land in the former Emily Township and the village of Omemee that is not within Ward 14
- includes the land south of Confederation and Crosswind Roads east of Hillside Rd. in the former township of Ops and lots 17 to 25, concession 14 in the former Manvers Township
Ward 16
View a detailed map of former Ward 16
Ward 16 formerly included:
- all land in former Manvers Township except lots 1 to 25, Concession 14
Ward Boundary FAQs
When will Ward Boundaries be reviewed again?
City Council has adopted the following resolution regarding future ward boundary modifications:
Moved By Councillor Elmslie
Seconded By Councillor Junkin
Resolved That the City Clerk be directed to conduct a Ward Boundary Review during the second year of every third term of Council.
This means that the next ward boundary public consultation process will likely occur in 2027-2029 for implementation at the 2030 Municipal Election unless otherwise directed by City Council.
Why were the ward boundaries changed in 2018?
Ward boundaries and the structure of Council had not been reviewed since amalgamation in 2001. This review was necessary to ensure an effective and equitable representation across all wards within the City.
The direction from Council for this review includes the analysis of three main components:
- The ward structure;
- The ward boundaries; and
- The size of Council (including options reducing the size of Council from 16 to 8).
The Terms of Reference for this project were adopted by City Council in 2015.
What criteria was used to assess the options under consideration?
- New ward boundaries should achieve a general balancing of populations between Wards with a variance not to exceed 20% based on population as of January 1, 2016 plus the non-resident elector numbers from the 2014 municipal election.
- Consideration will be given to established settlement patterns and existing communities of interest.
- Consideration of natural physical features or man-made features as boundaries to establish Wards that are easy to identify.
- All options should have consideration for the overriding principle of effective representation for all electors
What public consultation was there?
From June 1, 2016 to August 15, 2016, public feedback regarding the options mentioned above were sought through various means.
A public survey was available online from June 1 to July 31, 2016 and by hard copy at City Hall, all Municipal Service Centres, all City Libraries.
Consultation also took place during the Mayor's Town Hall Meetings in 2016.
An appeal was filed to the Ontario Municipal Board, and after a public hearing on August 24, 2017, and subsequent decision on October 11, 2017, the appeal was dismissed and the current ward boundaries were finalized.